Best friends, best enemies - Quetzalcoatl and Astrea vs Haruka and Ruri

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Re: Best friends, best enemies - Quetzalcoatl and Astrea vs Haruka and Ruri

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Now that the four wrestlers were together, the match could really begin and despite their size differences, Ruri threw herself at Quetzalcoatl to try to pin her against the bed. Unfortunately for her, the blonde was much stronger and more resistant than her teammate and did not bend even an inch. However, she took the opportunity to take Ruri in her arms, preparing to hug her with a powerful bearhug.

"Ohhh, you're feisty!~ She did, you're a great friend and rival from what I've heard!~"

Quetzalcoatl took the time to talk and meet Ruri in her own way but her best friend did not agree. The blond and blue-haired ojou had something to do with Ruri and stuck herself against her opponent's back, trapping her in a Full Nelson before throwing herself backwards.

"She's mine Quetz!"

"Fine fine, Ruri, it was a pleasure~"

Quetzalcoatl didn't even have time to squeeze Ruri in her arms with her bearhug that Astrea intervened to take the advantage over her brand new rival. The blonde released her opponent to let Astrea completely lock Ruri in a Full Nelson followed by a body scissor and sighed while putting her hands on her hips.

"They really seem to get along well, it's been a long time since I've seen Astrea be this serious. Anyway, Ready for round 2 my little Haruka?~"
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Re: Best friends, best enemies - Quetzalcoatl and Astrea vs Haruka and Ruri

Unread post by Aifumi »

The wholesome interaction was short lived, as Ruri was suddenly kidnapped by one of her adversaries, particularly the one who she had an altercation with since the beginning of the match. Her petite arm flails, as Astrea managed to capture her from behind by sneaking both arms under her armpit and lock her torso, initiating a Full Nelson while separating the bluenette from the muscular goddess.

"Aggh! Nnghh! Release me! Let me talk to Quetz!"

While the blue coded wrestlers were tussling on the other side of the bed, one individual secretly managed to recover in time for the match and it was none other than the redhead, Haruka, who was recovering from Quetz's brutal smother. Before Quetz could turn behind and pay her attention to the redhead, Haruka had already clasped her hand onto the hooks of Quetz's bra, to try to sneakily reveal her breasts.

"Fufu~ I've always been ready since the beginning.."

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