Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne (Completed)

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Darius 2.0
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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

Unread post by Darius 2.0 »

In the privacy of her own home, Ember had plenty of opportunity to get creative when it came to punishing poor Arianne, who after an evening with Ember, was probably seriously reconsidering her life choices! The so-called 'smother harness' that Ember was employing was a product of the shorty's more devious and dominant nature; one that perhaps might find more use since it seemed to work so well on Arianne!

With her victim securely strapped into her behind, the still nude Ember started to make her way through her apartment again, dragging poor Arianne behind her, forcing her to walk on her knees! Ember's powerful legs ensured that Arianne would be dragged regardless of whether she'd be able to keep up! All the while, Ember's butt cheeks would keep the air tight seal around the thief's nose and mouth, smothering Arianne even while on the move!

"Now where's my phone?" Ember wondered aloud, stopping her walk to take a ponderous look around at her flat. Arianne's whimpers and groans would fall on deaf ears! If the criminal was pleading for mercy, it would be completely lost on Ember! "Ah, there we go!" Spotting her phone on the coffee table before her couch, Ember would move to retrieve it, and of course Arianne would be forced to go along for the ride! When she did manage to retrieve it, Ember would grin and start flipping through her apps until she found her Instagram account. "Might as well make the most of this," she snickered. "I've been needing something special to post!"

Once Ember was ready, she would begin to lower herself onto her floor, taking Arianne down with her! The nude woman would drape herself across the floor, and although it was cold against her bare skin, she was willing to suffer through it! Soon she would be lad out on the floor with Arianne still face deep in her ass, unable to pull away thanks to the belt! "Now hold that pose," Ember would taunt before she would hold up her phone in order to take a pic! Within the frame, Ember's bare backside would be on display while the rest of her nudity was tastefully covered up by the floor! But the main centerpiece would be Arianne drowning in booty, with Ember smiling like a sweetheart while it happened!


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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Much as she might try to protest, Arianne's night had gone from bad to worse, to even worse than that, and now it seemed that Ember was going to cap it off and let the thief spend the last moments of tonight in the most unique and thorough form of smother that she had ever been in! And so the panty thief had a belt fastened around both her head and Ember's waist, and she was firmly harnessed with her face snuggled between Ember's naked asscheeks, leaving her in perhaps the harshest smother punishment that she could have gotten! And so she was left unable to see, groaning loudly into those cheeks as Ember began to walk across her apartment, Arianne blindly following behind as Ember's cheeks smushed her face as they walked!

Eventually Ember would come to a stop, and Arianne would get a chance to rest, as Ember had retrieved the phone she was heading for, and teasing that the occasion called for a celebratory post! Arianne might have been embarrassed to be seen in such a position- mortified actually, but right now she was mostly just focused on trying to endure and not pass out in Ember's ass!

"Mmmmmmph... Mmmmhhh..." Arianne could only groan as Ember lay down and snapped some very tasteful nudes for her Instagram, all getting in frame the fact that she had the infamous panty thief of LAW buried in her naked ass!

Eventually, Arianne could take no more booty smothering, and as Ember happily snapped pictures, Arianne would slowly relax as she ended up drifting off to sleep, passing out with her face buried in Ember's naked booty! No doubt the thief's dreams would be filled with panty thefts gone right, and prized possession underwear, and perhaps, just a teeny tiny bit of Ember...

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Darius 2.0
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Re: Vigilante Justice! - Ember and Arianne

Unread post by Darius 2.0 »

Ember had admittedly been a little lazy with her social media today, putting it aside to have a quiet day at her home and maybe catch up on some gaming! In a way, it was fortunate that Arianne showed up when she did, cause now she had plenty of footage to keep her followers happy! It had all the hallmarks of an Ember Sykes pic, like tasteful nudity and booty domination! Some of her most popular posts were her posing on top of an unconscious (or soon to be unconscious) face! This new harness set up was sure to please as well! It may even become a reoccurring feature in her modeling if anyone ever made the mistake of ticking her off again!

Laying on the floor with her naked backside presented in the air, and Arianne still suffering in the inescapable smother, Ember began her impromptu photo session in earnest! She tested out the best angles, tried out a couple of filters, and came up with a few of cute faces to make for the camera! All the while, Arianne wiggled in whined in her smother, struggling to breath though she was practically an afterthought at this point! The shorty was too focused on her Insta to notice that her prisoner was quickly fading away! "Hmmmm, not bad," Ember muttered aloud, scrolling through her pics after taking dozens of them, a satisfied look on her face. "Lighting could be a bit better but it's not the end of the world. Only so much you can do without the daylight. I think people are really....oh."

While Ember had been on influencer mode, she failed to notice that poor Arianne had passed out! The thief had drifted off to sleep while face down in Ember's ass, making it look like she had drowned in it! "Well.....I guess that's that then," Ember shrugged.

Over the next several minutes, Ember was a flurry of activity. The first thing she did was unhook Arianne from around her waist, untying the belt to finally free her from the deep and humiliating smother! Leaving Arianne on the floor, Ember would next don her comfy white bath robe, covering herself up for this first time since this whole fiasco began! She would then grab Arianne's ankles and use them to drag her through the apartment, out her front door, and into the main floor hallway! It was there Ember would unceremoniously dump the thief!

"Happy trails," Ember would chirp with a devious grin, and then she would slam her door shut. Now she could head to bed with quite a feeling of satisfaction!

Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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