Post Match Fun and Education ~

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Post Match Fun and Education ~

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Continued from here

Alizeh hummed softly as she walked down the hallway of her apartment building towards her apartment... with a slumbering idol on her back being carried piggyback style. It was only about a hour after she and her now former opponent Courage Takemi had their rather one sided bout, and the green haired girl was eager to carry out the stipulation that was attached to said match. After all it wasn't often you had the chance to spend the entire evening and then some with a cute idol such as Courage.

"You know Courage I'm just surprised you're still out." Alizeh chirped to the girl resting over her shoulder. Despite her current unconscious state Alizeh had talked to Courage throughout the trip to her apartment from the arena, mostly just her being playful, but also an attempt to rouse the girl after her... expenditure of energy. But none of it was very fruitful. As a result Alizeh had to actually clean up the girl as best she could backstage before throwing a blanket over her to cover her body to hide her exposed body from any public eyes.. or rather any more.

Alizeh meanwhile had changed out of her wrestling gear into a pair of black joggers with a green tank top and loose purple hoodie over it and a pair of green sneakers on her feet.
Reaching the door she reached into her hoodie pocket Alizeh fished out her keys to her door and opened it up before pushing her way in. "Home sweet home!" She called out as she closed the door behind her with her foot. Walking into her living room Alizeh would gently place Courage down into a seated position on the couch. "Now lets see..."

Saying this to herself as she looked down at the unconscious girl wrapped up in a fluffy blanket Alizeh tapped her finger to her chin in thought as to how to wake the girl up. After all it wouldn't be much of a pow session if she was unconscious the whole time so Alizeh needed to figure out how to get her up so they could have some fun. Eyes brightening as she got an idea Alizeh popped off to her kitchen and returned back to the living room with two ice cold sodas. Putting one down on the coffee table she would take the other and place it right at the base of Courage's neck, hoping to wake her up with the sudden jolt of the chill on her bare skin!
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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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To say that her defeat had been total would be something of an understatement. There had been moments of potential in Courage's most recent bout with Alizeh Midori, but no moments of greatness. Opportunities unclinched would serve as her highlights. A rather unremarkable squash, save for an explosive and repeatedly clipped ending. A humiliating power move that had resulted in her soaking through her wrestling attire and blacking out from pain and pleasure. The worst part, she'd not even gotten to experience her own orgasm. She'd gone out the moment she touched the canvas!

The efforts of the match had left her supple body overheated, that, and the blanket she'd been wrapped up in. The contrast of the ice-cold object was enough to jar her awake with a shriek! "IYAAAAH~" The frigid cold-shock caused her bright green eyes to flare to life behind her uneven glasses and she kicked her legs out, causing her to jump in her seat!

When she landed back on the comfortably soft cushion she looked around bleary-eyed... And then immediately felt embarrassed. Her first act waking up was to kick out. To kick out of a pin that occurred an hour ago... Gosh... How long had she been out?

"Nnn.. Where am I?" She asked, her voice equal parts sleepy and cautious. She was conscious, but not fully awake yet.

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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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"Pffft." Alizeh couldn't help the snicker that escaped her lips as she saw Courage snap up in a motion similar to a kick out. It was damn near adorable and likewise it was nice to see the girl at least had ingrained instincts to do so... even if it was a hour late. But it was good to see nonetheless!

Walking around to the front of her former opponent, now technically prisoner the green haired girl would wave at the brunette while holding up the soda she used to wake her. "Heyo! Sorry wasn't sure the best way to wake you and figured this was better than splashing you with water." As she spoke Alizeh gestured towards the can of soda in her hand before continuing. "Anyways as for where you are well you're in my apartment, cause well, you know the type of match we were in." As she said Alizeh left it ambiguous. After all the last thing Courage probably wanted was to be patronized.

"But don't worry!" She would however try to be her usual optimistic and friendly self. "I assure you I won't do anything cruel or unusual to you promise!" At this Alizeh held her hand up showing she had no plans of crossing her fingers to go back on her word.

As she did this however Alizeh would grab the other can of soda and move to sit on the chair to the right of Courage. "In fact for right now I kinda wanna talk to you about some stuff! Nothing too personal no worries." She said before extending her arm and offering one of the sodas in her hands to the idol. "Thirsty? if you don't like cola you're crazy, but I do have other stuff if you prefer." Alizeh offered with a smile, so far just trying to ease Courage into this, especially given how freaked out and overheated she looked right now.

