Dominating a blonde. Sakura Haruno vs Ayana Kimura

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Re: Dominating a blonde. Sakura Haruno vs Ayana Kimura

Unread post by ragaz »

Ayana felt Sakura hug onto her as she had awoken and was clearly still tired. Ayana turned to her side. "You win Sakura. I gotta go home." Ayana spoke in a rare calm and respect to the pinkette before she wore a genuine smile. "Congrats and thanks." Ayana reached her hand around and gave Sakura's ass a smack. "Gimme a call sometime, I'll be stronger for the rematch, mistress." Ayana said more endearingly than submissively ad she got off the bed
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Re: Dominating a blonde. Sakura Haruno vs Ayana Kimura

Unread post by ragaz »

A shift in attitude from Ayana was surprising. It wasn't the submissive stuff, but it wasn't the disrespectful one either. It looked like Sakura earned Ayana's respect. ''If you challenge me again, be it to a fight or to bed, i hope to be facing a woman and not a girl.'' Sakura replied before giving Ayana a short kiss on the lips before Ayana got off the bed.
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Re: Dominating a blonde. Sakura Haruno vs Ayana Kimura

Unread post by ragaz »

Ayana stood after receiving a little peck on the lips from Sakura as she wanted more of a challenge next time. Ayana turned back and joked. "Awww but I thought it was good for you, being my mommy." The blonde pouted comically
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Re: Dominating a blonde. Sakura Haruno vs Ayana Kimura

Unread post by ragaz »

''I have a feeling it was better for you, little girl.'' Sakura shot back as she got out of the bed, looking for her clothes
Winner: Sakura Haruno via KO
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