Special Training (for Bare)

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Special Training (for Bare)

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continued from

As always, Nico Cardona had overslept. The cute catalonian opened her bright green eyes to the sound of her alarmclock only to turn it off, pull the blankets over her head again and turn around. It seemed like their whole match all over again because today she had a special guest, her new friend Teuila Masina, which she had fought in a very energetic combat for the LAW Lioness Tournament. They became friends rather quickly even if Nico had hopelessly overslept and came to late to her own match. She made up for it by giving her samoan friend 100%, which, in the end, sadly was'nt enough as the victory went to Teuila. Of course it hurt, but losing to Teuila was'nt that bad. In fact...she had managed to kiss her and that fact alone made all the bad thoughts go away. And today she would visit her! Nico and her wanted to get to know each other better and the samoan as the catalonian girl felt that there was something to "discuss". Either way, they wanted to see each other again and today was the day Nico had looking forward too. Why not? Teuila was a beautiful girl, friendly, charming and with an energy that matched hers.
Her only problem was that she was'nt supposed to get any visits as Osamu, the strict dormmother had found a sort of nemesis in Nico as the Catalonian got mixed up into a brawl at the dorms were Hikari, another lioness and Osamus daughter fought some other girl. Instead of parting them or crying for help, Nico had found it more amusing to play some fighting game music and throw movie quotes around, pushing the fight instead of ending it. So she got arrest for 2 weeks. That also counted for guests that would visit her. But she was looking forward seeing Teuila again for so long that she just decided that what Osamu did'nt know would'nt hurt her. Also Teuila was already inside the dorms so it was just a walk from one room of the corridor to the other one.

But when she heard knocking at the door that interrupted her heavenly sleeping she jumped up with a scream. It was Teuila! Why? It was 8am in the morning and...
The heart of the catalonian almost stopped as she looked at her cellphone that showed "2pm"
"Et tu Brute!", she said and looked to the door.
"Si! Ah! I am here! un moment! un moment! I uuuuh...have a little problem! I am with you in a minute!", she said and jumped of the bed.

She looked around. Her side of the room was a mess! Renys side clean as always except for a little gunoil that stained the white blankets.
"Un Moment!", she called again and got into panic mode. She grabbed everything that was laying around, comics, mangas, movies, trash and shoved it into the big drawer in their room but then she saw her matress and groaned. "Ugh...could use a wash...what to do...ah!" She grabbed the matrace and just exchanged it with the clean one of Reny, her roommate surely would'nt mind too much, she was sure. When she told her that she had a sexy girl to visit her she would understand...hopefully. So the matrace was changed, smelling good and the trash was taken care off, at least when she gave the door of it a kick to shut it close. A crushing noise echoed through the room and the door was shut. Well, that too was taken care off. Then there was only one thing...

Nico lifted her arm and took a quick wiff before coughing. Oh, no she definetly was not prepared to see Teuila.
"Uhm..uh.... wait...don't...don't come in now! I open the door and please wait until I am in the bathroom, yes! Uhm...uh...I...was eating lunch and accidently spilled everything on me so I have to take a shower,please make yourself at home!", the catalonian chattered and opened the door for Teuila before jumping into the bathroom where she closed the door.
"Phew..." she said and leaned against the cold tils of the room before turning on the hot water.
"I am with you in a minute!", she said and walked in before letting out a loud screech.

When her friend asked her what was wrong she just shook her head. "Nothing, nothing...just a freeze coming...", she said as she turned the icecold water into agreeable heat and stripped of her pajamas. She entered and started to make herself presentable for her good friend, she did'nt wanted to make a bad picture as she liked the pretty samoan very much. After five minutes she excited the shower and went for some deodorant, face cream, brushing her teeth, making her hair and rubbing herself dry with a towel and take her clothes on. Take her clothes on. Take her clothes on! And then it hit her. "OOOOOOOH, Cardona you knucklehead!",she groaned as she realised that her clothes were outside in her drawers by the bed. What to do? Ask Teuila to look into her drawers and find...her personal stuff or going out with her towel wrapped around her?

