Possible Threeway?

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Sigma Morgan
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Possible Threeway?

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Kaelyn woke up with her head on Tia's shoulder cuddling with her as she smiled and remembered some of the best and roughest sex she had ever had the night before. "Good morning my sexy little Aussie" Kaelyn said noticing the two were both still naked which caused her to smile even more as she nuzzled against the Aussie. "That was fun last night wasn't it?" Kaelyn asked in in a flirty tone before giving Tia a kiss on the boob before giving it a short but firm squeeze as she sat up and looked at the larger Australian woman.


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Re: Possible Threeway?

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"Mmm~ good mawnin love~"

Tia woke up second when she hears Kaelyn's voice. The two had an amazing night, so when they awoke they were both naked in the bed with each other. Kaelyn would nuzzle against Tia, kiss her boob before squeezing it, causing the Aussie to chuckle and pull Kaelyn closer to her breast while kissing the top of her head.

"Yaes ih' defoinitely was~ cahn't wigh' t' do thaht aguyn weeth yah~"

Tia would respond back with a giggle before Kaelyn sat up. Tia would get up from the bed and began to stretch. She looked back at Kaelyn and said,

"Sao fuckin beautiful~"

Tia leaned in and delivered a quick soft kiss to Kaelyn's lips before pulling away.

"Sao praetty~ seence yah ahh moy guest haow abeow' Oy trayt yah t' brykefahst? yah cahn tyke a shaowah whoile Oy'm cookin~"

Tia offered, hoping Kaelyn would stay for breakfast.

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Re: Possible Threeway?

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Kaelyn smiled as Tia pulled her in closer and gave her a kiss on the head. "I don't think I could handle it that rough ever day but at least every week" Kaelyn jokingly replied to Tia hearing that she seemed to really enjoy last night Kaelyn stretched her arms a bit still sitting on the bed when watching the naked Aussie do hers, which turned Kaelyn on a bit but it was way to early to do what they did last night again. Kaelyn smiled and kissed the Aussie when Tia stopped stretching and leaned it. Kaelyn then heard the Aussie offering her breakfast. "Breakfast sounds wonderful considering we never actually got around to eating last night and you gave my a workout" Kaelyn said. "Well since you don't want to join me I'll be sure to make it a quick shower while you're cooking" Kaelyn added getting up from the bed and grabbing her underwear and walking to the bathroom, she wasn't going to bother grabbing her other clothes since they were still in the living room last she remembered and besides, it wasn't like anyone else was going to see them naked or close to it.


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Re: Possible Threeway?

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While Kaelyn was taking a shower, Tia went downstairs and started making breakfast for the two. The Aussie was making eggs, smokes bacon, hashbrowns, and beef sausages as well as grilled mushrooms and tomatoes. Tia also began humming to herself, while turning the TV on for the latest L.A.W. news story.

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Re: Possible Threeway?

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Kaelyn went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her out of habit and looked in the mirror for a second before getting in the shower. Kaelyn spent a minute playing with the water temperature until she found a nice balance and then relaxed a a bit letting the slightly hot water run down her body as she hummed briefly before running the water through her hair until it was like a wet mop. After that Kaelyn got herself all soapy with the water washing it all off soon after as Kaelyn stood there closing her eyes and relaxing, the water was nice and calming for Kaelyn so she decided to take a minute or two to let it do its thing, after all Tia was still cooking so there was no rush even as Kaelyn put some shampoo in her hair to clean it when she rinsed it out. When he hair was all clean the blond made sure to wash the shampoo off of her body before stepping out and drying off. Kaelyn then put on her panties and went downstairs topless with her bra in hand but Kaelyn didn't feel like putting it on.


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Re: Possible Threeway?

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"Ah~ Kaelyn just in toime~ Oy myde brykefahst~"

Tia smiled as she made a player ready for Kaelyn. The aussie would walk towards the topless Hostess and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"mmm~ yah smaell good~ come tyke a sayt~"

Tia would hold Kaelyn's hand before pulling the chair for the blonde in a polite manner and giving her the utensils. Tia would then grab a mug and ask Kaelyn,

"Would yah loike cawffay aw ohuynge juice?"

