General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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Karl listened to Georges plans and cheered him.
That was actually a very good idea.
Chelsea and Molly would get some free room, thinking about their careers, their futures and their path in wrestling and would do it with people they love, well at least Molly, Chelsea did'nt seem to to fond on George advances but that made Karl, father that he was, just chuckle a little as he saw George kissing her cheek and Chelseas heated reaction.
Karl was happy again.

He really was. A month ago all seemed so senseless and now he was with people who liked him, who looked up to him, needed him and that really made Karl reconsider what he was about to do...the knee? Ah fuck it ,it would hurt, but if he would sit here and drink with his two friends, making plans for PPV, this nuisance would be all but forgotten soon.
Karl decided to live for the moment again and at this moment he sat in a cozy pub, with people he liked, yes, even that flirty, eccentric jokster he became fond of, and that was something that made Karl smile.
"Hey, hey don't hurt your manager Chelsea, that's the job of your opponents!", Karl laughed and heard them going on.

"Let me tell you that I think this is a great idea and I will help you were I can..."
Then Chelsea started to chuckle and mentioned something.
"Aaaalright, that was it for me then...", he said eyerolling and pretended to get up before bursting into laughter.
'ey, if you don'' wan' 'o be 'he mouse, you can still be alice!", George joined and they laughed, all of them laughed, Karl laughed so hard like he had'nt in a long time and he knew...with this two, life would be much, much more interesting.
"Oh guys. Ok...", he said and shook his head.
"Ok Hatter, Hare...consider me your dormouse. And now the dormouse is thirsty, so another one George."
"Coming, righ' up, ma'e!"

Karl shifted himself to look at Chelsea.
"Alright she got back at you for the beatdown with this, that much is clear and the people eat it up. I listened around, your fight is one of the most anticipated ones, especially as no one knows what match it will be by I think I should make a big press conference between you two, telling LAW and the world what we are up too and that you are not afraid."
Karl looked at her.
"You are'nt afraid, are'nt you soldier?"

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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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George was driving Chelsea up the wall. And yet, even she had to admit...Karl's joke about hurting him being her opponents' job was funny. She looked up at him and cracked a smile, chuckling to herself. Karl had just shown himself to be one of the few people Chelsea could trust enough to shed a tear around. If she could cry around him...then she could laugh, too. And every joke and interjection that passed between the three of them made her laugh even harder. Even when Chelsea looked at George, she had to smile. She might have been far from home, she might have felt further than ever before from her sister...but that didn't matter now. Around these two, Chelsea felt like she had all the family she needed.

When Karl asked for another drink, Chelsea was quick to drum her knuckles on the table. "Make it two!" she called out. Then, she leaned back against her chair, her hands behind her head. Of course, as much as Chelsea let herself be at ease, she still knew she needed to get serious as soon as Karl mentioned her upcoming match against Finella. This, she knew, was what all this was building to, and why she needed to ensure that everything was in order so that her entrance would land with the impact she needed. She sat a little straighter, and looked back at Karl with a sterner expression - but still she nodded her head to him, undeterred and unyielding.

"Oh, believe me, I kun." Chelsea bit her lip, feeling the anticipation well up in the pit of her stomach. She squeezed her fists tightly together in her lap, trying to quell the nervous energy. Looking back, it was hard to believe that she'd ever be in a position with this much on the line - with this many people watching her, depending on her to give the best fight she had ever fought in her life. Even the last time she had been on We Are LAW didn't compare to this. was also encouraging, and she couldn't help but smile a little. If she had this much attention going into the match, it meant she was going somewhere after all, somewhere further beyond anything she had ever dreamed of.

"And believe me," Chelsea continued, "I'm not worried, like. Not one bit. I kun de wager we agreed ter," - referring to how, at their little game the last time they'd crossed paths at the Wolf and the Bunny, it was determined that come the PPV, Chelsea would determine the match rules while Finella would choose their outfits - "and I'm go'n ter challenge 'er ter ferkin I kun she's got nah chance o' beatin' me at. I think it's 'igh time we made dat known, dun ye think?" She leaned in toward Karl with a sly grin, sure she could count on him.
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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Karl felt good in the presence of these two young brits, very good indeed.
Since he arrived in Japan all had happened quick.
He had an encounter with a certain young wrestler that led to a turbulent night in Tokyo, he managed to get himself together and get a job at LAW Magazine were he had a very warm welcome by another member of Team Stanza, not to forget the nice mails from Dr. Morgenstern, which made Karl smile every time he thought of it.

