A little time for ourselves
- RedShinigami
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Re: A little time for ourselves
Veronika went still and immediatly dropped off of Sachiko, pulling her with her in the motion and getting them on their feet. Like two soldiers before a general they stood next to each other and Veronikas hand reached for Sachikos. It was a welcoming feeling, it made her feel safe and warm,even if she knew that the wrath of her fellow nobleman Viktor von Karnstein, could nothing withstand.
They stood there awkwardly, the two wild girls, the delinquents, the two rebels who wouldn't bow down to anyone. And both shivered as the icy aura of the Karnstein siblings hit them. Sia just smiled and her winered eyes fixated Sachiko, giving her a teasing wink as Viktor spoke.
"You did great on the match in Boston. This was all the push we needed. Demand for Heart Connection merch in the states went through the roof. Congratulations girls. You conquered the US. The people love you and want to see more of you."
Veronikas heart beat faster. Yes. Yes this was it. They both had proven to be a well working machine and stealing the hearts of all the fans with their good looks, their style and their cocky and Lusty antics. Veronika looked over to Sachiko with a big grin as she squeezed her hand. "We did it!", she said as Viktor cleared as throat.
"Altough, even if it is part of your spiel, I would prefer that you two would get into trouble with the law a little less often. Always getting you two out of trouble can be a little bothersome.", he said and one of the officers opened the cell. Sia entered and gave both girls a big hug, the heavyweight veterans arms, closing around them as her big chest squeezed against their faces.
She smiled and then took each of the girls face in one hand before bowing down and giving both of them a kiss on the lips.
"I hope my girls are having the time of their life.", she whispered and softly stroked their chins as if to pet two cats.
She then looked back at Viktor. "Vik, it's alright. They are young and they want to have some fun. They also always do their jobs and make us a lot of money. Let's not scold them. But...", she said as the soft strokes turned into a hard hold on their jaws and Veronika hissed a little as Sias nails dug into her soft flesh.
"...never forget, who you owe this privilege. We have created you and you we can easily destroy you too." she said with a look on her face that allowed no backtalk.
Veronika squeezed Sachikos hand harder and nodded.
"We know...don't worry.",she said and Sia nodded, her features growing soft again. She smiled and gave them both a kiss on the forehead.
"Well, I think you have a plane to catch in LA havent you?",Sia smiled and gave them both a slap on their behinds.
"Ah yeah..."
Sia shook her head.
"That has changed. You will take our private jet from Las Vegas. And we booked you into Caesars Palace for the meantime. Drinks and everything fun is on us.", she said and veronika looked to Viktor who sighed and nodded.
"Just drive...and please wait until your hotel room to get naked, yeah?", he asked and threw Veronika the keys to her car.
The Blonde caught them while she still processed the whole situation. But when she had her keys in her hand, her keys to her car, the big freedom of hers, she grinned wide.
"What ya say, Babe? Lets hit the road!", she cheered and took Sachiko with her. They ran past the Karnsteins, past the cops, past people. Nothing mattered right now but only them.
When they passed the cop who brought them in tough, Veronika turned around Sachiko pressed to her side and flipping the bird. "Better luck next time, you fucking pencildick!", she laughed and turned to the entrance.
Outside they jumped down the stairs to the police building and jumped in their car where Veronikas dogs greeted them excitedly.
The European started the car and threw her head back, letting out a loud and wild howl before turning to Sachiko and grab her head, pull her in and kissing her deeply as she let the tires screech and bring them back from this place and right into the shining, glittering world of Las Vegas, Nevada...
They stood there awkwardly, the two wild girls, the delinquents, the two rebels who wouldn't bow down to anyone. And both shivered as the icy aura of the Karnstein siblings hit them. Sia just smiled and her winered eyes fixated Sachiko, giving her a teasing wink as Viktor spoke.
"You did great on the match in Boston. This was all the push we needed. Demand for Heart Connection merch in the states went through the roof. Congratulations girls. You conquered the US. The people love you and want to see more of you."
Veronikas heart beat faster. Yes. Yes this was it. They both had proven to be a well working machine and stealing the hearts of all the fans with their good looks, their style and their cocky and Lusty antics. Veronika looked over to Sachiko with a big grin as she squeezed her hand. "We did it!", she said as Viktor cleared as throat.
"Altough, even if it is part of your spiel, I would prefer that you two would get into trouble with the law a little less often. Always getting you two out of trouble can be a little bothersome.", he said and one of the officers opened the cell. Sia entered and gave both girls a big hug, the heavyweight veterans arms, closing around them as her big chest squeezed against their faces.
She smiled and then took each of the girls face in one hand before bowing down and giving both of them a kiss on the lips.
"I hope my girls are having the time of their life.", she whispered and softly stroked their chins as if to pet two cats.
She then looked back at Viktor. "Vik, it's alright. They are young and they want to have some fun. They also always do their jobs and make us a lot of money. Let's not scold them. But...", she said as the soft strokes turned into a hard hold on their jaws and Veronika hissed a little as Sias nails dug into her soft flesh.
"...never forget, who you owe this privilege. We have created you and you we can easily destroy you too." she said with a look on her face that allowed no backtalk.
Veronika squeezed Sachikos hand harder and nodded.
"We know...don't worry.",she said and Sia nodded, her features growing soft again. She smiled and gave them both a kiss on the forehead.
"Well, I think you have a plane to catch in LA havent you?",Sia smiled and gave them both a slap on their behinds.
"Ah yeah..."
Sia shook her head.
"That has changed. You will take our private jet from Las Vegas. And we booked you into Caesars Palace for the meantime. Drinks and everything fun is on us.", she said and veronika looked to Viktor who sighed and nodded.
"Just drive...and please wait until your hotel room to get naked, yeah?", he asked and threw Veronika the keys to her car.
The Blonde caught them while she still processed the whole situation. But when she had her keys in her hand, her keys to her car, the big freedom of hers, she grinned wide.
"What ya say, Babe? Lets hit the road!", she cheered and took Sachiko with her. They ran past the Karnsteins, past the cops, past people. Nothing mattered right now but only them.
When they passed the cop who brought them in tough, Veronika turned around Sachiko pressed to her side and flipping the bird. "Better luck next time, you fucking pencildick!", she laughed and turned to the entrance.
Outside they jumped down the stairs to the police building and jumped in their car where Veronikas dogs greeted them excitedly.
The European started the car and threw her head back, letting out a loud and wild howl before turning to Sachiko and grab her head, pull her in and kissing her deeply as she let the tires screech and bring them back from this place and right into the shining, glittering world of Las Vegas, Nevada...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- CaptainL
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Re: A little time for ourselves
No one could deny that the Karnsteins had an imperious presence, commanding the attention of everyone from the moment they stepped into the room. When Viktor and Sia stood before her, Sachiko could feel the chill run down her spine, her face paling and her teeth clenching at the thought of what might come next. She and Veronika had been under strict stipulations in their contract, and even if they had exploited any loopholes they found for all they were worth, the fact that they'd just been arrested an ocean away from home surely wasn't going to look good. What Viktor said next, Sachiko knew, could well spell the end of her career. And if that happened, where else would she have to go? She'd tasted what it meant to be on top - and her connections with Veronika were stronger than ever. She couldn't have that taken away from her so soon.
But the next words out of his mouth felt, to Sachiko, like a breath of relief. Instantly, all her worries broke and her fears were forgotten. Not only was she not in trouble, the Heart Connection's American outing had been a big success - if anything, they'd come out on the other side bigger than ever! "Really-!?" She jumped up straight, and a grin broke over her face as she hopped up and down for joy a few times before she pulled Veronika into a hug. She couldn't help it - she was just that excited! "Didja hear that, Veri? We made it! We really made it!!"
Of course, a moment later, she was reminded of the trouble they'd gotten into, and she faced Viktor with a nervous chuckle, nodding her head. "Y-Yeah, er...sorry about that," she muttered. Still, Sia came forward, and Sachiko was eager to press herself in closer against her chest. She purred softly as she buried her face in Sia's bosom, and as she stroked her chin she only leaned into her touch more. "Mm, yeah, like that..." she began - but when Sia squeezed down on Sachiko's chin a moment later, and issued her threat if they were to act out of line again, the sukeban understood everything loud and clear, and her eyes went wide in a cold, glassy stare as she nodded her head curtly. Sachiko was grateful for all Sia had done for her, but she also knew full well the noblewoman could end her if she wanted...if anything, for Sachiko, it just added to her appeal.
But what alarmed Sachiko just as much was what Sia reminded her of next - as she brought up their flight. The blue-haired girl let out a gasp, shaking herself to her senses. "What-!? Oh, shit," she hissed, clenching her teeth. Things had proven so tumultuous that Sachiko had practically forgotten about it...but they did have a flight scheduled. Considering their impromptu detour had put them behind schedule, it was anyone's guess if they could still make it to LA on time. And once again, as her gaze flitted shiftily from Sia to Veronika, the cold realization began to set in that Sachiko might not make it back on time...
