A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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Attire vs Attire Match: No disqualifications, winner will be decided by pinfall or submission only, loser must strip and surrender their ring gear to the winner after the match

Sakura took a deep breath backstage as she adjusted her classic white and red gear, a action she never really took as seriously as she was now. 'I can't believe she of all people suggested this.' Sakura thought to herself, still feeling... apprehensive about the match type Noelle suggested. After all Sakura was no stranger to wager matches, hell she had lost half her hair in her debut match against Rio. Yet... even then this felt like a new level all things considered. It wasn't her hair, or a mask or some arbitrary accessory or even a few days of her freedom like a pow match. This was her clothes, her ring attire, something that had been part of her wrestling journey for as long as she wrestled... now she was putting it on the line against one of her most heated rivals to date.
Gritting her teeth softly and clenching her fists Sakura was suddenly reminded about why she had agreed to this bout. Noelle was... frustrating to say the least. Hell infuriating was more accurate now that Sakura thought of it. The girl was literally a spoiled brat, one that had set Sakura off in the worst way possible which snowballed into a series of the two getting back at each other through their matches. Now it was all down to this. A final battle to decide everything between them. A war that would end with one naked and humiliated before the victor, the biggest match for Sakura and Noelle respectively in their short tenures in LAW.

Looking into the mirror to take herself in her attire for what could very well be the final time ever Sakura nodded to herself. 'Don't think like that, you're gonna win and have a brand new outfit to wear next time you come out.' Sakura thought to herself with a nod to herself as she turned and made her way to the gorilla position, nodding to the crew man to show she was ready. In turn she got a nod back as they began to count backwards from three. As they did so Sakura took a deep breath, preparing herself until finally her music hit.
Bursting from the backstage position like a racehorse from the stable Sakura quickly posed at the top of ramp, smiling brightly for the LAW audience with her hand in the air, posing cutely and with confidence. Naturally Sakura got a massive pop in response from the fans, mixed in with a few boos, her actions in her first match against Noelle did indeed cross a line with some fans who felt it was overboard. Likewise her poor performance in their rematch also didn't do her any favors. But that was just how things were sometimes. Sakura still had a major fan following and her overall positive energy swayed any on the fence people to her side.

None the less it didn't matter to her. Any other night it would have, but tonight... Tonight was just about ending things between Sakura and Noelle once and for all. Simple as that. Sauntering to the ring Sakura kept her fan interaction limited, high fiving a few fans on her way down Sakura would hop up on the apron. Turning she would offer another pose with her arm up in the air for them to earn another pop from the fans. Smiling at them Sakura would swip her way through the ropes and into the ring proper. Running up onto a corner Sakura would pose once again with her arm in the air and a smile on her face before hopping down, turning to face the entrance ramp with a serious expression. Preparing for her final battle with Noelle.

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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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Noelle Silva was... hyped up. To an unusual degree for a woman who was most commonly composed and collected. But this was a special occasion for Noelle. The climax and finale of her rivalry with the idol wrestler Sakura Hagiwara. It was Noelle who had driven this rivalry on, demanding a rematch after her humiliation in their first encounter, then openly taunting Sakura by asking when the third match would be after Noelle humiliated her back in their second bout.

It was also Noelle who came up with the match stipulation. It was no secret that Sakura had experience with wagering both herself and her career on the outcome of her most important matches, and Noelle made certain that this would be no different. The loser would have to strip nude before the tens of thousands in the live audience, the millions watching from home, and the millions more who would view the recording
Noelle's Music
Noelle's Attire
Normally, something this huge with this much at stake would have Noelle tied up in a bundle of nerves, but not this time. Noelle was happy, excited even. Maybe it was the familiarity with Sakura, and her desire to throw down with the idol one last time that drove her spirits up. But whatever it was, Noelle was grateful that it allowed her to rise up to the moment as she walked towards the ring.

There wasn't a quiet mouth in this crowd. With an opponent as famous as Sakura, she naturally got a healthy number of boos rained down on her from the idol's fans and supporters. But the cheers were just as loud. And all fans were united in what they wanted to see; one of these girls beating the tar out of the other and making it look good.

When Noelle entered the ring, she was greeted my a very serious Sakura. She looked far less joyous than the princess did. "This is it Sakura. Honestly, I'm not even mad at you anymore since I got my payback. But I couldn't just let a rivalry like ours end as a tie," said Noelle. "We've each destroyed the other once. Think this time we might split the difference and have a close match this time? Noelle stepped out of her corner. She was ready for this.
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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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Sakura had her hands on her knees and was slowly stretching out her muscles as she watched Noelle come down to the ring. In all honesty Sakura genuinely didn't like the girl, a rare feat for the idol to say about someone but it was true. She found the girl stuck up and arrogant, not to mention rude and vindictive. But all that being said, Sakura could at least respect Noelle as a competitor, and with the score technically even between them for the most part she could honestly say she wasn't fully angry with the girl.

