Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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''MMnnghh... ohh... I don't mind taking everything you've got to give, but it feels far better earning things than them being handed on a plate. Ohhh...'' Yoko was being dominated by the goddess and to be honest, she didn't mind it at all. Yoko was starting to adjust to the pain in her breasts and was feeling more pleasure now. And just the touch of that fit, oiled up belly was enough to make the redhead let out hot breaths and moans. Yoko wished their bodies would never split away from another.
However, Yoko had another desire - to dominate the goddess of love, to make her lost in the lust for Yoko, but that right was yet to be earned.

That being said, Yoko would make Ishtar earne her right to dominate Yoko as well by giving her a snipped of her thigh muscles, compressing Ishtar's leg like scissors, thicc, muscular scissors.
Yoko felt that Ishtar was trying to slip her leg out. There was no way Yoko would let that happ... ''Ohhh...''
Well, first of all, due to the oil, the leg was too smooth to prevent it from moving, though Yoko did make goddess work for it. The second thing was that Ishtar wasn't exactly trying to slip it out, but more like reaching for Yoko's crotch so she could rub it with her thigh.

All the while, the two women just stared each other in the eyes, their faces reflected the sensations of their bodies and legs touching and rubbing, Their faces also reflected, however slightly, all the changes to their positions, every little movement. Yoko couldnt help, but smile in a bit of embarrassment.
''Im glad you like 'em! Didn't you know? Thicc thighs save lives!'' Yoko jested cheerfully.
''But I'm curious about what you think of my belly?! HHnngh!'' Yoko would exclaim followed by grunts filled with effort as she would buck up, bridging her lower body, but not trying to throw her opponent off. All this effort just to show off and push her belly against Ishtar's from below.
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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Ishtar was focusing on slowly working her leg upwards with each grinding motion, the oil covering her body allowing her to slide upwards ever so slightly each time she moved. All this hot contact was getting her worked up, no doubt Yoko felt the same. The goddess wanted to bring their pussies together so badly and really begin the fun part of this match. But she wanted to do it on her terms to dominate the redhead into giving up her prized belt.

Yoko had another contest in mind though. Ishtar gasped as the redhead bucked upwards, smacking her belly against Ishtar's from below. The contact nearly threw Ishtar off her groove, but the goddess held on as Yoko bridged up. This was the same move Naya had pulled in their beach match, and from below no less. The goddess laughed as she shook her head.

"You're a bold one Yoko," she said as she sucked her belly in, arching her back upwards and breaking contact with Yoko, "I like your belly, but do you really think yours is better than a professional belly dancer's?" With that Ishtar would swing her belly downwards, aiming to slam her tight stomach into Yoko's hard abs! Ishtar felt confident she would be able to crush Yoko no matter how tough her abs were, her belly was better trained for these kinds of contests and she was on top. She would show Yoko just how foolish her challenge was by smacking her hard belly-to-belly, crushing her down into the futon, and then slide her thigh all the way in to start grinding against the redhead's steamy sex!
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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Yoko had made a bridge out of her body, showing off her physical power by holding up the entirety of Ishtar's body in a leveled position, but expending a lot of energy for this show of force.
The moment Ishtar reared back her belly, Yoko had a good feeling about what was coming and braced herself for impact.
''OOuuppf!'' The air shot out of Yoko's lungs after their bellies smacked loudly. The redhead's hard abs stabbed into Ishtar's stomach, however, the force of the blow just put Yoko back down to the mattress.

Ishtar then wasted no time to capitalize on the winded Littner girl. ''ooh... Ahh.. mmh...'' Yoko let out little moans ever time she felt Ishtar's thigh brush through inbetween Yoko's thicc assets and rub against the challenger's crotch. Yoko was feeling hot in her nethers that were already getting a little damp. ''Oohh... But... aahh...'' After Yoko would regain her breath, she would tense her abs, grit her teeth, plant her feet firmly on a mattress before shooting her belly upwards to bridge her body up the same way once again.
''That's what makes it worth challenging!''
Ishtar was about to learn just how stubborn or rather determined Yoko really was.
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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After smacking Yoko belly-first back down into the futon, Ishtar wasted no time taking advantage of her weakened opponent by bringing her thigh against the redhead's pussy. To the winner went the spoils, after all, and Ishtar was confident she had just won that contest. "Mmm... you're mine Yoko," the goddess murmured softly, "Prepare to feel my love!"

But before she could really take advantage of her opponent, Yoko caught a second wind, gritting her teeth as she pushed upwards and arched again! Ishtar was again caught by surprise, though after the first bridge she held Yoko a bit tighter, preventing herself from slipping as much as before. Clicking her tongue, Ishtar was impressed and annoyed by Yoko's determination.