...That was, until Sia dropped another bomb that practically made Sachiko's heart jump out of her chest. "WHAT!?" Her eyes went wide, her smile wider, and she leaned in toward their benefactors with rapt attention. It seemed almost too good to be true, and the fact that they had a flight now - one they wouldn't even need to pay for - was the least of the honors. Now, they got to live it up in the lap of luxury, at one of the grandest and most lavish resorts in the country - and all on their payroll. "You're kidding!" Sachiko's eyes began to well up with tears. She couldn't even begin to thank them enough for all they'd done. Nothing she could think of saying could ever come close. She owed them more than they could ever imagine, and she just hoped they could know their gratitude...
...But that could come later. Right now, they had freedom to look forward to. They could get back on the road - and Las Vegas awaited!
"HELL YEAH!!" Sachiko gave Veronika a high-five, and when she was done she just held tighter to her hand, running close at her side as they hurried back off to the car. Within moments, they were speeding back off onto the road, and onto a bright, bold future. And when Veronika pulled Sachiko into a kiss, the Japanese girl let out a soft sigh, feeling the warmth radiate through her body and into her core as the tension flowed out of her. A minute ago, she thought their partnership was at stake. Now, it could only grow stronger.
"Ahh...y'know, Veri?" Sachiko folded her hands behind her head, propping her feet up on the dashboard as the wind blew at her hair. "I think these last few nights are gonna be ones I look back on fondly...and it's only gonna get better from here," she added with a wink. "I gotta say I'm a little disappointed we can't hit up Venice Beach, but...who cares about that, man? We've got Vegas, baby!~ Drinks, games, and girls galore!~ Couldn't have asked for anything better!~"
But there was more to this, Sachiko thought, than just living the high life. As her gaze lingered on Veronika, she couldn't deny that this trip had done so much more. It brought her closer to the Austrian. It made her look deep into herself, at feelings she never thought she would have - but feelings that were there nonetheless, and they were only getting stronger and stronger by the day. Every time it seemed something was going to get between them, they were able to make the most of it, and they managed to turn it all around. It was a testament to how enduring their friendship was - almost like a confirmation it was meant to be. That was, if it was even friendship at all...
After a moment's thought, Sachiko cleared her throat. She still had something she needed off her chest. If there was a time to say it...it was now. '...'ey, Veri?" she began. 'I don't think I ever got to say what I wanted to say...y'know..."
But the next words out of his mouth felt, to Sachiko, like a breath of relief. Instantly, all her worries broke and her fears were forgotten. Not only was she not in trouble, the Heart Connection's American outing had been a big success - if anything, they'd come out on the other side bigger than ever! "Really-!?" She jumped up straight, and a grin broke over her face as she hopped up and down for joy a few times before she pulled Veronika into a hug. She couldn't help it - she was just that excited! "Didja hear that, Veri? We made it! We really made it!!"
Of course, a moment later, she was reminded of the trouble they'd gotten into, and she faced Viktor with a nervous chuckle, nodding her head. "Y-Yeah, er...sorry about that," she muttered. Still, Sia came forward, and Sachiko was eager to press herself in closer against her chest. She purred softly as she buried her face in Sia's bosom, and as she stroked her chin she only leaned into her touch more. "Mm, yeah, like that..." she began - but when Sia squeezed down on Sachiko's chin a moment later, and issued her threat if they were to act out of line again, the sukeban understood everything loud and clear, and her eyes went wide in a cold, glassy stare as she nodded her head curtly. Sachiko was grateful for all Sia had done for her, but she also knew full well the noblewoman could end her if she wanted...if anything, for Sachiko, it just added to her appeal.
But what alarmed Sachiko just as much was what Sia reminded her of next - as she brought up their flight. The blue-haired girl let out a gasp, shaking herself to her senses. "What-!? Oh, shit," she hissed, clenching her teeth. Things had proven so tumultuous that Sachiko had practically forgotten about it...but they did have a flight scheduled. Considering their impromptu detour had put them behind schedule, it was anyone's guess if they could still make it to LA on time. And once again, as her gaze flitted shiftily from Sia to Veronika, the cold realization began to set in that Sachiko might not make it back on time...
...That was, until Sia dropped another bomb that practically made Sachiko's heart jump out of her chest. "WHAT!?" Her eyes went wide, her smile wider, and she leaned in toward their benefactors with rapt attention. It seemed almost too good to be true, and the fact that they had a flight now - one they wouldn't even need to pay for - was the least of the honors. Now, they got to live it up in the lap of luxury, at one of the grandest and most lavish resorts in the country - and all on their payroll. "You're kidding!" Sachiko's eyes began to well up with tears. She couldn't even begin to thank them enough for all they'd done. Nothing she could think of saying could ever come close. She owed them more than they could ever imagine, and she just hoped they could know their gratitude...
...But that could come later. Right now, they had freedom to look forward to. They could get back on the road - and Las Vegas awaited!
"HELL YEAH!!" Sachiko gave Veronika a high-five, and when she was done she just held tighter to her hand, running close at her side as they hurried back off to the car. Within moments, they were speeding back off onto the road, and onto a bright, bold future. And when Veronika pulled Sachiko into a kiss, the Japanese girl let out a soft sigh, feeling the warmth radiate through her body and into her core as the tension flowed out of her. A minute ago, she thought their partnership was at stake. Now, it could only grow stronger.
"Ahh...y'know, Veri?" Sachiko folded her hands behind her head, propping her feet up on the dashboard as the wind blew at her hair. "I think these last few nights are gonna be ones I look back on fondly...and it's only gonna get better from here," she added with a wink. "I gotta say I'm a little disappointed we can't hit up Venice Beach, but...who cares about that, man? We've got Vegas, baby!~ Drinks, games, and girls galore!~ Couldn't have asked for anything better!~"
But there was more to this, Sachiko thought, than just living the high life. As her gaze lingered on Veronika, she couldn't deny that this trip had done so much more. It brought her closer to the Austrian. It made her look deep into herself, at feelings she never thought she would have - but feelings that were there nonetheless, and they were only getting stronger and stronger by the day. Every time it seemed something was going to get between them, they were able to make the most of it, and they managed to turn it all around. It was a testament to how enduring their friendship was - almost like a confirmation it was meant to be. That was, if it was even friendship at all...
After a moment's thought, Sachiko cleared her throat. She still had something she needed off her chest. If there was a time to say it...it was now. '...'ey, Veri?" she began. 'I don't think I ever got to say what I wanted to say...y'know..."
- RedShinigami
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Re: A little time for ourselves
Heart Connection was back on track and hotter then ever as the two of them speeded out of the Police Station and into their car where Champagne and Croissant barked happily to hear them. They had gotten quite attached to Sachiko too by now and saw her as some kind of second mother, so their cages vibrated anxiously as their two mommies stepped in again.
Veronika drove off, leaving a dustcloud behind as she looked back into the rear view mirror ,flipping the town the bird.
"Fuck you, you little piece of shit hicktown, we are goin to Vegas!", she cheered and laid one arm around Sachi as they hit the highway.
Veronika anxiously nodded as Sachiko counted all the nice things they would get when they were in Vegas and more!
"Go tell me! It will be a fucking blast! We will drink, gamble and fuck like no tomorrow, Babe!", she said with a grin.
But when Sachiko became more serious again, unusual as it was, Veronikas heart started to move faster. She already could assume what her partner wanted to say but when Sachiko went on, Veronika pressed her lips onto hers and gave her a kiss.
She remained there as she broke it and looked into Sachikos eyes.
"I know. I have something to tell you too. But not now, not here in this fucking ugly dessert. Let's wait...for Vegas.", she said and kissed Sachikos forehead, pulling her in again and drove off into the sunset with Sachiko at her side.
They arrived in the evening at the grand and luxurious "Caesars Palace" Hotel in Vegas and stepped out of their car. Each of them had one of the dogs on the leash and Veronika had made sure to make their entrance special as they both spotted big, expensive sunglasses, coats by a designer and shoes so expensive they could feed a whole family for three months.
If they came here why not come in style she thought as she took Sachikos hand and walked into the hotel with the dogs trotting before them.
The coat showed enough cleavage to present to the concierge as Veronika and Sachiko arrived at the check in.
"Karnstein. For two.", she said and the Concierge who had looked at them with an estranged look first, lightened up when he heard the name of their patron.
"Oh, Karnstein. Of course, of course. Would you please follow me...", he said while the bellhops put their luggage into a cart.
They took the escalator and arrived at the top floor.
"Wow...would you look at that Sachi...",Veronika said breathless as she went to the big front windows, looking down onto the strip.
