Of Predators and Prey

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

She was gone.


Asp certainly seemed like she was all the way out to any outside observer, but in truth, she still retained some semblance of awareness, and could recognize the environment around her. It was a vague feeling, as if tipping on the edge of a dream, but enough for her to make some sense of things. She could hear a voice, the Baroness’, speaking with another. It was only like this that she could respect how subtly soothing the woman’s voice was, detached from her amazing body, echoing in her mind. Something about its soothing cadence put her at further ease.

She was being carried somewhere, lifted up without much trouble. That in itself was an impressive feat. While Asp wasn’t all that heavy, she was still more than most women could carry over a long distance, yet the Baroness could do so with only the smallest effort. Her embrace, which had been so destructive a moment ago, was comforting now, almost motherly. She carried Asp with care, as if her body was a sacred treasure, and the Egyptian felt safe within her grasp. A strange thing to think of a person who had just crushed her into unconsciousness, and yet, here she was. Thinking it.

They were moving. The sound of footsteps through an empty hall. Whirling winds against a window pane. A strong, thunderous heartbeat against her side. A thunderclap in the distance. A door opening, then closing. Water working its way down a gutter.

The last thing she felt was being placed on something soft and inviting - a bed. That sensation was enough to rouse her back to life, and she came with a pleased moan and a sigh, stretching out for a moment before she opened her eyes to gaze up at the ceiling.

”That was…an experience.” She breathed deep, then sat up to see if her host was still around.

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by thesteedman »

By the time Asp had managed to stir from the forced slumber, it was clear some time had passed. Perhaps an hour? Maybe two? It was hard to tell, but Asp found herself lying upon a high quality bed, soft and luxurious. There was a small amount of light coming in from a light beyond the courtyard, no doubt triggered by all the movement of the raging storm beyond. It was just about enough to give Asp some vision... She was still clad within her belly dancing attire, though her hair was loose, and her jewellery had been removed, placed neatly and carefully upon a small dish at her bedside.

As her bearings became clearer, she realised all at once she was not alone. Legs were wrapped around her waist in a firm manner, an arm draped across her chest. Sleeping eerily silently besides her was the Baroness, possessing a unique and more peaceful look than usual. Even in slumber the woman was a marvel, especially now as she was still clad in the Belly Dancing outfit Asp had loaned for her, leaving much of that intoxicating form bare. Her legs were locked around Asp's slender waist in a near loving manner than that the Baroness was known for, and Asp was confident she could slip free if she needed too. Given the long work out and the struggle Asp had endured with her trials with the Baroness, naturally a thirst had built up within Asp that would need quenching.

Despite the tangle the Baroness had upon her, Asp was a talented Belly Dancer, and she was sure she could slip free without disturbing the host. No doubt there was Maids still present attending to the place and the potential needs of the Baroness and her guests should it arise in the late hours... Asp could certainly locate one of them for a refreshing glass of cold water, or she might find a bathroom herself before then. It was up to Asp if she decided to remain with the Baroness, but the desire for water was deep seated in her dry throat.

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Ah, yes. The Baroness was close, indeed.

For a moment - a few minutes, actually - Asp laid in the bed and contemplated the puzzle of a woman who was lazily wrapped around her. It was easy to see why some would fear such a person. She was frighteningly strong, with a body that most could dream of, and even if she were a weakling, having so many leal maids at her side would still make a formidable force to reckon with. The prospect of having her as an enemy was a frightening one.

And yet, at this moment, Asp found her embrace comforting, a warm and soothing presence. There was clearly more to her than met the eye, and she found herself wondering what could shape such a person into the form she beheld. Even more, she looked to the future, and wondered if there was some path they could walk together, one that could change the feared perception that LAW had given the Baroness. A chance for them all to see what she could see.