'No... Indignant is the word.' Sakura thought to herself as Noelle entered the ring, sorting her own thoughts out about her opponent before they clashed. In truth when everything was said and done, Sakura just really didn't want the last word between the two of them to belong to Noelle and not Sakura.

That's why she had agreed to this match, stipulation and all. Because she really just wanted the chance to settle things once and for all with Noelle. A mind set that seemingly occupied the head space of her opponent as well judging by Noelle's words as she stepped towards the center of the ring.

Narrowing her eyes at this Sakura would do the same, stepping forward until she was face to face with Noelle. "For once Noelle..." As she said this Sakura would step closer, pressing her chest against Noelle's in a attempt to push her back, a intimidation tactic to assert her dominance.

"I couldn't agree more." Sakura said finishing her statement while tensing her legs, preparing for Noelle to do the same as Sakura. In fact Sakura was fully expecting to get in the other girl's face, rivalries like this didn't come along often after all and right now, she was focused on nothing but her opponent and how she was going to win!

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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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For the third and final time, Noelle and Sakura faced each other down in the ring. The met in the center of the ring, with Sakura pushing her chest into Noelle's, who pushed back just as hard. Their chest sizes were comparable, but Sakura's height advantage allowed her to set her breasts on top of Noelle's, which made her breasts appear more dominant than the were.

"Tch. Typical," said Noelle, who wasn't intimidated, but certainly annoyed by what Sakura was doing. "Since we're already so close together," said Noelle as she wrapped her arms around Sakura's back. "I say we start with a bearhug battle. I wrap my arms around you like so, you wrap your arms around me, and we both start squeezing once the bell rings. Whoever wins starts with a big advantage."

Noelle's challenge to Sakura wasn't planned, it was purely a spur of the moment choice. Sakura could of course decline and simply start the match normally, but Noelle had made sure that doing so would at least be a bit awkward by preemptively wrapping her arms around Sakura. Call it an intimidation tactic of her own, to unnerve the idol.

Would Sakura accept, or back down. That would be determined once the bell rung, something that was going to happen quite soon. And with it, the heated rivalry between the two would reach the beginning of the end.
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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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Ding Ding

The bell had rung starting the third and final match between Sakura and Noelle. A fateful, final fight between rivals... and it wasn't starting off anywhere close to how Sakura had thought it would. Prior to the bell ringing Noelle had wrapped her arms around Noelle in what the idol had thought was a hug of sorts. An action that left her blushing lightly and unsure how to respond.

But then Noelle explained her actions and as soon as she did the blush faded from Sakura. 'So that's her angle.' Sakura thought to herself as Noelle laid out her impromptu challenge. It was a bold idea Sakura would admit. Then again as Sakura had learned that just appeared to be how Noelle was. Bold and shameless to try any tactic to get an edge. Perhaps even as a response to Sakura unintentionally winning the chest bump battle between them.

Unfortunately for her Sakura couldn't and wouldn't back down to Noelle. Not in anyway, shape or form. Not only because she would look weak for turning down Noelle's offer, but because she knew she could win. So Sakura would raise her own arms up, wrapping them around Noelle's waist as well, and as if to try and one up her, Sakura would even move to rest her hands over Noelle's ass!

"Suit yourself Noelle. If you just wanted a hug though you could have asked, but its nice to know even you want to be close to me." Sakura said, leaning down into Noelle's face as she spoke before squeezing! She was speaking a bit flirtily with a low, airy tone, trying to stun Noelle a bit and fluster her so that Sakura could start off with a slight head start over the girl!

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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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It was clear to Noelle that Sakura was going to accept her challenge. She knew that there was no way the idol would actually back down from a direct challenge. What Noelle hadn't been expecting, was how Sakura would except the challenge. After Sakura had wrapped her hands around Noelle's waist, the princess felt the idol's hands settle on top of her butt.

"Eep!" yelped Noelle as Sakura's hands took their place on her butt. Noelle was more phased by the physical contact than the idols words, so she retorted, "And if I wanted to be groped, I would've asked you to meet me in a bedroom." Both girls began squeezing, but Sakura's hug had and unexpected effect.

