LAW Magazine Presents: Hazel Nielsen vs. Isa - Ladies of the Calendar Beach Clash

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LAW Magazine Presents: Hazel Nielsen vs. Isa - Ladies of the Calendar Beach Clash

Unread post by CaptainL »

Match Type: Standard Beach Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Match takes place on a beach. Takeda Ryoshi will serve as guest referee.
When LAW Magazine had decided to launch the Ladies of LAW Calendar as a feature to promote some of the promotion's up and coming stars, with photos and interviews of wrestlers from all up and down the card, they had expected it to be a side business to raise money for their publications - at least, that's what those of them who didn't write it off as a glorified excuse for its mastermind, interviewer Takeda Ryoshi, to hang around women in bikinis thought. But despite all expectations - including Takeda's own - the calendar was proving to be a hot item. Not only was it selling well year to year, plenty of LAW wrestlers had signed up for their chance to be featured, seeing it as their big break to further their career and show their best side to the world. However, this was going to be the next step. LAW Magazine had arranged to sponsor a special match featuring two women that had been featured in the 2024 calendar - Hazel Nielsen and Ísafold Hjalmarsdottir - competing on the beach. Was it a publicity stunt? Yes, maybe a little bit. But it had also generated plenty of buzz!
First to come out to the crowd, gathered on the beach around the ring, was LAW Magazine writer Nanako Sen, who was acting as ring announcer for this match. Grinning and waving her hands to the fans, she hopped up onto the apron, posing proudly with her hands on her hips. She got a fair few cheers of her own - but of course, the real excitement tonight wasn't going to center around her, but the two ladies who had graced the pages of the calendar!

"Hello, and good evening, everyone!" Nana called out. "On behalf of LAW Magazine, I'd like to extend a very special welcome to you all! The Ladies of LAW Calendar has been a great success, and I'd like to thank everyone who has shown their support - from us at the magazine, and all the ladies here at LAW who make it possible! If you haven't picked up your copy for the new year, don't miss it - available at our merch stand now! But we're here to celebrate all those people who made the calendar a reality tonight - including, who else, the man behind it all, our interviewer and special guest referee, Takeda Ryoshi!"
Nana gestured to the entrance, where Takeda came down the aisle as well, dressed in swim trunks with an open referee shirt over them. He wasn't quite as outspoken as his coworker was, and there was still an awkward look on his face as he chuckled a little anxiously. He had no idea how his girlfriend was going to feel about this, but he'd insist it was all business. He did have to say, though, he owed it to Nana to keep the crowd enthused with her infectious energy...and her girlish figure certainly didn't hurt.

Nevertheless, clearing his throat, Takeda got up on the apron and took the microphone from Nanako. "Yes, er, uh...hello, everyone! I You guys really know how to show your support! You know, when I pitched the idea for the calendar, a few people thought I was joking when I said I'd be the one doing the interviews..." A few chuckles went up from that anecdote. "But I never thought I'd be at the point where I'd be refereeing a special match to promote the fine young ladies who volunteered themselves to grace its pages! Let me tell you, though, it's an honor. And, uh, an honor I hope to do justice, considering I've never been a referee before..."

Nanako elbowed him in the side. "C'moooon, you'll be fine! Alright, alright, enough talking! I think we've introduced ourselves well enough - but let's be honest, nobody's here for us. Except maybe Yozakura. They really want to see those same ladies who heralded June and September in action tonight - so let's all welcome them to the ring!" With that, she gestured back to the entrance - and the fans were already clapping at the promise of what would happen next!
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Re: LAW Magazine Presents: Hazel Nielsen vs. Isa - Ladies of the Calendar Beach Clash

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This was a day for Isa to feel a bit awkward, but also rather honored.

Why? The Angel of Ice had recently featured on the pages of LAW Magazine's Ladies of LAW calendar, as the lady for September. And while that had naturally been quite an honor, it had been a little awkward for the Icelandic blonde as well. Despite her profession as a LAW wrestler, she had never really gotten used to all the publicity and all the popularity - especially the type that such a calendar entry was going to bring with it. And while she had coped through the interview and photoshoot all right, the reaction that had followed it had been quite something... Something that she had certainly not been prepared for.

