Shelter (for Terini)

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Re: Shelter (for Terini)

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It seemed as though Blair couldn't have picked a better time to put the folder back on the shelf. Just moments later, Lunar walked back into the room, and the Muay Thai fighter let out a sigh of relief at the sight of how close a save she'd made, lest she end up having to explain herself through yet another awkward situation - though, on the other side of the coin, she was still on edge when she thought of just how close that had been. When she glanced back over her shoulder at Lunar, Blair smirked a little when she saw the moon designs on her notebook - the first thing she'd seen since arriving here that made it clear this really was the same Lunar Crescent she'd faced in their match. But she did raise an eyebrow curiously as she went on. "You're...writing something? What about?"

Blair was just as quickly cut off as Lunar continued - something that made her eyes go wide and her stance a little straighter when she realized that Lunar had evidently noticed how anxious she was. Was she on to her after all? Would she need to explain what she'd found? "H-Huh..!? No, no-!" she quickly blurted out, before clearing her throat. "I mean...if anything, I'm just tired," she noted, letting out a yawn. It was true; she was tired, and it was growing late. Not to mention that she'd had to run the gauntlet of new and baffling revelations today, something that had left her mentally exhausted. Hopefully, that would be a reasonable enough excuse for any tension she might have still shown.

When Lunar mentioned not being able to find the futon easily in the clutter of the place, Blair let out a sigh, mumbling a few words to herself. "Yeah, and whose fault is that, I wonder," she muttered - not entirely hoping Lunar heard her. Then, she stood back up and cleared her throat. "Look, even if you can't, it's fine. I can...lie on the floor, if I need to." It wouldn't be ideal, sure, but at least she wouldn't make herself a burden.
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Re: Shelter (for Terini)

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"Just a couple of note, here and there to study for future exam" Lunar said softly "but i doubt you will like listening me talking about my studies since you did say you are tired afterall...while this will change a few couple thing...your health would come first" she said softly as she would have look around the place as she let out a hum as it seem she is looking for something

"Yeah no...come here idiot" Lunar said bluntly as she would have grab Blair hand to gently pull her to the ground as she would have tried to put Blair head on her lap for a lap pillow "you shall rest here...the floor is a bad bad place to rest will only hurt your body and get a cold" she said bluntly

If this is succesful Rie would have hold hand to her notebook to read the content of it, while she would have use her other hands to begin patting Blair in the head like something a parent would do to make children fall asleep as she would have let out a soft hum to try to filled in the silence to make sure it replaced by a akward silence

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Re: Shelter (for Terini)

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Even if she had to rest on the floor, Blair wouldn't have complained. Was it comfortable? No - and probably doubly so given how disorderly the whole house was. Was it ideal when she was still nursing her wounds? Maybe not. But Blair lived a spartan lifestyle anyway, and she was well used to it by now. She had devoted her whole life to training, and anything else just felt like a distraction from what really mattered - honing her body, mind, and skill to its full potential. Besides, she had been through an intensive training regimen when she was back in Thailand - one where practically every second of her life was aimed in some way or another at maximizing her strength. She'd slept on the floor plenty of times to toughen up her back and get herself used to the aches. She could do it again.

But Lunar wasn't going to have that. Before Blair could take another step, the girl grabbed her hand and guided her back down. "Huh..!? Hey, I'm serious, I can handle it-" she began - but before she knew it, Lunar had brought her to the floor, with her head resting in her lap. It all happened so quickly, Blair could hardly tell what was going on - and even when it had happened, it all seemed so unexpected and sudden that she wasn't any less confused. She blinked a few times before a blush came over her face. This didn't seem right - this seemed ridiculous, actually. What was a mighty Muay Thai fighter like her doing, resting her head in a former opponent's lap? No less with Rie patting her head as she sat back and read from her notebook, as though there was nothing unusual at all.

Blair wanted to say something. She wanted to point out how humiliating this was, and how beneath her it was...but she couldn't. As a matter of fact, this kind of felt...nice. Just being here, in a quiet room, with just Lunar to keep her company; being able to step back from the chaos of her life and take things slow, and not having to worry...having Lunar to wait on her and to make sure she was comfortable...even, Blair had to admit, just the feeling of her thighs...she couldn't complain. Little by little, the tension flowed out of her body as she sighed and her muscles grew slack. She sank lower into Lunar's lap, and the hint of a smile came over her face. Blair wasn't keeping track of the time, and she didn't know how long she stayed this way. But it didn't matter. She didn't have to worry now. She was at peace.

