Apartment's timeline
While her appartment might be small, that's not the case for her bedroom. Although Sonja lives alone, she owns a queen sized bed and is really satisfied with it. There is no TV in her living room though. She doesn't like it and see it as pointless addition. Watching movies on the computer is enough for her - there's more content to choose from anyway. There isn't anything special in the rest of the apartment. Regular kitchen, bathroom and small dining room. Well except one special room - room with lot of bookshelfs and books itself. Since she really love to read that's pretty much necessary in her home.
Sonja is obsessed with keep her apartment clean though. Everything has to be tidy and cleaned right away - god forbid that anything remain in mess for more than a day. While she's really shy person, she's also aware that eventually she will make some friends and people are going to visit her eventually.