"What is up with you girls and belly fighting from below?" Ishtar said as she arched her back up again. Her last opponent Naya had done the exact same thing, attempting to challenge the belly dancer to a belly-to-belly contest while she was trapped underneath. "You need to learn your lesson Yoko!" Ishtar said as she brought her belly crashing down again, smacking her tight trained stomach against Yoko's abs to crush the redhead back down to the futon. Once she had Yoko down, she would again bring her thigh into contact with the redhead's pussy, wasting no time as she ground down with her entire body, trying to flatten Yoko completely while simultaneously pleasuring her sex!
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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In hindsight, Yoko wouldn't normally do this as fighting belly to belly against gravity was a very disadvantageous even for a tough cookie like our redhead protagonist. While Yoko was physically capable to keep bridging her body and wait for another blow, it would be a completely unnecessary waste of energy that she might need later. However, the drug that was in the air made Yoko want Ishtar's belly way too hard.


Their bellies viciously clashed again, a bit of oil splashing to the sides off their bodies. ''Ooph!'' Yoko was brought down to the futon again, her legs straightened. Yoko was better prepared for the blow this time, her abs were rock hard and while that body weight pressing down on her took the wind out of her again, Yoko was a bit quicker to make her breathing manageable, albeit more difficult than usual with Ishtar's sexy body on top. ''Heh... Sorry, i know it wasn't smart. How do you suggest we settle it, then?''
Yoko asked after she was able to properly breathe again. ''I'm going to defeat your superb belly one way or anooohhh,,, Mmmh...'' Yoko was cut off before she could finish. Having Ishtar's body on top of her was enough already, but having Ishtar's thigh return to Yoko's crotch was starting to take Yoko's breath away again.

Yoko's mind was in a half-hazed state, so only her body was able to respond on its own by trapping Ishtar's thigh between her own and flexing in order to try and hold it. This would slow it down, of course, but it still could keep moving due to the smoothness of their bodies and their legs at this point.
Instinctively, Yoko's legs would have hooked around Ishtar's leg and then Yoko would slowly move her hips up and down by low amounts, as if riding that leg. With the added movement from Ishtar, Yoko's thigh would end up rubbing against Ishtar's crotch. Not to mention that every little movement of their bodies or legs would make their legs touch and rub skin to skin, shooting jolts of pleasure like a machine gun at both women
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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Ishtar ground down against Yoko's body, pressing her belly down to feel the girl's rock hard abs grind against her skin. Their hot body contact felt really good to the goddess, especially after those body-rocking belly smacks. And both girls' thighs were grinding against each other's sexes in such a tender and heated fashion, sending electric jolts of pleasure through their bodies. Ishtar didn't want to lift off or let go of this feeling at all.

But what Yoko said stuck in her mind. How were they to settle their belly contest? It was evident that what just happened wasn't a fair fight, not while Yoko was beneath her. There was only one way to settle things in a manner that would be acceptable to the goddess. And so, with a small sigh, Ishtar lifted her body up off of Yoko's, sliding back off of the fit redhead and allowing her to get back up to her knees.

"If you really want to see whose belly is better, I'll give you that chance," Ishtar said, taking a step back as she waited for Yoko to get up. The goddess raised her arms above her head, arching her back and pushing her tight belly outwards, showing off her smooth skin and tight abs to Yoko to entice her for this challenge. "Come Yoko, if you think you can best a goddess, show me what you got!"
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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It was getting hot figuratively and literally with both girls enjoying the feeling of their skin brushing against skin, humping each other, filled with desire. Just as they humped each other's legs, Yoko moved her midriff so that their midriffs would hump and rub with oiled smoothness. Yoko had arched her head backwards from all the pleasure blasting her and she was content with the goddess of love just having her way with her.

However, Yoko felt the pleasure stop and the weight be lifted off her body. The red beauty opened her eyes and risen onto her hands to see Ishtar standing up and pushing out her perfect belly very invitingly. ''Wow... Have i mentioned yet that your belly is amazing..?'' Yoko commented before she shook her head out of her haze and got to her feet in slight embarrassment as there was a bit of disbelief in her, she didn't know what she was saying sometimes in this match. Although, she wasn't wrong. Once Yoko got another look, that belly needed touching, that midriff was ecstatic to grind against and those abs had to be defeated.

