Strong Enough to Bend (for LoneWanderer)

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Re: Strong Enough to Bend (for LoneWanderer)

Unread post by Winter »

Smart moves.

Arlise did not want to praise him over everything - that could become patronizing - but as her legs became jaws meant to hold his body to the floor while she manipulated his arm, he operated with the precise counter he needed, better than many veteran wrestlers she encountered. That left him restrained but not pained, nixing what could have become an end to their first round if he did not plan on fighting her to injury. Despite the effectiveness of his counter, Arlise remained latched to him - she still had him by the arm, and her thigh continued to put pressure on his neck, enough that she could potentially wear him down from outright attrition.

He chose, wisely, not to take the neutered hold lying down, however. Arlise clenched her teeth as he rolled around within her grip, eventually forcing her onto her back with him above her as she continued to cling to him. His weight turned pressure onto her shoulder and spine, and the Belgian beauty, while flexible enough for the position, couldn't claim that her hips and legs felt comfortable crunched back over the top of her body. After several seconds, she realized she had no more reason to stay locked in this tangle than he did.

But before she released his arm and the pressure weighing down on her, he acted. The Belgian felt his forearm tap her on the front of the throat before he truly locked her down, and it gave her the chance to tilt her head just enough to take the forearm on her cheek and jaw. His squishing her face into the canvas certainly didn't appeal to her - it hurt, and she must have looked ridiculous on the camera - but at least she didn't endure his choking. Altogether, though, she had lost all of her advantage.

She did not want to let him go, however, and turn over the advantage entirely. She tilted her eyes as far as she could until she found her feet in the periphery. Her right leg had nowhere to go, pinned beneath his body. But the left she tried to fold as best she could, hoping to wedge enough of his neck between her thick thigh and toned calf that she could apply some pressure there. She didn't expect much, especially given her flexibility, but it seemed her best out was a draw where both of them had to reset.

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Re: Strong Enough to Bend (for LoneWanderer)

Unread post by TheLoneWanderer »

For once, Senji thought that neither woman nor man had put him in this type of position before. The counter had gone swimmingly, with his arm squishing her face into the mat and shrinking her cheeks. She looked a little funny, but he kept that to himself. Similarly to a Triangle Choke, Arlise wedged her left leg into a wonky curl around his neck. While nowhere near as effective, it followed the same principle. Squeeze the sides of his neck, just with a lonely leg.

From Arlise bottom position, she may have felt the faint 'thrum' of blood through his arteries and heard the high-pitched grunt. Now it was his turn to fluster from this funky pseudo-choke(?) and the exertion, as his features looked mashed up from the meaty leg slapped around his head. It was to the point where his gaze was obscured by her knee's back.

To see if he could force a position change, Senji crawled his feet towards the left which might slide Arlise's head towards the right and slowly 'pop' her back into a belly-down position. As Senji's hold on her arm was broken, he attempted to keep crawling towards the left so he could yank his limbs away from the greedy hands. If he got this far, then he'd scurry away a pace or two on his butt and elbows to take the slower option rather than do more close quarters combat with Arlise again.

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