Astra Nova vs ViVi S. Valentine
Match Rules *to be revealed*
"What? It can't be this... This is a pub?!? Agh, I must have the wrong address... The last thing I needed right now..."
Sabine Sauber was nervous - and soon almost panicking. She had been told well in advance that she would be having her next match as Astra Nova tonight - but what hadn't been told her was a certain crucial little detail. One that she only found out about after getting the following message to her e-mail.
"Ms Sauber, check in is now open for your flight JL43 to London Heathrow!"
After a confused query to the management, Sabine soon found out that for a reason she couldn't quite comprehend, her match was to take place in England! Why on earth did LAW want to send its wrestlers halfway across the world? And most annoyingly of all, forget to tell about it in advance... This probably had to be a huge deal, right? She was going to represent her whole promotion against some local superstar, or was there some other explanation for this? Odds were that the arena for this kind of match was going to be a huge one, but the address that had been given to her had now led her to the door of this pub?
What a disaster. Not only had she been informed of the match location too late, the schedule of the flight had meant that she had to take a cab straight from the airport to this location to even make it on time. And now she was probably even at a wrong location. Thank heavens, that at least LAW had booked her a business class ticket for the flight to get some rest... Like she could have gotten any in this situation anyway.
"Ach. And I already let the taxi go... I must call to-... Oh."
Suddenly, Astra spotted her picture on a poster next to the pub door. "Heroes enter the pub -night"? Oh, OK. Good news, this was the right location. Bad news, Astra was even more confused over what this all was going to be about.
After a brief pondering, Astra realized that the only logical thing she could do was to enter.
Making her way through the pub, the blonde heroine wasn't able to take in her surroundings that much. What she dearly wanted to find first was a doorman or a bartender, who could give her some more information and instructions. Luckily, one didn't seem to be too hard to find.
"Umm, hey, sorry, I'm Astra Nova... And I'm supposed to... Wrestle here tonight, I guess?" she presented herself, before lifting the opening of her sweater a bit to flash her wrestling attire, to give some more credibility to her claims. Astra Nova - In Disguise
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
However, please note that:
1. I will not be online there very often, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. Please note that I reply to messages a bit slower and often longer, as I need time to think and reflect instead of rapid-fire communication
One of the waiters in the pub would be the one to meet the newly admitted. She looked nervous, so it could be very important. Perhaps the young woman needed to go to the toilet and couldn't find it. Oh, but when the lady started to explain who she was and why she was there, the waiter turned pale.
"Oh my god!" He looked at the posters plastered on some of the establishment's walls and compared the blonde figure invited to today's match with the face of the little blonde in front of him. It was her, definitely, it was Astra Nova in person. And the most surprising thing was that no one had recognised her yet.
"Please follow me this way." Waiter said standing behind her, trying to cover her with his tray so they would still not recognise her face. But it seemed too late because someone mentioned the cute fighter's ringname at the same time as others sighed in surprise and looked towards Astra to confirm the new rumour.
"Let's hurry to her place!" He whispered, starting to trot.
The waiter would take her to the service door, where he would explain to the security men who she was before leaving her in their hands. And these guys would not be slow to take her to the other side of the backstage to put her in her dressing room and give her 20 minutes to do what needed to be done, because she was the last missing piece to start this wrestling show, and whatever she needed to be perfect to get in the pub's ring, would be given to her!
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sure, Astra Nova was a bit nervous and hesitant about all of this herself in the first place, but once the waiter seemed to realize who she was, their behavior puzzled the blonde girl even more. They were acting like she was some kind of a megastar! Which, of course, being a wrestler in LAW, on some level she was... But the Swiss girl certainly still hadn't gotten used to it. Especially when roaming around the LAW campus, it seemed like every other oncoming person was a wrestler of some variety anyway. But here, in this pub, it seemed like she was equipped with some special stardust...
Which, coming to now think of it, was actually very appropriate!
Sabine could even hear some fans shouting out her ring name, as the waiter was quickly leading her backstage. Amidst all the crowds, it wasn't particularly easy for her to gather her surroundings... She could guess in which part of the pub the match was likely going to take place at, but she couldn't really get a proper look into that direction. Besides, it was wisest to just follow suit where she was being led to, without getting stuck with all the crowds... Many of whom would have surely loved to get their piece of her.