And of course the Eagles Nest. After some rough start, the Edelstein Twins and even Veronika Noir became sort of a family to him.
And then there was Chelsea, a certain british Brawler that Karl held close to his heart since he met her at this fateful evening in this very pub.

Chelsea let him see her tears, something he was sure, she would'nt allow anyone but her sister to witness but her sister alone.
And now Karl had the privilege to enjoy the full trust of Chelsea who was'nt the most emotional and trusting person to begin with.
And the Austrian had every intention to live up to her expectations.
He was part of a new team alltogether...the "Mad Tea Party".

Fancy name, he thought, but so absolutely fitting for those two Brits.
And even if Chelsea snarled at him and shoved him away, he saw how much George was meaning to her, making him smile even more.
He knew the Chelsea that lay underneath all the rough, drinking and rebelrousing exterior, she had presented him with her deepest feelings and sorrows and Karl was sure to help Chelsea wherever he could.

When the new drinks came he nodded.
"Good to hear...we won't get outsmarted and will make a big conference and a much bigger entrance...showing everyone at LAW that you are back again, no not back, that you have grown, into something more, something bigger. The crowd will support this new you, I am sure. And with the help of Georges unbeatable charisma..."
"Aaw, 'hank you, big boy.", the Pubowner said and raised his glass.
" will make a big impression. I will work in the background, bringing my connections to good use.

"Well, 'ha' sounds like a good plan 'o me!", George added.
"You know that whatever matchtype you choose, Finella will try nothing less then to destroy you. She trains day and night. I hope you are'nt slacking.", he said and looked at Chelseas figure.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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As she leaned back in her seat, Chelsea looked off into the distance, a smirk playing its way across her face. She had a bright and promising future to look forward to, she thought. She was even willing to tolerate George if it meant starting fresh with a new chapter of her LAW career - one where nothing could hold her back, not her prior record nor the pressure to be like her sister. Now, she had a blank canvas unfolded before her, and she was ready to paint the way forward with her fists. Come the debut of the Mad Tea Party, there would be no doubt that she had what it took to be at the top of the card. A whole new world of possibilities was waiting, and she would welcome it head-on.

Of course, before that happened, she had another very important date on the horizon - and that was when she and Finella would meet once again at We Are LAW, to settle their score once and for all. Chelsea bit her tongue, just thinking about it - there was no doubt that everything she had faced in her career, her life, up to this point was nothing compared to what now loomed in her future. This would be the ultimate test, one that would put the very height of her strength and skill to the challenge - and when Finella was opposite her, Chelsea could not accept anything short of success.

But...with George and Karl on her side, Chelsea had no doubt that she could conquer that summit. George, with all his flamboyance and eye for theatrics, would make sure that when she made her first impression since she was last in the ring, it would be one that wowed the world. And Karl...well, from how Chelsea's smile grew wider and warmer with each word out of his mouth, she could already tell she wouldn't want anyone less in her corner.

"Ter us!" she cheered, hoisting her glass in the air. She was quick to take a long swig as soon as the toast concluded, but as soon as she was done she pounded the glass against the table and looked back at Karl with a grin. She knew that this match meant just as much to Finella, and that the Hellraiser would surely be just as prepared to give it her all...but Chelsea wasn't worried in the slightest. Chuckling, she flexed her bicep before slamming her elbow against the table, offering her hand to Karl. "'d better believe I'm doin' de same! Ye wanna talk muscles? Ye dun forget oo won de last little contest betweun us 'ere, do ye?" She leaned a little closer to him. Go 'ed, juss try me!"
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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Karl had to say that he was impressed. Both women did everything to destroy each other the last two months and only gotten out of it stronger and stronger it seemed.
Finella already had fully recovered from the brutal beatdown by Chelsea and Clair which Karl did'nt aknowledged to Chelsea to not break her spirit and in some way...Finella had asked for it.
She could have let it go, but in her usual stubborn and rebellious manor she had to push it, beat down her opponent to a bloody pulp only to get a proper beating by her girlfriend and Chelsea.
Chelsea had to suffer a lot under Finellas attacks the last months and Karl knew that the brit wanted to even the score.

