Reluctant Honour [Sophia & Sha]

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Re: Reluctant Honour [Sophia & Sha]

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To think... it had been Sophia's intent to have a quiet night to herself. She had set up a guest room for Sha to stay in whilst her ambition had been to sit on the couch and read a book for the majority of the night in front of the fireplace. In her head, this was an inconvenience to host Sha as her 'prisoner' but she had formulated a plan that she believed would make this occasion tolerable. The German's intent had been to feed and water Sha, but beyond that there had been no other tribulations to deal with once she saw her to her room. There was enough entertainment there for her, but largely she hoped as punishment that Sha would be bored out of her mind. If she requested to go home, Sophia would have happily allowed it. As far as Sophia was concerned, she was seeing out the contract, and when it was all over, she would be done with the devious sibling.

In her mind's eye, that was what was going to happen tonight. It could not have been more different...

It was as if Sophia had never won the Apex Qualifier. In truth it felt like she was the prisoner of war right now. Sha had done what she and her sister always did best... mind games. The moment she appeared at the door, clad in little more than a loincloth and revealing undergarment style attire, she had taken command over the faltering Sophia Wolfe. Now... Sophia herself was a prisoner, the chains of her binding the entire form of Sha herself. Her long and deadly legs continued to crush around her waist with devastating abandon, making Sophia's hips look several sizes smaller. The deep bodyscissor tested Sophia's core, forcing her to moan out as Sha joined in. Her own moans were of pleasure and ecstasy, enjoying the struggles of her captive, taking her lips with feverish and deep kisses.

Somehow, this was not enough for Sha. She wanted to feel more of Sophia, her arms looping around to capture her chest, trapping her upper arms at her sides to further bind her. With careful repositioning on the massive couch, Sha had the two on their sides, her arms tensing up, grinding into Sophia's chest to mushroom their breasts together. Her breathing began to increase, her body began to grind up against Sophia's as her lips continued to dance with the alluring German's, her tongue sliding deep and entwining with Sophia's own. The easy task of breathing was fast becoming impossible, the combination of deep and lustful squeezing, combined with a near smothering kiss. Sophia could only groan within the kiss, her eyes closed as her body strained and tensed with each crushing burst of debilitating pressure. By now, there was a light sheen upon the exposed skin of both women. Sophia writhed, trying desperately to get away, but her tormentor only became more passionate and feverish, squeezing harder, sapping the air and energy from Sophia.

Sha... had her captive where she wanted her, and Sophia could do nothing, softly beginning to move less and less... overwhelmed as Sha crushed and deeply kissed her.

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Re: Reluctant Honour [Sophia & Sha]

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It might have looked like a tender moment to any outside observer. Two lovers curled up on a couch, one in the warm and tender embrace of the other, passionately kissing in a celebration of their mutual love. The reality of it was quite different. The reality was that the 'warm and tender' embrace was in fact crushing the life out of one woman, leaving her unable to breath, let alone escape. The passionate kiss was completely one-sided, and only one would be getting any pleasure out of it while the other could barely register they were being kissed.

SHa let out another moan into Sophia's mouth as she continued to kiss her, and as her excitement grew, so do did the power of her grip around the scarred woman. The Egyptian had Sophia completely wrapped up, both her arms and legs forming a tight cocoon around her, pulling her in, squeezing her tighter and tighter. It was almost like Sha was enveloping Sophia into her; two bodies becoming one. A predator slowly consuming its prey.

Under the unrelenting strain of Sha's powerful muscles, the Egyptian goddess would feel Sophia's body beginning to fail her. Those proud muscles of hers would begin to begin to feel like mush, no longer able to resist the never ending squeeze. Her bones creak and bent under the strain, threatening to snap if Sha were to apply any more pressure than there already was. Her proud spirit was becoming quieter and quieter, and soon it would slip away entirely under Sha's never ending kisses. And yet, despite all this, Sophia continued to resist. No matter how little strength she had, no matter how futile it seemed, she never stopped trying to pull away from Sha's embrace.

After what seemed like forever, Sha would stop her kissing assault upon the German, pulling her lips away from Sophia's and leaving a thin line of drool that connected them. The Egyptian's hard eyes peered into the barely open ones of Sophia's, studying her intently before she asked, "Why do you keep fighting it?" she whispered, and her tone would reflect a genuine confusion. "Nothing you do is going to change what happens tonight. You're here and I'm here. Wouldn't it be better to just.....accept it?" Sha would then move one of her hands up to gently stroke Sophia's cheek in a surprisingly gentle display.

