[Grappl] Grappl-ing With The Wolverine (Feat. Alix Jacques and Chris Hicks)

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[Grappl] Grappl-ing With The Wolverine (Feat. Alix Jacques and Chris Hicks)

Unread post by DSX93 »

It was a lovely afternoon in the place so nice they named it twice: New York, New York! The sun was shining brightly, the breeze was pleasant, the weather middling nicely. Not hot, but not too cool either.

An excellent day to get back into dating, and maybe it was a good omen too!

Alix Jacques stood in front of Mama Pollard's, a family-owned restaurant that was a regular haunt of hers whenever she was home. Her back was to the entrance, and she stood in a position that allowed the camera crew in front of her a great shot of the smiling beauty and the exterior of the establishment, sign included. When she learned that Grappl sent a crew to record its participants' first dates, Mama Pollard's was the first venue to enter her mind. The food was wonderful with affordable pricing, and the lovely staff gave the place a homey vibe. It was never hurting for customers, but she wanted to give it some publicity anyway. The Pollards deserved it.

The goth was dressed entirely in black, accessories aside: A long-sleeved button-up blouse with a silver brooch set at the collar that held a heart of ruby, a pencil skirt that ended just above the knee, stockings, and a pretty pair of slippers. Her clothing didn't show any skin, but the custom fit accentuated her ample curves spectacularly.

She'd gone through great trouble in arriving to a decision on this outfit. Whatever it was that she was to wear needed to be something sensible, but cute. It couldn't be too showy, not only because she didn't want her date's mind to go straight to "we're gonna be fucking when this is over", but also because her choice would reflect on the business as well, owing to it being the meeting place that she'd suggested.

At the same time, however, it was a date. Her first in over two years. And the fact that it was going to be broadcasted to millions meant that she needed to be looking extra, extra fine.

Poor Reine looked like she was about ready to murder her for her indecision when she sought her help last night, but in the end, she was happy with what she currently had on.
Alix's General Appearance
The Gist of Her Outfit
The hat isn't present.
Everyone was in position, cameras ready to shoot. All Alix needed now was her cue.

"Rolling in three...two...one..."

...And action! Alix would greet the viewers with her signature sunny smile and a wave with both hands. "Hello, my rays of sunshine! My name is Alix Jacques, and on this beautiful afternoon, I'm gonna be meeting up with my first Grappl date here at the one and only Mama Pollard's! A lovely restaurant owned by a lovely family that's devoted to serving the best food in all of New York at great prices! Now, I know my meats..." The former porn star started her next sentence with a wink, knowing that somebody would've said it in the comments. So why not beat them to the punch? "...So take it from me: You haven't had a burger until you've had one of Mama Pollard's. Let's go inside!"

The recorded visit wasn't a surprise to the workers inside, least of all the owner. After getting the specifics of how the taping would proceed, Alix had called ahead a week ago to run the idea by her, then secured a reservation when she got the green light along with several ecstatic thank yous.

Alix greeted her the same way she always did: "Hi, Mrs. Pollard!" Calling out, practically frolicking over to give the older woman a nice, warm hug. During which she would reply, "Hey, girlie!" Once they separated, she gave the crew and the viewers a proper introduction. "The woman herself, everybody: Mama Pollard!"

"Hello, LAW Universe! If you live in or ever happen to come through to New York, New York and you're hungry for a slammin' burger, be sure to swing on by to..." After stating the restaurant's address, she showed Alix to the table that was prepared for her and her date in a quiet, private corner. One camera stayed on her as she waited for him or her to arrive, while the others went elsewhere for shots of the interior. Alix had intentionally arrived early to allow them more time to do just that.
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"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Re: [Grappl] Grappl-ing With The Wolverine (Feat. Alix Jacques and Chris Hicks)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Chris was running a little bit late to his Grappl date. "Damn New York traffic" Chris said to himself. This was his first date since high school so it had to have been about five or six years since he had last dated anyone. He was going to a restaurant called Mama Pollard's, he might have ate here there last time he was in New York but he could have been to drunk to remember. Chris wasn't drunk today though he cleaned up his act in an effort to make sure they both had a good time and to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

Chris finally reached the restaurant and saw a girl with a camera crew outside thinking that was likely his date considering the terms of Grappl were the first encounter was recorded. Chris soon found a nearby place to park and got out of the car. He was wearing his usual sun glasses but with a black blazer, black dress coat, and black dress pants. Chris wanted to look like he at least dressed up a bit formal also wasn't his thing to begin with so his outfit wasn't too fancy but it still looked decent enough to were he hopes his date wouldn't mind.
Chris's General Appearance
Chris's Outfit
Chris walked up to the entrance and opened the door to see the inside. "Yeah this place looks familiar" Chris thought in his head before looking around for his date. To have a camera man point the camera at him. "What's up?" Chris asked the camera before glancing over to see his date and turning all his attention to her and walked over. She looked great, her outfit showed off her curves real well while not being skimpy. He didn't care too much for the idea of skimpy or overly revealing outfits especially on a first date considering sex wasn't really his goal of the date though he was open to it. "Ah you must be the girl I am supposed to meet here right? My names Chris and it's amazing to finally meet you" he said when he greeted and introduced himself.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: [Grappl] Grappl-ing With The Wolverine (Feat. Alix Jacques and Chris Hicks)

Unread post by DSX93 »

"Cause every girl's crazy about a Sharp Dressed Man!"

