Alizeh hummed softly as she walked down the hallway of her apartment building towards her apartment... with a slumbering idol on her back being carried piggyback style. It was only about a hour after she and her now former opponent Courage Takemi had their rather one sided bout, and the green haired girl was eager to carry out the stipulation that was attached to said match. After all it wasn't often you had the chance to spend the entire evening and then some with a cute idol such as Courage.
"You know Courage I'm just surprised you're still out." Alizeh chirped to the girl resting over her shoulder. Despite her current unconscious state Alizeh had talked to Courage throughout the trip to her apartment from the arena, mostly just her being playful, but also an attempt to rouse the girl after her... expenditure of energy. But none of it was very fruitful. As a result Alizeh had to actually clean up the girl as best she could backstage before throwing a blanket over her to cover her body to hide her exposed body from any public eyes.. or rather any more.
Alizeh meanwhile had changed out of her wrestling gear into a pair of black joggers with a green tank top and loose purple hoodie over it and a pair of green sneakers on her feet.

Saying this to herself as she looked down at the unconscious girl wrapped up in a fluffy blanket Alizeh tapped her finger to her chin in thought as to how to wake the girl up. After all it wouldn't be much of a pow session if she was unconscious the whole time so Alizeh needed to figure out how to get her up so they could have some fun. Eyes brightening as she got an idea Alizeh popped off to her kitchen and returned back to the living room with two ice cold sodas. Putting one down on the coffee table she would take the other and place it right at the base of Courage's neck, hoping to wake her up with the sudden jolt of the chill on her bare skin!