Sonja's home

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Sonja's home

Unread post by TheRacker »

Note: Sonja is locking her doors and isn't fond of any unannounced visits. Aka please send me a pm so we can arrange RP first before proceeding here :)
Apartment's timeline
Sonja lives in a small and simple apartment. Its location isn't that close to LAW complex - it took her around 30 minute of walking to reach the destination. But she doesn't really mind it, since there's a nice park she enjoys on her way there. Sonja doesn't have a car or bike anyway so there isn't much she can do. Since she just moved here without too much money she need to work with what she's got. Her dream is to earn enough money to move out to bigger and nicer house one day.

While her appartment might be small, that's not the case for her bedroom. Although Sonja lives alone, she owns a queen sized bed and is really satisfied with it. There is no TV in her living room though. She doesn't like it and see it as pointless addition. Watching movies on the computer is enough for her - there's more content to choose from anyway. There isn't anything special in the rest of the apartment. Regular kitchen, bathroom and small dining room. Well except one special room - room with lot of bookshelfs and books itself. Since she really love to read that's pretty much necessary in her home.

Sonja is obsessed with keep her apartment clean though. Everything has to be tidy and cleaned right away - god forbid that anything remain in mess for more than a day. While she's really shy person, she's also aware that eventually she will make some friends and people are going to visit her eventually.
Last edited by TheRacker on Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Sonja's home

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Meeting a future friend?

It was pretty productive day for Sonja today. After waking up she went to gym and worked out for a bit. She wanted to do some sparring with others, but at the end decided not to approach anyone and stuck with lifting weights. There is always tomorrow. Always time for new opportunities to practice with others. She took a shower and went home to make herself some lunch.

After she finished eating, she was torn about what to do next. She really wanted to finish reading the book, but on the other hand she had to practice for her matches. So she took the book aside (for now) and decided to go in nearby park. She slipped into her yoga pants, put a sports bra on and went jogging. She ran for almost an hour until returing back to her apartment. Finally time to taka another shower and "bite" into her book.

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Re: Sonja's home

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To say things were going well and dandy would be a lie, Her debut saw her catch the eye of a less then desirable clown girl who didn't know how to actually interact with people if it saved her life. Still she wasn't exactly hurting for thing to do and today she had something else on the agenda. Mainly getting acquainted with a new face. Karen wasn't the most social person, at least off screen but she knew making sure the new blood learned her name after her encounter with Sydney felt important.

Knocking on the door she thought about what she was going t say. Would the girl know her from her show or would she see her as another wrestler? If she saw her as a wrestler at all that was for all she knew this chick didn't know a damn thing and would look at her like a random chick knocking on her door.

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Re: Sonja's home

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Sonja was busy reading her book when weird noise interupted her. Well it's not actually weird, it's just really uncommon that she hears knocks on her doors. She didn't meet anyone yet and didn't expect anyone. She put the book aside and walked toward her doors. She was quite nervous and anxious, so her movement were quite slow. She looked through the peephole and noticed a bit familiar face. She didn't know girl's name or where she saw, there were simply something familiar on her.

Leaving the doors halfway open, she stepped between them and looked at black haired girl. She remained polite and smiled to her. "Hello." She was short and waited to hear what the girl has to say.

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Re: Sonja's home

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It didn't take as long as she thought and thankfully she was in least she hoped she was in and she didn't just interrupt someone in there personal time. "Is this Ms. Sonja's residence?" She asked politely waiting for a response from the girl, reciting her words in her head. Her introduction had to be perfect, like her if she wanted to make a good impression.

If she confirmed who she was Karen would clear her throat and speak politely. "Yes well my name is Karen Meadows, a wrestler at LAW and an actress, though that aspect of me is taking a bit of a backseat for now as I do this whole wrestling thing. I was just here to be one of if not the first member of our lovely roster to wish you welcome to our company."

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Re: Sonja's home

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"Yes, my name is Sonja." She smiled and turned the doors wide open. Karen seemed really nice and friendly person so there wasn't any reason to worry about her being hostile. Sonja extended her arm and offered a handshake to friendly neighbour. After hearing that she's also a wrestler at LAW she knew why did Karen looked so familiar. "Oh, you're Karen! I saw your recent match. I never imagined i'll meet someone from LAW so quickly."

"Please come inside and have a seat." Sonja said and walked into a kitchen. She poured herself an orange juice and looked toward Karen. "Can i offer you something to drink?"

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Re: Sonja's home

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"You didn't? Your going to be facing off against people from LAW all the time surely you figured you'd be seeing a lot of them sooner rather then later. Unless you just assumed you'd be sitting on your ass for several weeks." Karen said taking her hand. Though she bristled a little as she mentioned her latest match which was to say, not her best outing, she didn't tighten or slow on the handshake at all as she still wanted to show she didn't mean anyharm.

"Yes that's me. Surprised that's the first thing that came to your mind. No that I'm complaining, most just remember me for the shows is starred in rather then my wrestling skills. Which I feel are criminally undervalued." Karen admitted as she walked inside. "Uhh..just some water will do thanks."

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Re: Sonja's home

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"Well..." Sonja blushed when walking back inside after hearing Karen's comment. She continued talking from the kitchen. "I didn't expect to sit on my ass... it's just - i'm always holding myself when it comes to meeting new people. It's hard for me to gather courage and approach the others like you just did."

She sat by the table and invited Karen to do the same. She was looking in her glass for few seconds still having red cheeks from all the blushing. She looked up at her and followed. "Well i was enjoying watching you wrestling.. Maybe we could practice one day? You showing me some tricks and holds?"

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Re: Sonja's home

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"But you intend to have the courage to face another in the ring sometimes under embarrassing situation in front of alive audience some of which are there exactly for those embarrassing situations? Surely you'd think confronting people would make your job less awkward." Karen said looking at the blushing new girl. That surprised her a little as the girl looked very confident in the pics she saw but it seems those were just that.

Sitting down as she mentioned her match again Karen looked away slightly frustrated but again doing her best not to show it, no need to air some bad blood at something else here. "Yeah I suppose I could do that. I'm not exactly booked out of control so I have more time to myself for a few other things."

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Re: Sonja's home

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"Well, i didn't have any plan about confronting other people yet." She shruged and took a sip of a water. "I'm sure i would come up with something." She repositioned herself on the chair, noticing that something changed in Karen. She seemed like a really nice person, so Sonja had to be careful with her. She was right afterall after mentioning what can happen in ring.

A big smile appeared on Sonja's face when she heard that Karen is willing to practice with her. Maybe that's going to be the birth of a new, wonderful friendship "That's great, thanks! I'm not booked as well, so just tell me when it suits you to practice."

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