Whatever Kaelyn chooses, Tia would give the drink to her. The door bell would suddenly ring as Tia would walk to the door to see who rang the bell. When she saw through the peephole it was Akane, The Aussie smiled and opened the door.

"Akane! waelcome come on in! sao glahd thaht yah cuyme boy."

The red head would enter Tia's home and bow politely to her before taking off her shoes. When Akane turned to see Kaelyn there, her face had a deadly glare,

"Nani? What are you doing here?"

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Re: Possible Threeway?

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Kaelyn stretched a bit as she walked towards Tia smelling the wonderful food that she cooked. Kaelyn then blushed a little when Tia gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Probably not as good as the food you cooked" Kaelyn complimented when Tia said she smelled good. "Thanks you're too kind" Kaelyn said as Tia gave her a seat. "Um Coffee is fine" Kaelyn said letting Tia know what she wanted to drink and took a sip when Tia gave her it to her. Kaelyn then heard a knock and glanced at the door while Tia checked who it was and behold it was the same red head who mildly annoyed her last night but to Kaelyn that was water under the bridge or so it seemed because Kaelyn had an evil smile on her face and sat back in her chair. "Hello Akane, glad to see you could join us, but you missed all the fun me and Tia had without you last night" Kaelyn said the grin still on her face. "But as for what I'm doing it seems I'm getting ready to eat the amazing food Tia is cooking" Kaelyn said sarcastically seeing if she could get under Akane's skin a bit more while seeming friendly to Tia.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Possible Threeway?

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Akane's right hand was twitching...iching to slap Kaelyn for her smug behavior. Tia noticed the intensity in the room and felt a little uncomfortable.

"I came tū get Tia because she was suppose tū be in the gym with me. She is twó hours rate and now that i see you without youru top i can see that Tia decided tū waste heru taim with a degenerate rike you!"

Akane said with venom in her voice. Tia stepped in between and tried to calm the whole situation.

"Akane cahlm daown. Oy knaow whaht thiies looks loike buh' Kaelyn is a spaecial guest in moy home. Oy weell nawt hahve any violaence heah. yah unduhstahnd?"

Akane stared at Tia before nodding her head and averted her gaze off of Kaelyn.

"Ok. haow abeow' Oy oolsao myke yah brykefahst akuyne...you hungry?"

Akane shook her head and replied back with,

"I arready ate. I'm just waiting foru you so we can prot ouru next move in L.A.W."

Tia smiled and patted Akane's head,

"yayh~ we'll geh' t' thaht. buh' umm...why daon't yah tyke a sayt? Oy'm steell koinda oily sao Oy'm gawnna tyke a queeck shaowah ok? just troy nawt t' cause any trouble ok?"

Akane nodded again and sat down at the couch, avoiding any eye contact with Kaelyn. As Tia was about to head to her bedroom, she went to Kaelyn, kissed her forehead and said,

"Oy'll be bahck ok? just gawnna wahsh up~"

Tia winked at Kaelyn before going to her bathroom to shower, leaving the two women alone together.

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Re: Possible Threeway?

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Kaelyn snickered before speaking. "The gym? What you can't lift your own weights?" Kaelyn said trying to piss off Akane further. "Oh and as for me being topless, what are your jealous?" Kaelyn asked smugly before Tia stepped in and Kaelyn rolled her eyes. "Sure, whatever you want Tia" Kaelyn said still smiling at Akane giving her a mischievous wink. "If I didn't already take one I'd join you for round two in there but I guess I'll be here thinking about the idea instead" the blond said jokingly staring at Tia's ass as she left the room. Kaelyn then turned her attention to Akane who was sitting on the couch. Kaelyn finished the rest of her coffee before she walked over and plopped down next to Akane. "So how was your night? You left us before all the fun started" Kaelyn said trying to "break the ice"


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Re: Possible Threeway?

Unread post by Weonna »

"None of youru business what I did rast night. Fakking whore..."

Akane responded to Kaelyn's question as she still had a bitter attitude towards the Hostess. The Red head didn't even make eye contact with Kaelyn because Akane couldn't even stand looking at her...that's how much she resents her.

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