A Tumble in the Sand: Gold Ace vs. Arlise Christiaens

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A Tumble in the Sand: Gold Ace vs. Arlise Christiaens

Unread post by Winter »

Hardstyle Hentai
The match is won by the first competitor to earn one traditional fall and one forced orgasm.

Make it four, but at least this time, they had changed the venue on her.

Arlise Christiaens had wrestled in the arena, in bedrooms, in apartments, on mats, and even on a trampoline. However, they had not seen fit to have her wrestle on a beach. In a way, she almost took the oversight as an insult - many people associated LAW with beachside matches in bikinis, one of the early staples of this more showy and suggestive form of wrestling. Had they never thought to tell her to snap on her nicest bikini and tumble in the sand with anyone else? Had they intentionally skipped over her? She knew the answer to both of those questions to be no, but she let it serve as a motivation to her nonetheless.

Besides, today, with the company trying to usher in spring the correct way, she had indeed snapped on one of her bikinis - one she often used in her apartment or on the mats since it tended to stay on her body better than most when wrestling - and had an opportunity in the sand. They had, naturally, continued her run of hentai matches. Rather than find herself wearied, Arlise instead felt more... comfortable. Prepared. The longer she ran this gauntlet, the more commonplace it would become, and the more successful her future matches.

...Eventually, she might put her foot down. A match that would end without someone coming she would enjoy, too. For now, though, she continued the learning experience.

As her music fought for volume with the beachside air and the scattered crowd began to regather for the day's latest match, the redhead emerged after her typically long session of primping to their equally scattered cheers. She posed prettily for them with a hand on her hip, but she quickly broke routine with a handful of people basically occupying the makeshift ramp - sand-covered stones - as she approached the equally sand-swept ring. She slapped hands with a few of them as they parted for her, and she no doubt felt a hand on her ass...

She let it pass, only shooting a stern look over her shoulder before she hopped up and into the ring to await Gold Ace. Good name - almost as good as Titania.

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