Finally having gotten in to the dressing room, Astra managed to catch a moment to breathe. She also wanted to get quickly rid of her disguising attire, as it was pretty hot making her a bit sweaty already... But by the time she had started to do that, the seurity men having led her there were already gone. And they had only mentioned something about 20 minutes... Dang! Astra could have certainly used some more information... Where exactly was the match going to take place? What kind of rules were there going to be? And - who was going to be her opponent?!?
So many unknowns, and so far, so few answers. Anyway, the Interstellar Heroine did the only thing she could... Starting to prepare herself, the blonde girl adjusted her wrestling attire into perfect form and fit after the prolonged traveling, freshened up her looks a little and did some last-minute stretching. But time was quickly going by, and soon enough the heroic wrestler was pretty sure that 20 minutes had already passed... But there still was no one attending to her. What should she do? Should she go to find someone?
"Um... Helloo?" the girl called out into the corridor from her dressing room door, trying to catch someone's attention. But if she found no one, the only option was probably to start making her way back towards the crowded pub area...
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
However, please note that:
1. I will not be online there very often, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. Please note that I reply to messages a bit slower and often longer, as I need time to think and reflect instead of rapid-fire communication
Once Astra was deposited in the dressing room, it was just a countdown for the whole pub to turn upside down. But those 20 minutes were more than enough time to turn things in their favour. As rumours spread outside, most people began to descend the staircase, clearing out much of the venue to take their seats on stage. Some still lingered inside the pub, keeping an eye on the screens that were displayed to keep everyone aware of what was to come.
[Broadcasting from the LAW site...]
Episode title:
[Oh, Heroes Enter The Bad Girls' Pub!]
Once the guest wrestler peeked down the aisle, she only did a little exploring, not finding any guides, to cause two security guards to approach her from the front.
One looked her up and down, scrutinising the blonde's bearing - from the most basic details of her attire, such as her sheer white leotard, to the curvaceousness and voluptuousness of her body. It was all worthy of a LAW babyface wrestler.
Smiling as she saw that all the patterns corresponded to the details the queen regent gave them and that the posters did do her guest justice, she continued.
"Perfect! You are ready, Lady Astra!" He gently pointed to the opposite end of the hallway. "Let us escort you to your position, please!"
"We promise that after this we can compensate you for all your participation with anything you want from the place!" the other guaranteed.
After that, the two would become mute.
The walk would be long, not because the corridors were so labyrinthine, but because they took the longest pathsโwhile they were delayed, the audience took their placeโ. And at the end, there would only be a double door that connected to a large darkened room โCuriously, the mastermind in charge of orchestrating the whole mess was alerted to the goodie girl's entrance on the stage that she had minutely orchestrated herself. She set down her glass of red wine on her small table to prepare for, pleased.โ. though there was nothing sinister about it. You could recognise a few diners sitting on long benches, or wandering around the room. No one stood in the way of the star.
The two guardians wanted to deposit her on a platform which they only climbed by means of ladders placed in a corner, and on which they would have to separate some very long ropes that hung horizontally so that Astra Nova could cross without problems to the inside of the platform, and position herself in the centre of it...
"Good luck, Lady Astra." Supported one of the two security guards.
"Do your best, as always. They'll love you!" guaranteed the other.
They would both hop off the platform, losing themselves in the crowds.
It was uncomfortable, any girl would feel watched here with so many suspicious murmurs, and eyes on her. They weren't dissimulating. But the sound of a microphone being clapped cut through the suspenseful silence. Followed by a musical cue. which was followed by a "LADYS AND GENTLEMEN!" Accompanied by a beacon of light that landed on Astra Nova!
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Fri Feb 14, 2025 9:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
By default, Astra would have assumed that for a place that had invited guest wrestlers, there would have been some clearer directions given. More information, more guidance, more support, more... Something. Something other than a dark, deserted hallway that she had to step in. And even walk for a while, before she could see anyone, or anything for that matter...
Finally though, she spotted some security approaching her from close by. At first, it looked like they were there more to question and scrutinize her presence... But luckily, their expression soon seemed to lighten up as they recognized who she was. Apparently, at least some people here knew something. Phew!