"Viktor must like us very much...",she said with a grin and pulled Sachiko in on the belt of her coat, in the process opening it and revealing that underneath ,except for the sinful expensive shoes, there was nothing on the sukebans body at all. And with Veronika opening her belt it became clear that the Franco-austrian had been naked too the whole time.
The Concierge and bellhops gasped as Veronika pulled Sachiko into a long and hot kiss, her hands stripping down the coat as she let her hands travel down to the behind of the bluenette, pressing her against the window. The two employees cleared their throats and Veronika grinned as she looked over her shoulder.
"You still there? Well we don't have any change on us so the tip...", she said and licked her lips, "...must be paid in another way...", she purred as the concierge gasped. "N-No need, no need at all! Count Karnstein paid us quite well. Come now...", he said to the bellhop who took a step forward.
"Uhm how would you..."
The concierge grabbed his collar and pulled with him as Veronika and sachiko burst into laughter.
"Holy shit! Ahahah...that little fucker really thought he could score...with us!", she said and shook her head.
"Oh boy..."
Then she turner to the window again and hugged Sachiko from behind, her head on the sukebans shoulder. Both looked down into the onsetting night and the town who just woke up.
"Hey...Sachi.", Veronika said after some time, softly squeezing her between her arms.
"Now...would be a good time...", she whispered and softly kissed her cheek.
Both girls looked into their reflection.
"Please...start.", Veronika whispered.
Veronika drove off, leaving a dustcloud behind as she looked back into the rear view mirror ,flipping the town the bird.
"Fuck you, you little piece of shit hicktown, we are goin to Vegas!", she cheered and laid one arm around Sachi as they hit the highway.
Veronika anxiously nodded as Sachiko counted all the nice things they would get when they were in Vegas and more!
"Go tell me! It will be a fucking blast! We will drink, gamble and fuck like no tomorrow, Babe!", she said with a grin.
But when Sachiko became more serious again, unusual as it was, Veronikas heart started to move faster. She already could assume what her partner wanted to say but when Sachiko went on, Veronika pressed her lips onto hers and gave her a kiss.
She remained there as she broke it and looked into Sachikos eyes.
"I know. I have something to tell you too. But not now, not here in this fucking ugly dessert. Let's wait...for Vegas.", she said and kissed Sachikos forehead, pulling her in again and drove off into the sunset with Sachiko at her side.
They arrived in the evening at the grand and luxurious "Caesars Palace" Hotel in Vegas and stepped out of their car. Each of them had one of the dogs on the leash and Veronika had made sure to make their entrance special as they both spotted big, expensive sunglasses, coats by a designer and shoes so expensive they could feed a whole family for three months.
If they came here why not come in style she thought as she took Sachikos hand and walked into the hotel with the dogs trotting before them.
The coat showed enough cleavage to present to the concierge as Veronika and Sachiko arrived at the check in.
"Karnstein. For two.", she said and the Concierge who had looked at them with an estranged look first, lightened up when he heard the name of their patron.
"Oh, Karnstein. Of course, of course. Would you please follow me...", he said while the bellhops put their luggage into a cart.
They took the escalator and arrived at the top floor.
"Wow...would you look at that Sachi...",Veronika said breathless as she went to the big front windows, looking down onto the strip.
"Viktor must like us very much...",she said with a grin and pulled Sachiko in on the belt of her coat, in the process opening it and revealing that underneath ,except for the sinful expensive shoes, there was nothing on the sukebans body at all. And with Veronika opening her belt it became clear that the Franco-austrian had been naked too the whole time.
The Concierge and bellhops gasped as Veronika pulled Sachiko into a long and hot kiss, her hands stripping down the coat as she let her hands travel down to the behind of the bluenette, pressing her against the window. The two employees cleared their throats and Veronika grinned as she looked over her shoulder.
"You still there? Well we don't have any change on us so the tip...", she said and licked her lips, "...must be paid in another way...", she purred as the concierge gasped. "N-No need, no need at all! Count Karnstein paid us quite well. Come now...", he said to the bellhop who took a step forward.
"Uhm how would you..."
The concierge grabbed his collar and pulled with him as Veronika and sachiko burst into laughter.
"Holy shit! Ahahah...that little fucker really thought he could score...with us!", she said and shook her head.
"Oh boy..."
Then she turner to the window again and hugged Sachiko from behind, her head on the sukebans shoulder. Both looked down into the onsetting night and the town who just woke up.
"Hey...Sachi.", Veronika said after some time, softly squeezing her between her arms.
"Now...would be a good time...", she whispered and softly kissed her cheek.
Both girls looked into their reflection.
"Please...start.", Veronika whispered.
- CaptainL
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Re: A little time for ourselves
The Heart Connection's unfortunate brush with law enforcement was only going to be a small bump in the road, if either of them had anything to say about it. It certainly couldn't hold them back now, when they were out to live their best life. For Sachiko and Veronika, a night in Las Vegas seemed like a dream come true, and it would surely make for the perfect capstone to their trip. It had all the glitz and glamor to help Veronika feel right at home, and the limitless debauchery that Sachiko hung her hat on. When the two of them went speeding on down the highway, the only thoughts in their heads were how they were going to live it up to the fullest - they never wanted this to end.
At least...most of their thoughts were. Sachiko couldn't help but feel like there was something else here, something that had hung over her head ever since Boston, but that she'd never had the chance to put into words. Her heart tightened in her chest when she thought about it, and she kept glancing back and forth in Veronika's direction. No matter the ups and downs their trip had taken them through, these feelings had stayed. They hadn't even been silenced when Sachiko's bond with Veronika was tested - if anything, it was at those times the feelings had hurt her most of all, for fear of losing something special. If they'd stuck with her for this long, then surely that was saying something - something that Sachiko needed off her chest.
Even when she tried to speak up, though, Veronika brushed her off - which only left Sachiko staring back at her, mouth agape. "Huh..? No, I mean...I don't think this is something that can wait! It's been bothering me this whole time, so I really need to say it...Veronika, I think I-"
Sachiko didn't get to finish her thought - she was cut off by the honk of a loud horn, and when she looked behind her, she saw a truck pulling up behind them, about to pass, and coming dangerously close to the side of the car in the process. At once, Sachiko's eyes went wide, and her heart jumped in her chest. Perhaps these feelings could wait - right now, she just didn't want to get killed! "...SHOULD TELL YOU TO PULL OVER-!!"
Acting fast, she moved to grab the wheel, trying to veer the car to the side so that the truck would have room to pass. After that, she stopped to catch her breath on the side of the road, wiping her brow. Her heart was still pounding faster than she could keep track of. Maybe, she thought...this wasn't the time after all. "...soooooo...the trip?"
It was some hours, and more than a few rounds of "are we there yet?" later, that the car finally pulled down the Las Vegas strip - but Sachiko recognized the bright lights as soon as they started to pull down the road, surrounded on all sides by all colors, as the skyline lit up around them. "Wooo!~ We're here!" she cheered, waving her hand in the air and blowing some wolf-whistles at a few "working ladies" on the sidewalk. Still, she cleared her throat and sat back down a moment later. "...Sorry about that," she said. Sachiko knew Veronika had a plan, after all, and she was willing to keep a cool head if that was what she needed to play along with it. She adjusted the sunglasses on her face, grinning wide as they pulled up at the casino. Now, it was showtime.
When Sachiko stepped into the lobby, she had to suck in a breath to keep herself from vibrating with excitement. She had never thought she'd be living the high life like this, wearing a coat this expensive, and being surrounded by fine marble furnishings and more glittering gold than she could ever imagine. She knew, too, she was drawing plenty of heads with how tightly her coat hugged her figure, to say nothing of the opulence she exuded, and that thought alone was enough to bring a grin to her face. But she was willing to let Veronika handle this as she led her up the escalator, her eyes only growing wider as she looked out at the sights around her. And when they reached their room, she knew her cue, as Veronika let the sukeban's coat fall to the floor - where immediately, she pushed Veronika's coat off her shoulders at the same time, cupping her hands behind her back to draw her into a passionate embrace.
The warmth of Veronika's body, and the sensation of her form grinding closer against her own, was enough to send a shudder through Sachiko's whole body as a throaty moan ran its way up from her lungs, her eyes rolling back in her head. To be this close to her, in such a luxurious place, was already enough to whet the blue-haired girl's appetite, so much so that she almost forgot that they had an audience. But when she looked back over her shoulder to see the wide-eyed looks on the hotel staff's faces, it only made it so much better, and even with her lips locked onto Veronika's own, the corners of Sachiko's mouth crept up into a smile. The two of them were raising chaos, all right - just as she liked it.
Just as soon as the staff left the room, though, Sachiko fell back onto the bed, bursting with laughter. Veronika always had her way with people, and she would never get tired of seeing the looks on their faces when she caught them in situations like these. It was just another reminder of how glad Sachiko was to have a partner like her. "Psshaw! Did anyone ever tell ya you're good at this? Besides me, of course..."