But these were thoughts for another day, another time, and another venue. For now, Asp needed to sleep and rest her weary bones. Water would be perfect - the last thing she wanted was a cramp in the middle of the night. She leaned over, gave her host a soft kiss on the forehead, and slipped out of her leggy embrace. Her bare feet padded across the carpet, allowing her to leave the room in silence, closing the door with a soft click on her way out.

The mansion was quiet, hauntingly so, with most of the noise coming from the raging storm outside its walls. Asp wandered through the shadows and enjoyed the ambience, only stopping every now and then to gaze out a window and enjoy the wintry tableau. She made her way through the halls, taking note of where she went so she could return at her leisure, though she did pause once - for a moment, she could’ve sworn she saw a figure in the corner of her eye and heard a footstep nearby. One of the maids, perhaps, and she was expecting them to be there when she turned around, but…nothing. Her imagination, perhaps, but hairs stood up on the back of her neck all the same.

Asp shook off her fears as best she could, and found a bathroom shortly after, one that was spacious and ornate, bigger than some of the hotel rooms that she had spent time in. She slipped in, ran the sink, and proceeded to wash up at the sink, putting some moisture on her skin and cleansing her parched throat.

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by thesteedman »

The bathroom was as luxurious as one would expect within the Renaud Estate, pristine and of the highest and ornate quality. No doubt the facilities that Asp had discovered was one of many. It looked like it was mostly used by the Maids themselves, a few doors leading off further into the Mansion, with the bathroom itself having a low light. The water was as instantly cool or as hot as one demanded, and crystal clear in all forms. There were showers on one side of the room and cubicles on the other, with hints that one room might have led to a locker where no doubt the Maids shifted attires when finally off duty.

The light was low, and given the lack of activity, Asp could wager it was the skeleton crew that was on tonight, making sure all was well. Placing some cool water upon her form, Asp felt her body sooth and cool, before the clear water cleansed any woes. It was alarmingly refreshing; no doubt the highest quality filters one could buy. Once Asp was done, there was nothing left to do but to return to the room she shared for the night with the Baroness. The weather outside was still foul, lashing upon the windows on occasion with the violent gusts of wind battering the property. There was a dark ambience about the place as the wails of wind could be heard singing their eerie song from distant rooms as it passed through all manner of crevices.

It regrettably would distract Asp as she gazed down the corridor upon leaving the bathroom, the sound taking her attention away from the statuesque and broad figure that stood just behind her in the darkness. When Asp slowly became aware that another was with her... it was far too late to react or even do anything. Massive muscular pale arms wrapped around her body from behind, seizing her in a colossal and tight grip. Lifted up from her bare feet, the attacker hoisted her as if she weighed nothing... feeling her hot breath against her neck as those powerful arms began to slowly enclose around her slender figure for a deep and breath taking squeeze.

"Forgive me... but I cannot resist..." The familiar whispered tone of Naga spoke, as Asp found herself being pulled swiftly into a nearby room. It was lit with ambient lamplight, a bedroom smaller than Baroness', but no less luxurious in quality. No doubt this served as a guest room as it was significantly less grandiose, but all the same, everything was of the best possible quality. Asp found herself being tossed into the room, before hearing the door close and lock behind her... the momentum making her rush and fall against the bed. When she would turn towards her aggressor, Naga would stand tall, a key upon her necklace after locking the door behind her.

She was clad in little more than a revealing two piece black lingerie set, its shade matching the darkness of her long hair. For certain, Naga was a stunning woman to behold, her skin pale but her body broad and powerfully built. She would approach Asp, looking to take control of her before she could rally and resist, grasping at her wrists to force her onto the bed before she pressed her own form against hers... looking to pin her down. Breathing deeply, Dominique would gaze upon Asp, enjoying the sight of her intoxicating and scantily clad form... no words being spoken for a moment as she simply looked upon her, pressing her own chiselled abs against Asp's own as she kept hold of her wrists.
Last edited by thesteedman on Mon Apr 24, 2023 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Asp finished up, ignoring the raised hairs on the back of her neck as she made her way out of the bathroom. As eerie as the night was, she had learned to put such superstitions out of her mind, even when she was a little child. Darkness was nothing but the absence of light, a truism that her mother had told her, and she had done well to not let it bother her as she grew. Those fears were primal, vestiges of a time when fire was the only light man could make, when they had to worry about predators in the gloom, when danger lurked in every shadow, waiting for the chance to strike. Old superstitions, so ingrained in the human psyche that they endured for millenia.