If Alix could've a picked out a song to play when her date walked in, that would've been the one. The man immediately turned not only her head, but also that of just about every other woman in the establishment. Including Stephanie, one of Mrs. Pollard's nieces and a member of the waiting staff; Alix was too busy drinking in the fine and finely dressed gentleman to be absolutely sure, but she believed that she saw a flash of recognition in her eyes when they passed each other by.

Mrs. Pollard leaned in close, taking to whispering in her ear while he stood at the entrance. "Make sure you treat that man right if y'all ever end up in the ring. He's the one who whipped Sergio's ass."

Stephanie's ex. He was waiting for her in the parking lot when she finished her shift. Mrs. Pollard had told Alix about a drunken customer who saw trouble brewing and went out there to handle it. She thought he was skipping out on the bill at first, but would quickly realize what was really going on.

Ooh, a handsome knight? Today really is a good day!

Alix stood to greet him with a lovely smile and arms that were open and ready to hug him, if he was up for one. "Right back at you, Chris! I'm Alix."
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Grappl] Grappl-ing With The Wolverine (Feat. Alix Jacques and Chris Hicks)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Chris had noticed a lot of the restaurant staff looking at him thinking maybe he was here and did something stupid but shrugged it off because nobody said anything. Chris then saw Alix opening her arms for a hug which at first made Chris pause showing his awkwardness but he eventually accepted the hug with a warm smile keeping the hug for a few seconds trying not to hug her too tightly. Chris then let go and took a small step back staring into Alix's eyes the smile never leaving his face. "You look great" Chris complimented a bit out of the blue which he realized might be a little awkward. "So uh where are we sitting?" Chris asked looking around the restaurant for a moment before returning his gaze back onto Alix. The restaurant seemed a bit familiar but Chris didn't remember much, if anything about it.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Sep 02, 2023 3:41 am, edited 4 times in total.


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Re: [Grappl] Grappl-ing With The Wolverine (Feat. Alix Jacques and Chris Hicks)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Alix was about another second away from switching to the offer of a handshake. Maybe Chris just wasn't one for a hug right off the bat, or maybe he didn't care for them much at all. Neither of which being things she would've held against him. But then he took her in, and the length of their embrace and the slight distance he left between them afterwards clued her into his initial hesitation being borne of simple nerves.

He was awkward in giving her a compliment too, providing a strong, immediate contrast to his suave appearance that she liked. Whether he meant to or not, he was wearing his heart on his sleeve here. "You too!" She chirped in response.

Her curious mind tried to piece together why he was so nervous. His eyes weren't sticking to the cameras when they scanned their surroundings, so it wasn't any particular mindfulness about their lunch being recorded. And her gut was telling her that it wasn't because he knew who she was.

He didn't really know this place either. Perhaps he'd only been here the one time; no one had mentioned seeing him again since that night.

Alix motioned to the table that was right beside her when he asked where they would be sitting, holding in a chuckle at his failure to grasp the obvious. She found the nerve-induced slip-up adorable, but she was aware that it could've easily been taken the wrong way and she'd always liked to make a good first impression.

Maybe he's like her, using Grappl to get back into dating after having been away from it for a while?

Alix took her seat, forgoing a look at the menu and letting Mrs. Pollard know that she'd be having the usual lemonade and Pollard Deluxe Combo.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: [Grappl] Grappl-ing With The Wolverine (Feat. Alix Jacques and Chris Hicks)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Alix's thoughts were right on several things. First Chris was born with simple nerves, the alcohol normally helped with that part though but he sobered up for the date and Secondly Chris had not dated anyone since he was in High School which made him even more nervous about dating someone after this long not really knowing what to say or do. Chris then took his seat across the table from Alix and skimmed through the menu before just deciding to get what Alix was getting minus the lemonade, Chris got a root beer instead. The wolverine then gave Alix a warm smile slowly becoming more relaxed. "So did you do anything before LAW?" Chris asked hoping to get to know his date a little better considering he knew very little about her. Chris then paused for a second when the waitress brought there drinks thanking her before adjusting his posture by sitting up a little more straight while he waited to hear what Alix did before joining LAW.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Fri Sep 08, 2023 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: [Grappl] Grappl-ing With The Wolverine (Feat. Alix Jacques and Chris Hicks)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »



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