When Sweets are all you think about.

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When Sweets are all you think about.

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Sydney couldn't believe it or she thought she must have been dreaming. Nervously pacing back and forth at what she just did not just a few hour's ago on Twitter, trying to fan herself and calm down before making herself look like a fool.Alright keep it together Sydney you just didnt try to mother one of the best wrestlers in LAW, nor did you tell her to share like she a five year old Oh no. you did worse by inviting her two your apartment...."

Mentally preparing herself for her guest while placing another chocolate peach cake on the table along with the other baked goods she made, all the sweets were made due to stress cooking. The sweet smell of the orange Peach Cake with Chocolate Buttercream fill the kitchen as she nervously waits for her guest to arrive, smelling the sweet aroma of the snacks she made for the woman to have and take home.
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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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It was always sweet to see wrestlers and staff at LAW engage in more wholesome activities. While there was no shortage of strife, conflict, and feuds between members of the LAW Roster, there were definitely warmer, cuter interactions and dynamics. And one interest developing dynamic that LAW fans and reports had noticed was the exchange between LAW's famed top wrestler Katherine "Super Kitty" Hart and Sydney "Peaches" Hendrix.
Katherine Hart
"Looks like the place! Man, I bet her stuff looks even better in person! Hope she doesn't mind that I just came from the gym!" Hart would say to herself as she pulled out her phone to check the address. Kat and Sydney had bonded over Twitter over their love of sweets. Particularly Kat's love of eating them and Hendrix's love of baking them. The bubbly confectionary artist had invited Kat over to try some in person rather than sneaking extra servings from the catering hall like Peaches had caught her doing. Kat could smell the sweet smell of peach and chocolate flavored cakes through the apartment door. Without delay, Kat practically punched the doorbell, accidentally making more noise than she should have in all her enthusiasm!

"Ooops! Sorry, Peaches! It's me, Kat! I hope I can call you Peaches! Listen, I kinda came straight here from the gym! I was just so excited to meet you and to try your stuff! I know you invited me and all but I hope I'm not inconveniencing you!" Kat would say amicably, yet excitedly. It hadn't dawned on her just yet that Hendrix may be starstruck. After all, sweet tooth or not, Kat was something of a legend at LAW. Yet for all her championships and accomplishments as a wrestler, she was one of the most approachable and well-loved people in the company! And she had just found a new friend in Sydney Hendrix!
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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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Hearing the banging at the door brings Sydney from her day dream. But hearing the excited tone and eagerness in the young woman voice as she opens the door seeing the younger but taller woman standing in front of her. To be honest she is starstruck getting to have the leader of the Swat Cat's and Legend of LAW at her doorstep. Before going to greet her guest her motherly vibes goes off as she smiles at Kat.

"It not a inconvenience Dear. And you need a quick bath after coming from the gym. You looked drained and on your last leg's right now." In her motherly tone letting the young woman inside and closing the door, her hand gently holding Kat own as she leads her through her small apartment past the kitchen where the cake is at till the bathroom. "Now dear take a quick wash and freshen yourself up I know you must be staving right now so Let me make you something light to hold you over."

Taking no for a answer the older woman brings her guest a towel before heading to the kitchen to make her a good meal for her to regain her strength back. Humming a small tone to herself as prepare a small meal for the woman when she comes out of her bath, making sure everything is ready and even making a few extra sweets for the woman to take back to her friends.

"When your done Sweetie come have a seat I prepared for you some light meal very healthy for you. And a snack for you to take home but those are to share with your friends understand." still using her motherly tone of voice placing a plate that has what look like a taco on it, while placing the box on the shelf that filled with doughnuts all wrapped up and nice and neat for Kat to take home.



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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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"A-a bath?!" Kat said with a puzzled expression on her face as she was led into the curvy, motherly wrestler's humble abode. The apartment wasn't particularly large, but it was nice and quaint. It felt as if Hendrix had been living there several years and really made it her own. The Super Kitty was puzzled by the sudden gesture and being pulled into the apartment, but Kat was quick on the uptake. Hendrix had quite the soft touch. Kat could tell that Miss Peaches meant well. She resolved to play along. When they passed by the cake on the way to the bathroom, Hart looked to her and very subtlely protested the bath idea.

