Sierra Velvera vs Riza Hawkeye beach hentai match!

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Sierra Velvera vs Riza Hawkeye beach hentai match!

Unread post by reini »

Match type: Hentai submission match
Special rules: It's a beach match!

The sound of crashing waves, and scent of salt and sunscreen fills the air, as beach crowd is awaiting for the contestants to arrive. The golden sand is warm under the setting sun, glowing over the makeshift wrestling area—a roped-off section of the beach, surrounded by spectators, some in swimsuits, some in casual summer wear.

And, as it usually ends up being, Sierra is the first one to arrive. She's wearing her standard attire, since she's pretty much one or two pieces of attire away from being dressed like everybody else anyways. When she finally stood in the "ring", she threw her arms in the air, and thrusted her hips forward, screaming;

"YAHOO!!! Hello everyone!!!" she yelled in happiness, overcome by the joy. She was so happy to be at the beach! Sierra loved living her life like she's on vacation everyday, and what screams vacation more than a beach?

"This is so awesome! I love it in here! Swimming, snacks, drinks, everyone is scantily clad! In fact..." she paused, biting her lip and blushing as she tucked on her tube top, as if she was about to takie it off. "Nahh, just kidding! I'm not gonna do that...unless someone is gonna do that for me!" she said, most likely calling out for her enemy!

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