Match Type: Apartment MMA Match
Rules: Both fighters do not know who they are facing prior to the match. Victory by Submission or KO.
Softcore sex moves and belly-to-belly contact encouraged. Winner has an option to stay the night with the loser or leave.
Choi Jin-sun had a particular fight on her hands. She had not a clue as to who the opponent for this match would be. In some sense that brought a general uneasiness stemming in the natural fear of volatility coupled with conditioned docility outside the ring. Yet, in reality, she was a completely different beast inside. Thus, the dramatic alter-ego simply allowed her to shut off feelings that were not some form of ecstasy or ferocity. She loved to fight and flatten any pretty girl that stood in front of her hard bare knuckles. Thrill was to live for and this disposition fit her style very well, a little bit too well perhaps. Nonetheless, Jin-sun did not worry too much. There was surely a great deal of fun to be had in fighting whichever girl they set her up with. A bigger imposing foe to try take down or someone of her size that could go pound for pound, she did not mind.
The Korean girl walked through the large hallway marked by the audible echo of her trainers cushioning her feet as they made each step towards the apartment dorm. All these thoughts rushed through her mind by the time she begun keying the lock of the door and igniting the screech to reveal the setting of where she would be tussling. Immediately, Jin-sun could tell it was a sizable and respectable estate, given how well-kempt the building itself was and looked as if it was certainly out of reach of her financial capability. One day she would live amongst the upper-class urbanites perhaps. The window stretched from floor to ceiling, wall to wall which gave the whole complex a panoramic view of the night city in all of its industrial life and starless polluted skies. The penthouse itself was embedded in modernism with its white noise and greyscale colors. Its furniture and cabinets alike crafted into eccentric spheres and shapes.
Jin-sun made the cautious walk inside while the door shuttered close. The ravenette's hood keeping all of her shaggy hair slid off as she pulled down the black face mask that once kept her appearance entirely shrouded. The arriving fighter took in a long deep breath as she made way around the rest of the complex that would become a staging ground. There were multiple rooms and unused spaces, yet the largest decorated spot appeared to have a spacious wide bed. That would be a good use later on, she figured.
The Korean tracked back into the convening living room, remaining covered up in her modest orange hooded tracksuit. Underneath was the signature matte-black sports bra that stood no use to hiding the protrusion of her stiffened nipples and bare midriff. One could not easily tell what she was thinking as the ravenette's expression also stayed relatively stoic at this point, but that was certain to change. For now, the girl lingered and idled around in her own thrilled mind as she waited for the mysterious adversary to arrive. Just who was she going to be fighting?