But of course, the Angel of Ice was very honored by such a positive reaction as well! One part of which had turned out to be this match ahead of her today! Apparently, the magazine was very keen to boost the popularity of the calendar by arranging some beach matches between the ladies featuring on its pages, and their selection for the other competitor for the first match had been Isa! Of course, Isa shouldn't possibly interpret it as anything else but an honor to have been selected, right?

Sure, granted, her friend Julie had told her that it would be just a publicity stunt. Sure, they were technically just wanting to make some more money out of her. Sure, she had been asked to wrestler in her calendar photoshoot bikini, which was again a little awkward. But she should have not really let any of that bother, right? She was probably just jealous. Isa should just focus on the positives!

Focusing on the positives was also key for Isa to remain confident regarding the battle ahead. If she was perfectly honest, her beach matches in the past hadn't turned out exactly any great successes for her. But focusing on the positives, this time was surely different. First of all, it was going to be a standard match, without any crazy stipulations... And second of all, the weather wasn't windy and raining, and her opponent wasn't going to be any kind of ruthless heel, based on what she had learnt so far.

That was in fact one of the main positives. For once, Isa had ample knowledge of her opponent, Hazel Nielsen! For once, she was properly prepared! Even though, based on what she had learnt, the Norwegian-Scottish redhead was surely not going to be an easy opponent by any means. She was skilled, strong, sported a decent record and held some subtle size advantage over Isa - although not nearly as much as many others in the heavyweight league did. Honestly, for facing a heavyweight, Isa had a lot of reasons to be positive about facing Hazel!

As the Icelander was listening to the welcome greetings and entrance speeches by Nana and Takeda, she was trying hard to stay cool, confident, and positive. And focused! Focused on the task at hand, task which she felt especially important, proud, and honored to take on today!

Isa - The Angel of Ice - Miss September!

Making her entrance first, the Icelander aimed to forget about wearing her white calendar photoshoot bikini as she made her way down the aisle towards the ring between the bleachers, amidst a rather raucous reception, with admittedly quite a few catcalls as well. She strived to remain focused though, maintaining a polite smile while giving a few subtle waves at the crowds, before proceeding to make her usual entrance into the ring. Sliding graciously inside between the ropes, the blonde who had clearly been introduced as "Miss September" this time, proceeded to perform her usual procedure of getting up on the ropes at each side of the ring, and making sure to greet all of the crowds with a polite smile. Then, she proceeded towards the center of the ring occupied by Nana and Takeda, to see if they happened to have any questions for her, or if they were already letting Hazel do her entrance next.
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Re: LAW Magazine Presents: Hazel Nielsen vs. Isa - Ladies of the Calendar Beach Clash

Unread post by CaptainL »

Isa had turned plenty of heads when she made her entrance - and really, as a striking blonde with a body like hers, Takeda couldn't blame anyone for cheering her on! She wasn't the only one getting cheers, though - as it turned out, Takeda's girlfriend and fellow LAW wrestler Yozakura Fukuda was sitting there in the front row, and she blew a whistle in his direction as she cheered and waved her hand. "You look so cute in those swim trunks!~" she chirped - which made Takeda spin back around in her direction as a deep blush crossed his face. "H-Huh-!?" A few chuckles from the crowd followed, which only made his blush deepen further still. Then he gulped. He hadn't even known that Kura would be in attendance for this match - and if refereeing a match between two beauties wasn't already a daunting task for someone as dirty-minded as he was, the fact that he was doing it all with his girlfriend watching could only make things more awkward. Was she going to think any less of him if his eyes wandered? Could he even trust his eyes not to wander?

Takeda was broken out of those thoughts a moment later when Nana bumped him in the side, causing him to clear his throat. "A-Ah, right, right, where was I!" Clearing his throat, he turned to face Isa, taking the microphone from his fellow writer. "Everyone, I'm very pleased to be back in the ring here with Isa - a lady I've had the pleasure of interviewing not long ago! As you've heard, she's our Miss September for this year. And that's, uh, a job she does well!" He got a few more cheers for his introduction, but that just made him blush a little harder before clearing his throat. "I just wanted to ask you, Isa, how do you feel being here, going into this match?"
Yozakura's dialogue was requested by @Mysterdio and is used with his permission.
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