Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Oh yes. There was the singing that Severin was waiting for. After a few seconds of it gracing his ears, he joined in. He couldn't help it. It made the Belgian taste all the better. He hoped that he was breaking more walls down than she was letting on. That his own grunts and moans were encouraging her to relax for just a few more minutes. A lot more minutes were preferable, but he'd take what he can get.

He'd be met with some resistance instead. Resistance that he could've pushed past. It was as simple as grabbing at her wrist and pinning it down, but that outside sense of morality stayed his hand. Thoughts that it would've been veering into the territory of too forceful began to nag at him. It wouldn't freeze him outright, however; his sensual mind was quick to arrive at what he believed a happy medium in this situation.

"It wouldn't count if you let go for a little while." Severin's eyes took a deep, longing gaze down into hers. Oh, they were such beautiful grey eyes. "Not when we're like this." He reminded her, feeling her foot traveling down his back, but remaining unaware of her intentions with it. "You want it..." The fingers of his free hand glided through her smooth red locks with gentle strokes. He couldn't deny his nature; can't be all rough, all the way through. "I want it. And we've got all night."

Feeling the possibility that she may want to move this to the post-match or shut it down entirely, he'd go in with his thigh more strongly here. Harder and faster, in the hopes of turning her brains into mush. "So why not indulge yourself with me?" When he felt her foot circling around from where it took a moment's stop on his sculpted ass, he did nothing to stop her.

Turns out she knew how to use that too. Severin wasn't a foot person, but her touch -- the expertly measured contact elicited more of what she sought nonetheless. He shivered with his desire for the voluptuous, powerful body underneath him, keeping his hold on her wrist steady, but the waves would see that the same couldn't be said with her leg...
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