Girls just wanna have fun : A fun invitation Chapter 1 (For Hagen-Autem)

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Re: Girls just wanna have fun : A fun invitation Chapter 1 (For Hagen-Autem)

Unread post by Shoothing Stars »

Katherine would start letting out a few coughs but for some reason, she was still smiling like it was some form of therapy for her. Being a goddess is not a easy task, it can be stressful and challenging at times so... They kinda had something in common on that point. Though Katherine is a special kind of rose... What gives her release, may not be the norm for all but who are we to judge.

Alice should of known by now how Katherine would feel when trying to restrain her in her Kat ways... Like a cat, she is meant to be running wild and free... It was not that bad of a mistake than pulling her hair... The one who would dares to do such to this rose would get hurt more than just by thorns. Still... It was time to give her guest a little reminder of who she really was.

The wild girl would slowly roll them to the side before showing off how much power she truly got in one's body, now turning the headscissor forward and that without much use of her actual arms. She would smirk amused having her exactly where she wanted, just deciding to taunt her guest by poking her belly with her nose for trying to contain her... What a fool... No one can contain her.

Katherine kept smilling as Alice would tease back asking her if she was really hard. She seemed to get a giggle out of that obviously taking it on the horny side more than her persona. Such kinda gave her a idea to show her what hard really means but that will have to wait a little bit... She had another of her requests for the chef to fulfill. '' C--Could you pull the back of my head more in with your hands and hold me right in there ? '' She kept asking for more and more and wanted the absolute best and tighest grip that Alice had to offer and if she managed to provide... Perhaps then, she could get rewarded with what we were talking about earlier, she plans to go easy on her guest at first... Until she asks for more eventually, they all do.

Last edited by Shoothing Stars on Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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What does the Design stands for : I don't rush stuffs, everything is made by design (Collaborative, Talkative ooc, Proper to the design : No burial or breakage of the character, a common goal.) and no Casper (Ghosts) policy.

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Re: Girls just wanna have fun : A fun invitation Chapter 1 (For Hagen-Autem)

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Alice had Katherine's head intercepted between her own legs; the brunette was sitting on top of the other while the hostess was down below her and against the bed; and the secretary assumed that being in such an unprivileged position would bring out more than just that whimsical attitude of this little girl... surprise for Alice.

This she-cat seemed to like this position much better, asking for more. "Hmm~ if you insist," her shadow settled on that little head trapped in her headscissor and ran her hands behind the dark hair, gently, before pulling up that appealing face and closing her legs even tighter around her hostess's neck to see what would follow from here.

She found the challenge that body was presenting amusing. This woman's stamina was exciting to her, she seemed to be made of steel, and perhaps she could experiment a little more before dawn- all in all, tonight she gave it to herself, because it was going to happen sooner or later this month, and Katherine was the unfortunate one who has to put up with it now.
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon May 22, 2023 2:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Girls just wanna have fun : A fun invitation Chapter 1 (For Hagen-Autem)

Unread post by Shoothing Stars »

Katherine embraced a moment of silence, not moving at all, wrapped up and self trapped by herself and a little bit of Alice will until... The wild girl finally started to show true visible flaws in her armor as she was forced to take a breath into her guest sending in her sweet and warm breath... A little smirk was not far behind after that... The girl got exactly what she asked for as she passes her hands on the one holding the keys for now thinking about what she promised her guest earlier...

Katherine took her sweet time thinking about it ending at this one feet which she would slowly finger walk on just to tease her guest... In such position it would not be uncommon to see her tickle someone or try to powerbomb them but not this time... Alice hostess had other ideas for her slowly making her way with her hands to this one abs applying a decent strong enough grip but not harmful, slowly rubbing at her sides and then...

Stuffs slowly started to take a lewder turn for the duo as Katherine was starting to initiate her into a puhvestigation. Poking at Alice grand entrance gently a couple times as a form of knock asking for permission to enter... Once in... She would keep poking around at 4 specific locations : top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right... She would conclude her poking by doing a full victory lap tour in a circular motion. Once initiated, this wild girl would go to claim 2 remote controls over this one balloons slowly starting gently rubbing them but... That was not all... Then Katherine famous tongue came into play... She did not want to scare off Alice so she started off with slow circular movements, slowly digging her way in to find the best transmission... Finding her pleasure point soon evolved into a slow and classical dance where she would slow down on the breast rubbing on purpose to solely focus her entire attention to send this one to heaven, letting her tongue do the talking playing her like a instrument, letting out a few moans here and there from the constant squeezing that was starting to get onto her but... It was all a part of the process.

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What does the Design stands for : I don't rush stuffs, everything is made by design (Collaborative, Talkative ooc, Proper to the design : No burial or breakage of the character, a common goal.) and no Casper (Ghosts) policy.

