Tiki and Niko set out some smooth, large blankets to wrestle on rather than the sand, securing them taut with stakes one would commonly associate with a camping tent. Tiki then produced a locked metal box with a slot to insert money on top and buried it in the sand to prevent theft, leaving just a space over the slot so they could insert money without having to dig it back up and rebury it every time. Lastly, Tiki set out the signs, both an advertisement and a list of rules.
Have a match with LAW wrestlers Tiki Lowell and Niko Tomiji!
-1 Normal Match = 3800 Yen ($25), 1 Wager Match = 6900 Yen ($45)
-Wager Round - If you win, you get all the money currently in our money box
-One of us uses a move of your choice on you = 1500 Yen ($10) per move, 2300 Yen ($15) for a 2v1 move
-You use a move of your choice on one of us (we won't resist and will sell the move) = 4600 Yen ($30) per move 7600 Yen ($50) for a 1v2 move
-Matches are 1v1, 1 Round, Standard Pinfall, Submission, or KO rules apply to all matches (Rule changes negotiable for extra cost)
-You may request to wrestle a specific opponent for a match, but we decide who fights you
-The wrestler not in the match will serve as referee (we promise to be fair, we're pros, after all)
-Unlimited rematches as long as you can pay for another round, but we will ask you to wait if somebody else wants a turn
-You may choose your "opponent" if staging a move
-We reserve the right to deny move choices if they are dangerous/really perverted
-No continuing past the end of a match/move
-No biting/hair pulling/crotch attacks
-No stripping/groping/extreme sexual acts
-No attempts to steal our money if you don't win it in a wager match
-No children. No pros for matches.
-If you break the rules, you will be jumped by both of us and you will be cut off.
"Well, here we go!" Tiki said. "Now we just wait for takers!"