With that final thought, Yoko reminded herself on what they are meant to do right now and the redhead had a hard time hiding her excitement. She approached Ishtar with a bright, yet confident smile on her face.
''So, you like to keep things fair, huh? I respect that!'' Yoko would say before locking her hands behind her head and carefully stepping in way too close to Ishtar, so that their breasts would be pressing against one another and they would be breathing in each other's faces, just enough for their bellies to touch without Yoko pushing it out forwards.
''Alright, but if I best you, you will have to admit that my belly is better than yours!'' Yoko wanted to rile Ishtar's pride up a little so that the girl would give nothing but her best.
Yoko would lean forwards almost submerging her face into Ishtar's cleavage in order to draw back her belly like a bow string before shooting forth her abs like an arrow!
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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"I don't need advantages to win a belly contest," Ishtar said confidently as she mirrored Yoko, bringing her arms behind her head and shuffling closer to the redhead. Their breasts mashed up as they got in each other's faces, both girls taking deep breaths as they readied their bodies for the upcoming contest. Ishtar knew this was going to be a punishing fight, Yoko's abs were rock hard and tight, they would be a real challenge to break. But she was a professional belly dancer and a goddess, and she was not going to lose!

Yoko made the first move, leaning down low as she drew her belly back. Ishtar smirked. "Once I crush your belly I'll make you worship mine," she replied, sucking her belly back as well and gathering her energy. Both girls drew their bellies all the way back, before firing forward with all their might!


The force of the impact reverberated through the room. Ishtar's skin rippled outwards from the point of contact. She had a bit of softness all over her body that Yoko lacked that jiggled all over, her breasts bouncing upwards and ass shaking. And yet she did not back down at all! The goddess's grin didn't even budge as she pressed forward after impact, grinding against Yoko's abs as if taunting the redhead.

"Again!" Ishtar demanded, breaking contact and drawing her belly back. She would wait for Yoko to do the same, both women in same position as before, then she would fire forward again, attempting to bring her belly crashing into Yoko's with another tremendous impact!
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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Their bellies were slightly reddened already from their previous clashes, but by now it was nothing more than a little tingle. Ishtar's boasting was pretty cute and made Yoko even more excited. Yoko shot her belly forth, clashing hard, splashing a bit more of. ''Mphm!'' A little grunt escaped Yoko's mouth as their stomachs smacked into one another and instead of bouncing back, both women stood their ground. Yoko's eyes widened a little as that came as a bit of surprise to her.
''Impressive! But by the time I'm done with you, you will be the one worshiping my midriff!'' Yoko shot back, neither her confident smile, nor their eye contact ever breaking. Yoko was glad that Ishtar was strong, at least when it came to her belly, it meant it would come down to who was tougher...

''Oh.'' Yoko was brought out of her thoughts when she felt Ishtar's belly keep pushing into hers, almost forcing Yoko to step back. However, Yoko quickly pushed back with the same amount of force. As short as it was, Yoko was simply enjoying the moment of their bellies practically kissing. Ishtar had the kind of belly that could turn a straight woman gay. However, at the moment, Yoko noticed another thing in Ishtar that she enjoyed even more...
''I love the fire in your eyes! Don't lose it!'' Yoko would encourage her opponent as she would lean forwards to wind up another belly shot, their foreheads almost resting on each other's shoulders.
''3. 2. 1!'' Yoko would count down just to make sure they'd both get their timing right for maximum impact. Judging from Ishtar's eyes, Yoko figured, the goddess wished the same.
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Re: Stepping into the realm of the divine - Ishtar vs Yoko

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It was obvious to Ishtar that Yoko wouldn't break just after one blow. She was stubborn enough to keep fighting even while she was underneath the goddess, after all. Her abs held firm against Ishtar's even as the goddess pressed in, grinding their bellies together to find that the redhead was just as firm as before. Ishtar would have to redouble her efforts of she was to break Yoko's tummy, it seemed.

So she brought her belly back again, readying for another huge hit. Yoko did the same, and even gave the courtesy of providing a count. "Don't hold back!" Ishtar said before throwing her belly forward again, meeting Yoko's in another powerful slam of and and tummies.


The goddess winced a little as painful pleasure shot through her body. The skin on her stomach burned a little after these two exchanges. She ground down again, testing Yoko to see whether the redhead's abs were still solid. "Don't give up now Yoko," Ishtar said, "I've still got a lot more to go!"

With that, the goddess reared back again, preparing another big hit. As she separated her tummy, it was noticeably redder than before, showing the punishment the goddess was putting her belly through. Her brown eyes burned with determination though, as she still had plenty to give and was going to bust Yoko's abs wide open before her own gave in!
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