Eventually, though, she let out a yawn - and it was then that she realized that in all the serenity of the moment, she was almost ready to fall asleep. Blair stirred for a moment before she cleared her throat. "You know...there is a bed in the other room..."
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Re: Shelter (for Terini)

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When Lunar succesfully manage to drag Blair into her lap, she would have started her own study section for her exam, while the exam in her opinion is not really that hard but she does have a reputation to maintain and getting anything less than the highest is a insult to her pride. She would have been focus on her notebook as the only thing that sound that come out is mostly her occasional humming to fill in the noice inside the room so it doesn't become silence

Occasionally Lunar would have began to write down some extra note or some doodle to make it easier for her to remember or some extra note on her day that she should remember for tomorrow, as she would have suddenly perk up when she heard Blair voice as she thought she was already asleep tho apparently she is just almost asleep

"I know, there are beds in every room...this place is much bigger for only one person and her pets to actually stay in more fitting for multiple people to live in here" she mumble soberly as she would have pet her head "but that doesn't matter much, doean't it? I am to lazy to move, i am studying and you are just go to sleep already and rest up...i will wake you up when it is time for dinner...i have no idea what is you meal time but you will getting a full meal everyday when you stay here until you are healthy"

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Re: Shelter (for Terini)

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In truth, Blair had been awake a while. Tired, yes. She had certainly had a big day - she was still coming off the aches and pains of the match, and that was to say nothing of all the thoughts swimming around her head as she tried to make sense of her newfound situation, which just gave her a headache she was eager to sleep off. But she was still awake. She had tried staying still and not speaking up because she could see that Lunar was studying something - what it was exactly, Blair didn't know; she stole the occasional glance at the books Lunar was looking through, but never anything that lingered for long. Either way, from how intently she was studying and from all the books scattered throughout the house, the Muay Thai fighter could tell this was something important to her. It would be rude to distract her, or to interrupt.

Besides, being there in Lunar's lap, feeling the softness and warmth radiating from her body, the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each inhale and exhale she took, and knowing that she was here, that Blair wasn't alone, that she still had someone - even if she was weird - who was looking after her and only wanted the best for her at the end of the felt nice. She didn't mind staying with that a while.

...Though it wouldn't be long until Lunar reminded her of her eccentricities.

"...In. Every room. Right." Blair blinked a couple of times as she looked around the room. There was indeed a bed here, as well as other furniture cluttering every corner; she had to ask why Lunar even bothered keeping it around if she wasn't going to use it, but she knew at the same time that speaking up was going to get her nowhere when Lunar had hardly been forthcoming when it came to answers. She yawned again, and when she spoke, her words came through slowly and lazily. "I don't comfortable it would be to sit in your lap all night. I can move, you know..."

But Blair didn't move. For as much as she denied it...she did feel comfortable here, and with a shuffle of her hips she nestled in closer against Lunar's lap. She wasn't sure how many aches she was going to wake up with if she spent the whole night in this position. But for now, she wouldn't mind, as long as she had something to feel content about, and comforted about. And when Lunar described how much she was willing to do for her, Blair only nodded her head - and a smile began to creep wider across her face, as she went slack with the relaxation of her body and sank in deeper against Lunar. Maybe Lunar was eccentric, sure. But Blair felt like she just might be able to look past that...
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Re: Shelter (for Terini)

Unread post by Terini »

Rie would have perk up as she would have look down surpice that Blair is still awake tho seeing how Blair is behaving and how she is nesting closer toward her would imply that she does feeling sleeply but try to keep awake for some reason?

She would have let out a seem this women is truly stubborn in and out of the ring, if she is tired then just go to sleep already...why waste time talking "just go to sleep sleep already idiot...or you want me to sing you a Lullaby so you can fell asleep? Don't worry i am skilled at handling patient that is stubborn to fall asleep, just a few pat and a Lullaby usually enough to put them to sleep" she said in a teasing tone

This is probably counter intuitive, her teasing might actually make Blair more awake than before...but she just can't help it...teasing the girl is way to fun with how she react to things...tho she does wonder if Blair would catch that Lunar liken Blair to a stubborn baby that refusing to sleep...well if she doesn't get it, it will be a comedy in of itself

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Re: Shelter (for Terini)

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Blair might have acknowledged that if she was going to sleep the whole night, she would appreciate doing it in an actual bed. She was sure that sleeping for eight hours - or however long she was going to need in her fatigued state - sitting up in a chair was bound to lead to her waking up with a kink in her neck. But...for right now, this was nice. She didn't want to admit it, not even to herself, but there was something comforting and reassuring about being here in Lunar's lap, and knowing that whatever happened, she had her to fall back on. Sure, she might have been weird. She might have felt like she was being judged by her. But at least she knew that someone out there, besides her parents or her brother or her trainer, still cared about her. Thinking about it, she smiled just a little. It wasn't a feeling she was used to - she was used to being a lone wolf, constantly on guard and watching her back for fear of showing any sign of weakness to anyone who could take advantage of it. Now, though, she could step aside for just a little while, and let someone else pick up the slack. It gave her an odd sense of freedom - that even if she was putting herself in someone else's hands, she at least wouldn't have to worry about taking care of herself, and that for once in her life, she could let herself relax. Blair might not have been used to it, but she wasn't complaining either.

...That being said, she still didn't enjoy being mocked.

When Lunar started talking about singing her a lullaby, Blair audibly groaned. She was a strong, tough MMA fighter, and a former Muay Thai champion! She wouldn't stand for being treated like a baby! Gritting her teeth, she hopped up from Lunar's lap. "Ughhh, fine! I'll just go over there myself, then..." She wobbled a little on her leg as she suddenly hopped back up to unsteady footing, but she shook that aside nonetheless. There, she plodded over to the futon, her footsteps coming down heavy with frustration. And as she fell on the mat, she quickly pulled the pillow up to cover her ears, just in case Lunar had anything else to run her mouth about.
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