Well, Teuila surely wouldnt mind but why made the thought of going out there, only wearing a towel, Nico that nervous? It was just a friendly visit...getting to know each other better...was'nt it? She was'nt too sure what this was, only that she did'nt want to fuck this up under any circumstances and so she decided to enter the room with a towel, showing a halfnaked, sleeping Homer Simpson, around her body.
"Forgot to take my clothes with me...ehehehe...", she said and blushed before nearing her bed. "Uhm uh...sorry for the wait...again...I am a mess, I know.", she smiled and did'nt know if she should hug Teuila now or if it would be akward...
"Uhm uh...I better change myself before we properly greet each other, hm?", she said with an akward smile and red face and just wanted to dissapear into thin air...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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Teuila groaned softly as she walked down the hallways of the young lioness dorm. Today she was meeting up with Nico Cardona in her room to hang out, something they promised to do after their bout in the young lioness cup. So with today being the big day Teuila had cut her usual workout regiment short. Coming right back from it in casual clothes she was clad in a pair of black jean shorts that went to about her mid thighs and a white tank top with a sun on it along with some bracelets on her wrists and a pair of simple white sneakers on her feet.

Making it to the dorm room of Nico the Samoan girl would reach up and knock with a soft amount of force to get the attention of her former opponent. She figured that the girl was probably still getting ready for their hang out and so Teuila would wait patiently, though after a few seconds and nothing Teuila would knock again. This time she heard an immediate reaction that sounded like a bull in a china shop, mixed in with panicked shouts that could only be Nico. After all Teuila didn't know anyone else in the Young Lions that spoke Catalonian... or had that high pitch of a voice.

"Huh... maybe she overslept again?" Teuila asked herself. After all, if the girl could oversleep for a really important match, it wasn't too hard to think she would oversleep for a casual hang out session. Not that Teuila minded much. It wasn't as if she had anything else going on today, so she would wait patiently until the door would finally be opened and Teuila was graced with the sight of the blonde catalonian cutie... for all of about five seconds until the girl zipped off into her bathroom. Blinking Teuila would shrug as she walked into the room. "Least I have somewhere to sit now." Teuila said as she walked over and took a seat onto the girl's bed.

"It's cool Nico take you're time! I'm not in a rush or anything." Teuila said s she leaned back on her hands against the girl's bed relaxing a bit given her muscles were still a bit sore from her workout. Hearing the shower turn on however Teuila would suddenly jump up as she heard the screech that followed soon after. "Whoa you ok?!" Teuila shouted, worried that in her rush to get ready Nico had fallen and hit her head or something which definitely would have ruined their hand out session. Luckily though it was just that the girl had blasted herself with cold water. Something that was much easier for Teuila to deal with than the other option. "What a relief." Teuila said as she looked around the room, taking in what was essentially Nico's world.

"Yeah makes sense." She said, noting all the cluttered posters from things like the simpsons and other retro stuff, or at least, retro in her opinion, but she had a feeling Nico would probably go one about how it was all the best stuff ever. That kind of enthusiasm made Teuila chuckle a bit at the thought, after all it just made too much sense for the girl and that was just based off of one meeting. Either way Teuila would look up as the door of the bathroom opened.... Before she immediately blushed and looked down at the sight of Nico in nothing but a towel. The blonde's shapely body looking defined in spite of the towel wrapped around her.

"I-Its cool." Teuila said still with the blush on her face in response to Nico's explanation. 'Makes too much sense she forgot her clothes out here. Though I'm just surprised I didn't notice them, or at she didn't ask me to bring them over.' Teuila thought to herself as she took a few deep breaths to collect herself while she waited for Nico to finish changing.

