A Leash Pulled from Either End (for king6y)

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A Leash Pulled from Either End (for king6y)

Unread post by Crossedes »

Prospects galore, and none with enough focus to talk business.

Cocktail glass in her hand, Millicent swayed her way back to the bar and sighed. She had expected more from this particular League gathering, a cocktail party thrown for new signees, and what it could offer her in terms of new connections. New minds to mold. Her appearance made mingling easy, as everyone had taken special note of gawking at her, but she had found little beyond geile hunde - horny dogs either interested in Millie herself or in whatever object of lust they had targeted earlier in the evening.

Desdemona had set her expectations too high. For all the young woman's sensual obsessions, she possessed a keen understanding of when she should listen, when she should assure her mistress of her understanding, and when her lewd anecdotes would best land. The young people here tonight... lacked that same subtlety and acuity. It was like attending a secondary school dance. Millicent had left a dozen of them with empty promises of her attention. Their ignorance ensured she would receive no more of that attention, but she had surely left her mark on them.

She should avoid wasting more of her time, she decided, as she weaved past a couple more youngsters who turned to stare at her rear. Social gatherings drained her easily. For all her desire to keep up appearances, to sway minds and hears, she never entirely enjoyed herself lest she had some purpose or goal in mind or found herself engaged in a particularly entertaining game. She knew no one here, and no one appeared to have either the moxie to prove themselves knowable nor the reputation to merit Millicent wasting her breath. The empress should have brought Desdemona along. At the very least, she could have used the opportunity to teach her how to maneuver one of these gatherings outside of finding the right pair of panties to steal.

She took up her perch on a stool and swung so she could sip and see the room. So long as she remained long enough for enough to have seen her, to have noted her, to have allowed her presence to have marked them in some small way, she would depart. Brushing her hair back over her shoulder, she let her eyes wander down the length of the bar.

They narrowed on one figure when recognition struck her. She tried to place the face, but try as she might, the German could not know every figure who had merited her attention in the past. But she did recognize the woman. American, perhaps. Noteworthy. Far more interesting than anything else in the room. Millicent might gain something from this night yet. From behind another sip of her cocktail, her yellow eyes beckoned for the woman, waiting for her to catch a glance of her.

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Re: A Leash Pulled from Either End (for king6y)

Unread post by king6y »

An Icon. That was the word she labeled, a towering star nestled in stripes was what she was invited for. A giant with a body of steel and the warmth of the sun was what most people knew of Brooke Breaker. A third generation talent that far exceeded her predecessors legacies in the business as she wore gold longer than any other woman in FEW, and destined for their hall of fame as an inspiration for all the women to come after her.

But now, in a company unknown to her, the sapphire dress swaddled bombshell wined and dined her way across the room, talking fans and lustful fools all the same with an ever present smile, and jovial laugh on her face. She looked like she was enjoying herself, she was even blushing and giggling for all those around her as young talent gravitated to her like planets. Seeming to relish and grow shy by their attention, but in reality-

She was bored.
"Hahaha, my, aren't y'all just charmin'! You really know how to make a lady feel welcomed!" She said for the hundredth time.

"Oh my gosh! Ms.Breaker, it's so nice to meet you!" A easy sucker young talent squealed.

"Now, now I ain't all that special sweetheart, just Brooke is fine!"

'Number 30.' She thought.

"Heh, so you're the American icon? You don't look impressive." Some arrogant woman dismissed. But instead of getting angry or heated, all Brooke did was laugh and give her trademark smile.

"Hahaha, guess we'll just have to see in the ring won't we~." She winked, "But don't worry sweetheart, this old bird still got a few tricks up her sleeves!" She laughed, but beneath those twinkling blue eyes, there a sharp gaze hidden underneath. An analytical look that only those with experience could see, because beneath her bluster, Brooke was already marking that wannabe queen for a burial. But as Brooke talked and made connection after connection, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched?

No, that wasn't the word. She's had eyes on her the whole night. She was a big name with a vibrant look, of course she'd be watched. No, this feeling was a call. Taking a sip of her wine as she strutted through the crowd, her blues had met a brilliant gold as a part of knew that's who she was looking for.

"Hope you enjoy the party sister, momma's gonna go see if she can get a refill~"

So, in the nicest turn down she could muster for the poor hot and bothered girl in front of her, Brooke swayed her hips as she approached the scarlet beauty that demanded her attention, as she sat next to her at the bar, smoothing out her dress.

"Heheh, something catch your eye darlin'?" She asked, before ordering some more wine.

'Now this should be interesting~' Brooke thought
Last edited by king6y on Tue Oct 03, 2023 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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