Rules: Standard hentai rules apply, however, the two fighters must be engaging in full intercourse throughout the match. Should they seperate, the match is paused until they get together again, then it recommences. Loser verbally submits to the winner.
Location: A LAW sanctioned bedroom
Attire: None
Today was an interesting day for Huang. He had been in LAW for a while, but had never been put up for a match against sonebody of the opposite gender. That was, until today. He had been paired with a woman named Lily Schmidy, who dubbed herself "The Sexual Brawl", which intrigued him, especially since this match was one of the sexual variety, meaning that the Dragon would witness her strength.
But this was no ordinary match, far from it. Instead of the two fighters having tp be careful with getting up close and personal, this time, they would be up close and personal all the time. In fact, they would be forced to engage in full sex from the start to the finish, meaning this would be a true test of the dragons endurance, something Huang prided himself in.
He arrived at the apartment where the match takes place, and strips down to just his boxers. He will removve the boxers once Lily arrives. Once he has gone down to his boxers, he will then proceed to go into the bedroom and sit on the bed, waiting for his opponent to arrive.