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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Nico, despite all the things positive about her, was just a big, massive airhead. She overslept, she missed appointments and she really felt genuinly bad about it but her head always was filled to the brink with training, social media and pop culture. She knew that Teuila was coming, she knew which day and she knew the time and she still managed to stay up until 7am to watch the Indiana Jones Trilogy for like the thousandst time. And of course she forgot to set an alarm, even if she highly anticipated the visit of her new friend, both finally able to get to know each other a bit better as there schedules have'nt allowed them some time off.

Now they had and Nico already seemed to blow it when she raced around her room, exchanged matresses, almost kill herself under the shower and then, instead of asking Teuila for her clothes rather decided to dance around only clad in a towel, making the situation a bit akward, even if both of them are women. Maybe the fact that their continious flirting in their match had managed to make them a little too comfortable with the prospect of being alone in Nicos room. The Catalonian had especially looked for picking a day where Reny, her roommate and good friend, was'nt around to disturb them. Now there was only one problem at hand, namely that Osamu, their strict dormmother had arrested Nico for two weeks without visitors as Nico again had spread chaos around the dorms, something she was known for already by the other Young Lioness Members who either liked the quirky Nerd or got annoyed by her.

Nonetheless, Nico changed into one of her favourite springdresses, the temperatures already hit a point where you better slept with an open window and not too much clothes. They Catalonian put on her glasses and brushed her hair, put on some deodorant and perfume and then sighed before coming out into her room again, smiling at Teuila and holding up her hand.

Ola...Teuila.", she said shyly and walked over to her friend, sat next to her on the bed and hugged her. Immediatly Nico blushed. It felt nice being close to Teuila, as it felt nice back in the ring so she did'nt bother to immediatly withdraw from her friend but rather hold her and ask:
"Thanks for coming. I already got bored. So,so,so,soooo sorry I let you down again.", she sighed and hugged her friend a little tighter. "I am just a dumbass you know.", she said and then let go but remained close, her hands still on the shoulders of her friend as she stuck her tongue out.

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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Teuila continued to hum softly as she sat on Nico's bed, idly looking around at the various posters and memorabilia around the room from the various pop culture Nico consumed like a buffet. It was actually cute knowing how much Nico loved them all and worked so hard to memorize key quotes from them. An attention to detail that Teuila wished she herself had. Though she also noticed the stark difference between Nico's side of the room and her room mate Reny's. 'The two are definitely opposites' Teuila thought to herself with a sweat drop as she noticed how much more organized and clean the absent girl's room was compared to Nico's.

Soon however Teuila would be broken from her thoughts by the bathroom door opening and Nico coming out with a sheepish smile that made Teuila chuckle a bit. Hugging the girl as she came in for one Teuila would nod, finding the blonde girl's answer to make plenty of sense. "Hehe don't worry about." Teuila assured as they pulled away from each other a bit while the Samoan girl smiled warmly. "I kinda expected besides I don't mind waiting so give yourself a break." She said teasingly while reaching forward and poking the girl's head playfully before she sat back. "So whatcha wanna do?" The samoan girl asked a little flirtily with a wink towards her former opponent.

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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Despite her pervy nature, the young Catalonian was no expert in things surrounding... Well... "the thing", she knew a thing or two but all the other stuff she had only seen in movies and the worth of such things in real life was highly doubtable.

She blushed a little at Teuilas flirty tone but nonetheless was intrigued. She took a deep breath and placed a slightly shaking hand on Teuilas thigh, scooting a little closer. Their eyes met and the blush on the Europeans face only got worse. "Well, then, gracies for visiting me Teuila.", she said while her hand softly started to stroke the muscular thigh she had placed her hand on.

"I am really glad that we have become friends, believe me that. You know when I came here everything was so different and I almost was a little afraid before I met you and the other guys.",she said softly.
But both girls knew that it was'nt careless chatting that brought them together today as Nicos heart started to beat faster in her generous chest.
" Well then... Uh... Wanna... Wanna start? ", she asked clumsily like the nineteen year old airhead that she was and tried to look determined as both her hands wandered to Teuilas chest and remaind there...

