Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

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Many years had led both wrestlers to this moment. While there was mutual respect between them, they both also genuinely believed themselves to be the better wrestler. And now that they were finally wrestling, now that Irelia had made Ryu succumb between her arms in a contest that pushed both of their skills and their stamina, she finally added some credence to her claim. It was clear that the moment resonated with her, so much so that she needed the official to call attention to the fact that Hiroshi was out cold in her embrace. The match had clearly taken a toll on her as well. The Dragon, as he called himself, was no slouch! Irelia was darn near all out of gas. The only thing powering her and keeping her going at this point was her own impressive conditioning and the thrill of picking up the first fall.

Sweat continued to teem on Irelia perfect bod as she pulled the man up off the wooden floors beneath them. Her thin, red bikini dragged against her skin due to the perspiration and the humidity in the room. Locs of her hair stuck to her cheeks and shoulders at points, but still, she persisted, seating Ryu on the bench before taking a seat beside him. Soon she was able to wake him, and no sooner than that did Ryu spring into action himself to try and avenge that last fall! Irelia's eyes widened with surprise when Ryu suddenly lunged at her! Even the scantily clad referee girl was taken aback and recoiled!

"Ngh!" Xu grunted as she was taken down!

Her red bikini struggled to cover her pristine form as the toned man bore down on her!

Irelia struggled for a moment while she was pinned down! She wasn't powering out right away! Not with a stronger, heavier, muscular opponent on top of her! Their bodies clashed and Ryu pinned her! The match had taken its toll on Irelia! The referee took note of her shoulders being pressed against the slick wood and began to count!


"Mmmf!" The bluenette bit her bottom lip and freed her arms! Irelia couldn't power out due to fatigue, but she realized that Ryu must have been in worse shape from having just been knocked out!


Irelia would spread her legs! She'd look to turn the tides against her long-time rival by locking her ankles behind The Dragon's back and scissoring the core of his formidable frame with a Frontal Body Scissor! If it worked, Irelia would immediately begin to pour on the pressure! She'd push back on Ryu's defined chest and look to force him to lean back on his knees! Irelia would push her upper body up off the ground by bending her arms and resting on her elbows! If she managed to break up the pin by countering with this hold, she'd push up even further and press her palms against the ground beneath them so than she could get even better leverage that she could use to tense her legs and squeeze Ryu out even harder, targeting the core she had Bearhugged just moments ago!
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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

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Years of verbal back and forth had stored a lot of built up frustration between the two. However, neither could deny the others ability or determination. Both were considered to be best in their previous federation with the exception that Ryu was at his peak then and Irelia was still growing despite how good she was. Ryu was now at the tail end of his career, at 40, he did not have the stamina that he once did. However, he was still proud and a strong wrestler. He was not ready to accept defeat against anyone, especially Irelia.

Irelia also showed respect to him, instead of pushing on the advantage or posing over him, she would grab her rival and pull him up. Seating him on the bench and taking a seat next to him, she would take a moment to rest even in such heated conditions before proceeding to try and wake up the slumbering dragon. As soon as he did, he wasn't sure if he had lost a fall or what had happened before he was knocked out. All that he remembered was that he was locked in a heated battle against his opponent.

Rage and the rush of emotion taking over, he would take Irelia down and pin her with his entire body until the referee started to count. At the count of one, he started to think more clearly. "Hah...Hah...you knocked me out with the bearhug?" he asked her as the referee counted two and that is when she fought back, wrapping her legs around his waist while pushing upwards to force Ryu to a seated position while she squeezed him out.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he yelled out, grabbing her thighs and pushing them down. Ryu would bring his elbows up in the air before striking down at her thighs, forcing the scissors to break. However, the damage was done and the adrenaline that came rushing in was starting to slow. Ryu was slugging to get back up, sweat was pouring off his frame and his briefs were getting wedged up to make it look like speedos. Ryu was starting to now understand just how good Irelia was.