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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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Courage watched Alizeh wide-eyed and uncertain. In truth, her senses were returning to her rather quickly for someone who had been obliterated the way she had. With each passing second more and more of reality seeped into her awareness. Until she realized what she was wearing.

She was still in her wrestling attire. A two-piece bikini with bottoms cut to barely hide her backside. She was thankful for the chair, which kept that concealed. But she was more concerned with how wet her bottoms felt. Had she peed herself when she'd gotten knocked out!? She'd heard of that happening before. Another second passed. And her recollection grew more complete. And more embarrassing. She hadn't peed. It was so much worse.

She hid her face with a humiliated squeak. Covering herself with both arms and leaving her heavy tits to jiggle with the sudden motion. "Oh gosh... I feel so... so ashamed! In ...In front of everyone!"
She didn't answer Alizeh's question. She couldn't. All she could think about were her waning moments of consciousness at the end of the match. The twitching and trembling between her thighs. The tightness in her belly. And the shameful release that had ruined not only her bottoms, but had reached her top and dotted her face.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes. She drew in a deep breath and shook her head under her arms. "C-cola is f-fine." She was mortified!
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Mon Nov 08, 2021 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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Alizeh watched as bit by bit the memories of their match slowly returned to Courage, her cute face slowly morphing from a variety of expressions. Wincing a bit as she saw the girl's face get progressively worse she nodded understandingly, or at least as understandingly as she could given the situation.

After all technically speaking she had caused it.

Smiling softly Alizeh nodded and placed the can of Cola gently in Courage's hand, even closing the girl's fingers around it. "Yeahhh I did wanna apologize about that. I did get a bit carried away towards the end." She said softly before sitting back watching the look of mortification on the girl's face with a frown.

"But." She said with a smile adorning her face against and a optimistic tone in her voice. "You showed some great potential out there! It's why I wanted to talk to you... well once you process everything." As she said this Alizeh gestured to Courage's disheveled form before smiling again.

Standing up she then pointed towards a side door to her bedroom. "If you want to take a shower you can. Likewise I got some clothes that may fit you... probably." Saying that with a bashful grin Alizeh leaned back again. "Basically get yourself together than I'll lay out what I had in mind for this weekend. Nothing bad I promise." Being sure to emphasize the last word Alizeh leaned forward and waited for a reaction.

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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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Courage allowed her hand to close around the can of cola. She couldn't ignore the warmth of Alizeh's hand as it contrasted with thr ice cold aluminum can.

Her other hand dropped away from her face to grip the tab. She was shaking a little, causing the tab to rattle before she opened the can with a carbonated hiss. Her slightly chubby cheeks were glowing bright red.

"I-it's okay. You don't have to apologize. I... I understand what we do out there." It was a half lie. The "We" part was what rung untrue. And she felt that a sharp pain in her heart at the thought. 'It is never we. It always happens to me.' She thought grimly.

"I um... A shower would be nice. Will you sit with me? We can talk there..."She asked with a boldness that surprised even her. She didn't really want to be alone. To think about what was happening on Social Media. The likes would benefit her. But for now, it just made her feel even more embarassed.

Despite that, and unbeknownst to her, it also caused her nipples to harden against her flimsy top. They were even more visible thanks to her sweat having made it near transparent.

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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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Despite her efforts to be consoling and understanding for the clearly upset girl Alizeh had to repress a blush, as well as some... certain urges. Why? Well because she was able to plainly see the brunette's nipples hardening underneath her practically transparent shirt making her gulp softly as she tried to focus on what Courage said.

But luckily the girl was up for a shower. Good. It'd be chance to distract herself for the time being. Something Alizeh was glad for... that and the chance to see Courage naked. Especially since she was invited to sit in with her.

"Hehe sure sounds fine to me." As she said this with a chuckle Alizeh would wait for her prisoner to put down the can of soda.

Once she did Alizeh would suddenly slide closer and shimmy her hands under Courage's thigh while the other went to the girl's back. "Here I'll give you a lift!" Saying this with a smile the green haired girl mostly did it to partially satiate the part of her that wanted to ruthlessly attack Courage sexually.

But luckily Alizeh was more in control of herself than some other law ladies and just holding the brunette close was enough to hold herself over... for now. None the less if Courage allowed herself to be carried bridal style by Alizeh then the girl would quickly make her way to her bathroom in order to drop Courage down and allow her to set up her shower as she wished!

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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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"No no, that's fine. I can walk on my own. Just show me where it is!" She insisted. However, when she tried to get to her feet she found herself exhausted. She fell back down into the chair with a pout. She was so sore and so worn out... There was no denying that she'd just lost a match.