They didn't remain very talkative though, and these hallways and corridors seemed rather excessively long for this place being a pub. At least, that's what it supposedly was... Who knew what the reality was. Some kind of club? Maybe. Of course, one needed a rather large pub for any wrestling to take place there...
Finally, the trio entered through some double doors into a darkened room, that Astra was struggling to grasp what it exactly was. If it was the pub she had already crossed earlier, it had certainly transformed into something very different... But she couldn't really look much around, as the security guards were rushing her towards a ladder, that they prompted her to climb up, only to be lead to some strange set of ropes... She was further directed to hop in between them, and soon the Interstellar Heroine found herself having mounted some platform...
Had she just entered the wrestling ring?
And gosh, why did it still have to be so dark!
Before she knew it, after voicing out their best wishes, the security guards had once again disappeared into the darkness. And Astra Nova was once again all by herself. And oh, how uncomfortable this was! Especially the supposed silence... That wasn't actually silence, since Astra could hear constant murmur from all around her, from all the areas she couldn't yet see...
Sure, heroines were supposed to be brave and take on any scenarios and challenges. And technically that's exactly what Astra was doing. But she couldn't just shake the thoughts and perceptions that were making her insecure... And the creeping feeling, that she was being set into a trap!
Suddenly though, she could hear a loudspeaker coming alive. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" The words were followed by a bright spotlight landing onto her belly, carefully illuminating only her midsection for now. Then she could hear the first familiar tunes of her entrance music playing out in the room...
Well, at least they had gotten that right! Then, the announcement continued... "Please welcome the first brave hero of the night, that LAW has sent on the foolish mission to lay down their law for the wonderfully bad girls of our raucous pub! Hailing from somewhere along the Milky Way, weighing in at 57 kilos, she's The Interstellar Heroine, ASTRA NOVA!!!"
The announcement ended just as her music erupted louder from the speakers, and the lights now came properly on, revealing the stunned and puzzled heroine in the middle of the ring in her full form and all her might!
Astra Nova - The Interstellar Heroine - In Full Attire!
But despite her confusion and insecurity, the Interstellar Heroine probably appeared more like just serious, focused, stoic and determined for the audience. Even with her mind racing, and trying to read the situation and take in her surroundings as effectively and accurately as possible... Subtly waving at the crowds out of politeness, her mind was filling with questions. Clearly, she had been set up directly into the platform serving as the wrestling ring... But who was she going to be facing, and what type was this match ahead going to even be like?
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
However, please note that:
1. I will not be online there very often, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. Please note that I reply to messages a bit slower and often longer, as I need time to think and reflect instead of rapid-fire communication
The lights were very condescending in illuminating Astra's most attractive parts before revealing her in full, mainly pointing out her nice flat belly, and cinched by that soft leotard. When the lights finally illuminated her to fully illustrate her as the representative of good, she was bathed in a swell of unseemly whistles.
ViVi was backstage, watching the whole thing, trying to play dirty from before. The heroine had entered like a treasure for which several began to fill the betting cabinet. Maybe it was because Astra gave off that aura of invincible and righteous figure! or maybe it was because she was the guest star, sent from LAW to fill the stands of this mini underground stadium! or maybe it was because she was gorgeous! But the truth was, for ViVi, she was just doing everything right as her opponent today! That was more than perfect, and not just anyone scores 1 point with Viviane Victory just by showing up.
"Tonight, it was announced that a guest star from LAW would appear. Everyone had already seen her, loved her, and voted for her. So, very well, the bets in her favour were on the screen. But no one knew who the girl representing the house would be."
"Rumour had it that it would be the twins, because you need to match star power today! Or maybe it will be the strongest blonde in the pub, the one who wears the crown of being the Indomitable One. The one who doesn't like to have another blonde in the same ring with her." The public would roar in support of that idea as a very good option. "However, today, the Gart's pub, in a sign of how seriously it considers this intrusion of LAW in its domain, decided to respond in the most reciprocal way it can!"
A musical theme would resound from the speakers. Beginning with a flirtatious cackle before bursting into a euphoric, pink rhythm. Spoiler
"There can only be one law governing here, then let it be decided by whoever maked the rules of this place!"