"Oh, oh wait...", she whispered and got off the bed, going to windows to close the blinds, making the room a little more comfy. She came back to the bed and looked at her friend. "Guess we do it now, hm? You... You want to...ahem..",she said and looked to the side, her lips trembling. "I... I would like to.", she whispered.

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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Teuila smiled softly as Nico sat down next to her. It was... definitely something different for her. After all despite being in the Young Lioness training program, Teuila hadn't really met with her fellow Lionesses or interacted with them short of some joking around during meals or the occasional times she went to their training classes.

After all most of Teuila's training and conditioning was handled by the Shadow Fortress. Hell officially the only reason she was IN the young lionesses was to insure she could compete with no issue in LAW matches. So in a weird way the young lioness cup was the first time she had really met any of her fellow lionesses and among them as her favorite was Nico Cardona. She was so nice and genuine and energetic, not to mention really stinking cute.

So when Nico was confessing how glad they were to be friends and wanting to.... start stuff. Teuila would blush in response but... she felt open to whatever they would do. "Y-yeah same here Nico. You're kinda my first friend in this program, and you're a great one to have." She said earnestly with a nod and smile before blushing a bit deeper as she leaned in closer.

In truth she was just going to kiss Nico, start things off solidly. But then Nico suddenly got up to close the blinds, something that made Teuila jump slightly before she realized it was for mood lighting. When Nico came back to the bed though... Teuila decided to go for it. So before they could get side tracked further... Teuila would push forward, pressing her lips against Nico's in a fierce kiss!

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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Nicos heart beat fast as she closed the blinds on the windows and came back into her bed, scooting close to her new friend Teuila. Yes, Nico felt the same, of all the girls she had met, maybe except Reny, Teuila was her favourite and admittedly, she was very, very beautiful...and hot. Always being the good catholic girl, Nico never had considered doing such things before she was married, but her nature, being a little pervert, just got the better out of her and she was sure if it was feeling good, then not even god could say something against it. Still she would praying a few rosaries at sunday in the church, just to be sure...

And now Nico let herself go as Teuila closed the distance between the two, their breasts mushrooming into each other as both girls started to kiss each other. Nico had a little more experience then Teuila, she felt her samoan friend shaking and being a little clumsy and the her friend was just there to help as she wrapped her arms around Nicos toned midsection, closed her eyes and kissed her back, soft, short kisses at first, short pecks, full of emotion and all so sweet before her last kiss saw her lips staying at Teuilas, and her tongue coming into action. The tip of her tongue pressed against the closed lips of her friend, demanding entrance and when she got it, she immediatly searched for the the tongue of her friend, slowly approaching it, both meeting each other halfway as the blonde brought both of them down onto her bed, laying side by side and deepen the kiss, one hand getting hold of Teuilas hair the other on still on her midsection as they messily made out on top of the blankets.

After a few minutes Nico broke the kiss do to get some air back into her system and looked back at her friend. "How...how was that?", she asked softly and carefully stroked throught the bushy hair of her friend while smiling. "Wanna go ahead?", she asked with a blush on her nose. "Only if you like of course...", she whispered and the hand on Nicos midsection found its way under the top of her friend, softly squeezing one of her breasts when she asked the question.

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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Once Nico had sat back down on the bed Teuila decided to be the instigator in this. Pushing forward and kissing the blonde before any other distractions could arise and stall them. Granted Teuila had the least amount of experience in this area but she figured fortune favored the bold. So they kissed. It was soft and repetitive at first. Both girls being soft about it and favoring quick, almost butterfly like kisses. Largely due to Teuila's more clumsy kissing at first which was already slowly getting better the more the two went at it.