Tonight, however, they were more than baseless warnings. There actually was a snake in the grass, and by the time Asp realized that, it was already too late.


She only had time for a single syllable before she lifted up and caught in the inexorable embrace, a hold so tight and powerful that it took away all her breath at once. She couldn't cry out, couldn't scream, couldn't do anything but flail about and wheeze as she was lifted off the ground with frightening ease. While she was not a heavy woman, she was still over a hundred pounds, no small amount of weight for any human to be moving around like a toy, and yet that was precisely what happened. She had never felt smaller and more helpless.

Only a few seconds passed between the time of her seizure and when she was hurled on the bed, but even that brief time was enough to leave Asp gasping for air the moment she was free. She hit the mattress, bounced, then came to a rest on top of it while she struggled to fill her lungs, coughing and hacking up a storm. It was then, just as a flicker of lightning bathed the room in violent light, that she caught a full look at her attacker: Dominique, Stephanie’s towering sister. She saw the muscle along her body, on full display now thanks to the revealing attire that accentuated. She saw that feral hunger in her eyes, boiling with ravenous desire.

Asp tried to flee, but Dominique was too fast for her now, her body too withered by the brief, intense assault. She was on top of her in a flash, pinning her down with an implacable grip, one that couldn't be broken no matter how she twisted. Desperate, she did the only thing she could think to do. ”Get-get off me!” She cried out, trying to make her voice lift over the raging storm. ”Someone, help! Stephanie!”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by thesteedman »

"I fear that she will not hear you, Stephanie's room is sound proofed for reasons I imagine you probably know. The Maids will not interject either should they hear us. After the Baroness they listen to my command, and right now I am the only figure of authority awake in this mansion right now. I am afraid it is just you and I." Naga whispered, shifting Asp's wrists to hold them down with one hand to free her other. It was then she used that free hand to gently caress over her cheek as she leaned close. By now Naga was straddled over Asp's hips to keep her contained, whilst that hand slowly began to slide in a near delicate manner down her neck, before tracing over her cleavage. Naga took a deep longing breath, her eyes gazing over the glistening form of her alluring captive, as her hand began to massage over her bare stomach in a deep manner.

"I am not sure you are aware of how I have longed to do this. I find your body and form most fascinating, as well as your beauty intoxicating." Naga further whispered in a low and hungry manner. Naga softly began to kiss at Asp's neck, sliding her lips up towards the side of her cheek. Those kisses were almost delicate, oddly loving as Naga's body slowly began to grind a little against Asp's, their hips pressing a little deeper as her hand caressed in a more sensual manner over the bare midriff of the Egyptian. A few deep breaths escaped from Naga's lips, as in a display of power she would hoist Asp upwards before bringing her to sit upon her own lap, guiding her legs around her own hips.

It was then those large pale and muscular arms would loop around Asp's slender waist, bringing her into a deep squeeze. Naga bit on her lower lip, her eyes still drinking in the perfect form of the woman within her arms. She tried to inflict pressure enough to make her captive arch and further expose her perfect midriff and test her flexibility. It would be then she would try to slide her lips over her bare stomach, looking to steal a few soft yet passionate kisses upon her core.

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Dominique was a powerful woman, a fact that Asp had surmised the first time they had crossed paths, earlier that night. Even though the clothes she had worn at the time weren’t meant to accentuate her form, they did so nonetheless - there was little that any outfit could do to hide such musculature. Even in the gloom, she could make out the striking outline of an amazon, with the shadows dancing along her muscles, revealing an implacable body, hewn from granite.