"You know what might energize me even better than a bat, Miss Peaches? The cake in that room over there will probably get me right as rain in no time at all. heheh." Katherine snickered. Though she got the feeling that Sydney would be insistent about the bath. For now, she obliged and took a moment in the bathroom to freshen up. It's a good thing Kat had her gym bag with her and had a set of clothes in there, even if they were just more workout clothes!

"Thank you! I've gotta pay you back sometime! I'm not much of a cook, haha. But maybe I'll take you out somewhere nice! I'm reeeeaaaaally looking forward to that cake! And I'd love to take some for the road for Tracy and Aurora! And for a few of my other friends too if I happen to run into them! Like Erin or Ducky!" With that, Kat would take her time and shower. After about ten minutes, she changed into a purple crop-top and back leggings. Her chiseled arms and abs shined with a renewed freshness when she donned her mask and left the bathroom to meet Miss Peaches in the kitchen. When she saw the taco and the zebra donuts, she was practically beaming with happiness and stars in her eyes!

"All this...f-for me??" Hart would say with her mouth agape, practically drooling over the assortment of goodies!
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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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Sydney could only shake her head at the younger woman idea of energizing her by saying that the cake she made would make her alright. But due to raising two children she knows when to put her down, which she did making sure that Kat took a shower to freshen up and to recover from working out so much.

Seeing the woman drooling with her mouth open, she can't help but giggle and laugh seeing the hungry look in Kat eyes."Yes dear they are for you, working out so much must have made you terribly hungry. So make sure you eat till your full and no cake or sweets until your done." in her motherly tone and even waving her spoon around. Making sure she eats before going to placing more of the zebra doughnuts in a box so that she and her friends have more to enjoy.

Sydney can't help herself but try to lecture the younger woman. Even through Kat could beat her in the ring with ease, but her motherly side is still showing "Eat slow please and only one slice of cake. I saw those extra sweets you took Your other friend was very disappointed in not getting one of my zebra doughnuts. I just had to make more for the poor dear." while she places the cake inside a container but having a small slice for cake to enjoy.

Her hips bouncing while she is moving around the kitchen, showing off her plump backside to the younger woman. Her booty maybe bigger then some of the younger women on the roster, as she bends over into the fridge looking for something. 'Would you like a glass of milk to go along with your slice of cake.

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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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As Hendrix waved her spoon around and lectured the blonde on how she should fill up on a real meal rather than cake, Kat couldn't help but giggle to herself.

"Okay, mooooom." Hart would joke as she took a seat at the table and said her prayers before going to town! Now that she was freshened up, Kat could indulge in Peaches' hospitality. The luchadora tore into the taco and the contents that spilled from it as she ate! It was quite hearty, but within the minute, it was all gone! Kat had attacked it like a starving animal. She'd reach for a napkin and wipe her mouth before she turned her attention to Hendrix. With a wide smile on her face, she called out in a melodic tone.

"Aaaaallllllll doooonnne~🎵!" She'd say as the milk was offered to her.

"I'd love some milk! And I've still got room to spare! Maybe I can have an extra doughnut or five? Pretty please! See, I'm asking nicely this time! Not just taking extra!" Kat would call out. Though when Sydney turned to answer her, it would be apparent that Kat was staring at her. Hart couldn't help but notice that big, round booty. A slight blush on her face formed as it became obvious that Hendrix was a mature woman in every sense of the word!
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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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Letting out a tsk like noise at the mention of the young woman wanting extra sweets. Shaking her head at the joke about being called Mom as she chuckles handing the glass of milk to the woman.

"No extra for you Missy.." waving her spoon around in the air. But giving off a small lush at the staring that Kat is giving her, almost like she wants to devour her or something. It with that a single thought comes into her mind, something that may get her something to tell her little ones in the future. Giving off a small smile of innocence before putting her plan in motion.

Moving so that she is standing behind Kat. Making sure that her busty breast is resting on the blonde woman shoulder. "Well how about a deal then? gently running her hands on the woman firm toned back, lightly massaging her and getting the kinks out of her back. "You can have two extra doughnuts...But only if your able to stay awake under my peach."