Alizeh's hands slipped under her body helpfully, but the barest touch gave her a shiver. She wrapped her arms around Alizeh's neck to help support the lift but did so with a bit of embarrassed reluctance. Her head lulled against Alizeh's collarbone as she let out a sigh against Alizeh's neck. It looked sweet. Even if the sigh was in frustration over her own weakness.

Once they arrived at the bathroom she was sat down on the toilet. "Thanks." She offered sheepishly as she put her hands on her thighs. She kneaded the sore muscles and closed her eyes. She drew in a deep breath... And then shakily pushed herself to her feet. "Oh! W-woah~!" She stumbled slightly! Nearly falling over until she caught herself on a towel rack!

"S-sorry. I'm okay!" She reassured Alizeh and pushed to a full stand. And then put her arms out as if to say 'see!'. She was stable for the moment.

She took off her glasses and placed them on the base of the toilet. Then, carefully she opened the shower and stepped into it. The mosaiced glass would preserve her modesty, but she would still be visible. Admittedly, she had assumed that Alizeh had a curtain. She furrowed her brows and made a soft whimper of resignation.

A moment later a pair of white garments were hung over the top of the shower glass. The faucet squeaked to life and soothing hot water rained down upon her aching body. She let out an involuntary moan. It was unintentionally erotic. Long. Trembling. It was ecstasy, of a different variety, but unmistakable!

The textured glass hid the details of her body well enough. But they didn't obscure her voluptuous curves. The color of her bare skin was temptingly visible, even if it was obscured. It was obvious that the young idol was bare as the day she was born. Mature and tantalizing. But all of the best parts stayed imperceivable through the barrier.

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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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Despite Courage's initial protests it was pretty clear the girl was way too sore and wobbly on her feet to properly stand, let alone walk to Alizeh's restroom of her own accord. So Alizeh with just a smile on her face would lift the brunette up off her seat on the couch and into her arms to carry her over there for her!

"Hehe all's good Courage. I know what it's like to get wrecked in a match too. No shame in getting some help." She said kindly to the brunette in her arms. Gently squeezing the girl's thighs and resting her chin softly on Courage's soft brown hair with a smile on her face. After all the small girl's warmth was far too nice to not enjoy.

But soon enough the two reached Alizeh's bathroom where Alizeh allowed the girl to plop onto the toilet. Meanwhile as she waited for Courage to steady herself Alizeh would hop up and sit on the sink while crossing her legs.

The green haired girl knew that her shower wasn't exactly optimal for privacy and that Courage was probably still shake up from their match so Alizeh made it a point to not stare at anything but the wall... well with occasional glances at the vague shape of Courage's body as the water blasted around her, stream rising up and filling the room.

As the shower started in earnest Alizeh would lean back and steal another glance before breaking the silence ridden room that was previously only disturbed by the sound of water hitting supple skin and hard floor. "So Courage." Speaking a few octaves louder than normal to be heard over the running water Alizeh would wait for the girl to acknowledge she heard before continuing. "Out of curiosity who trained you?" It was a innocent and small enough question, but one that could inform much more than it let on, hence Alizeh's curiosity in wanting to know

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Re: Post Match Fun and Education ~

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Her eyes closed and the world fell away from her. For a moment, she even forgot Alizeh shared the room with her. Her lips parted and she let out a pant as the hot water cascaded down her battered body. It traced a trail of relief that was heavenly. She hugged herself beneath her soft round breasts. Lifting and pressing them together caused the water to flow between her pale tits and pool in her cleavage. Her hips swayed back and forth as if charmed by the pleasant sensation of the pounding, purifying water. It flowed over her hip bones and between her thighs. It ran down the length of her womanhood and caused her to shiver- Still sensitive.

"Mmmmnnn... Ohhhhhh~" She half moaned half whimpered. She had gotten wrecked... Alizeh was right. She didn't remember the pin, but it had been with a dominant foot. As if she had been claimed as Alizeh's territory. She'd done everything short of planting a flag in her. And this moment of empty-minded indulgence was rejuvenating.

Her eyes fluttered as Alizeh spoke to her. She bit her lip as she awoke to the euphoric feelings she'd been absent-mindedly indulging in. She tried to speak but her voice caught in her throat. She cleared it with a cough before speaking up finally.

"Who? Umm... Noone really. My um... My producer bought me some lessons." She chirped up, blushing as she felt the kiss of the water roll over her hardened nipples. Why... Why was she so turned on!?

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