Hostile Takeover

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Re: Hostile Takeover

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With a smirk, Astrid nodded her head to Jenny. She stayed by Yukari's side all the while, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Yukari and I had a sparring match of our own, and I got to see what she could do," she explained. "She gave me more than I bargained for, so I have to say, I'm not surprised to hear that she's got some natural talent!"

On the subject of sparring, Jenny would soon bring up a prospect of her own, offering for Astrid to face both her and Rose. With a smile, Astrid nodded to them, stepping forward and placing her bag at her feet. She rested her hands on her hips, looking out proudly. "I'm always happy for a good spar, and it'd be my pleasure to see what you two have to bring to the table! If you're in charge of the gym, I'm sure you must have the skills to back it up - but I should remind you..."

Smirking to Jenny, Astrid unzipped her jacket, holding it open to show them the LAW Heavyweight Championship around her waist underneath - a reminder of what she had accomplished in her career, and the abilities she had to back up her position. "Still think you can take me on?"
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Re: Hostile Takeover

Unread post by Lederface »

Jenny was happy that Astrid accepted the fight, but when Astrid showed that she had the belt of the heavyweight champion, Jenny would worry a little, but Rose would then place her hand on Jenny's shoulder and with great determination she would say we are ready for that, I mean, maybe we lost our fight against the Swat cats, but we fought, which is what matters
Feeling inspired jenny would tell Astrid yes, we are ready to fight you, and by the way, the locker room is around there pointing to a gym door
Last edited by Lederface on Mon May 31, 2021 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hostile Takeover

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Just as Astrid enjoyed being recognized, she also couldn't help but smile at how the two girls reacted at the sight of the title belt around her waist. Astrid wasn't one to brag about her status, but she still couldn't help but feel proud, knowing she was recognized for what she did. And as Rose reassured Jenny of her chances, the Norwegian smiled a little wider. That can-do attitude was what she hoped to see in them, and with it, she was sure they could do well.

"Very well, then!" Astrid slung her bag over her shoulder. She had brought her ring gear just in case she would need it - and, as it turned out, her hunch proved true. She figured that if she was visiting a gym, she might get drawn into its activities, and she was perfectly happy to do her part as a representative of LAW. "Just let me get changed, and I'll meet you out here." With that, Astrid headed through the door, into the locker rooms.
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Re: Hostile Takeover

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Meanwhile outside the gym Liger is strutting her way around looking at the rag tag gym in front of her. Letting out a loud scoff like noise even sliding her shades down before laughing at the name of the gym. "seriously this is their gym... Thought for sure they was joking but I did get a invite so might as well." she says turning to her back up bringing her mother and half sister for support. Thereisa still wearing a sports tape on her shoulder from her brutal war with Astrid a few weeks ago, but seeing as one of the woman she injured works here was to good an offer to pass up. Ana just wanted to see what she could get into and tagged along in her gear.

All three women walk inside the building and waits in the lobby with Liger doing all of the talking for now. "Excuse me random cat ear lady... I'm looking for Jenny you see where good friends of hers... and were here to chat with her about a take over of this gym if you must know. she says leaning close and grabbing the woman by the collar of her shirt. 'Better yet we have an idea on how to use you to send a message that Cyber Legacy is the new dominate team in LAW."




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Re: Hostile Takeover

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Nekonya would hear some noises outside the gym, but little importance would give it, hearing someone enter, Nekonya with a smile before seeing who they were, hearing the words of one of those women, Nekonya would know who it was, and with a firm voice I would tell them I know who you are, Berserk liger, Cyber Widow and The princess, I saw when you were defeated by Jenny a few months ago and I also saw how you got revenge on that fight, I know that you are not Jenny's friends, but if you have something like the coupon astrid brought me, no problem I can call Jenny Rodouko personally while clearly she could be seen with a few beads of sweat on her face, worried that her idea will not go wrong

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Re: Hostile Takeover

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Liger starts to laugh sliding her shades down. "Oh no need to call Jenny we make sure that she knows we are here...Mother handle this please." she says stepping aside as Thereisa grabs Nekonya by the neck and under her shoulder. Looking at the glass door that leads to the inside of the gym and gets an idea. "Say hi to Jenny mother for me..." the older woman screams out and tosses the poor woman through the glass door into the inside of the gym, sending a message that they mean business and no more game playing.

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Re: Hostile Takeover

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Nekonya would listen to the words of Liger and Cyber Widow, scared she could not move, being held by the neck and thrown against the glass of the door, but at least she would not have injuries on her body, she would get up and run

Jenny would hear the noise coming from the entrance, so then she would annoy say What the hell is going on ...... before seeing liger, widow and the princess by the door, scared , she would take a step back, but then Rose full of fury for seeing these days how they do what they want would approach them and tell them What the hell are they doing here !? believe me when I tell you to pay for what they did to nekonya and everyone else! as she look Liger,

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Re: Hostile Takeover

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Liger walks inside the building looking around and smirking seeing Jenny flinching and stepping away. "Jenny is that you... How your mother and that little friend of yours doing? I hope I didn't injury them to badly?" she says before being confronted by a woman who starts to yell in her face before making a motion with her hand to her sister.

Ana was ready seeing Rose heading and getting in front of sister struck. Pulling her right hand out of her pocket and punches Rose in the side of the head with a pain of brass knuckles, putting everything she had behind that punch so that it would keep Rose out of the conversation for a while. "Your nothing but a side character now back off grown folk business Or I stuff one of those stupid coupons down your throat."

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Re: Hostile Takeover

Unread post by Lederface »

Rose would continue trying to make those women leave, but she would not see that one of them had pulled out a knuckle, hitting her and making her fall to the ground, Jenny seeing that would be filled with fury, and approaching to see Rose's state, She with tears would tell them: Why do you have to do all this, is it just because I beat you once? You've literally caused pain to everything I want, and why? just for wanting to feel good ....... look, I don't want problems here, so please, don't hurt others anymore, if you want to hurt someone, here I am
Jenny then with her arms open and with her in front of Rose, she would be willing to suffer whatever they had prepared, while the people around the gym watched, including Gwen and Kurumi, Yukari had run to a place .....

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Re: Hostile Takeover

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Seeing the other woman down at out Ana holds up her fist waiting to see if any of the other girls are going to come over and try to stop them. "Anybody else want some next if not you can either leave... or stay and watch what were going to do to your friend here your choice." she says walking forward already planned on grabbing Jenny arm and holding her still. Thereisa grabbing Jenny other arm leaving the woman unable to defend herself as Liger walks forward.

Jenny Jenny...." Liger says taking her sun glasses off giving the woman a cruel looking smirk on her face. "I told you I don't take losses laying down.. I told you I would make you pay for beating me like that.." she says slamming her knee right into Jenny stomach but with Ana and Widow still keeping her up. "Now these is how this is going to go... Were taking over this gym you and that hag of your mother own... Unless you can survive my mother submission hold... if not we beat up your little friends and trash this place."

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