Getting off the bed, Sachiko stepped a little closer to Veronika, looking out the window and onto the sprawl of lights and people far below. She let out a long, slow sigh, letting her shoulders slump, and her body sank in at the dancer's side as her arm reached around to rest gently on her hip. She had made it - their journey across the country would come to its end here. But the fun was only getting started. Below them was a world of riches to be attained, flings to be had, and great celebrations of excess, just waiting for them to dip their toe in...
But Veronika had brought Sachiko's mind elsewhere - and at the mention, the blue-haired girl turned back toward her, raising an eyebrow. For a moment, her heart quickened in her chest. Was now the time, she asked herself? Veronika, it seemed, had remembered what had been on her mind on the road - and now, all those thoughts and feelings she'd occupied herself with came flooding back to the sukeban. She bit her lip and glanced off, looking out at the lights below. She did suppose that if there was ever a time to speak her mind, this was it...
And yet...with so much ahead of them, it was hard to focus. There were so many sights and sounds, each more enticing than the last. Sachiko knew that whatever she had to say would be big. So big, in fact, that it would likely shape their future in ways bigger than even this trip had been. They'd have plenty of talking and thinking to do afterward. When so much fun awaited them...she would hate to waste the time.
"Well...y'know, Veri..." she began, "I would bring it up, buuuuut...we've still got a flight to catch in the morning. We've only got so much time to live it up down there! I wanna at least check out the bar before we have to go. 'sides..." she chuckled, leaning in to walk her fingers up Veronika's side and around the curve of her jaw, "you made me wait earlier, soooo fair is fair...~" Bringing herself in closer still, she went to plant a kiss on Veronika's lips, and when they parted her smile was as wide as ever.
"Now, where do ya wanna hit up first?"
At least...most of their thoughts were. Sachiko couldn't help but feel like there was something else here, something that had hung over her head ever since Boston, but that she'd never had the chance to put into words. Her heart tightened in her chest when she thought about it, and she kept glancing back and forth in Veronika's direction. No matter the ups and downs their trip had taken them through, these feelings had stayed. They hadn't even been silenced when Sachiko's bond with Veronika was tested - if anything, it was at those times the feelings had hurt her most of all, for fear of losing something special. If they'd stuck with her for this long, then surely that was saying something - something that Sachiko needed off her chest.
Even when she tried to speak up, though, Veronika brushed her off - which only left Sachiko staring back at her, mouth agape. "Huh..? No, I mean...I don't think this is something that can wait! It's been bothering me this whole time, so I really need to say it...Veronika, I think I-"
Sachiko didn't get to finish her thought - she was cut off by the honk of a loud horn, and when she looked behind her, she saw a truck pulling up behind them, about to pass, and coming dangerously close to the side of the car in the process. At once, Sachiko's eyes went wide, and her heart jumped in her chest. Perhaps these feelings could wait - right now, she just didn't want to get killed! "...SHOULD TELL YOU TO PULL OVER-!!"
Acting fast, she moved to grab the wheel, trying to veer the car to the side so that the truck would have room to pass. After that, she stopped to catch her breath on the side of the road, wiping her brow. Her heart was still pounding faster than she could keep track of. Maybe, she thought...this wasn't the time after all. "...soooooo...the trip?"
It was some hours, and more than a few rounds of "are we there yet?" later, that the car finally pulled down the Las Vegas strip - but Sachiko recognized the bright lights as soon as they started to pull down the road, surrounded on all sides by all colors, as the skyline lit up around them. "Wooo!~ We're here!" she cheered, waving her hand in the air and blowing some wolf-whistles at a few "working ladies" on the sidewalk. Still, she cleared her throat and sat back down a moment later. "...Sorry about that," she said. Sachiko knew Veronika had a plan, after all, and she was willing to keep a cool head if that was what she needed to play along with it. She adjusted the sunglasses on her face, grinning wide as they pulled up at the casino. Now, it was showtime.
When Sachiko stepped into the lobby, she had to suck in a breath to keep herself from vibrating with excitement. She had never thought she'd be living the high life like this, wearing a coat this expensive, and being surrounded by fine marble furnishings and more glittering gold than she could ever imagine. She knew, too, she was drawing plenty of heads with how tightly her coat hugged her figure, to say nothing of the opulence she exuded, and that thought alone was enough to bring a grin to her face. But she was willing to let Veronika handle this as she led her up the escalator, her eyes only growing wider as she looked out at the sights around her. And when they reached their room, she knew her cue, as Veronika let the sukeban's coat fall to the floor - where immediately, she pushed Veronika's coat off her shoulders at the same time, cupping her hands behind her back to draw her into a passionate embrace.
The warmth of Veronika's body, and the sensation of her form grinding closer against her own, was enough to send a shudder through Sachiko's whole body as a throaty moan ran its way up from her lungs, her eyes rolling back in her head. To be this close to her, in such a luxurious place, was already enough to whet the blue-haired girl's appetite, so much so that she almost forgot that they had an audience. But when she looked back over her shoulder to see the wide-eyed looks on the hotel staff's faces, it only made it so much better, and even with her lips locked onto Veronika's own, the corners of Sachiko's mouth crept up into a smile. The two of them were raising chaos, all right - just as she liked it.
Just as soon as the staff left the room, though, Sachiko fell back onto the bed, bursting with laughter. Veronika always had her way with people, and she would never get tired of seeing the looks on their faces when she caught them in situations like these. It was just another reminder of how glad Sachiko was to have a partner like her. "Psshaw! Did anyone ever tell ya you're good at this? Besides me, of course..."
Getting off the bed, Sachiko stepped a little closer to Veronika, looking out the window and onto the sprawl of lights and people far below. She let out a long, slow sigh, letting her shoulders slump, and her body sank in at the dancer's side as her arm reached around to rest gently on her hip. She had made it - their journey across the country would come to its end here. But the fun was only getting started. Below them was a world of riches to be attained, flings to be had, and great celebrations of excess, just waiting for them to dip their toe in...
But Veronika had brought Sachiko's mind elsewhere - and at the mention, the blue-haired girl turned back toward her, raising an eyebrow. For a moment, her heart quickened in her chest. Was now the time, she asked herself? Veronika, it seemed, had remembered what had been on her mind on the road - and now, all those thoughts and feelings she'd occupied herself with came flooding back to the sukeban. She bit her lip and glanced off, looking out at the lights below. She did suppose that if there was ever a time to speak her mind, this was it...
And yet...with so much ahead of them, it was hard to focus. There were so many sights and sounds, each more enticing than the last. Sachiko knew that whatever she had to say would be big. So big, in fact, that it would likely shape their future in ways bigger than even this trip had been. They'd have plenty of talking and thinking to do afterward. When so much fun awaited them...she would hate to waste the time.
"Well...y'know, Veri..." she began, "I would bring it up, buuuuut...we've still got a flight to catch in the morning. We've only got so much time to live it up down there! I wanna at least check out the bar before we have to go. 'sides..." she chuckled, leaning in to walk her fingers up Veronika's side and around the curve of her jaw, "you made me wait earlier, soooo fair is fair...~" Bringing herself in closer still, she went to plant a kiss on Veronika's lips, and when they parted her smile was as wide as ever.
"Now, where do ya wanna hit up first?"
- RedShinigami
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Re: A little time for ourselves
If you saw matches of Sachiko in her time with the Heartbreakers, hardly anyone would have guessed that the bluenette could be as sweet and even charming as she was when she and Veronika finally had became friends. It was as if they were meant for each other and Veronika very much appreciated not just the brawny troublemaker but also the girl, no, the woman, Sachiko Koizumi. And so a thought occurred to her when they drove into the city.
When finally being alone in their room, Sachiko confrstuled Veronika on a job well done again while flopping on the bed naked, always a welcomed sight for the Queen of Hearts. But they only had one night here and there was much mayhem to spread, so the pillow talk could wait. What couldnt wait, at least in Veronikas opinion, was, now that they neared the end of their contractual obligations, the talk they wanted to have since they started the journey.
About their future together, as partners, friends and...
"Listen Sachi I...", she began when this time the sukeban took the reigns and shook her head.
"What?! But...hey!", Veronika complained, felling that the evening view of the city was the perfect opportunity to talk about it. But then m, as always, she quickly understood were Sachiko came from with that. They would talk this over after they had ended this trip. They would look for the best spot in town and then finally make their feelings clear and even if Veronika guessed that Sachiko felt the same way as she did, she still was a little bit relieved that the appointment was shoved forward again to a later time this evening.
With this now off her mind the Queen of Hearts turned Sachiko around and pressed her against the big window of their room. Their shades were open and so everyone of those rich moneybags that looked out their windows now could get a good glance of Sachiko thick and voluptous backside as Veronika moved in closer, starting to send kisses all over Sachiko neck and collarbone.
