Kings and Queens Tournament Aftermath: Celebrating new friends, new titles, and new opportunities

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Kings and Queens Tournament Aftermath: Celebrating new friends, new titles, and new opportunities

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

The Kings and Queens Tournament had come to an end. While the title itself was unofficial and not recognized by LAW higher-ups, it still held plenty of significance to its winner: Oscar Orelash, the Barbarian Prince. Oscar was all too aware of how little attention the mens division received compared to the women of LAW- but having fought tooth and nail in a down-to-the-wire finale, Oscar was proud to claim the title of being LAWs first (unofficial) male champion! A celebration felt only natural, but Oscar felt like it was appropriate to invite Dama De Loba, the opponent he faced in the tournament's finale, to join him for some drinks. For someone having made her debut in the tournament, Oscar was deeply impressed with how Loba had pushed him in the match- and grateful that she encouraged him to fight on when his anxieties were starting to get to him instead of using the moment to steal the match from him. Oscar was beyond curious about the talented Ms. De Loba- and was determined to learn more about this amazing wrestler.
Showing up at an agreed bar in some casual clothes, Oscar would find a booth for him and Loba to share as he slid into a seat and placed a backpack under the table. Oscar had an eager look on his face as he tapped his foot excitedly, keeping an eye out for Loba with the plan to wave her down when he spotted her. Due to Loba's mask, he didn't have a great idea of what she looked like- but she was a giant redhead who was as big as he was. Someone like that should be easy to spot in a crowd. At least- that's what Oscar believed.

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Re: Kings and Queens Tournament Aftermath: Celebrating new friends, new titles, and new opportunities

Unread post by Bare »

Loba smiled brightly as she near skipped down the sidewalk to the bar she had agreed to meet Oscar at. Despite her loss in the final round of the Kings and Queens tournament it didn't bother Loba much. It still made for an amazing debut into the LAW roster and making it to the finals alone was something to be proud about, but the final match itself was amazing. Oscar was easily one of the best opponents that Loba had ever gone up against and she was thrilled with the result, even if he had won. It was why she was so enthusiastic about accepting this invitation.

Wearing a knee length pink skirt along with a tight fitting black T-Shirt, knee length pink and black socks with bright red hi top sneakers she wasn't all too much different than her wrestling person, her bright red hair definitely still waving around freely behind her. The biggest difference though would be the lack of a mask on her face. Admittedly she debated about wearing it tonight, after all a Luchadora's face was of the utmost priority, and it was always a risk to go out without it.

However Oscar had proven trustworthy, and she could always make sure that if they took any pictures they hid her face somehow in the edit before posting. Entering the bar and looking around it wouldn't be overly difficult to spot Oscar. After all he was her size with similar fiery red hair to her and he was even waving her down. Smiling brilliantly at the man she would quickly step over towards him with a bit more than a spring to her step, going to sit down across from him. "Oscarrrrr! How are you feeling after the match? Not too beat up I hope." She said cheerily, hoping he was doing ok after the admittedly brutal bout the two had had.

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Re: Kings and Queens Tournament Aftermath: Celebrating new friends, new titles, and new opportunities

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Oscar, spotting Loba, would match her brilliant smile with a big, happy grin as she took a seat across from him. When asked how he was holding up, Oscar chuckled.

"I'm doing alright, thanks for asking! Definitely feeling sore in some places- but nothing I haven't dealt with before. Gonna have a nice ice bath waiting for me when I get home. What about you, Loba? Good to see you in high spirits- but are you holding up ok?"

Oscar tilted his head curiously at the question. He was happy to see Loba plucky and upbeat, but he wanted to make sure one of the best opponents he's ever had wasn't dealing with any lingering pains.

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