Neiterhless he was torn, he loved both of them but had to take a side in this and he knew that being with Chelsea was the right decision as Finella had found help by a sudden, small rockstar who started to get big in the league and who had some special ties to the Eagles herself...
He took a long sip from his pint and looked at Chelseas biceps.
Even the veteran was impressed. Both girls did nothing less then to push their bodies to the limit for an event that was cruciable for both.
First, they finally would go one on one before the crowd and the world on TV, second, both were on important crossways of their careers and third it was a personal vendetta that had to be resolved, for their sisters sake.

The reporter nodded appreciative and grasped her biceps.
"Man, someone has eaten his spinach, huh?", he joked and saw Chelsea jokingly offer a duel.
"Oh please spare me! I already have a broken leg, no need for a broken arm too!", he grinned and pulled her in to rub her head with his fist ,laughing.
"Whats wrong? Can't get out of the submission hold?", he laughed and was just in a great mood.
Finally something in his life got in motion, he found new friends, a new family, a new job and new tasks he looked forward too.
It was just great.
George snickered while he cleaned some glasses and poured himself a whiskey.
Then Karl got serious again and looked at Chelsea.
"Chelsea, you went around my question. Does Molly know?", he said and looked her in the eyes.
"You know the thing I said before is still active. So, have you told her?"

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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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Just a moment ago, Chelsea's eyes were welling up with tears, and she let all of the emotion - all the anger, the sadness, the pain and the regret that was bubbling up inside her - pour out into the world. But now, all of that seemed far away. Now, she was laughing, drinking, and rejoicing with people who knew her and cared about her like no one else but her own family. To Chelsea, they might as well have been family. Certainly she was hard-pressed to think of anyone else who could make her laugh as hard as she did when Karl feigned backing away in terror from her offer of an arm wrestling contest. And when he pulled her into a tight embrace to rub his knuckles into her scalp, even when Chelsea cried out with an "'ey, 'ey, now! Quit it!," she only laughed harder, falling against his side. Finally...she had someone she could count on. Someone who would always be on her side. Someone who could truly, sincerely, make her happy.

But then, as Karl broke away from her...the next word out of his mouth gave Chelsea pause. At once, the Englishwoman fell silent and sat up straighter in her seat. Despite how much she could sing with the joys of being around those she loved, and who loved her back all the same, she couldn't deny the elephant in the room. There was one person in Chelsea's life who enjoyed that same privilege before Karl had come into it, and that was her sister. As crass as Chelsea could be, Molly still meant the world to her. She was happy for her even when she was crying herself to sleep with thoughts of how she'd never reach her success, and when the two came together they knew it was a victory they both earned. Was she...really going to throw that all away? Just because Molly wanted to see the sister of her greatest enemy?

Chelsea sighed, her shoulders slumping with a weight that piled itself once again upon her shoulders. In just a thought, it seemed, all her cares and concerns returned to her. "Well...a little, I suppose..." She looked down at the table, sniffling to herself as she folded her hands in her lap. It was as though she was going out of her way to avoid making eye contact with Karl - almost as though she was afraid to meet him face to face. She didn't want to break down again, and she was afraid that whatever look was on his face might do it. "She knows dat I'm facin' Finella at de big show, and all, and..."

But Chelsea knew that hiding the truth was useless. Eventually, she sighed, sinking further in her seat. "Nah...not really. I kun I should, but I guess I dun wanna risk it..." The match at We Are LAW, and settling her feud with Finella once and for all, was something that meant a lot to Chelsea. But so too did her sister, and as much as she had her hesitations about Harmonia, she wanted Molly to be happy. She couldn't help but feel like she could only have one or the other.
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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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Karl listened to her, listened to every word Chelsea had to say, about Molly, about facing Finella.
This evening was an up and down of feelings but Karl had expected that. Under all the fun and exciting things to look forward too was the story of four sisters,love, hate.

