Arlise Christiaens heard the clock ring in the quarter before the turn of the hour, and she realized just how long she had spent getting ready for her interview. Did that make it... two full hours now?
Lise reeled back from the mirror where she had been blotting at her lipstick, rested a hand on her hip, and shook her head at herself. She thought she had overcome this obsession of hers about looking as close to perfect as possible to make such great impressions... and to feel great about herself. After all her effort to get her priorities in line, still the itch struck her to obsess over her appearance, and today, Lise had surrendered to it - completely. Lexy Alan, apparent LAW interviewer extraordinaire, would hopefully appreciate her effort. The people on her livestream would, surely. Lise granted her formally dressed self one last look and pose in the mirror before she trotted back to the hallway toward the living room to the sound of her clicking heels.
After all her initial struggles, Lise had gone home for a couple of months - mostly to make sure her mother, who had never possessed much of any money in her life, knew how to utilize the money Lise had sent her. The woman appeared to have done a fine job of it, with a house on a nicer side of town and someone around the house to help her with chores. Satisfied, Lise had headed back - refreshed and motivated.
So, with that new attitude, she had agreed to Lexy's offer for a return interview. Lise checked the time on the wall and rubbed her hands together when she stepped into the living room - furnished nicely, with her older style couch and furnishings (all from her grandmother) spread around the room... plus the wrestling mat she had never gotten off the floors since her last in-home session perched in front of the couch. Titania winced and started to dart over to fetch them...
Then she heard the bell ring, and she hesitated, almost sliding down on her heels when she did.
"Oh poop," she muttered to herself, when the voice on the other side of the door revealed that it belonged to Lexy.
Lise stared at the mats another few seconds with a cringe before she decided that perhaps her having mats down in her apartment would make her look more... dedicated to her craft. Yes, that was the one. Rolling her eyes to herself, she spun to the door and called back to Lexy, who had only just stopped speaking.
She rushed over, unlocked the door, and swung it open, finding the cutest looking - and cutest dressed - interviewer she had laid eyes on waiting there at the door for her. The touch of nerves that washed over her cooled slightly to see the woman's disarming looks, and Lise stepped aside with a smile of her own to let Lexy into the room.
"Yes, and even a little early! Nice to meet you." She stuck her hand out to Lexy as she passed to enter, and with the other she gestured to the room.
"I am still good with the livestream, yes!" She imagined her outfit probably gave that fact away, didn't it?
"You can set it up wherever you want and however you want, I'm not picky."