An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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''I just said that your tits are made out of urgggggg''groaned Tiffany as she was unable to finish her sentence . As the other woman landed an uppercut that knocked the barmaid flat on her back. The back of her head colliding with the wall of the pit as she lay their as she may have just poked the beast with that comment as she tried to crawl away from the pissed off blond

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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"Oh, hell no... You're not getting away with that smart-ass comment you made about me." Brynhild would say.

As the big woman would reach out and grab the smaller woman by the leg and drag her back into the middle of the pit, before reaching down and grabbing Tiffany's arms and placing them over her knees.

"I hope this hurts you little brat," she says as she kneels over and places Tiffany in a standing camel clutch-like hold, made famous by the Steiner brothers.

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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''Yup I really poked the bear didn't I''thought Tiffany as she heard what the big woman had to say. As it was clear as day that Brynhild was not happy about the comment she had made as she was picked up by her leg and dragged to the middle of the pit. As she felt the blond grab onto her arms as she was trapped over Bynhild's knees as she got locked in some kind of hold as she yelled ''why did I ever agree to this''

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Brynhild was in control of her younger opponent, as she locked the young woman in a submission hold, yanking on the other woman chin putting pressure on Tiffamy lower back.

Chuckling due to the smaller woman yelling out. "Because you got greedy and now you gotta face someone better then you... I promise to not drink you under but after tonight your going to hate me coming here. " the big woman says with a smug grin.

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

''More like I thought you be like your daughter. An easy victim''thought Tiffany as she would never say that out loud.As that would likely make the blond only madder , and with how this match was going she likely be stuck having to give the older woman drinks on the house. Which considering how much she likely could drink would be bad for business as she tried to pry apart the hands holding onto her chin at the moment.

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

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Deciding to go for the big finish in this small oil wrestling match between the two women, Brynhild released her hold and bent down.

With ease, she deadlifted her opponent and tossed her into the air, preparing for a pop-up powerbomb to slam the barmaid onto the mat.

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Re: An Encounter of the Milf Kind

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Tiffany would be picked up as she yelled ''wait my mats aren't the cushion ones you harghhh''when she got slammed down as she groaned as the oil would splash everywhere as she was really regretting this match up now.

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