WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Molly had her faith in Harmonia, now. When she saw her lock Alizeh in place, the Englishwoman was all but convinced this match was already won. Alizeh might have been a submission master, but she had trained with and around Harmonia enough to know that she was every bit capable of elevating herself to the green-haired girl's level - and the sight of her applying such a devastating and dominant move made her spirits rise; she could hardly keep herself still with the energy pouring through her, as she broke out in cheers! But she also knew that Alizeh wasn't alone in this match - and when she knew how far she and Aella went back, she was just as sure that the veteran wouldn't pass up an opportunity to even the score. If Aella intervened, it would all be over - if Alizeh got out of this, all bets were off. It was up to Molly, then, to make sure that didn't happen - and the moment Aella made her move, she had gone off like a light, jumping into the ring to tail after Aella as fast as she could!

The crowd was already cheering for Harmonia's efforts - but when they saw Molly punctuate that moment by driving her feet into Aella's chest, crashing into her with enough force to throw her out of the ring, their cheers grew into a crescendo! No sooner had Aella fallen out of the ring that Molly dropped to the mat, quickly rolling herself onto her hands and knees and pushing herself up to turn to her girlfriend. She couldn't miss a moment of the climactic finish - and she looked up just in time to see Harmonia pull her opponent into the Cavernaria!

"YES!! YES! GIVE IT TO HER, MONI!!" she cheered, cupping her hands to her mouth - and just seconds later came the moment that Molly, and the fans, were waiting for. Alizeh announced her submission - and with it came not only the bell, but a scream of excitement from Molly! "YEEEEEEESSSS!!!" She jumped up and down, tears of joy budding in her eyes. The Superstars had done it - they had made their first showing in India a smashing success!
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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Harmonia held no ill will against Alizeh, not in the slightest, for Harmonia, the texan was a close friend, encouraging her to give it her best, everytime the met. And it was no difference here. Harmonia and Molly had to be at their A game to defeat the Midoris, two capable and strong women who had proven themselves to be along LAWs finest more then one time. And if Harmonia and Molly had'nt been on their toes, things could have gone very different in this match, with the Mother and daughter team dominating the competition. But this evening it were the Superstars whose flawless tag routine had saved them victory as Harmonia bent back one more time, pushing her knees hard into Alizehs back only for the greenette to finally admiting defeat.

Harmonia let go immediatly and jumped to her feet, pumping a fist in the air to a cheering crowd. The theme of the Superstars started to play and Harmonia looked over the cheering crowd, chanting their names. But Harmonia only had eyes for one person.
"Mollyyyyyy, we did it!", she screamed excitingly. And really they BOTH did it. Harmonia and Molly had worked like a clockwork, the young brit going after Aella the very right moment to save the Superstars victory. Harmonia was overwhelmed with joy and pride. She and Molly really were a team to look out for now. They were charming, energetic, talented and oozed personality and the crowd here ate it up as they did in Japan, the US and Europe.

The Superstars had earned their spot on the top of LAWs best and most famous Tag Teams next to legends like The Swat Cats, The Ashfords, Cyber Legacy and others. And Harmonia finally was were she always wanted to be, knew she HAD to be. She already saw Molly charging in her direction and grabbed her partner, spun her around with a cheer that made the crowd react even more.
Harmonia and Molly were genuine. Their love for each other was real and it gave the crowd just more reason to love the two blondes.
Harmonia grinned up to Molly who wws sitting in her arms.
"It was a great match, Molly. I am so proud of you. I love you!", she said with excitement and let Molly slide down to hug her tight as their music played and the crowd errupted around them.

But Harmonia had not forgotten whom she owed this magnificent match too and reached out to help Alizeh up to her feet. There she just hugged her too. "Thanks Alizeh. Thank you so much, it was a fantastic match.", she said into her ear before they parted and Harmonia let one hand sitting on Alizehs shoulder.
"2:0 now, Midori. I am always open to make it 3:0 if you are up for it.", she grinned with a big smirk and a wink.

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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

Unread post by Bare »

Over. It was finally over. The tag match between The Midori's and The Superstars was over and it was a definitive win for the blondes, or more specifically depending on how you looked at it, it was a second definitive win for Harmonia over Alizeh yet again. Twice now was it that the woman had forced Alizeh to not only tap out to a submission, but humiliate her by forcing her to verbally quit due to the manner in which sh was held in the submission.

Rolling over onto her back after being set aside by the blonde from the submission hold Alizeh would look up at the lights, unbelievably frustrated at herself for her performance, one small mistake was all it took for the blonde to retaliate and overwhelm Alizeh completely. A stark reminder from their first match and truly hammered in a lesson. With Harmonia she couldn't let herself make a mistake, she had to fight perfectly every time, and she WOULD fight perfectly next time.

Looking up at seeing Harmonia extending help Alizeh was tempted to reject the offer, out of spite or prideful resistance she didn't know. But Alizeh wasn't that petty and she accepted the hand up from Harmonia before getting pulled in for a hug which she tentatively returned. "Yeah... it was.." Alizeh breathed out in return before they pulled away and a hand was placed upon her shoulder followed by Harmonia reminding her of the score between them making her narrowed her eyes as she reached up and took the blonde's hand off. "I'm up... but it won't be 3-0." Alizeh said determinedly with a nod before turning to exit the ring, all while Aella watched from outside the ring, outright glaring at Harmonia, already planning on continuing things between the the moment she had a chance.

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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

Unread post by CaptainL »

With Harmonia locking Alizeh in her clutches, Molly was practically bursting with excitement - her heart was pounding and her body was tense as she looked over to see her girlfriend only moments away from ending this match once and for all. And the moment the bell rang, all that pent-up excitement could go nowhere but out.

"WOOOOO!!!~" She didn't hesitate - she came running toward Harmonia in a burst of exhilaration, holding her arms out wide and leaping right into the Austrian's arms. The momentum of her charge alone was practically enough to send the two of them spinning around in a circle, and she soon devolved into eager giggles as she clung close to Harmonia. But Molly just couldn't help herself. Not when this meant so much to her. Their first match in India, and it had tested every inch of their skills - but they still came out on top!

"We did it!! We really did it, Moni..." She pulled Harmonia into a kiss as the arena erupted into cheers. But even with her lips locked onto Harmonia's own, Molly's smile just grew wider the more she thought about it. Harmonia was right - they did it. The two of them had proven they could work as a tag team that was every bit as explosively effective in every move they made as it was endearing to the crowd - they were sure to be an instant classic.

But Molly was well aware that the tensions between Harmonia and Aella were still alive and well - and even when she was overjoyed at the thought of victory, it wasn't enough to keep a note of concern from crossing her mind. When she heard the two women exchange their taunts, her back stiffened and she bit at her lip, clinging a little closer to Harmonia's side out of instinct. When she saw the look in Aella's eye...that just made her take in a gulp. She couldn't help but worry that such a crushing defeat could only motivate Aella to come back with a vengeance. This might have been a big night for the Superstars...but what did it mean for the future? Were things only going to get worse from here?

Molly's eyes lingered on the Midoris as they headed out of the ring, and disappeared off into the distance. Then, after what felt like an eternity, she cleared her throat and looked back at Harmonia with a smile that came out a little more awkward than she wanted it to look. "Let's, uh...let them prepare for the next match, okay?" At the end of the day, they had won, and looked great doing it. That should have been all that mattered.
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