Soon, the black curtains at the end of a red ramp, one at the opposite end from where Nova had entered, opened to reveal a pink-haired woman, posing with hands on her hips, and dressed in new attire based on tight-fitting dark sports bra and a distinctive green-checked micro-skilt, while her cleavage, arms, and legs were covered in fishnets.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! With you!" The girl that Nova wanted to talk to!!" The tide of cheers and whistles erupted, deafening. "The Heartbreak Queen!!" Even for wrestling fans."Beauty miss devour-heart!!!" Even for a place with a bookmaker. "ViVi S. Valentine!!!!" The audience went wild. So the queen just lifted a corner and turned her eyes to the ceiling, playing hard to get the attention she was receiving.
ViVi had been missing for a while and wasn't for a holiday. She had been working her body for months to have this match the way she liked it; working out until she had the most diabolical figure, that a Heel Queen should have as her! And her fans would be thankful that she kept her slender delicate figure, and they would love those gorgeous muscles and her shapely figure that she is sporting in her new devilish outfit!
The Queen Heartbreaker pointed her finger at Astra as the hubbub filled her like a rechargeable battery; then she winked at the Star and continued to clasp her hands together melodiously to form a heart in front of her chest. She then blew Astra a kiss, and broke that heart in two! The crowd was thrilled with that warning!!!
Next, the queen advanced down the red ramp as if it were a catwalk, strutting so confidently and imposingly; waving her skirt from side to side, as her long legs stretched out in a sizzling display of her sadistic beauty. Whipping the air with her skirt to the rhythm of her hips as her pigtails swayed in the opposite direction of her garments. At no point did she fail to look in Astra's direction, she wanted her to know that she wasn't playing games herself, because this was going to be wild for her, and ViVi didn't plan to disappoint now that she'd managed to bring her into her domain.
She would stop dead in her tracks in front of the ring, something was slipping her mind. She rolled her eyes upwards, thinking and then lifted the corner of her mouth as she remembered what it was. The crowd hissed as they sensed her wickedness and whimsy. She looked to one corner of her eye, the crowd called her from that side; then she looked to the other side, and the crowd on that side called her with equal intensity. So she decided on the former, winning the affection of the minority. She grabbed the guy closest to that side of the ring by the neck and pulled her to herself for a lingering kiss on the cheek - her pink lipstick would be etched into her skin!
Next, the pinkette would climb the ring with parsimony, using the stairs in the corner, then move around the apron until she reached the middle of there, and mounted the middle rope, one of the three ringside cameras would focus on her pretty ass insistently, witnessing her hypnotic swagger on it, transmitting through the screens the big circles that the queen drew in the air with her pelvis.
Once she stopped, she looked into the camera, winked at everyone and moved her statuesque noble body to the inside of the ring, where she would turn her back to Astra to climb up to her own corner, bend at the waist towards the crowd, and blow a fatal kiss to them all. Her skirt would be lifted as she bluffed, showing off her dark trunks to Astra. A very blatant mockery to Lawfulness Good girl.
Now it was just a matter of getting down from there and waited for the referee to call for the bell.
The Queen Heartbreaker - ViVi S. Valentine
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon Mar 03, 2025 7:33 am, edited 5 times in total.
This was a very curious feeling. At the same time, Astra Nova felt like being in the right place... And at the same time, extremely out of place.
On the other hand, she was clearly being welcomed here. She had been directed into the spotlight. She was clearly on some kind of mission - even if the exact details of the mission were still unclear to her - and the overall setting, well, this just somehow really called for The Interstellar Heroine.
But on the other hand... Oh, there were so many unknowns. Clearly, many others knew much better than her what was up, or had predictions of what was going to happen. She clearly wasn't in her home territory - not to mention home galaxy - and she probably wasn't going to be the home favorite.
And then again, this was indeed a pub. Now that Astra got to look around her, she could tell that there was some serious beer drinking going on in here as well, and the whistles that accompanied the illumination of her body were very telling of what the crowds were longing to see tonight. But then again, that did not seem to really be out of line with LAW overall at all...
Listening to the announcer was giving some good clues to Astra as well. He had already called her mission foolish, which she had noted... But he also listed out some potential opponents, which were clearly part of the home team. Twins? Oh, a handicap wouldn't be particularly good. The Indomitable One? Sounded quite... Dominant. Oh, and calling her appearance as an intrusion after listing those out? Astra felt herself probably having a good reason for concern.
