A Sleepover Between Friends

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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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When Chelsea felt Sarabeth's arms wrap around her, she could feel the warmth of her embrace; the comfortable pressure that left her knowing that she was there, and that she wasn't alone. At that, she let out a contented sigh, feeling a tingling sensation run over her from head to toe. It struck Chelsea then that she hadn't quite felt anything like this before - and yet, she instantly knew what this feeling was, and what it meant. She had a friend. All this time, she'd been so afraid of pushing people away that she had decided to lock herself away from the world, telling herself that she was alright and that she never needed anyone anyway. But Sarabeth was showing her what having a friend really felt like - and what she was missing out on, all this time. She had Molly, but she was family. She had George, but they were dating. She had Finella, but they had been fierce enemies for so long Chelsea was still getting used to treating her as a friend. But Sarabeth was someone who trusted her, who had hope for her, and who wanted to support her in all her endeavors. Someone who cared. And right now, Chelsea felt that most of all.

When she heard Sarabeth talk about bottling up her past and the scars it left her with, Chelsea nodded sagely - she knew exactly how that felt. But at that next word - bestie - she cracked just a little bit more of a smile, sitting up straighter and nodding her head. Chelsea couldn't think of the last time anyone had called her that, but...she liked it. And if that wasn't a sign that her life was turning around, she wasn't sure what was.

"Believe me," she said, "I kun 'ow dat feels. But it's gon'ter get better. It already is." She nodded her head, cracking a little bit more of a smile as she thought back on the song she'd just played. "It's gettin' better, all de time."
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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The night pressed on as the best friends decided to turn in for the night with the clock reaching 4:35 AM. Anfield was fast asleep on Chelsea’s bed with Sarabeth taking the guest room just across the hall. Sarabeth snored a little bit clutching the covers just over her left shoulder soundly sleeping away. Anfield stirred awake from a dream he was having and got pelted with the sensation of taking a leak. He drowsily got up and walked over to Chelsea licking his mother’s face to wake her up so she could take him outside real quick for a potty.
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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Chelsea had a lot on her mind. At a time like this, of course, she had no choice but to find herself reflecting on the past - on the hardships she had known, and the struggle it had been to overcome them and to move forward with her life. She'd had to confront all the years she'd gone without a friend, and how much she'd been forced to retreat deeper and deeper inside herself when the world turned her away. It always stung a little to think about those things. But there was hope, too. If this night was any indication, things for Chelsea were about to turn around. She had friends now - more friends than she could ever have imagined. Sarabeth was just the latest in a long line of changes for the better she'd seen over the last year. And from how well they'd hit it off, Chelsea was already sure their future could only get better and brighter from here.

She'd gone to bed with those thoughts - drifting to sleep knowing the pain of the past, but being excited for the future all the same. After as long a day as it had been, and after all the emotions she'd been through, it didn't take long for Chelsea to fall into a deep sleep. But she'd soon enough be woken up as she felt Anfield's tongue brush over her cheek - and her eyes began to blink back to life. 'Nngh..?" she muttered, still groggy from being woken like this, but as she blinked a few times and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, she could see Anfield looking back at her in the darkness.

"Wha' is it, la'?" Chelsea muttered softly, reaching out to pat him on the head. In most circumstances, she would've been more than a little nonplussed about being woken up like this, but for some reason or another, she couldn't stay mad at him. "Need ter go out? C'mon, then..." So too, Chelsea had lived with Anfield for long enough to become familiar with his antics, and with what he was telling her. She knew well enough what this meant.

She yawned as she got up from the bed, but nonetheless rummaged through a nearby dresser to find a pair of sweatpants and pulled them on. Then, she stepped out into the hall to retrieve her coat and a leash.
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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Sarabeth would be stirring in her sleep as the covers were thrashed around as her body betrayed her in keeping calm. She was clearly having a nightmare and unfortunately for her, it was the same nightmare that plagued her for a decade. Her mother shutting her out as she quickly pounded at the door to be let in and the atmosphere was getting colder and colder as Sarabeth was freezing to the max. Sarabeth screamed in bloody murder waking up as she felt sweat drenching her body and she looked around, but couldn’t muster a clear vision due to the dark and her groggy sleepiness. Sarabeth threw the covers off standing up on the bed.

MOM! LET ME IN! JUST LET ME IN! WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS! MOM!” Sarabeth screamed, still believing she was dreaming as her fists flew around the darkness aimlessly believing she was pounding on Kary’s front door.

