Apartment Accera

The Ominous Future
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Apartment Accera

Unread post by Devilish53 »

13th July, 2017

"Ahh...thank christ..."

Falling back upon her modest two seater fabric sofa, Italian prize fighter Diana Accera could finally take a moment to breath. Despite the apartment itself being of a barely notable size, the raven haired beauty had spent what felt to be the entire weekend decorating the few rooms she now possessed. The sofa itself perfectly positioned, Diana would slump a shade further until her legs had slid upon the opposing armrest, her head tilting from side to side as she examined her handiwork.

Besides the T.V infront of her, currently off, and the small punching bag to the wall with the exit built in, Diana's apartment was filled with curious nicknacks, oddities for a woman who one wouldn't suspect as the sort to collect junk. Mementos from past friends, what few prizes she had collected in events thus far, and even a picture of her seldom discussed family taking the place of a finishing touch as it were upon her small side cabinet.

As Diana pondered over her layout and amateur feng shui skills, the Italian couldn't help but bring thought to her career alongside it. It felt a little weird being back in Tokyo, after her brief exit from wrestling to tour the world, and most importantly, find her roots again. Boxing and brawling across the globe, the Italian in truth wasn't entirely seeking to simply better herself. After her initial stint in wrestling, there was only one thing she sought.

To find her actual love in wrestling again.

Now, with feet stretched up, and a LAW contract freshly printed with the name "D.Accera," Diana hoped she'd be given a platform to find said love once again.

The Ominous Future
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Re: Apartment Accera

Unread post by Devilish53 »

27th July, 2017

Dropping her bags the moment her frame had slid through the front door, Diana had every reason to be smug with herself. Her training regime had been kicked up and then some; with focus being made not only to her already ridiculous striking and cardio, but now in an attempt to bolster the power of her already impeccable legs as well.

Such was not part of some blind, focus-lacking training. Neither was her the Italian's seeking of a spar a short time ago upon the beaches of LAW. And whilst she enjoyed every sociable minute with her great friend Alaina Sanders, the amazons undertaking of assisting in the training of her protege Tina Armstrong was as beneficial to her as it was to the Tigress.

She had a reason for such; now that she was in a company that for the first time ever, actually made accolades seem approachable and reachable.

The Middleweight Tournament qualifiers.

The Ominous Future
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Re: Apartment Accera

Unread post by Devilish53 »

14th October, 2017

It had been a while since Diana had bothered to step back and collect herself; to analyse her progress thus far. In truth, she didn't feel the need to. Not a lot had happened, at least in the wrestling world of Diana Accera. She had yet to make her debut, but such was not by lack of competition. Rather, the Italian prize fighter was simply taking her time in and out of the ring; perfecting her game, making a few friends or perhaps even rivals, and setting herself up for greater things, all before becoming familiar with the crowd. There was simply no rush; what little there was had passed upon her missing entering the middleweight qualifiers, a feat that at the time had infuriated the Italian, but quickly passed.

She would not be the first middleweight champion, but being the second? Not too bad at all.

Simply put, Diana Accera could not complain. And most of all, she was starting to grow fond of her new surroundings, odd given the figure had yet to even fight.

Settling in after a session that was more strenuous than she believed it would be, playing the part of spotter for her close friend Alaina Sanders, Diana would rest upon her sofa; bringing her laptop across her knees as she pondered across the website of LAW. She had already imagined a shortlist of sorts of women she would soon fight, or at least meet, with said list growing each and every day thanks to the Italian's curious musings. That, and her curiosity of seeing the profiles of women she had already encountered prior to LAW.

And just by chance, scrolling across a profile created the very same day as her musings, Diana's mouth would be left agape.


Evidently recognising a profile she had seen before, Diana's apparent loss of patience would take control of her, as she burst from her seat atop her sofa, haplessly knocking her laptop upon the cushion besides her.

Evidently, whoever Diana had laid eyes upon in the LAW roster had infuriated the Italian to the point of not only abandoning her moment of relaxation, but to lead the Italian into hastily exiting her apartment with jacket thrown roughly over her shoulders.

Perhaps, to go find the owner of said profile.

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