"Hmmm...actually...I...have...a...very...good...idea...Babe...", she said between kisses, her hands softly massaging the sukebans big breasts as she moved down to send kisses all over them too.
"How about...mmnghh...~"
She let one of Sachikos hard and errect nipples slip into her mouth and sucked at, giving it a soft tug and short but feel able little bite before looking up.
"...we have some fun...not as Heart Connection...".
Her other nipple followed.
"But...as Karnsteins?", she whispered and kissed herself down,licking the contours of Sachikos abs before getting to her knees and taking a long and greedy lick on the wetness of the sukebans womanhood.
"Let's us pretend...just for this evening...", she started again before she gave Sachiko some nice cunnilingus, eating her out while still owing the answer to her proposal. And when Sachiko finally came, together with Veronika who had helped herself out she moved upwards and brought her wet fingers to Sachikos lips.
"...that we are not just guests of the Karnsteins...but that we ARE them.", she grinned.
"Just takes me a few calls...and then then we will live like the family Karnstein for one evening.", she said and leaned against Sachiko, softly panting.
"You in...Sia?",she chuckled.
When finally being alone in their room, Sachiko confrstuled Veronika on a job well done again while flopping on the bed naked, always a welcomed sight for the Queen of Hearts. But they only had one night here and there was much mayhem to spread, so the pillow talk could wait. What couldnt wait, at least in Veronikas opinion, was, now that they neared the end of their contractual obligations, the talk they wanted to have since they started the journey.
About their future together, as partners, friends and...
"Listen Sachi I...", she began when this time the sukeban took the reigns and shook her head.
"What?! But...hey!", Veronika complained, felling that the evening view of the city was the perfect opportunity to talk about it. But then m, as always, she quickly understood were Sachiko came from with that. They would talk this over after they had ended this trip. They would look for the best spot in town and then finally make their feelings clear and even if Veronika guessed that Sachiko felt the same way as she did, she still was a little bit relieved that the appointment was shoved forward again to a later time this evening.
With this now off her mind the Queen of Hearts turned Sachiko around and pressed her against the big window of their room. Their shades were open and so everyone of those rich moneybags that looked out their windows now could get a good glance of Sachiko thick and voluptous backside as Veronika moved in closer, starting to send kisses all over Sachiko neck and collarbone.
"Hmmm...actually...I...have...a...very...good...idea...Babe...", she said between kisses, her hands softly massaging the sukebans big breasts as she moved down to send kisses all over them too.
"How about...mmnghh...~"
She let one of Sachikos hard and errect nipples slip into her mouth and sucked at, giving it a soft tug and short but feel able little bite before looking up.
"...we have some fun...not as Heart Connection...".
Her other nipple followed.
"But...as Karnsteins?", she whispered and kissed herself down,licking the contours of Sachikos abs before getting to her knees and taking a long and greedy lick on the wetness of the sukebans womanhood.
"Let's us pretend...just for this evening...", she started again before she gave Sachiko some nice cunnilingus, eating her out while still owing the answer to her proposal. And when Sachiko finally came, together with Veronika who had helped herself out she moved upwards and brought her wet fingers to Sachikos lips.
"...that we are not just guests of the Karnsteins...but that we ARE them.", she grinned.
"Just takes me a few calls...and then then we will live like the family Karnstein for one evening.", she said and leaned against Sachiko, softly panting.
"You in...Sia?",she chuckled.
- CaptainL
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Re: A little time for ourselves
With Veronika pressing up against her, Sachiko could feel all the warmth radiating off her partner's body, and she could feel every rise and fall of her ample curves from how they massaged their voluptuous forms against each other, coming closer together with every time they met for another kiss. Sachiko let out a long and content sigh - she was happy, here. This moment, the very fact that Veronika was willing to share her company in such a way, was all the reminder she needed that the Heart Connection wasn't going anywhere, and with that, she could bring a tumultuous time in her life to a close. Their bond was just as strong as ever; if it was going to change, it could only change for the better. It wasn't just the tingling sensation that came from having her sensitive skin brushing up so closely against Veronika's own that put Sachiko's mind at ease, but the knowledge that everything was going to be all right, too.
But if she didn't have to fear what the future would bring...she could get excited instead. And as long as she and Veronika had a night to spend in Vegas, they could make the most of it. This was a city that promised every excess imaginable, and a city where fortunes could be made and lost in a night. And there were plenty of rich idiots to scam and chaos to be had too. It was practically tailor-made for Sachiko and Veronika's enjoyment! Sachiko couldn't just pass an opportunity like that down. As Veronika pushed her further up against the glass, the sukeban chuckled to herself at the thought of how her bare ass was pressed to the window, surely giving the brightly-lit windows of the building across from them a good view. That was enough to tell her this trip was worth it. But they could have so much more.
In fact, Veronika seemed to be coming on board with the plan - and she had some mayhem of her own to offer. As their embrace grew even closer and more passionate, Sachiko's breaths quickened and her moans grew deeper, her head rolling back over her shoulder with every husky pant and gasp she took. Her hips brushed up against Veronika's as she wormed her way closer, and her hands drifted up and down Veronika's body - stroking along her back, with one hand reaching up to cup her breast while the other squeezed at her backside and her thigh. When Veronika leaned down to bring her lips up against Sachiko's groin, too, the blue-haired girl could only feel the pulse of excitement ripple through her with every push and prod of her tongue and every prick of her teeth; she threw back her head in a gasp, and her hips began to buck up and down, riding the dancer's face. But through it all, her thoughts lingered on just what Veronika was proposing. She could barely keep it in her attention for long through the heat and the excitement and the building pleasure, but...it stuck with her.
"As..? Ah, mmf-!!" Sachiko was about to say something, right when another jolt of the carnal sensation rammed through her, and she bucked her hips with another moan. The tension inside her was building more and more - and then, at last, she was finally awash in the throes of her orgasm, letting out a scream as her arms squeezed tighter around Veronika's sides, her nails digging greedily into her skin to try and keep her close. Slowly but surely, Sachiko sank down along the window before coming to rest on the floor. Her face was still red, her eyes glazed over, and her tongue lolled from her mouth as she took in a few long and throaty pants. But little by little, she came back from the shores of ecstasy...and when she did, she had a proposal to respond to.
"M-Mmrf...what was that again..?" she began half-dreamily, only to shake herself out a moment later. "Er, right, right..." Helpfully, Veronika reminded her. And as she thought about it, blinking a few times, she began to give it some proper thought.
"So, let me get this straight..." Sachiko muttered. "You think that we can impersonate the Karnsteins? Like...a couple of aristocrats? Rich and powerful and probably with enough connections around this place to get them in deep? And take advantage of that to our own gain? To hang around high society, and then we can just...pull the rug out from everyone and raise hell? You think that will work?"
A moment later, she leaned in closer to plant a kiss on Veronika's lips. "...Let's do it." Sure, it was crazy. But where would they be if they didn't do crazy shit? They wouldn't have tried to make something worthwhile out of the Heart Connection, and they wouldn't have found such a beautiful friendship in the process...if it even was a friendship. The whole reason they were traveling together was to stick it to the high-ups, and what was a better way to stick it to the rich and powerful than breaking into their circles and turning them to their whims? Besides, the Karnsteins were paying for everything. They had nothing to lose. Any damage control would be on Viktor and Sia's part, and Sachiko and Veronika would be well out of the picture by then. The more Sachiko thought about it, the wider her grin grew. This was an opportunity that only came by once in a lifetime, and she was going to take it.
"...Ya think I could pull off Sia, though?" She stood, taking a moment to stretch. "I mean, I guess...pale, big boobs, hot..." Wait, was that all she thought Sia looked like? "I guess if we got some platform shoes or something, it'd work!"
But if she didn't have to fear what the future would bring...she could get excited instead. And as long as she and Veronika had a night to spend in Vegas, they could make the most of it. This was a city that promised every excess imaginable, and a city where fortunes could be made and lost in a night. And there were plenty of rich idiots to scam and chaos to be had too. It was practically tailor-made for Sachiko and Veronika's enjoyment! Sachiko couldn't just pass an opportunity like that down. As Veronika pushed her further up against the glass, the sukeban chuckled to herself at the thought of how her bare ass was pressed to the window, surely giving the brightly-lit windows of the building across from them a good view. That was enough to tell her this trip was worth it. But they could have so much more.
In fact, Veronika seemed to be coming on board with the plan - and she had some mayhem of her own to offer. As their embrace grew even closer and more passionate, Sachiko's breaths quickened and her moans grew deeper, her head rolling back over her shoulder with every husky pant and gasp she took. Her hips brushed up against Veronika's as she wormed her way closer, and her hands drifted up and down Veronika's body - stroking along her back, with one hand reaching up to cup her breast while the other squeezed at her backside and her thigh. When Veronika leaned down to bring her lips up against Sachiko's groin, too, the blue-haired girl could only feel the pulse of excitement ripple through her with every push and prod of her tongue and every prick of her teeth; she threw back her head in a gasp, and her hips began to buck up and down, riding the dancer's face. But through it all, her thoughts lingered on just what Veronika was proposing. She could barely keep it in her attention for long through the heat and the excitement and the building pleasure, but...it stuck with her.
