The Mall Brawl to End Em All

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Re: The Mall Brawl to End Em All

Unread post by winner3 »

Guerrero wasn't satisfied with just the boot to the midsection! She had more in mind for her rival. It seemed their catfight, and more importantly, their heated rivalry was far from over! Before Sienna could recover, the curvy Latina would spring up from her knees and pounce on the ebony bombshell, bringing Sienna down to the floor! Fluids and debris from the milkshake and food would spill onto Sienna's fif frame!

"Why you!" Smith would sit up and double up her fist at Gabi to swing at her, but her rival grabbed two fistfuls of her hair to keep her occupied!

Sienna closed both her eyes in pain and cursed under her breath as she tried to reach for Gabriella's wrists to get her to stop. Despite wearing an outfit a few sizes too small, Gabriella could move! She channeled her mean streak with Sienna all too well when she pulled Smith up to her feet and sent her feeling with a hard right hand to the face!

"UMF!" Sienna's head and hair whipped to the side from the impact! She staggered a few steps away, placing a hand on one of the food court tables to find her balance!

By this point, both women were recognized by the masses. Highlights from their last LAW match were still playing on the TV monitors above! Passerbys pulled out their phones to record the action as Sienna Smith and Gabriella Guerrero went to town on each other!!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: The Mall Brawl to End Em All

Unread post by Devastated »

The fight had already brought in the usual amount of smartphone camera recorders! As several of the people in the food court had decided to document the events. A few had even taken to live streaming it directly, this whole encounter of theirs would soon enough be making news headlines among the sports-entertainment industry!

Gabriella yanked on Sienna's mane, pulling her along and keeping her rival under control as befitting of a true catfight. Hairpulling worked like a charm and Gabbie was able to throw a hard hook into the disoriented Sienna's face, sending her reeling as she had to find balance against a table.

The Latina chose to keep the aggression going hog-wild. She moved right in and would try to throw a punch right into Sienna's fit belly! Looking to double her over long enough for the beautiful latina to try and scoop up Sienna and throw her down onto said table with a bodyslam!

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Re: The Mall Brawl to End Em All

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Gabriella and Sienna had continued to show each other and the entire world that their rivalry was fierce and as inexorable as a raging tide! Every time these two met, fists were exchanged! And right now, a vengeful and underdressed Guerrero was bent on exchanging blows with Sienna's face and abs!

"UUF!" The ebony bombshell grunted as Gabi's fist connected once again, this time with her bare, toned abs! Sienna had risen up in time with her rival's swing, allowing Gabi to connect with the full force of the blow!

The strike would leave Sienna doubled over and stunned! Allowing Gabriella to fully capitalize!

"Unnn..." Sienna would groan as the haughty Hispanic woman hoisted her up! She found her bearings just in time to realize what was happening. But it was too late by then!

"Crap, no!" The bronze-skinned babe would blurt out before Gabriella slammed her onto the food court table! The force of the slam broke the table into pieces! Leaving Sienna in a heap among the pieces of wood and debris!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: The Mall Brawl to End Em All

Unread post by Devastated »

It seemed almost expected to happen, that whenever Gabriella and Sienna met there would be an exchange of blows, either verbal or physical but usually both. It was inevitable that a brawl of some sort would break out between them in this mall food court. With Gabriella picking up Sienna into the air, multiple phones went up as people started to film the event of those beautiful women going at it. After all, it was basically a free wrestling match for all these people to watch should they so desire.

Gabriella brought Sienna down harshly with that bodyslam, the table breaking into pieces under the weight and impact of Sienna's body. It felt cathartic to break a table with Sienna's body, after she had ended up losing their previous match by that same stipulation. Gabriella stood up with a cocky smirk on her face as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Well well well....aren't you looking pathetic down there, Chica~" Gabriella mocked Sienna as she would try and grab a handful of that dark hair and start to guide Sienna up to her feet. She was feeling rather smug about having delivered that brutal slam and felt it was time to humiliate Sienna a bit. As she tried to get Sienna up, she would notice the crowd of people, filming them on their phones. Gabriella let out a light chuckle as she would try and turn Sienna around and slip her arms in under her armpits as she sought to lock her rival up into a full nelson, trying to lock down her arms and leave foe on display for the crowd, all the while Gabriella's shapely frame would press right up against Sienna's back, with those large breasts of the Hispanic babe pushing against Sienna's back.