But there was a difference between seeing such power and feeling it, experiencing it, suffering under it. While she was no bodybuilder, Asp was far from weak, stronger and more fit than most women her size. But when Dominique came over to her and pressed her to the bed, she had never felt weaker. The larger woman plowed through her resistance with ease, rebuffing her every attempt to slip free. She would’ve had an easier time pulling free of iron bars. After all, they wouldn’t have slithered over her, kiss her, and ground against and turned her into a helpless plaything.

A moan slipped through her lips, unbidden, getting free before she had the chance to stop it. There was no denying that Dominique wasn’t the only one taking some pleasure here, that there was much to enjoy from having such a magnificent form pressed against her. She had enjoyed much the same with Stephanie, not long ago…but that had been on her own terms. Mutual. An agreement. This was Dominique taking what she wanted, without any regard for Asp’s tastes in the matter, and that made all the difference.

She was about to say as much, too, though she doubted it would’ve had any sway. She would never know one way or the other, however, as Dominique’s next move was to scoop her up, wrap her thick arms around her waist, and put her in a bearhug so crushing that Asp swore all her ribs could’ve broken at once. The air was driven from her body in a single push, and her back arched to an angle that would’ve left most women in agony. It was hardly a pleasant for Asp, either, but her body was more accustomed to such a stretch, boasting an unreal flexibility.

Most of the time, this was a good thing. Not so, today. It left her form exposed, made it so much easier for the hungry Dominique to pepper with kisses as she flailed about. Weak and gasping, she tried to push at her attacker’s face with feeble hands, hoping for some measure of mercy. ”I…I…stop…” She wheezed out each word. ”...can’t…can’t breathe…”

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by thesteedman »

Naga was lost in the moment, managing to slip deep and longing kisses upon Asp's outstretched midriff, enjoying the taste and feel of her core against her lips. The manner in which she writhed and tensed her stomach with each deep squeeze only made the moment all the more intoxicating. The way in which her body moved was not unlike the dances Asp was famous for, her body arching and writhing in such a manner that looked painful to the naked eye, but was a movement that came naturally in normal circumstances to the alluring red haired beauty. She felt Asp trying to push against her face to try and separate it from her bare stomach, but Asp's efforts were only met with a deadly squeeze, one to make her actions stop as Naga continued to take her spoils.

The feel of Asp was everything Naga imagined and more, her mind was in a deep haze as she lost herself deeper, feeling like she was in a dream as she could not help but moan in pleasure. She kissed deeper against Asp's stomach, her lips exploring all over from below her navel and upwards, taking pleasure in kissing those tensed abs of hers. A part of her was ready to relent, to release Asp from her deadly grasp and allow her a moment to collect herself. Perhaps it was not too late to apologise and leave her be, but when Asp began to whisper for release... incidentally it was the worst thing she could have done. The manner in which she pled, the way her body moved... it sent all the wrong signals to Naga who could not help but breathe deeply, especially when Asp declared she could not draw breath...

It spoke to the dark nature of Naga, bringing her a level of excitement and pleasure she had not felt in a long time. Showing off her immense strength, Naga would adjust her grip suddenly. It gave Asp a brief respite from the terrible constricting pressure, but all at once she felt herself being lifted up and placed upon her knees upon the bed. Before her, Naga was also on her knees, and her arms had not released her from the terrible embrace. Those muscular arms began to grow and harden once more, squeezing Asp so that her bare midriff docked against her own colossal stomach. Naga stared longingly upon Asp, squeezing her tighter and tighter as each second passed, gazing over her entire form from her alluring angelic face down to her bare feet, enjoying every inch of movement she made as the larger woman slowly began to crush her.

