Sakura took a deep breath backstage as she adjusted her classic white and red gear, a action she never really took as seriously as she was now. 'I can't believe she of all people suggested this.' Sakura thought to herself, still feeling... apprehensive about the match type Noelle suggested. After all Sakura was no stranger to wager matches, hell she had lost half her hair in her debut match against Rio. Yet... even then this felt like a new level all things considered. It wasn't her hair, or a mask or some arbitrary accessory or even a few days of her freedom like a pow match. This was her clothes, her ring attire, something that had been part of her wrestling journey for as long as she wrestled... now she was putting it on the line against one of her most heated rivals to date.

Looking into the mirror to take herself in her attire for what could very well be the final time ever Sakura nodded to herself. 'Don't think like that, you're gonna win and have a brand new outfit to wear next time you come out.' Sakura thought to herself with a nod to herself as she turned and made her way to the gorilla position, nodding to the crew man to show she was ready. In turn she got a nod back as they began to count backwards from three. As they did so Sakura took a deep breath, preparing herself until finally her music hit.
None the less it didn't matter to her. Any other night it would have, but tonight... Tonight was just about ending things between Sakura and Noelle once and for all. Simple as that. Sauntering to the ring Sakura kept her fan interaction limited, high fiving a few fans on her way down Sakura would hop up on the apron. Turning she would offer another pose with her arm up in the air for them to earn another pop from the fans. Smiling at them Sakura would swip her way through the ropes and into the ring proper. Running up onto a corner Sakura would pose once again with her arm in the air and a smile on her face before hopping down, turning to face the entrance ramp with a serious expression. Preparing for her final battle with Noelle.