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Re: Girls just wanna have fun : A fun invitation Chapter 1 (For Hagen-Autem)

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Alice had accumulated a lot of stress. Anyone who had spent more than a day with her could tell, and to make matters worse: this woman was too closed-minded to let off steam. Not only was it her job, which had put her in a position of constant paperwork and sleeplessness since her small federation - but important to the indie pro-wrestling market in the UK - federation finally became affiliated with LAW, it was also that she had to digest the administrative adjustments already announced to her faction, coming whether she wanted them to or not, but that she now had to sacrifice more of her desk time to indulge in the second function of dealing blows in the spotlight more often than before. Now not just as a last card.

And when at last the brunette nailed this feline girl, trapping her in her scissors, and Kath followed the purr to sink her mouth between where it shouldn't be on Alice, the sensation of pleasure rippled like a wave across her hips, closing her legs accordingly as she relaxed at Katherine's curiosity. "Huhhhh...! Mmmh!"

The miss momentarily lost it, her eyes began to water as her back tensed and relaxed, and the scissors squeezed that head a little tighter between her legs, before releasing the pressure so as not to hurt Kath - if that was even possible... She wasn't explicitly saying yes, but The Secretary wasn't saying no either. As her body seems to let that tongue toy with her insides to know her vulnerabilities, causing Alice to bend backwards and gasp another stifled moan before returning to her original position.
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Re: Girls just wanna have fun : A fun invitation Chapter 1 (For Hagen-Autem)

Unread post by Shoothing Stars »

The wild girl would take a decent amount of pleasure admiring the results of her work. This one wild girl had a gift. It was clear that Katherine's tongue was fairly trained. If such was not obvious already by the way she kisses with such a burning passion that could send literally anyone that she wants to heaven. Kat did giggle a little when Alice decided to calm down. In her head, she thought that this one girl body gave up on her and the Kat effect was running wild. Katherine did take that time to '' regenerate '' herself. Don't ask me how it works but there's a reason why many talk about how tough this girl is : You give her time to come back and you're in a world of hurt. After 30 - 45 seconds, this innocent girl would go back to her teasing routes '' L--Looks like I hit di spot. ''

Katherine smiled amused passing her delicate hands over and over Alice thighs... This wild girl was in what she likes to call her comfy spot. Which might sound weird for some but for her... Her twisted sadistic nature quite enjoyed it down there. She would then slowly work on her guest belly while she had her down there : While this one did apply a certain pressure, it was fairly tame compare to the pleasure she was providing by completing working on her insides... Not many talk about it b--butt... Katherine had a certain degree of expertise when it came to therapies which was definitely a plus in her seduction game... Sometimes scary considering that she knows perfectly what she is doing...

The Narrative (Roster) : viewtopic.php?f=21&t=12208
My World , My Design (What the sole designer wants) : viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12387

What does the Design stands for : I don't rush stuffs, everything is made by design (Collaborative, Talkative ooc, Proper to the design : No burial or breakage of the character, a common goal.) and no Casper (Ghosts) policy.

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Re: Girls just wanna have fun : A fun invitation Chapter 1 (For Hagen-Autem)

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Alice was spasming as her full weight was being felt in her with the work Kat's tongue was doing on her most vulnerable part. She didn't think Katherine would make the first move, but Alice didn't stop her from trying and moving forward. And because of this permissiveness, now the secretary moaned from time to time as she continued to bend inwards, a prey to Kat's therapy.

She did need a break after all that work she has to do on a daily basis - the rings were her way of relieving the stress of her schedule and also her extension of the routine training she gives herself to keep fit. But the truth was that, with the new policies her boss and closest friend wanted to implement, as benevolent and positive as they were for everyone, they were nothing more than a punch in the gut for her professional pride. Maybe it was a good idea to break the routine today and play along with a cat that climbed through her window to coax her out.

Alice let this wrestler play with her toned belly, kneading and caressing her firm, flat abs with hers hands as the brunette let her be, indulging in hers games a little more. Enough for Alice to feel comfortable in this condominium where she might very well not be in control. But with no one to check what she was doing, what did the outcome matter?

When it seemed to be getting too much for her trembling body, she exhaled in ecstasy and let her weight fall even more on Kath's face as her hands, the secretary's, went behind herself to rest on Kath's abdomen, sliding them down without letting her short nails do any harm as she wanted to feel that skin - walk her palms and find out more about this wrestler who, for sure, must have been stalking to her for a while to know how she should get to her; and held on to the reins so as not to melt and hold on this 'first round'.

It took her to process what Kath playfully babbled to her. "Hah... Really?" Alice continued sarcastically at Kath's adjudication. She was right, she did hit the nail on the head, but... "Me thinks you just know how to play well." She inquired as she stopped being so passive- her legs crossed behind Kath's head as her fingers continued to roam up and down the raven-haired's abs, hovering a little at her navel, before her thighs pressed against Kath's neck. "It must bore you that I let you do everything, mustn't it?"
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