"As..? Ah, mmf-!!" Sachiko was about to say something, right when another jolt of the carnal sensation rammed through her, and she bucked her hips with another moan. The tension inside her was building more and more - and then, at last, she was finally awash in the throes of her orgasm, letting out a scream as her arms squeezed tighter around Veronika's sides, her nails digging greedily into her skin to try and keep her close. Slowly but surely, Sachiko sank down along the window before coming to rest on the floor. Her face was still red, her eyes glazed over, and her tongue lolled from her mouth as she took in a few long and throaty pants. But little by little, she came back from the shores of ecstasy...and when she did, she had a proposal to respond to.
"M-Mmrf...what was that again..?" she began half-dreamily, only to shake herself out a moment later. "Er, right, right..." Helpfully, Veronika reminded her. And as she thought about it, blinking a few times, she began to give it some proper thought.
"So, let me get this straight..." Sachiko muttered. "You think that we can impersonate the Karnsteins? Like...a couple of aristocrats? Rich and powerful and probably with enough connections around this place to get them in deep? And take advantage of that to our own gain? To hang around high society, and then we can just...pull the rug out from everyone and raise hell? You think that will work?"
A moment later, she leaned in closer to plant a kiss on Veronika's lips. "...Let's do it." Sure, it was crazy. But where would they be if they didn't do crazy shit? They wouldn't have tried to make something worthwhile out of the Heart Connection, and they wouldn't have found such a beautiful friendship in the process...if it even was a friendship. The whole reason they were traveling together was to stick it to the high-ups, and what was a better way to stick it to the rich and powerful than breaking into their circles and turning them to their whims? Besides, the Karnsteins were paying for everything. They had nothing to lose. Any damage control would be on Viktor and Sia's part, and Sachiko and Veronika would be well out of the picture by then. The more Sachiko thought about it, the wider her grin grew. This was an opportunity that only came by once in a lifetime, and she was going to take it.
"...Ya think I could pull off Sia, though?" She stood, taking a moment to stretch. "I mean, I guess...pale, big boobs, hot..." Wait, was that all she thought Sia looked like? "I guess if we got some platform shoes or something, it'd work!"
- RedShinigami
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Re: A little time for ourselves
Veronika softly wiped her mouth and let her hands travel over Sachikos sides. The Queen of Hearts had a lot of sexual encounters in her time but with Sachiko it was something else. She softly stroked her breasts, playing with the hard nipples, while her lips travelled all over the japanese girls face. Yes. She knew that they were made for each other and she finally would talk it out with Sachiko.
But not yet. First they had to spread chaos like they never did before. When she listened to Sachiko her grin grew wider and wider and when she finally agreed, the Queen of Hearts kissed her.
"Alright then babe, no time to lose."
Veronika called roomservice and as platinum guests, the two delinquents had full access to everything they wanted. Veronika ordered some very special stuff, but the hotel could get it for them. This was the magic of being not just rich but also important and influental, like the Karnsteins were.
A little later both sat in their lavish bathroom, getting dressed and ready for their big night. Veronika just applied Sachikos make up and lipstick, drawing over the full lips of the japanese. "You know Sachi, you should wear dresses more often, you look fucking hot.", she said with a grin and added the finishing touch.
Then she turned to the big mirror, making last adjustments to herself. "Would you look at that. How do I look babe. Like I have the worlds biggest stick in my ass?", she said with a grin and hugged her tight. She closed her eyes for a second and enjoyed Sachikos warmth and the scent of her perfume she had picked for her.
"Hmmm...lets go...Countess.", she smiled and took Sachikos arm under hers as they left their suite.
Eyes followed them down the hallway and to the escalator they stepped in. They both just stood upright and played the game. This would be the most fun both of them ever had.
They reached the lobby and when the door opened, again, every pair of eyes was locked on them as they exited and walked down the way to the casino rooms.
"Seems that it works. Must be our natural charm. Now remember. You are Sia von Karnstein now. A Countess. That means something. So no pfff, no pshaws, no curse words...", she began before stopping herself with a soft shake of her head. Even if they played someone else now, what good was it if they still werent allowed to be as free as possible. After all, this was what Heart Connection was all about.
"You know.", Veronika then said with a wink and a smile. "...just do what you feel like." She moved over and gave her friend a peck on the cheek that already made people whisper and talk.
The both of them entered the casino and looked around.
"Wow...would you look at that. That makes Monte Carlo look like some catholic school.", she said as they closed in on the roulette table. There was more then one familiar face from either tv, cinema, the interner or the political landscape but Veronika didnt so much care as she just took a seat.
"Oh, it seems we are short one seat. The waitress can get us an extra one, count."
Veronika tough had to surpress a grin as she helped Sachiko to take a seat at her lap. "Not necessary at all. My sister and I are accustomed to share...everything.", she chuckled.
"Are'nt we Sia, darling?", she said while deepening her voice.
The people around the table looked at them with growing fascination. Not just where they the most beautiful persons in that casino, but the Karnsteins were followed by enough reputation to fill a whole evening worth of stories and so when the game began, a man with a big cowboy hat and a texan accent, adressed them.
"Always thought you were taller Karnstein!", he said and some light chuckles followed.
Veronika was about to set her bet and didnt even look him in the eye.
"Thats the thing with hearsay, it never does us justice. Also, I am quite big where I need to be. Isnt that right, Sia, darling?"
Others oggled Sachiko and adored the good looks of her with soft sighs.
"Excuse me countess. I saw you wrestle in San Francisco, ten years ago. May I say that you havent aged a single day. Do you have a secret?", a nerdy looking man who screamed "Silicon Valley" asked.
But not yet. First they had to spread chaos like they never did before. When she listened to Sachiko her grin grew wider and wider and when she finally agreed, the Queen of Hearts kissed her.
"Alright then babe, no time to lose."
Veronika called roomservice and as platinum guests, the two delinquents had full access to everything they wanted. Veronika ordered some very special stuff, but the hotel could get it for them. This was the magic of being not just rich but also important and influental, like the Karnsteins were.
A little later both sat in their lavish bathroom, getting dressed and ready for their big night. Veronika just applied Sachikos make up and lipstick, drawing over the full lips of the japanese. "You know Sachi, you should wear dresses more often, you look fucking hot.", she said with a grin and added the finishing touch.
Then she turned to the big mirror, making last adjustments to herself. "Would you look at that. How do I look babe. Like I have the worlds biggest stick in my ass?", she said with a grin and hugged her tight. She closed her eyes for a second and enjoyed Sachikos warmth and the scent of her perfume she had picked for her.
"Hmmm...lets go...Countess.", she smiled and took Sachikos arm under hers as they left their suite.

They reached the lobby and when the door opened, again, every pair of eyes was locked on them as they exited and walked down the way to the casino rooms.
"Seems that it works. Must be our natural charm. Now remember. You are Sia von Karnstein now. A Countess. That means something. So no pfff, no pshaws, no curse words...", she began before stopping herself with a soft shake of her head. Even if they played someone else now, what good was it if they still werent allowed to be as free as possible. After all, this was what Heart Connection was all about.
"You know.", Veronika then said with a wink and a smile. "...just do what you feel like." She moved over and gave her friend a peck on the cheek that already made people whisper and talk.
The both of them entered the casino and looked around.

"Wow...would you look at that. That makes Monte Carlo look like some catholic school.", she said as they closed in on the roulette table. There was more then one familiar face from either tv, cinema, the interner or the political landscape but Veronika didnt so much care as she just took a seat.
"Oh, it seems we are short one seat. The waitress can get us an extra one, count."
Veronika tough had to surpress a grin as she helped Sachiko to take a seat at her lap. "Not necessary at all. My sister and I are accustomed to share...everything.", she chuckled.
"Are'nt we Sia, darling?", she said while deepening her voice.
The people around the table looked at them with growing fascination. Not just where they the most beautiful persons in that casino, but the Karnsteins were followed by enough reputation to fill a whole evening worth of stories and so when the game began, a man with a big cowboy hat and a texan accent, adressed them.
"Always thought you were taller Karnstein!", he said and some light chuckles followed.
Veronika was about to set her bet and didnt even look him in the eye.
"Thats the thing with hearsay, it never does us justice. Also, I am quite big where I need to be. Isnt that right, Sia, darling?"
Others oggled Sachiko and adored the good looks of her with soft sighs.