Slowly but surely Teuila felt fairly more confident off the bat, even allowing Nico's tongue access to her mouth within moments of it coming to her for permission. If anything Teuila was a lot more naturally able at this part then kissing itself. Already her tongue came to meet Nico's own, dancing and playing with their friends while the tilted over, falling softly onto the bed while holding each other gently as they continued to french kiss each other in a long drawn out way.

Eventually it would end however as Nico and Teuila pulled away, both with soft blushes and smiles on their face. When asked how it was however Teuila would just smile softly at her friend. "It was good. Really good... I think? Not exactly a lot of other stuff to compare it too." She said with a chuckle before feeling a hand touch down on her boob making Teuila blush just a bit more fiercely in response as Nico asked her next question. If she wanted to go ahead if she liked it. In response Teuila just chuckled. "Of course I'd like that you goof." Teuila said before suddenly taking the bold route again and reaching forward, kissing Nico full on the lips again. This time however it was lingering, more passionate and intense. As she did it Teuila would also push more of her weight against her friend to unintentionally roll the girl over onto her back with Teuila taking the dominant position!

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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The soft, quick kisses where rather nice, even if it was'nt Nicos first time making out, she was still young and she never had done it with someone as beautiful and nice as Teuila. She really liked her and doing...this with her, felt as natural as taking a walk. Both girls sank into the pillows and started to getting bolder with the minute as Nico sent her tongue on the way to meet Teuilas and both girls soon got close, their breasts mushrooming into one another as their tongues started to dance around each other.
"mmmhhh~" Nico had closed her eyes, letting herself fall into the tight embrace and the passionate kiss that she shared with her friend in this dimmly lit room. When they parted, Nico smiled and stroked the side of Teuila, just wanting to be close to her, softly stroking her sides, chuckling. "Oh, well you know, you never know...I only know...that I know...I want to..waaah...ho sento...I am talking bullshit.", she whispered and turned her head to her side, blushing deeply red.

Nico then softly touched the breasts of her friend, softly smiling and asking her if she wanted to go on. The answer was another kiss and a Teuila who did'nt seem like this was her first time but Nico decided that she liked how things were going. When the other girl mounted her she sighed, sending her breath down the throat of her samoan friend and her hands started to wander over the back of Teuila, slowly creeping under her top. "Hmm...say senorita, you are good in this...you sure you don't have some experience?", she grinned and gave her a kiss on the nosetip before letting her hands go forward under Teuilas top, cupping her breasts who were under her bra and smiled. "Let's get out of this stuff, huh?", she whispered and intended to shove the top off of her friend , if Teuila helped with it, her hands would wander behind ber back, touching the clip of her bra as she gave Teuila a last look. "So...you sure?", she whispered.

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Re: Special Training (for Bare)

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Things had started off slow but steady with Teuila and Nico. Soft kisses here and a little feeling up there, ultimately leading into a short lived but overall pleasant make out session leaving both girls sufficiently... warmed up for what would come next. Sooo after saying she was ready Teula would take the first step, looking to be the bold one between the two as she rolled over on top of Nico, kissing her once again in a long, drawn out and more intimate kiss that Teuila would soon break off as she sat up and looked down on Nico from her newly mounted position. 'Huh Ms.Michelle was right it is easy to take the dominant position. Hopefully the other stuff holds up well.' Teuila thought to herself before snapping out of her thoughts to smile down at Nico and her question on if she truly had no experience. "Ahaha... well no not officially." Teuila assure while letting her top be taken off.

"But." She said not bothering to answer if she was sure, instead merely reaching behind herself on her own to grasp at her bra. "I did ask Ms.Michelle at the Shadow Fortress for her tips about this and she had a few... choice advice." She said with a wink at the mention of the soon to be new member of the Ashford family. As she finished speaking Teuila would unclasp her bra and toss it away before reaching down and grabbing Niko's dress, lifting her hips up a bit as she pulled the dressup to pul over Niko's head so both would be on level ground with each other!

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