"Hah.....Hah....." he panted, backed up against the wall with his arms up defensively.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

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Ryu was at the tail end of his career. Irelia still had a decade or more to go before she'd be past her prime. On paper, Irelia had the momentum and physique to be the favorite. Even the stipulation of the match taking place in a sauna worked to her advantage. The beautiful bluenette's conditioning and cardio were top-notch! But even with all of that, Hiroshi was fighting just as fiercely as she was! There was respect between them. There was understanding. But there was also a heated personal rivalry that would only be settled when one of them proved that they were the better wrestler! And with Irelia leading this contest one fall to none, she was poised to do just that! But The Dragon wasn't going to let that stand!

"Oh, I'll knock you out again in due time, don't you worry! I'll prove I'm the better fighter between us!" Xu said through grit teeth as she continued putting the squeeze on the man!

Both their bodies teemed with sweat as they continued to wrestle in the hot sauna room! Ryu's tight-fitting briefs and Irelia's flattering bikini darkened from the perspiration on their chiseled bods!

"HNNNG!" Irelia let out grunts of effort as she continued to target Hiroshi's already hurting core! No doubt Ryu was feeling it after the Bearhug KO! But The Dragon was stubborn! Even with Irelia using surgical precision to pick him apart in this match, he still found the means to raise his arms high and target her toned, voluptuous thighs with a pair of elbow strikes!

"Ah!" Ryu dropping the hammer like this, Irelia was forced to break the hold! She rolled away a couple of rotations and rubbed her hurting thighs! But it wouldn't be long before she locked eyes on Ryu again!

"You're fading....Dragon...!" Irelia said while ignoring her own heavy breathing! She parted her wet blue hair to the side and slowly got up. She smiled at Ryu. The beautiful Asian American wrestler knew that her rival was nearing his limit! She could smell blood in the water! There were only a few minutes left on the clock for this Ironman match! And Irelia planned to make good use of them!

"You just need one more...PUSH!" Xu would state emphatically before dashing towards the man!

She'd rush at Hiroshi headlong! And if the man stood his ground, Irelia would look to hit him with a Running Body Splash! She'd look to garner enough momentum to sandwich Ryu between herself and the wall, maybe a satisfying thwack of she connected! And if she did connect, she'd immediately follow up by prying Ryu off of the wall and wrapping both arms around his head, pulling his nose and mouth between her big, sweaty breasts to smother him!
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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

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With time certainly not on his side and the more time they spent in the heat of the sauna, the more exhausted the veteran wrestler was going to get. Meanwhile, Irelia, who was also quite tired but not enough to slow her momentum down saw that Ryu was starting to fade away and was on the defensive. He barely managed to escape her scissors but was now stumbling back until his back hit one of the walls. He leaned against them, breathing heavily and really struggling to get back up to his feet. The lack of fresh air was simply draining him.

The female wrestler would see her chance, rushing towards him to slap her frame against his in a body splash. "UGHHH" he cried out as she crashed into him, forcing his back to really hit the wall hard again. Not done yet, Xu would wrap her arm around his head and pull his face deep into her sweaty cleavage. "MFMFMMFMFMFMF" he mumbled, arms waving about in the air as she leaned into him even more. The Dragon was indeed fading, the already lack of fresh air on top of the smother really left him with no choice in the matter.

Ryu would end up tapping her shoulder signaling a submission just in time....

"Times up!" the referee announced as the victor was Irelia with a score of 2-0.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

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Irelia was in the zone. She was prepared to bust out as many moves and holds as she needed to in order to deplete the last of Hiroshi's strength and secure a dominant victory! She was prepared to put an end to this cold war of a rivalry they had! But her laser focus and her will to win suddenly got a reality check when she felt a sweaty, worn-out Ryu tap her shoulder to signify his submission!

"Oh!" Xu would exclaim in surprise. And slowly release Ryu.

If that didn't snap Irelia out of her entranced, embattled state, the referee calling the match did.