"How do you know you won't enjoy it?"

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Re: Reluctant Honour [Sophia & Sha]

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Sophia had always tossed an insult at the Ancestors of Isis for being snakes, comparing them to venomous serpents. It seemed she was half correct in her assessment, but those Sisters were not fanged serpents, but rather great boa constrictors. It was the only comparison that could be made as Sha relentlessly squeezed the alluring German, using her own body like the coils of a Python, her kiss the deadly jaws used to seize its prey. Sophia could barely breath, her chest heaving against Sha's only to be crushed, her abs over strained from the constant pressure as the stronger of the sisters meshed her own powerful midriff against her own. Her back screamed in agony as powerful legs clamped tighter like closing coils around her waist.

Such was the strength of Sha, that her ribs began to audibly crick and creak, in unison to her lower back as Sha's strength and crushing power began to test the very endurance of Sophia's body. She moaned, her eyes closing tight as Sha continued to take her lips with a longing and passionate kiss. She moaned herself, her form writhing and squeezing Sophia's own, as if she wanted to envelop and absorb her into her own body and keep her close forever. After what felt like an hour, but was probably mere minutes... there was no energy left in Sophia to fight back. The lack of air, the unbearable pressure around her torso and the incessant kiss whilst Sha's tongue explored Sophia's throat... it finally got the better of Sophia as she let out one final defeated groan.

Feeling her captive falter, Sha finally eased... at least somewhat. Her grip was still gruelling, but her lips softly pulled away, leaving a line of saliva between their lips as a small line slid down the side of Sophia's jaw. She was half out of it, her scarred eye closed over, her other half open. She struggled to breath, her chest heaving firmly as she tried desperately to fill her lungs. She was still conscious, but her thoughts were barely coherent, having nearly been crushed into passing out. She gasped out quietly, her mouth open and agape to simply try and focus on breathing. She was granted a little more room in her lungs when Sha eased her bearhug, slowly and gently running a hand across her cheek, clearing a few strands of stray hair that had fallen over her eyes.

In the privacy of this room, Sha made no effort to hide her intent. There was no Nha to judge her, no live audience or camera... the look upon her eyes spoke more than words. A look of genuine bewilderment... of longing and concern? Her lips remained close, her eyes holding no malice for Sophia but something else entirely.
"W... what do you want... from me?...." Was all Sophia could whisper in a breathless fashion. Regardless of the situation... she was too powerless no to fight back against her so called... prisoner of war.

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Re: Reluctant Honour [Sophia & Sha]

Unread post by Darius 2.0 »

Sha's reasoning behind Sophia enjoying their time together more than she cared to admit came from how easily the Egyptian had been able to subdue the German. Sophia was a skilled fighter, able to defeat both her and her twin sister Nha individually after intense struggles. It shouldn't have been as easy for Sha to take control of the platinum blonde as it had been. Yet, all it had taken is Sha walking in with her skimpy outfit and suggestive squeezing for Sophia to damn near turn into a limp puddle of a person! Was it simply because Sha had gotten the drop on her? The red twin wasn't about to believe so.

After squeezing and kissing Sophia into a near coma, Sha would take a moment to really take a look at the woman who had defeated her in the ring. This was not the Scar that Sha now saw before her, it was a shadow of her. Sweaty, drained, on the verge of passing out, yet still as beautiful a woman as Sha had laid eyes on. Her question to Sophia would remain unanswered, and with the barest whisper of her regained breath, the karateka asked Sha what she wanted with her.

It was a question that Sha had a myriad of answers for, but as Sophia had not answered her own question, the red twin would choose to stay silent about her motivations. Instead, she would simply look Sophia in the eyes and give her the slightest of smirks. "You'll see...."

With that, Sha would pull the German into her embrace once again to press her lips against her! The muscular arms and legs of the Egyptian would encircle Sophia once again with their powerful squeeze. Her legs would tighten in the figure four and her arms would squeeze the upper portion of Sophia's chest, literally forcing the oxygen to leave her body! There would be no letting up for Sha this time. This time, she intended to squeeze the scarred woman unconscious. It was time to end the foreplay...

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