Following a harrowing yet oddly encouraging first interaction with her sponsor, Rose Gold, the newest signee to LAW's Young Lioness division, would find herself poised with a problem, a problem she was tasked with solving...This-...'problem'...fell outside of her purview of typical problem-solving. Now, she had solved many a puzzle before and was quite adept at critical thinking, as any half-decent martial artist SHOULD be...but the monumental task before her nearly caused the woman's brain to shut down from how overwhelming it truly was.
Emelie had to contain herself from having a damned panic attack. This was all too much...On her first day here after JUST moving in and BARELY surviving her first interaction with THE Rose Gold, the Frenchwoman felt several lust-filled daggers at her throat. She HAD to perform tonight...She NEEDED to rise to the occasion. She could not allow Rose to see weakness within her. She had to meet AND exceed EVERY. SINGLE. EXPECTATION...No matter how large. Her hands shook as she looked through her outfits, trying desperately to put something together...A few hours later, it was getting close to the designated meeting time. Emelie had just finished up the last of her preparations. She applied makeup, trying to 'spice up' her look to make herself look as appealing as possible, but avoiding looking like just another face at the club they'd be going to...the "area's most popular nightclub" Rose put it...The Crystal Ballroom. Now that her preparations were complete, she looked at herself in the mirror...and-...
Emelie's Outfit
"Hm-..." She muttered to herself. She looked...good. Damn good. She almost didn't recognize herself. She had no need to dress up...There was no reason to go and buy fancy makeup packages and pretty herself for any such occasion back home. She-...had no friends. There were no companions to spend time with outside of her own family. She resigned herself to a secluded fate, emotionally distancing herself from the cold world she felt was out to get her. She had no safe haven as an outlet to express herself or her inner beauty...nowhere to refine her charms. But now-...Rose Gold was giving her the opportunity to learn. Emelie took a deep breath and called a taxi, departing her dormitory early as she made her way to the venue...
Outside The Crystal Palace
Emelie arrived a few minutes early, knowing it'd be better for one to arrive early to a function than risk being late. Her preparedness and paranoia would get the better of her as she would now have to wait for Rose to arrive, however long that might take. Perhaps...Perhaps this was all some kind of test, and she failed just by being here. Well-...Of course, it would be a test of sorts...what kind of training is teaching her how to kiss? What kind of location is a NIGHTCLUB to be the place to practice these so-called necessary 'skills'...Emelie felt nervous. Butterflies plagued her stomach as an unending feeling of discomfort wrapped its cold grip around the Frenchwoman. She figured it'd be best to call her taxi back and head to her dorm, seclude herself in the pamphlets and informative documents that Rose had left her with for the college Rose enrolled Emelie into...
No. No, she couldn't just leave. This was her sponsor's idea...So she would remain here. She swallowed her pride as others walked by, eyeing the petite Frenchwoman up. Their prying eyes would gaze and examine her slim figure, her strange Alice-blue hair, her foreign complexion...Emelie knew she could break their bones if they tried anything, but-...She still didn't like the feeling of all those eyes on her back. This felt degrading, but she would tough it out. No matter the pressure or tension, she would keep her composure. The Frenchwoman would stick to her guns and patiently wait for Rose's arrival...silently cursing herself for every individual second that passed by until the Ace of LAW revealed herself...