Karl chuckled. That whole ordeal sounded like a Shakespeare Play and he wished he could say that the reality was less dramatic, but it was'nt.
Both women were out for blood and their PPV Match promised nothing less then a big spectacle of raw power and will.

He guessed what matchtype Chelsea would likely take but he did'nt question her about it.
He was there to help a young, confused, hurt Girl that searched for her place in the world and he looked up to George who sighed and gave him a nod.

And suddenly Chelsea was hugged from the left and the right as both men held her in her arms.
"Don'' wawry swee'hear', we are your family nah.", George grinned and even if his face was radiating with smug confidence, he could'nt hide a blush around his nose.

Karl nodded, his arms could easily wrap themselves around them.
"George is right. We are'nt just friends anymore. We are a team now. And whatever you want to do, we follow you. Now, to the March Hare!"

"Ter 'he dawmouse!"
Both man raised their glass, waiting for Chelsea to speak. Suddenly, Karl felt, that no matter what would happen, it would work out. And it would work out between the sisters. Of this he was sure.
This evening, a week before PPV, set the tracks to whole new frontiers for everyone of them.
And it was just exciting...

The clock struck 7pm and the first customers walked in as Karl threw two aprons in the laps of his new teammates.
"Wha'? my las' wai'ress 'as lef' me an' i am in 'he process ov rehiring, so faw 'his evenin, 'he mad 'ea par'y will 'ave 'heir firs' big 'ask 'oge'her!"

Karl looked at him and then back at Chelsea and sighed.
"Well, I had more demeaning jobs...", the reporter said and rolled up his sleeves before bursting into a fit of laughter again.
It sure promised to be an exciting evening at the Wolf and the Bunny home.

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Re: General Mobilisation ( for CaptainL)

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The mention of Molly had cast a shadow over Chelsea's cheery mood, reminding her that though she was as happy as ever to share in the company of her friends and comrades in plotting what was to be a glorious return to the ring, her personal life had its fair share of unanswered questions. Even if she beat Finella, where would things go from here? Was Molly still on her side? If she was to stay with Harmonia as her full-time partner, what did that mean for the future of the British Bunnies - and even if they had to part ways, would their sisterhood still keep them from drifting too far apart? As far as the PPV was concerned, Chelsea was eager to boldly forge ahead into her future. But beyond that, things were still murky.

But, as Karl and George were quick to remind her, that wouldn't matter now. All they needed to concern themselves with was the rematch on the horizon - and each one of them was dedicated to making sure that Chelsea's efforts would be unforgettable. But beyond that, she knew that they were a team. No matter what else happened, they would have each other to carry them through it all, and all of them were just as prepared to face the world. When the two men pulled her into a hug, Chelsea blushed a little, but soon after, she threw her head back and laughed, and she brought her own arms up to rest around their shoulders. When George said they were family...Chelsea didn't question that even for a moment. And when Karl and George lifted their glasses, Chelsea was quick to match them.

"And ter de Mad 'atti!"

Chelsea slammed back a swig of her beer as soon as they parted ways, and when she clapped the glass down on the surface of the table, her face lit up with a grin. But just then, George tossed an apron into her lap, and her brow arched in confusion. "De 'ell is this?" Chelsea muttered, holding up the apron to look it over - and when George explained his reasoning, Chelsea shot him a withering glare. "Could've terld us this sewner!" she snapped, grumbling to herself about how she wasn't surprised to hear that George's waitstaff were fed up with the job.

But when Karl laughed it off, Chelsea realized she couldn't stay angry for long. She looked up at him, and her features softened into a smile. She couldn't complain. After all, they were a team now, and they'd stay by each other no matter what, even if things got rough. She hopped to her feet to fasten the strings of the apron around her waist. It was time to get started.
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