"Excuse me countess. I saw you wrestle in San Francisco, ten years ago. May I say that you havent aged a single day. Do you have a secret?", a nerdy looking man who screamed "Silicon Valley" asked.
- CaptainL
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Re: A little time for ourselves
Sure, the hotel staff might have had some questions about the orders Sachiko and Veronika were placing - a lot of makeup, a white wig, an expensive suit. But when those orders were being backed by the pockets of old-money aristocrats, no one was going to blame anyone for looking the other way. Before long, the two girls set to work in making themselves into the perfect image of Viktor and Sia Karnstein. Well, it was mostly Veronika taking care of it - Sachiko had never been one to know much about makeup or proper grooming. She sneezed a few times as Veronika powdered her face, and she had to bite her lip not to wince as she was drawing the lipstick over her face. "Mmf..! That tickles..." she muttered to herself. Was this really what dumb rich people did? But at the end of it all, when Sachiko looked up in the mirror, a grin split her face nonetheless. It was perfect. She could've passed for Sia without raising any questions, and if anything about her appearance seemed off, everyone would be too drunk or too focused on their games to care anyway. And Veronika had a point - she did look fucking hot.
"Heheh...don't I always, babe?~" she chuckled, before cupping her own breasts with her hands, pushing them together to make sure her cleavage was properly accentuated. "Still...this look ain't half bad. Er, I mean..." She cleared her throat - if she was going to act the part of Sia Karnstein, she couldn't talk like the coarse-mouthed delinquent she was. "I do believe my appearance is satisfactory..? Er, maybe you should do the talking here..."
But when Veronika pulled her into a hug, Sachiko could only let out a content sigh, letting herself sink into her touch. And when Veronika asked how she looked, she broke out into a laugh at her description. "Oh, man, don't let him hear ya say that! Still...ya make it work," she added with a wink. "You can pull off the short h-" she began, only to quickly remind herself that that was her doing. Not wanting to open any old wounds, she shrank back with a grimace. "Er, I mean...let's just get going..."
Regardless of how Veronika felt, though, Sachiko would soon feel the excitement welling up in her from the moment she set foot in the elevator. Her heart was beating faster and faster the further it descended, and the closer she came to making her grand entrance on the casino floor. When Veronika gave her free reign to do whatever she pleased, that just made her grin even wider. This, she knew, was going to be amazing. "Eheheh...thought you'd never ask~"
As soon as they stepped out onto the floor, the blue-haired girl was wowed by the panorama of splendor unfolding in every direction. And it would only get better when she saw how every set of eyes turned their way. Sachiko could only stand taller - she had grown to love the attention she was getting in the ring, and now she had all the most wealthy and influential people in the country looking at her. She had to remind herself not to break out in a big, dumb grin, lest she give the act away too soon. When Veronika led them over to a table, she draped herself against her side, her arm rolling over the blonde's shoulder and caressing against the side of her ribs, and when she sat down in her lap, she looked back at Veronika over her shoulder with a covert wink before continuing. "We sureeee do...and we love every minute of it~" She could only giggle even more when Veronika brought up being big where she needed to be.
A few murmurs went around the table - some of them questioning the fact that the Karnsteins were supposed to be brother and sister. Overhearing some of that, the sukeban quickly blurted out "He means his presence!" before her attention was diverted to the man seated at her side. Grinning wider, she leaned in closer, letting her breasts dangle low so that her cleavage would be level with his eye. "My secret? Oh, uh...I keep out with my workout every day, and I'm careful with what I drink. All that and having access to the sorts of spas I do, it does wonders. But then...some of us are just more gifted when it comes to genes than the rest of us, I'm afraid," she added, with a teasing wink that made it clear just how personally she meant that. Already, she could feel the corners of her lips turning up into a wider and wider smile. The fun was only beginning, and Sachiko knew it was only going to get better from here.
"Heheh...don't I always, babe?~" she chuckled, before cupping her own breasts with her hands, pushing them together to make sure her cleavage was properly accentuated. "Still...this look ain't half bad. Er, I mean..." She cleared her throat - if she was going to act the part of Sia Karnstein, she couldn't talk like the coarse-mouthed delinquent she was. "I do believe my appearance is satisfactory..? Er, maybe you should do the talking here..."
But when Veronika pulled her into a hug, Sachiko could only let out a content sigh, letting herself sink into her touch. And when Veronika asked how she looked, she broke out into a laugh at her description. "Oh, man, don't let him hear ya say that! Still...ya make it work," she added with a wink. "You can pull off the short h-" she began, only to quickly remind herself that that was her doing. Not wanting to open any old wounds, she shrank back with a grimace. "Er, I mean...let's just get going..."
Regardless of how Veronika felt, though, Sachiko would soon feel the excitement welling up in her from the moment she set foot in the elevator. Her heart was beating faster and faster the further it descended, and the closer she came to making her grand entrance on the casino floor. When Veronika gave her free reign to do whatever she pleased, that just made her grin even wider. This, she knew, was going to be amazing. "Eheheh...thought you'd never ask~"
As soon as they stepped out onto the floor, the blue-haired girl was wowed by the panorama of splendor unfolding in every direction. And it would only get better when she saw how every set of eyes turned their way. Sachiko could only stand taller - she had grown to love the attention she was getting in the ring, and now she had all the most wealthy and influential people in the country looking at her. She had to remind herself not to break out in a big, dumb grin, lest she give the act away too soon. When Veronika led them over to a table, she draped herself against her side, her arm rolling over the blonde's shoulder and caressing against the side of her ribs, and when she sat down in her lap, she looked back at Veronika over her shoulder with a covert wink before continuing. "We sureeee do...and we love every minute of it~" She could only giggle even more when Veronika brought up being big where she needed to be.
A few murmurs went around the table - some of them questioning the fact that the Karnsteins were supposed to be brother and sister. Overhearing some of that, the sukeban quickly blurted out "He means his presence!" before her attention was diverted to the man seated at her side. Grinning wider, she leaned in closer, letting her breasts dangle low so that her cleavage would be level with his eye. "My secret? Oh, uh...I keep out with my workout every day, and I'm careful with what I drink. All that and having access to the sorts of spas I do, it does wonders. But then...some of us are just more gifted when it comes to genes than the rest of us, I'm afraid," she added, with a teasing wink that made it clear just how personally she meant that. Already, she could feel the corners of her lips turning up into a wider and wider smile. The fun was only beginning, and Sachiko knew it was only going to get better from here.
- RedShinigami
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Re: A little time for ourselves
Veronika felt well, not just well, she felt exilarated, she wanted to jump up and hug the world, screaming loud and clear what went through her head as she had Sachiko so close to her. It was something she hadnt quite understood, but felt it all the more now that they had spent so much time together. It had been a spark, ignited at their first match and it only grew bigger and bigger with no chance to ever putting it out again. Veronika looked over into Sachikos face, her make up, the lip stick...Sachiko was beautiful. And she knew exactly that even if they jumped from match to match and bed to bed, there was only one whom she would give half of her heart.
With that in mind she knew that nothing could harm them as long as they were together, as long as they were connected. Veronika smiled at Sachikos comments and tipped her cane two times, a habit Viktor was known for. The eyes were on her now as she pulled Sachiko in closer.
"Shall we start gentleman?", she asked and inmediatly, in good Heart Connection Tradition, she cheated, counting the cards, waiting for her chance.
"Hit me...", she said and the 21 appeared. She smiled and leaned over to Sachiko, softly kissing her neck as the table still look puzzled but not uninterested.
"We will win a few games now babe. Soon one of the casino asses will come and ask us some subtle questions. I want you to take care of that...", she whispered between kisses and won the next game. And the next and the next and the next. Finally, as Veronika decided to change the game, hooking Sachiko under and walking over to the roulette table, a short man approached them.
"Mr. Karnstein,let..."
"Count, uhm, let..."
"Pardon me?"
"Its von Karnstein, Count von Karnstein. I dont care what silly little laws in Austria try to strip us of our names and titles but I am Count Viktor von Karnstein and this is Countess Theresia von Karnstein. You will properly adress us or not adress us at all.", Veronika said, playing her role with the cold dominance that Viktor Karnstein was known for.
The small mans face turned red,uncertain if it was out of shame or anger,but the gaze he threw Veroniks, spoke for itself.
"Now what do you want? I hope you make it quick."
"Ahem, so, as said, we hope you enjoy your stay and wanted to congratulate on your..."unnatural luck" at the Black Jack table. That was quite something..."
Veronika did'nt even look at him as she let go of Sachiko.
"Sia, I get a spot at the table and some drinks for us. Would you please speak to our generous host?", she said and then gave her behind a spank that made the small man jump.
When "Viktor" moved away he looked right into the cleavage of the female member of the Karnstein family.
"So...Countess. It is an honor...You...and your brother seem very...close, if I might say so?", he said, now not so cool and collected anymore after all what had happened in the last minute.