I cannot..." Naga confessed, owing Asp at least that much. Her arms began to fold a little tighter around her lower back, driving Asp's body against her own, no doubt trying to force her into another arch, looking to hear those tantalising moans and pleas for mercy. Naga knew there would be consequences for this... but she no longer cared. Asp was hers for the night, and she could not relent this opportunity to be with such a magnificent creature, and have her within her arms... no matter how hard she decided to squeeze!
Last edited by thesteedman on Wed May 17, 2023 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

In some ways, it was as if Asp’s body was made for this torture, as if bones and muscles were made to be molded and mashed. Where others would’ve broken, she bent. Where others would’ve been crushed, she gave way. She had trained herself to be comfortable in uncomfortable positions, to endure what would’ve made others shriek, and in some ways, this situation was no different. Most people would’ve passed out from the pain or the lack of air or both at this point.

Though, truth be told, Asp could not say whether or not that was a good thing or a bad thing. The longer this went on and the more Naga had her devilish the way, the more that passing out seemed like mercy.

The Baroness’ embrace had been strong, yes, but there had been a warmth to it, as well. With her, the two of them had been of one mind, with Asp giving away pleasure freely to a partner who was all too eager to take it. There had been respect there, understanding, even passion, and as strange as it might have sounded, that made all the difference.

With Naga, there was no give, only take. Asp moaned as her body was slung around like a toy, treated as if she were nothing more than a mere object for the madwoman to slake her endless lusts. She knew that her pleading would fall on deaf ears, but she tried, anyway, and her meek submission was only met with indifference and feigned pity - if anything, the bruttish woman redoubled her efforts, made her crushing grip all the more unbearable. There was a brief respite, but it only gave way to more pressure, and Asp quickly found herself getting pushed to her limits. Asp pushed against Naga’s shoulder’s but she might as well have been trying to move a boulder for all the good it did her.

She did not need to breathe as much as most, but she did need to breathe, and there was only so long her lungs could suffer being unfilled. The world was starting to grow dark, the energy was leaving her limbs, and each second left her weaker. She was fading, and all she could do was look into Naga’s eyes as she went, hoping to find some faint hint of humanity.

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Re: Of Predators and Prey

Unread post by thesteedman »

By now the two women were deep upon the bed, almost looking like two lovers in a moment of absolute passion. Such was the nature of the moans from Asp and the heavy breathes that escaped from Naga with each brutal squeeze. This was nothing like that however, the entire affair all one sided. Naga's powerful arms continued to grind around the waist of Asp, squeezing her with long brutal bouts of crushing strength. It was enough to make the flexible spine of Asp crick and creak as those arms tested her alluring form. Naga herself took the spoils of her prey, kissing deeply over her strained midriff as Asp was left writhing in agony and despair. As Naga pulled down with her gruelling embrace, her lips worked their way up her stomach, tracing over Asp's barely covered chest.

Her legs entwined with Asp's own, further binding her captive, whilst her lips worked soft and near loving kisses against the neck of Asp.
"You... are simply... perfect." Naga whispered, before she teasingly nipped at Asp's ear, leaning her full weight down against Asp to keep her pinned to the bed. She bit upon her lower lip, managing to somehow find room to slip her arms even tighter around Asp, holding her in a manner as if she intended to absorb her into her own form. Enjoying the feel of her scantily clad form against her own, Naga would squeeze... this time no longer holding back. She would do this, and other tortures to Asp throughout the night, placing her in deadly back wrenching holds and mostly deep embraces.

When she had her fill of her captive, Naga would leave her sprawled out on the bed, the two glistening with sweat after what was no doubt hours with the sun slowly beginning to rise. No doubt the Baroness would punish Naga for this transgression, but it was worth it. Naga could not get enough of Asp's intoxicating form. It was only because morning was arriving that she left her at all, as Naga would have happily embraced her for much longer. With a dark smile, Naga left the room, leaving a passed out Asp upon the bed... Without a doubt there would be other times the Naga would be able to find what was quickly turning into a crush... and when she did, Naga would pick up exactly where she left off with the alluring red haired beauty.

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