Sakura was squeezing Noelle's butt hard, and the tension on the princess' glutes pulled her thigh muscles up, which in turn pulled Noelle's calf muscles up. This weakened Noelle's stance, thus weakening her bearhug. And that led to a snowball effect, allowing Sakura to completely overwhelm Noelle and lift her up off the ground. The idol had won the bearhug battle.
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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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Sakura had placed her hands on Noelle's but more so as psychological tactic to try and throw Noelle off. A tactic she normally wouldn't lean on in any given match. But this match wasn't exactly normal. It was all or nothing and anything that could help her win Sakura would take it. After all its not like there was going to be any bad blood lost between the idol and the princess.

But luckily for Sakura using the tactic had paid off big time as within moments of placing her hands on Noelle's but and starting the contest between the two, Sakura had won. Keeping her hands there for another moment as she leaned back, lifting Noelle off her feet in the squeeze Sakura would smirk confidently. "For what its worth if this is how easily you react I don't think you could handle me in the bed room." Sakura said mockingly in response to Noelle'e retort.

But as she lifted her up Sakura would take advantage of the situation between the two. Giving Noelle's but another squeeze Sakura's hands would shift upwards to Noelle's waist where they'd grab onto Sakura's arms, tightening her bearhug and making it to where Sakura could apply more force. "Hey everyone look who lost the contest they challenged me too!" Sakura said loudly, banking on her natural showmanship as she walked around the ring while painfully squeeze Noelle in the bearhug, practically parading the woman around!

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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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The part the frustrated Noelle the most about getting defeated in the bearhug contest was how Sakura pretty much cheesed her. With how the idol had angled her arms for her little trick, she was putting hardly any pressure onto Noelle's back. Maybe just a bit of squeezing around the princess' hips, but Sakura had not done a true bearhug.

But because of Sakura's height advantage, she lucked into her groping lifting Noelle up off of the floor and winning the duel. And the, to add insult to injury, Sakura began to parade around as if she had actually overpowered Noelle. "N-no! Damnit," cursed Noelle as Sakura transitioned into a more proper bearhug.

But Noelle believed that Sakura's showboating would be her undoing. As the idol carried Noelle around the ring, Noelle would hook her legs around the backs of Sakura's knees, with her intending to trip Sakura, and land directly on top of her when she fell. If it worked, Noelle would then spread Sakura's legs with a grapevine since her own legs were already in position. "Now let's see who really can't handle who," said Noelle as she continued her attack. She laid her breasts down on top of Sakura's pair, now having the advantage thanks to both gravity and her position of dominance. Noelle would then grab Sakura's head and pull her into a deep kiss. Noelle may be Spanish, but she can kiss like she's French.
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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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Sakura smiled softly hearing the groan and curse of pain from the Spanish girl caught in her grasp as she leaned back, squeezing Noelle tightly within her arms for a true and tight bearhug. "Aw don't like the hug Noelle?" Sakura asked sarcastically as she maintained her vice grip on the silver haired woman's waist.

However as she continued to squeeze the woman, Sakura felt legs wrapping around her own knees, and before she knew it she was brought down to the mat with Noelle on top of her! "Ngh! Dang it!" Sakura said with a groan of pain as she felt her legs pulled apart by Noelle's in a a grapevine pin!

'Dang it not goo-' Sakura's train of thought was cut off by the sudden feeling of lips upon her own! "Mph!" She gasped in shock at the sudden and steamy kiss Noelle had forced upon her. But if people had expected Sakura to fold under the intensity and embarrassment of such a bold move, they'd be pleasantly proven wrong.

'So thats how she wants to play it huh?' Sakura thought to herself up as she began kissing back, opening her mouth and pushing her tongue inside Noelle's. Matching the kiss as best she could. As she did so she kept her arms exactly where they were around Noelle's waist. After all just cause they weren't standing anymore didn't mean Sakura couldn't keep squeezing Noelle with everything she had while in the make out session with the girl!

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Re: A War of Pride: Sakura Hagiwara vs Noelle Silva III

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Noelle was successful in taking Sakura's arrogance and turning it into a reversal to her advantage. While admittedly, a French Kiss and a grapevine wasn't the most optimal way to capitalize on her position, in that moment, Noelle had wanted to send a message with her attack. For her part, it seemed like Sakura wanted to send that message right back.

Noelle felt Sakura's body shifting underneath her as tongue met tongue. Noelle was taken aback by the kiss. Not because she was overwhelmed, Noelle was able to keep up. But she hadn't expected an idol, someone who by the definition of their job is supposed to stay single, to be as good of a kisser as she was. Something to taunt her with later if nothing else.

Next, Sakura attempted to fight back by reestablishing her bearhug. "Mmph!" came from Noelle as she pushed through to keep up in the kissing battle. Not to mention, Noelle had something of her own to squeeze. She would move her hands from Sakura's head down to her throat and grip it to begin choking her. "Let's see what your answer to this is," taunted Noelle.
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