Anfield heard the commotion and sprinted over to Sarabeth’s door barking. He pawed at the wooden door wanting to be let in and he barked some more loudly.
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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Even when she'd gotten up, Chelsea was still half-asleep. Her eyelids were heavy, and her body was stiff and ached whenever she moved; she could only plod along half-heartedly on her way out the door. She'd let Anfield out to do his business and then go back to bed, but she couldn't be bothered to do much more. However...when she heard the sounds of panicked screaming coming from the next room over, that was more than enough to rouse her to her senses. She jumped up, shaking herself out, and in a flash she found herself just as invigorated as ever; when she blinked her eyes, they went from dull and half-lidded to wide in shock. There was no time to feel miserable at a time like this! Clearly, someone needed help - someone who Chelsea had just forged a bright new friendship with. She had to act; Anfield could wait!

Without a moment's hesitation, the Englishwoman sprinted over to the door, thrusting it open with one firm push. "Sarabeth!? Sarabeth-!" she shouted, looking around in all directions just to be sure there was no pressing danger at the moment. "Sarabeth, w's goin' on? Wha' 'appened? Ay ye oi'right..?"
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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Sarabeth slipped on the blankets and heard Chelsea’s voice as she reached over for the lamp. She flicked it on and hugged her best friend shaking like a wet dog as tears streamed down her face. Sarabeth calmed down hugging Chelsea tightly crying into her shoulder. That nightmare haunted her ever since the day her mother kicked her out and started the ongoing abandonment issues she got plagued with. You would think that since she met her father and gained a new mother, those issues were a thing of the past, but it wasn’t meant to be as Sarabeth still had bad dreams about Kary.

Kary was there….i swear to god she was there…yelling and shoving me out the door. It was a bad dream. Just a dream. Just a dream,” Sarabeth panted as she sat down on the bed wiping tears out of her eyes.
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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When Chelsea looked in the room to see Sarabeth sobbing on the bed in front of her, she froze - her face pale and her eyes wide. She hadn't even known Sarabeth before today, and she had only really begun to know her a couple of hours ago...but now, that didn't matter. Sarabeth was hurting. She needed her help. She had been the first person Chelsea had met in so long who really understood her, and now, she saw that she needed someone to stand by her side and support her, too. To see her crying like this...Chelsea knew it was her time to return the favor. It was what was right.

She didn't hesitate - as soon as Sarabeth threw her arms around her, the Englishwoman pulled her tighter into her embrace, guiding her against her chest. She wasn't usually the touchy-feely type, but she was willing to set that aside if she needed to stand up for a friend. Her posture softened; her arms draped more loosely around Sarabeth as she gently ushered her into her lap while she sat down against the bed, and she slowly stroked her hand over her back.

"You're right..." she began softly, "just a dream. Which means it's not real. She can't hurt you now. It's...better, now." As she said that, Chelsea ever so slightly nodded her head. After all, she knew it just as well herself.
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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Sarabeth scrambled her body into Chelsea’s lap and tightened a grip on her best friend’s body nuzzling her neck. Sarabeth at the end of the day was still a little bit of a little girl that didn’t know her dad and was virtually hated by her own mother. It was a recurring nightmare that haunted her for over a decade and she wish she could move past it already. Sarabeth had her family and a good friend, but it seems life decided punishment needed to balance the good things she acquired. Her hiccuping and snorting was starting to simmer down and she released Chelsea sitting on her own side. Sarabeth used her shirt to wipe her eyes and went to grab a tissue to blow her nose as Anfield whimpered pawing her legs.

Argm….huh? I’m okay, boy,” Sarabeth ensured the dog as she knelt to pat his head. “I seriously need to do therapy.
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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Chelsea saw the tears in Sarabeth's eyes, and when she did, she looked down, her shoulders slumping with a sigh. She had grown to see Sarabeth as a friend, a kindred spirit, someone she could rely on - someone who understood her struggles. To see someone she felt she could depend on struggling against the weight of her own worries and anxieties made the Englishwoman's heart sink. But she saw a bit of herself in Sarabeth, too. Chelsea knew all too well that she had been in that same position herself, more times than she was willing to admit to anyone. Waking up in the night, gripped by her fears of losing everything - of having thrown her life away, with nothing to show for it, halfway across the world in a country where she didn't know the language and was hated by everyone. Maybe she and Sarabeth weren't so different in that regard.

It made Sarabeth seem a little more human - a little closer, a little more familiar. Chelsea knew how she felt. And she knew she could say what she always would've wanted to hear. Right now, she would be here for Sarabeth like she wanted a Sarabeth to be there for her.

"...you're all right now," Chelsea said softly, just to remind the Young Lioness of her presence as she ran her hand up to gently stroke her back. "We'll look for someone who can help you. You're not alone, not any more. But if you need me...I'm here."
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Re: A Sleepover Between Friends

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