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Re: The Mall Brawl to End Em All

Unread post by winner3 »

The irony of being put through a table by Gabriella after their tables match was not lost on Sienna. When she recovered from her daze, the dominant diva would certainly remember to be angry about that! It was a slap in the face- as if to say that Gabriella only lost that match by chance. That Gabi could do the same to Sienna anytime!

"Mmmm....grrrr..." Smith would let out a groan of pain followed by a groan of frustration.

Guerrero had taken the downed Sienna and pulled her up to her feet and into a Full Nelson! The feeling of suddenly having her arms jerked upward and trapped by Gabriella's biceps made Sienna come to after being slammed through the food court table! And now that she was cognizant, Sienna realized that her rival was using her to put on a different kind of "show"!

"Ohhhh, no you didn't!" Sienna roared with blush on her face!

Gabriella kept Sienna upright right her chest puffed out. Sienna's tube top visibly struggled to contain her full, voluptuous ebony breasts! She could feel Gabriella's own buxom chest at her bare back! Dozens of fans drew closer with their phones recording and taking pictures of one scantily-clad LAW wrestler put their rival on display for all to see! And after struggling with Gabriella for a good ten seconds or so, breasts bouncing to the point of her tube top dragging down to cover nothing but her dark areolas (and expose the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, today), Sienna had enough!

"Rargh!" After struggling to break free of Gabriella's grip, Sienna instead chose to raise her hands higher rather than lower. Sienna would reach behind her head to claw at Gabriella's eyes and to try and force the catty maid girl to break the hold! And if she succeeded, Smith would be quick to turn the tables!

"You wanna see something REAL pathetic?!" Sienna would spin around quickly! If she got her way here, the ebony bombshell would look to prey on a hurting Gabi in much the same way her rival had preyed upon her! Sienna would grab the taut, fragile fabric of the bust of Gabriella's two-sizes-too-small maid outfit and try to violently rip it away, exposing the underwear Gabriella likely had underneath! And if she succeeded in this effort, Sienna would double down by attempting to wrestle Gabriella's arms from behind and secure her in a Double Chickenwing in much the same way that Gabi had secured her in a Full Nelson moments ago! Sienna would try to lift Gabriella up off her feet and put her rival's breasts on display to get back at her!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: The Mall Brawl to End Em All

Unread post by Devastated »

Gabriella of course meant to prove to Sienna just how much of a fluke her win in their table match had been, by doing exactly what was needed to win a table match! By slamming Sienna down through the table and breaking it in half, she was proving not only to Sienna but to everyone, including herself that she could have won that match just like that!

After which she felt that it was only fair to show off Sienna and her handiwork, and she chose to do so by pulling her rival up to her feet and locking her up in that tightly locked in Full Nelson! That saw her generous bosom mash up against Sienna's strong back, as she held on firmly on her rival. She felt her squirm and struggle, which only satiated Gabriella's desire to defeat, dominate, and humiliate her nemesis.

Though as she was busy reveling in their current situation, Sienna was thinking of a way to escape. Which she chose to do with an underhanded and cruel eye rake! "Gywhah!" Gabriella cried out as those nails raked across her face! She pulled her arms away, and her hands went up to cover her eyes! Rubbing and trying to mend her temporarily impaired vision!

Left open for further attacks from Sienna, the ebony skinned beauty decided to repay the humiliation by tearing at the dress of Gabriella! The Bronze skinned beauty's chest being revealed...! Her bare breasts on display, The realisation of being exposed like this forced a tint of pink blush to appear on Gabriella's cheeks! As Sienna then decided to wrestle control of her arms. Gabriella's arms were forced back into a double chicken wing hold and before she could do much about it she was forced to tippy-toe....and then her feet left the floor! Her legs dangled as her chest was pushed outward and up into the air!

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