With that in mind she knew that nothing could harm them as long as they were together, as long as they were connected. Veronika smiled at Sachikos comments and tipped her cane two times, a habit Viktor was known for. The eyes were on her now as she pulled Sachiko in closer.
"Shall we start gentleman?", she asked and inmediatly, in good Heart Connection Tradition, she cheated, counting the cards, waiting for her chance.
"Hit me...", she said and the 21 appeared. She smiled and leaned over to Sachiko, softly kissing her neck as the table still look puzzled but not uninterested.
"We will win a few games now babe. Soon one of the casino asses will come and ask us some subtle questions. I want you to take care of that...", she whispered between kisses and won the next game. And the next and the next and the next. Finally, as Veronika decided to change the game, hooking Sachiko under and walking over to the roulette table, a short man approached them.
"Mr. Karnstein,let..."
"Count, uhm, let..."
"Pardon me?"
"Its von Karnstein, Count von Karnstein. I dont care what silly little laws in Austria try to strip us of our names and titles but I am Count Viktor von Karnstein and this is Countess Theresia von Karnstein. You will properly adress us or not adress us at all.", Veronika said, playing her role with the cold dominance that Viktor Karnstein was known for.
The small mans face turned red,uncertain if it was out of shame or anger,but the gaze he threw Veroniks, spoke for itself.
"Now what do you want? I hope you make it quick."
"Ahem, so, as said, we hope you enjoy your stay and wanted to congratulate on your..."unnatural luck" at the Black Jack table. That was quite something..."
Veronika did'nt even look at him as she let go of Sachiko.
"Sia, I get a spot at the table and some drinks for us. Would you please speak to our generous host?", she said and then gave her behind a spank that made the small man jump.
When "Viktor" moved away he looked right into the cleavage of the female member of the Karnstein family.
"So...Countess. It is an honor...You...and your brother seem very...close, if I might say so?", he said, now not so cool and collected anymore after all what had happened in the last minute.
- CaptainL
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Re: A little time for ourselves
When Sachiko looked over and saw Veronika tap her cane against the floor, she had to bite at her lip to remind herself not to grin too wide. But everything about this was simply perfect. Veronika had been around Viktor so often that she had begun to adapt to his mannerisms like a chameleon - and Sachiko could hardly have told the difference. If she was keeping up the act this well, then surely no one would suspect a thing. And as long as that happened...the two of them could enjoy all the privileges of being honored guests for as long as they pleased.
Now, it was time for Veronika to take to the games. Even Sachiko herself had to admit she could never come close to understanding the mechanisms of chance that allowed Veronika to count the cards and win every time. But Veronika was the analytical mind that backed up her muscle and made sure that all the pieces would fall into place - and as long as that was going to bring them good fortune, Sachiko wasn't about to get in her way. Besides, she was well aware that she had her own part to play in their scheme. As long as she kept everyone distracted, no one would be able to tell that Veronika was counting cards. And Sachiko felt perfectly confident that she was able to keep everyone's attention.
She leaned a little closer over the tabletop, hugging her breasts between her arms to further accentuate her cleavage; when she saw the other gamblers at the table stopping and staring in her direction, she once again had to remind herself not to chuckle too much. As Veronika's chips began to pile up, Sachiko took one of them and slipped it between her breasts just to put on a show. She just had to play it cool - the right glance and the right shuffle of her hips would do all the good she needed it to, and everyone would look the other way. She didn't actually know how to play blackjack. But she did know that bluffing worked in these kinds of games. And if she could keep the attention of some of surely the most elite card sharks in the world, it just tickled her ego all the more.
Of course, she was perfectly content to lean into Veronika's flirting, too - with every kiss against her collarbone she let out a soft purr, leaning over to nuzzle her shoulder up against the blonde's own, and she planted a few kisses of her own along the side of her ear, her hand drifting down to rest on her thigh. She didn't think anything of it. Lost in the heat of the moment, she could've forgotten that she and Veronika were supposed to be siblings - until they left one table for another, and when the man approached them.
When Veronika insisted on their proper forms of address, Sachiko couldn't resist the urge to put on a bit of a flourish in the background, leaning in and blowing a kiss in their visitor's direction. Being called a Countess definitely stirred something in her, even if it was just for this one night. But when the man brought up how close she seemed to her "brother..." that just barely come close to breaking Sachiko's composure.
"...oh," she whispered to herself in a soft sigh, and her eyes went wide. She was lucky her makeup made her so pale already, considering the color had drained from her face. Now, she knew, they were on to them. For a moment, it seemed like the casino might have spotted the hole in their act. And with it, the entire charade threatened to come crashing down. All because Sachiko couldn't keep it in her pants.
...Not if Sachiko had anything to say about it, though! She was Countess Theresia von Karnstein right now - and Sachiko knew Sia enough to know that she wouldn't lose her cool over something like that. No, Sia would stand her ground and put any naysayers in their place! And that was just what Sachiko liked about her! It was time she leaned into that. And as she took in a breath, her eyes narrowed on the man in a piercing glare, as she held her back straight and planted her hands on her hips, staring down on him with a glower.
"I beg your pardon..?" she huffed. "I suppose you haven't been to Austria, then, because I assure you...that's a completely normal way to show affection to your family over there! Are you so closed-minded as to say you know better about how to live your life than a countess? In the old days, we could hang you for that!"
Sachiko was really just making stuff up. She had never paid much attention in history class, and she didn't realize that as far as Austrian nobility went she wasn't that far off the mark. Still, that didn't matter - Sia's imposing aura would have to do the rest of the work. She leaned in closer, all but towering over the interloper. "Now...do you have anything better to say? Or are you just here to waste our time?"
Now, it was time for Veronika to take to the games. Even Sachiko herself had to admit she could never come close to understanding the mechanisms of chance that allowed Veronika to count the cards and win every time. But Veronika was the analytical mind that backed up her muscle and made sure that all the pieces would fall into place - and as long as that was going to bring them good fortune, Sachiko wasn't about to get in her way. Besides, she was well aware that she had her own part to play in their scheme. As long as she kept everyone distracted, no one would be able to tell that Veronika was counting cards. And Sachiko felt perfectly confident that she was able to keep everyone's attention.
She leaned a little closer over the tabletop, hugging her breasts between her arms to further accentuate her cleavage; when she saw the other gamblers at the table stopping and staring in her direction, she once again had to remind herself not to chuckle too much. As Veronika's chips began to pile up, Sachiko took one of them and slipped it between her breasts just to put on a show. She just had to play it cool - the right glance and the right shuffle of her hips would do all the good she needed it to, and everyone would look the other way. She didn't actually know how to play blackjack. But she did know that bluffing worked in these kinds of games. And if she could keep the attention of some of surely the most elite card sharks in the world, it just tickled her ego all the more.
Of course, she was perfectly content to lean into Veronika's flirting, too - with every kiss against her collarbone she let out a soft purr, leaning over to nuzzle her shoulder up against the blonde's own, and she planted a few kisses of her own along the side of her ear, her hand drifting down to rest on her thigh. She didn't think anything of it. Lost in the heat of the moment, she could've forgotten that she and Veronika were supposed to be siblings - until they left one table for another, and when the man approached them.
When Veronika insisted on their proper forms of address, Sachiko couldn't resist the urge to put on a bit of a flourish in the background, leaning in and blowing a kiss in their visitor's direction. Being called a Countess definitely stirred something in her, even if it was just for this one night. But when the man brought up how close she seemed to her "brother..." that just barely come close to breaking Sachiko's composure.
"...oh," she whispered to herself in a soft sigh, and her eyes went wide. She was lucky her makeup made her so pale already, considering the color had drained from her face. Now, she knew, they were on to them. For a moment, it seemed like the casino might have spotted the hole in their act. And with it, the entire charade threatened to come crashing down. All because Sachiko couldn't keep it in her pants.
...Not if Sachiko had anything to say about it, though! She was Countess Theresia von Karnstein right now - and Sachiko knew Sia enough to know that she wouldn't lose her cool over something like that. No, Sia would stand her ground and put any naysayers in their place! And that was just what Sachiko liked about her! It was time she leaned into that. And as she took in a breath, her eyes narrowed on the man in a piercing glare, as she held her back straight and planted her hands on her hips, staring down on him with a glower.
"I beg your pardon..?" she huffed. "I suppose you haven't been to Austria, then, because I assure you...that's a completely normal way to show affection to your family over there! Are you so closed-minded as to say you know better about how to live your life than a countess? In the old days, we could hang you for that!"
Sachiko was really just making stuff up. She had never paid much attention in history class, and she didn't realize that as far as Austrian nobility went she wasn't that far off the mark. Still, that didn't matter - Sia's imposing aura would have to do the rest of the work. She leaned in closer, all but towering over the interloper. "Now...do you have anything better to say? Or are you just here to waste our time?"
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