Against that mood, the music erupting from the speakers really caught her off. This wasn't anything dark, depraved or daunting. This was some... Japanese idol music? Was she paired up with some cutie home favorite, who knew better how to sing and shake her hips than to wrestle?
At first, when Astra could see the figure appearing on the other side of the arena, she certainly thought so. She saw something pink, a scantily-clad figure and a miniskirt, and an idol pose? With the announcer introducing her as ViVi S. Valentine? That didn't really sound threatening at all.
Astra's subconcious was picking up some more ominous signs too, though. She was called "The Heartbreak Queen". And "Miss devour-heart". Not exactly all so purely innocent descriptions... And her opponent was getting markedly louder applause and support as well. And how she acted towards her opponent already at the top of the ramp before seeing her properly just yet? That spoke of confidence. And of the pub's idol knowing what was coming.
But as soon as ViVi started making her way down the ramp, the closer she got, the more ominous Astra was realizing she was. And it wasn't simply how confidently she strutted down the ramp, how the crowds were eating from her hands, how she even dared to give kisses on their cheeks, or the admittedly rather slutty way, even by Astra's standards, that she showed off her attire and body by swaying her hips across the ropes when entering the ring - surely the hip shaking part of Astra's first impression had been accurate. But no, the really ominous part was getting to see closer ViVi's appearance, attire and looks.
First, it was the devilish headband. Clearly, she was in fact a villainess. That was still good! Very suitable for a heroine. But second, it was the realization of her looks. The pinkette's attire was admittedly stunning, and full of sex appeal, clearly knowing how to be a crowd favorite... And while favoritism wasn't too big of a concern, that sex appeal was admittedly something that Astra had to fight against, in order to not let the bad girl get that too much into the heroine's head, to potentially take advantage of... But thirdly, and maybe most concerningly, the home favorite had clearly frequented the gym. A lot. Despite being of a rather similar size to the blonde, ViVi appeared clearly very muscled and strong, and Astra could already tell, that the power advantage might not had been on her side tonight.
But despite all of that, the blonde heroine simply followed her foe's entrance calmly and stoically, trying to appear as unimpressed and hard to read as possible. Of course, her only option was to bravely take on the home favorite now!
Only question left was - in what type of match exactly? No one had specified yet. Perhaps it meant that this was going to be a standard match? She hoped so.
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
However, please note that:
1. I will not be online there very often, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. Please note that I reply to messages a bit slower and often longer, as I need time to think and reflect instead of rapid-fire communication
ViVi would come down from the corner with a bound, her skirt was lifted as she descended, revealing her dark, hip-hugging shorts, so short they could be mistaken for trunks. Then pinkette exhaled a cloud of pink mist that shimmered under the neon glow of the headlights, and shake her shoulders to remove the anxious ones; more than one person screamed in excitement at the sinister touch. Besides, her contact lenses did not favour a harmless image, in case anyone doubted her intentions with Nova, because just as the lights rolled across the arena, leaving ViVi under a subtle sliver of light, as the blonde was kept being illuminated by a halo of light perfectly placed over her from the other side of the ring, the pinkette's amber eyes flashed a predatory glare at the audience, prickling everyone's nerves before she quickly turned back to Astra, who perhaps wouldn't know why they were all screaming now.
She was done, ViVi was done planting her image as the Greater Evil in everyone, now it was a matter of knowing her opponent's opinion! The girl she chose for and did this whole show centred around her theme. And it was disappointing...
Astra Nova looked as stoic and impassive as a statue of Zeus. ViVi's smile faded, didn't she like it? Of course, she knew Nova wouldn't know about her bigger plan, but she at least wanted to see a grimace. Anyway, she walked over to the centre of the arena to face her.
On the opposite side of the large circle drawn on the canvas, would be Interstellar Heroine, perfectly placed by the guys who escorted her here earlier, being illuminated at this moment, still by that beacon of radiant white light, while the she-devil would be followed by a beacon of dim crimson light.
Once ViVi S. Valentine was on the other side of the circle, she raked her fingers through her hair, then shook it out, shaking one's head.
"Hoh... I thought heroes were more polite." She was disappointed. "I thought you'd at least smile at everything I did to get you here..." She confirmed without fear of what might happen next.