"Ohhh! Very well!" Irelia would place her hands on her hips. It seemed there was a bit of a photo finish. The beautiful bluenette managed to get Ryu to tap just seconds before the time ran out in their Ironman match!

Irelia would offer her hand to Ryu to help him up. She would make sure the man could stand up straight before nodding to him and to the referee.

"2 submissions to none. I think this settles things between us, Mister Dragon, don't you?" Irelia would address Ryu.

"Please report the result back to LAW Management, Miss Referee." Irelia would instruct the ref as she adjusted her bikini top and smiled confidently. She looked to be in impressive shape from head to toe, still clearly able to keep going another few rounds in this intense sauna heat if she needed to!
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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

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Just like that, the match was over. Irelia would pick up a dominant two-nil victory over her rival just in the nick of time. The bell rang seconds before a second submission and the referee had to call the match, letting the sweaty bluenette know that the match was over. It took Xu a while to realize that and she would slowly release the smother as the Japanese man fell to the floor. "Gah....Hah...." he panted, rubbing his face a bit. He was left embarrassed and out of breath as he lost to a breast smother- suffocated and being left unable to breathe in the hot and humid conditions.

Xu would stand on her feet, hands on hips, proud of the victory while addressing Ryu to acknowledge the victory while telling the referee to update the official record. The referee would not. "Sure, will do Ms. Xu" she said. Meanwhile, Ryu would slowly get back up to his feet and turn his back to Irelia as he would walk out of the sauna room and stormed back towards the locker room.

"Uh-oh, looks like your boyfriend is a little upset?" the referee teased before she made her exit as well. Ryu was left frustrated, he wanted a match but the sauna wrestling match was not his idea and he felt that Irelia took advantage of that. As he entered the locker room, he would remove his gloves and elbow pads being a sweaty mess. "Tch" he clicked his tongue as he felt that he should won that but was left frustrated by the sweat and smothers.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

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With the match wrapped up, Irelia enjoyed her victory and the chance to finally put this long-standing rivalry to rest. Only, Ryu didn't seem to be satisfied.

"Hmm?" Xu raised an eyebrow when she saw The Dragon turn his back and leave in a huff.

The referee teased and hinted and how Hiroshi seemed upset. The direction that Ryu headed in seems to suggest he was going to the locker room.

"Why don't I go see what's got him in a tizzy?" Irelia nodded to the referee before following after him.

"Yoo-hoo! Is someone angry in there?" Irelia called out from the entrance to the locker room.

"You know, throwing a tantrum isn't a very good look on you, Ryu~. If you want a repeat performance, we could always fight again." She would say, beckoning The Dragon to come to the entrance and talk things out with her.
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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Irelia Xu - Sauna Match

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

The match was technically over, there was no reason to stay behind in the hot and sweaty sauna room. Ryu had lost fair and square, despite his best efforts and he was not going to stay back to have Irelia gloat over him or worse, perform a victory pose over him. So instead, he would simply crawl back up to his feet and head out to the locker room and accept his loss. Of course, the optics of this did not look or feel right to Irelia, who seemed to be a bit annoyed at Ryu's attitude after losing. They agreed to settle this and now that it was settled, he wouldnt even look her in the eye.

As he made his way to the locker room, he would pass his fingers under the waistband of his briefs, ready to peel them down until he heard someone call out to him. He rolled his eyes and audibly groaned as he shook his head before walking over towards the door to slide it open. "We just wrestled for 30 minutes where you barely gave me any room, I think we are passed the pleasantries at this point?" he said as he invited her in, not sure why she was being shy or formal of not inviting herself in the first place.

"I am not throwing a tantrum. You asked for a sauna match, you got it. You won" he said, brushing his damp hair back by passing his fingers through them. "I'm a little frustrated yeah....you know I've never had a match like that before and you used it to your advantage, credit to you. I dont think there was a moment where you werent clinging onto them, whether it was your bearhug or smothers" he said, clearly frustrated.

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