Happy Birthday Tiki! (Thea Asters POW Session)

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Happy Birthday Tiki! (Thea Asters POW Session)

Unread post by deezcastforms »

Continued From: viewtopic.php?style=4&f=16&t=19449

February 28th, 2025, Late Afternoon, Streets of Shibuya
For three out of every four years, the final day of February was the birthday of Tiki Lowell, and another testament of her somehow besting Father Time by retaining her world-class body and wrestling skills even as she started moving into her 50s. At this point, rather than beating Father Time, many in the wrestling world were starting to believe that she had somehow cut a deal with him instead.

Treating Tiki to a day out for the special occasion was one Hortensia Aster, younger sister to Ivy Aster, one of Tiki's wrestling proteges. She had been checking her phone intermittently through their time together, focusing on a single LAW match tab until she saw the result that she knew her sister would get. Ivy Aster def. Thea Asters by KO Hortensia did a small fist pump and screamed a cheer in her mind before turning to Tiki, "Well, I can only hope I've given you as great a time as I've had, but I think it's time we head back to your place."

Tiki stopped walking and looked back with a smirk, "I take it your sister has wrapped up whatever birthday surprise you've been distracting me for?"

"Heheh," Hortensia cackled. "Yeah. We knew you'd probably see this coming, but you're never gonna guess what she got you. I made sure there's no way you could've seen it in advance." Measures which for the record, pretty much were simply not walking anywhere that there would be TV displays visible from outside that may have been airing the match. Simple, but it worked. "Having said that," the pinkette continued, "we should still get back to your place before Ivy. You'd probably freak out a lot if you walked in on what she's bringing, instead of having Ivy show up to your doorstep with it."

"Heh, I must say, you're certainly giving this present quite the build up," Tiki said as they began heading home.

Same Time, Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Shibuya
Ivy Aster had taken the liberty of switching back into her more casual dress after having thoroughly trounced Thea Asters in their POW match, with her first command of the blonde being to remain in her ring gear. However, that wouldn't be all Thea would wear, as Ivy had wrapped her body up in a big red ribbon with a bow on her head. "I'll tell you now that I'm not going to be the one carrying out our POW session," said Ivy. "You're going to be a gift to a dear friend of mine, but I'll leave to guess on who until you see her. Come now," Ivy teased as she pulled Thea's ribbon like a leash, "we must get going."
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Re: Happy Birthday Tiki! (Thea Asters POW Session)

Unread post by Bare »

Thea couldn't believe it. The fact that she had lost her match against this, this hooligan was bad enough, but it also being a prisoner of war bout on top of that was even worse. Unfortunately it would only devolve further once they approached the locker rooms, with Ivy refusing to let her change, forcing Thea to remain in her sweat covered wrestling gear that was starting to stick to her body... It was disgusting.

Made even worse as IVY was allowed to change and refresh herself. All before the woman then took some red ribbon, wrapping it around the blonde's body tightly, as if she was a mummy! Or in this case a gift as it was made clear after Ivy placed a bow on her head before finally giving context that apparently Thea was just a present for someone else!

"Ngh fckhhh!?" She growled out, muffled, the only reason she didn't more or worse was because the ribbon had also been placed over her mouth as if it were a gag. Tugged forward by the purple haired girl the blonde was forced to follow along with her, left only to wonder just who the hell this woman would go to all this trouble for.

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Re: Happy Birthday Tiki! (Thea Asters POW Session)

Unread post by deezcastforms »

"Well i don't see anybody else here, so i assume we've beaten Ivy here," Tiki said as she and Hortensia got back to the veteran's home.

"Oh I can't wait to see the look on your face," Hortensia said, giddy as she took a chair pointed towards the door. It wasn't too much longer until they saw Ivy's car pull onto Tiki's property. "Close your eyes, close your eyes! You can't see it until you open the door," Hortensia commanded before anybody came out.

"Okay, but you'll have to get the door then," said Tiki. Hortensia obliged as she got up and bounded to the door, waiting ever so eagerly for a knock. When she got it, the pinkette swung the door open wide.

"Okay! Open 'em up!" the little Aster called. And when Tiki looked upon her gift, she wasn't sure that she could trust what her eyes were telling her that she was seeing.

"Is that. . . Thea Aster wrapped up in a bow?" she asked.

"I had a match today," coyly answered Ivy, "POW to be specific." Ivy then pushed Thea towards her mentor, "Happy birthday, Tiki."

Tiki's hands went to her face, but did nothing to hide the massive smile on her face. "You guys," she said, "This is incredible! I can hardly believe this." Hortensia just let out a chuckle at Tiki's declaration, and Ivy responded with a prideful smile at her teachers happiness.
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