With her victim securely strapped into her behind, the still nude Ember started to make her way through her apartment again, dragging poor Arianne behind her, forcing her to walk on her knees! Ember's powerful legs ensured that Arianne would be dragged regardless of whether she'd be able to keep up! All the while, Ember's butt cheeks would keep the air tight seal around the thief's nose and mouth, smothering Arianne even while on the move!
"Now where's my phone?" Ember wondered aloud, stopping her walk to take a ponderous look around at her flat. Arianne's whimpers and groans would fall on deaf ears! If the criminal was pleading for mercy, it would be completely lost on Ember! "Ah, there we go!" Spotting her phone on the coffee table before her couch, Ember would move to retrieve it, and of course Arianne would be forced to go along for the ride! When she did manage to retrieve it, Ember would grin and start flipping through her apps until she found her Instagram account. "Might as well make the most of this," she snickered. "I've been needing something special to post!"
Once Ember was ready, she would begin to lower herself onto her floor, taking Arianne down with her! The nude woman would drape herself across the floor, and although it was cold against her bare skin, she was willing to suffer through it! Soon she would be lad out on the floor with Arianne still face deep in her ass, unable to pull away thanks to the belt! "Now hold that pose," Ember would taunt before she would hold up her phone in order to take a pic! Within the frame, Ember's bare backside would be on display while the rest of her nudity was tastefully covered up by the floor! But the main centerpiece would be Arianne drowning in booty, with Ember smiling like a sweetheart while it happened!