Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

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The referee would say that Chloé was out but wasn’t gonna give the Shaw Twins the victory. They then explained that the rules stated that the Shaw Twins had to make her orgasm as well as knocking her out. With some heavy groans from the Twins, they decided on trying something else.

Hannah would sit on the face of Chloé and smother her with her ass. Meanwhile, Sophie grabbed the used dildo and started fucking her pussy right there, waking Chloé up again.
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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

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Chloé was awakened by the feeling if a toy entering her unmentionable area, as she would awakened. "Huh? What is.... hmmmmmm!!!" The blonde would scream as she would immediately feel the rear of the bigger blonde shoved into her face. She was barely still awake, and unsure what was happening, but knew she was in danger.

Desperate to try to get out of the hold, Chloe who wasn't having her feet held, would pull back her right leg and attempt to drive her heel right into Sophie's face. If this worked and pushed her off, Chloe would try to take the same leg and throw it up, trying to deliver a kick to Hanah's head as well, trying to kick her way out of this hold!

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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

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Sophie wouldn’t mind the kicks from Chloé due to Chloé not really in this match at this point from all the torture the Shaw Twins did to her. Though it still was a hassle since Chloé’s kicking moved the asshole for Sophie to continue penetrating her. The twins gave each other a look before Hannah would stop Chloé’s kicking by just smacking it away from Sophie while she did her thing. Hannah also started pressing Chloé’s boobs together to either stimulate or humiliate Chloé. Either way, it was quite enjoyable for Hannah doing this.
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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

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As the French woman's desperate attempt to force herself out of the hold failed, the blonde would have little left she could do being pinned down but struggle and wait for theh end. It hadn't been to long since the sexfighter had been forced to cum, so one would think that Guillaume would be able to hold out for a while before she was made to cum again.

That being said, the moment Hannah started to toy with Chloe's soft sensitive breast of Chloe, the woman's attitude would change when this happened. Her desire to fight fairly quickly started to disapate. Her struggles to try to keep Sophie's dildo out of her suddenly changed to Chloe grinding up against the sex toy. Part of her seemed to be... prehaps enjoying the situation she was in?

It didn't take long before the blonde suddenly arc her back, her womanhood pulseing, muffled underneath the body of the gorgeous Hannah, Chloe would out something... "HHHMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNGGGG!" As a powerful orgasim would squirt out from between the blonde's legs, drenching the toy and the inner thigh's of Chloe, as her flailing and struggleing would slow, to the point that the woman was barely moving at all.

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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

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Both Shaw Twins enjoyed Chloé’s orgasm as they would get off of her after that. The referee then came over to look at Chloé and determine if she was completely done off and announce the Shaw Twins the victors of the match.

Hannah: “I think Chloé can’t move anymore. We fucked her to a knockout.”

Sophie: “This is over, referee. Call the match if you don’t want us to break the mind of this French woman.”
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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

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The referee would go to check in Chloe who was lying on the bed face up. The normal way to do this would be to raise the hand of the fallen competitor, and see if it falls down when it is let go. As the woman rose the Nude French's hand, the blonde's head would slowly start to fall. It would hit the bed, but instead of resting there, the hand would start to move up toward Chloe's head, as she would start to wipe some sweat off of her brow.

"Huhhh... wh... what is happening?" Chloe would ask, still in a complete daze from the lack of oxygen.

The refree had to pause for a second to consider what she was to do. Under normal circumstances, to protect Chloe's long term health, she would call the match off at this point. However... as the blonde was clearly awake at this point, and it was clear to the refree at this point this was designed to be some sort of punishment for the French woman, she couldn't tell if she should let the match continue.

After a few seconds, the refree decided that she was more scared of keeping her job than the health and well being of the barely conscious blonde.

"Guillaume is awake. The match shall continue!"

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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

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Both Shaw Twins would be up in arms and they were right to do so. Sure this is just LAW executives punishing Chloé for whatever she did to make them angry, both of them liking how the match is going so far, but both twins know when someone is punished enough. This was just cruelty at this point as they would get handsy with the referee while also letting their frustrations about officiating known.

Hannah: “Jesus Christ referee. She’s barely conscious at this point. Just call the match. It’s over.”

Sophie: “If you don’t call this match right now, maybe we should do to her to you. You wanna see us do that? Hmm?”
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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

Unread post by Harem Girl »

The referee would start arguing with the two girls which would give Chloe the opportunity to recover a bit. The blonde would look around, trying to recover and see what was going on with the two gorgeous blondes and the referee getting into a confrontation. Chloe didn't fully understand what was going on, but she knew she was in Sanger, and she needed to do something to protect herself before the blonde's continued. Looking around, Chloe would see in the corner of a room a large seat. Chloe would slowly stand up and limp over to the furniture, and would attempt to drag it over. If not stopped, Chloe would raise the chair over her head and bring it down in the back of the unsuspecting Hannah, the larger of the two twins, trying to knock her out to make this into a fair fight.

If this did work, Chloe would try to immediately spear tackle the smaller twin onto the bed with all of her enegy, her bare pale skin glistening with sweat due to the effort. If this would work, chloe would position herself onto of the smaller twin, and shove her breast into her face, attempting to smother her to further help the odds.

"Uhhhhh! J.... just go to sleep!" Chloe would desperately yell out, trying to help the Sophie on her way to go to take a nap.

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Re: Don’t mess with the execs - The Shaw Twins vs Chloé Guillaume

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

The Shaw Twins wouldn’t have noticed Chloé slowly getting back up as she argued. However, Sophie noticed Chloé weakly lifting up the chair to smack her twin sister in the back with. She would yell out before quickly kicking Chloé in the crotch, stopping Chloé from doing a Bart Simpson on Hannah.

Sophie: “You thought you were gonna use a chair on my twin sister? Oh you messed up now. We felt bad for you for putting you through this. But after what you attempted to do, we won’t stop now until you are knocked out.”

And just like that, the match continued. Sophie would grab the chair and force Chloé to keep her legs spread out. Hannah then grabbed a vibrator and started sexually torturing Chloé with it by putting the vibration on max and not allowing Chloé to get out of it.
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