Victory Conditions: Forcing an orgasm, pinning the opponent, and saying the words "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto". In that order, and without interruption; if the opponent kicks out before the words are said, the process must be repeated.
Victory Conditions: Forcing an orgasm, pinning the opponent, and saying the words "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto". In that order, and without interruption; if the opponent kicks out before the words are said, the process must be repeated.
Starring Renee Cooper as Xisara

(Xisara is pronounced "gee-sah-ruh".)
The search for talent was going to get hot soon; Emilia could feel it. Valentina Song and Prayuth Sakda in particular have done a lot to get the people watching. The Morasanu sisters were looking to get a hold of the latter so their product could enjoy the star power his name grants as well. His Muay Thai background begged for a picture with Phoebe.
There were other names on the board as well: Eveline was talking to Dizzy about making an appearance, and Emilia had a mind to reach out to Starboy. And some had come along for auditions. One of these talents -- and the woman that she would be working with tonight -- was Suzuya Jukodo, who did pretty well for her first shot at acting. It wasn't too much of a surprise, however: Pro wrestling -- scripted and combat variants, both -- had always gone hand-in-hand with acting. That deeply ingrained, almost inherent aspect was one of the biggest draws to Emilia.
Suzuya was a pleasure to converse with. Cheery. Flirty, but respectful. Eager. She was the sort of person who could keep a set's energy up through a long day. A most invaluable quality. Emilia was able to glean that she wouldn't be up for one of the darker projects she'd written -- projects that would allow her to indulge her more...unconventional passions -- but that wasn't an issue. A look at her records suggested that the two may work well on screen.
That is to say, that she and Renee Cooper may work well on screen. As far as the other woman knew, Emilia Morasanu was simply one of the co-owners of the production. Someone who was in with The Coterie -- a friend to the bunch -- but wasn't in the wrestling world proper. A fan of the sport who was working especially closely with them to bring something new to the world of cinema. So often we've seen wrestlers going off to Hollywood. What if Hollywood came to the wrestlers?
Cue the introduction of Renee Cooper. Chemist. Though she prefers the term "witch", to speak generally. A practitioner of supernatural arts, some of a darker sort that was responsible for her conversion to vampirism. Session wrestler. Aspiring actress. It was a funny kick to the younger Romanian, role playing as a role player.
Renee was intended to be a sort of Daeva Asphodel-lite. One of the more sociable minds present in Sybil's Collective, but closer to normalcy. A personality that was one of the closest to her own, with a few touches applied here and there to make her her own person.
Renee was introduced as another wrestler who presented a passing audition. And to that effect, she'd actually shot one of her own, with Eveline overseeing it.
Talks with Suzuya continued to progress smoothly under that identity, with her being unaware that she was booked to work with the very woman who hired her on. It's amazing how much a bit of and some makeup can do. And hair dye; she experimented with different colors, liking how she looked as the blonde she first appeared as. But today, she would wear her natural black coloring, feeling that it was a better fit for the character Renee would be playing today.
It was a simple script, with more left up to improvisation than what's been seen this far. Less pressure on the first time actresses, Emilia would say for the two. But it made more room for creativity. Depending on how deep Suzuya's own creative juices ran, this could be either a masterpiece or a disaster. But it was a risk that she was ready to take. Their personalities gelled well enough. They had common ground in their liking for fantasy. And like her, Renee was more of a mat-based wrestler.
There was something special about doing business that way; forsaking strikes -- with perhaps the occasional exception of a good spanking, or something of that ilk as an exception -- and properly locking horns with one's opponent. Suzuya, it seemed, liked to crush hers into submission. Renee had been trained to win the day with superior technique. A classic contrast that's always provided an exciting spectacle, given the right players.
It would begin on a spacious living room floor. Wrestling mat laid out, a symbol drawn in the middle, candles lighting the darkness. An incantation would summon Xisara, a succubus. Renee would enter the circle, assuming a for a good establishing shot, rising with a slow, theatrical pace, as though she were emerging from it. A couple stagehands would take their cue to remove her wings, which were meant to disappear into her back, as easily as Wolverine's claws into his wrist. Editors would make the necessary cuts and add in some special effects in post.
Xisara would take notice of Vanna Hellsing for but a second or two before her red eyes scanned the room. Failing to find what she was searching for, they returned to her. She put her hands on her hips, eyebrow raised. Clearly, she wasn't the sight the demoness was expecting on her arrival to Earth.
"Okay. No old farts, scrawny teenagers, or groups of college kids." A quick nod would show satisfaction with that development. "So far, so good. But you don't have the look or feel of a hunter or a mage, so let me guess: Cheating boyfriend you want me to kill?"