On this particular day though Valerie decided to go to the financial for some shopping. Outside of meeting with some of the Villeneuve associates. Now, Valerie decided to take sometime to herself and enjoy the local stores. Which were all stunned to see someone of her presence enter. Of course she was shown preferential treatment but that was hardly needed. Valerie simply wished to take things in. That being said she did have half a mind to buy some of the shops that were even the slightest bit of rude. With no one to challenge Valerie in this thinking, that half of her mind won. Leading Valerie to own 3 new business before the evening. Egotistical is word you can to describe Valerie and somehow that would still not be enough.
Even in her new profession within LAW, it was hard to find someone that could match Valerie’s ego. Most people that tried would usually be dwarfed in moments. The people now watching Valerie in public had seen her physical abilities in action. So they would of course ask themselves “What would it look like if someone was able to match Valerie’s ego?” Don’t ask Valerie though, she might have the impulsive thought to toss you through a window.