Taking the blonde woman hand and placing it on her plump rear end. Letting the Super Kat feel her massive backside. 'What do you say Kat... want those extra sweets or no?.

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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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Ms. Peaches' spoon-waving only made Kat double down. The luchadora put her hands together and whispered one last, tiny "pleeeeaaaase" when Hendrix turned her down.

Kat knew that there was little to convince the busty, curvy older gal, but she persisted after seeing the blush on Syndey's face. Hart realized that wouldn't be there if there wasn't some way to convince her. And it didn't take long for a way to be made clear!

A deep exhale escape Kat's lips and her cheeks would glow a brighter shade of red when her gracious hostess approached her from behind and rested her massive bosom on Kat's shoulders. Kat gripped the table in front of her. She was very briefly overwhelmed, but the moment Sydney began to talk to her, she began to slowly find her composure.

"A-a deal?" She asked curiously.

"Ohhh~" a warm coo escaped Kat's lips as Sydney ran her fingers down The Super Kitty's defined back.

"Two extra doughnuts if I can handle that Peach...?" Kat contemplated. She knew full well that Sydney had been known for her backside and her impressive rack, especially from her younger days wrestling in small-time Indy leagues. And yet, even disarmed by arousal like this, Kat found the courage to smile confidently and ask: "So if I stay awake as long as you'd like, and I manage to earn those two extra doughnuts...." Kat would look up to make eye contact with Peaches, who was still behind her. With a bold expression, she continued!

"Can I do for another round and win two more? I'd love to keep trying over and over so that I can bring a dozen home!"
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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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Hearing the cheeky tone in Kat voice at the mention getting the sweets if she can handle being under her backside. But hearing the small coo coming from the younger woman mouth, and Sydney knows that Kat would agree to anything at this point to get the sweets she wants.

"Mhm that right dear. Sydney whispers in the woman ear. Her hands were idle are now sliding around and gently caressing Kat toned firm abs. Light soft touches and the woman soft kissable lips pressed against the Super kitty earlobe.

Letting out a chuckle at the offering of doing it more then once. She decides to make her an offer she can't refuse at all but one that is rigged from the start since she knows their no way Kat would be able to handle her backside. "How this for a offer. We will do this five times, if you last the first four rounds then you get the three extra doughnuts each to take home. But if you make it to the fifth round and win.. I be your personal sweet cook for the next 3 months.." gently giving Kat cheek a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Do we have a deal?

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Re: When Sweets are all you think about.

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The curvy, plump woman seemed eager to hear Katherine's acceptance of her offer. While Kat was plenty confident despite knowing Sydney's background as a wrestler with a formidable rump, she didn't anticipate Hendrix being fully prepared to capitalize on her weakness for sweets! When the woman drew near and whispered into her ear, Kat's ears perked up. Kat's face grew a slight shade of red as Sydney caressed her chiseled abs and as her lips brushed Kat's ear lobe. Kat remained frozen in a combination of arousal and a huge desire for those doughnuts.

"F-five times....and you'll cook at my place? For 3 months? A-are you sure?" Hart struggled to get the words out. Her nipples were visibly erect even through her purple tee shirt. Her breathing quickened as the mature woman made her an offer she simply couldn't refuse!

After a moment, Kat shook her head to try and regain her composure and restore her senses! She'd place both hands on the table and very slowly rise out of her chair. She kept a hand on Hendrix's own hand as she continued allowing the curvy brunette to caress and hug her from behind.

"I just gotta last five times! I got this! I will outlast your dump truck of a badonkadonk and claim those sweets and your cooking services! Just tell me which room we're doing this in and I'm there! I'm pretty sure we wouldn't do this in the kitchen. But first!"

Kat would quickly nab and scarf down the remaining food that was on her plate. It would take her only a minute to clean her plate and inhale the sweets that her gracious host left for her! She would then walk over to the sink and get to work washing the dishes that were used to serve her and the utensils that were used to prepare the meal.

"I wanna make sure I'm not freeloading! Please allow me to clean up in here while you get ready, okay? I can't imagine that you'll be ready to administer this challenge in your cooking apron, haha. I promise I'll be good and I won't sneak any food while you're changing. SWAT Cat's honor." Kat would say with a warm, confident smile on her face as she did the right thing and cleaned up after herself.
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