[Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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[Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Victory conditions:
Get off the train at Kyoto Station and be the first to pick up the title belt from the pedestal

Special conditions:
Fighters board a comfort class train with wide aisles at Osaka Station
The match starts as soon as the train starts moving
The train travels to Kyoto Station, which is about 30 minutes
There are no passengers inside the train, but there are plenty of Halloween props
Hardcore rules are applied

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Osaka Station was abuzz with far more activity than normal due to the special departure that was about to take place this all hallows eve. Among the swathes of fans there were two barricades lining from the inside of the station directly to the entrance of the train that would act as a battleground for LAW's Openweight champion, and her challenger. One Piper Sherwood, a former contender for the loser belt that had trained and fought her way up the rankings, up through Apex, and now she was named personally by the champ to be her challenger on this special night. However it would only be a treat for the challenger who had plenty of tricks for the champion to take her belt, and she was 'entering' first.
Coming out from the station and appearing before the crowd Piper would look out with a smirk, hands on her hips and letting the fans take in her in all her glory, especially with the costume she was wearing. Having been encouraged to wear a costume Piper took them up on it and decided that she just had to be a villain since that's what she was seen as, but she also had to go as something that would... accentuate herself as well. Thus she went with Jinx from Arcane. Apparently it was also a video game character as well but Piper didn't keep up with any of that, but she definitely liked the show.
Allowing the crowd to take in her body in the short shorts, small top and blue braid extentions she wore into her styled blonde hair to look as close to the character without dying it she couldn't tell from the crowd's reactions and pictures that she had made a impression. Strutting down the cleared out path made for them while twirling one of her extended braids as she did so Piper would turn to look out at the crowd with her tongue extended out and leaning back to strike a pose for them before she entered the passenger train and was ushered to the first car where the match would start. Puffing some air out as she entered Piper would look around the decorated train car she would hum while waiting, already thinking of some devious things to do.

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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For Astrid, Victoria's absence was a little unusual, but today her manager had more important things to do, yes, even more important than the Norwegian woman's title match. In any case, the manager brilliantly performed everything that depended on her. Osaka Station has been transformed beyond recognition, perhaps there have never been so many people here at once. Fans settled down on the platform along the barricades leading directly to the train, which is destined to become the battleground for the Openweight title.

Standing behind the curtains leading to the platform, the Golden Dragon kept her eyes on the screen, watching her rival's entrance. There was a slight smile on the champion's lips. She chose this woman for a reason. She was well aware of Piper's far from pleasant character, but she was not in the habit of judging people because of their views on life and pro wrestling. For Astrid, the only important thing was that Piper had come a long way from being an almost complete loser to a truly outstanding representative of the lightweight division.

Thinking about it, Astrid barely found the strength to hold back her laughter. Funny or not, Piper was not just the second lightweight to claim her title, but also the second lightweight to fight Astrid in a Halloween match. Remembering the match with Clara, the Golden Dragon had no doubt that if Piper was close in skills to Clara, then a real Hell awaits her today. And she didn't mind. She never looked for easy ways.

To the last drop of sweat and blood!” She said when she received the signal that it was time for her entrance.

Thunderous chords rolled across the platform. And for the first few seconds, there was genuine bewilderment on the faces of the fans, because this was not their usual musical theme of the Golden Dragon, which had become so familiar to them. But as soon as the shock left them, they immediately realized what was going to happen next. Astrid wasn't going to disappoint them. Not today, not ever.


When the champion came out from behind the curtains, the whole platform burst into deafening applause. Smiling proudly, the blonde took a step forward, and then struck the shield with her sword, which echoed through the audience. Last year, she chose a Thor costume that literally amazed the audience. And although this time she decided to do without special effects, the reaction of the audience was no less loud because this time Astrid chose a Wonder Woman costume.

Walking along the red carpet, the descendant of the great Vikings could not stop smiling, catching admiring glances at herself. Her costume looked like it really was armor, although in fact most of the elements of the costume were made of carbon fiber. Like a year ago, she had to spend a significant amount in order to implement this project, but she did not regret anything. She promised them a surprise. And Astrid, as many people know, is a person of her word.

After stopping for a moment in front of the train, Astrid gave the staff her sword and shield, because despite the fact that there are no rules in the match, these were too dangerous items. The only thing she kept with her was the lasso of truth, which in fact was just a rope. Who knows, maybe it will bring a pleasant variety to what awaits her inside the train.


Entering the train, the champion whistled. Yes, the management did their best. As in her mast with Clara, there were numerous Halloween props. Clenching and unclenching her fists, Astrid headed for the first car. There were no crossings on the train, so the blonde already understood that by the end of the match she and her opponent could be in the last car. In most cases, Astrid tried to improvise, adapting to the situation, but just in case, she tried to remember which of the props she could use if the action really moved from the first car to other cars. And finally she entered the first car, finding herself face to face with her rival. Placing her palms on her sides, the Golden Dragon grinned.

Nice costume, huh!” She commented, running her eyes over Piper from head to toe.

Astrid took a few more steps forward, finding herself in the center of the car. After a few moments, the doors of the car will close and the train will start moving, which will mark the beginning of the match. However, before that happened, she intended to do one simple thing. Astrid intended to put her right fist forward, wanting to see if Piper had the honor to show sports respect and bump their fists before trying to take her title.

"Ready to rumble?" She asked with a grin on her lips.

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Piper had hopped onto a seat and leaned against it while propping her legs up on the stand table that would normally be where passengers could get some work done or eat a meal while traveling.

Whatever the case may be but right now Piper needed to relax as she watched from the window the champion's entrance. "Fuck me, she's even bigger in real life.." Piper muttered to herself, Astrid's costume doing a lot to show off the sheer musculature of the world champion that was second to none in general, but definitely among the heavyweights.

"Good thing I set myself up for success..." Piper whispered to herself before pushing herself up and out of the seat and onto the aisle as the champion entered the train and stepped into the car, leaving the two staring at each other from across the car. Twirling her extension as she looked the champ up and down Piper would huff slightly as the woman spoke.

"Yeah, not cheap at least, though, no points for originality champ." Piper said in a smarmy tone with a devilish grin on her face. As Astrid approached and extended her fist however Piper was prepared for the worst, but it seemed she just wanted to touch fists. "Yeah... you can say that." Piper said after a moment of contemplation as she reached out and bumped her fist with Astrid's own... Before reaching behind her and pulling a gun!

Or rather.. a water gun made to look like the pistol Jinx used in her show. Since it was small and strapped near her rear the attendants didn't even think to look, besides it was only a water gun... Filled with extra spicy hot sauce. "Trick or treat champ." Piper said immediately after the fist bump before trying to squirt the spicy contents of the water gun prop right into Astrid's eyes!

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Never counted on it, huh!” Astrid said in response to Piper about the points.

The champion doubted that the blonde would accept her offer, at least the American woman's face. However, after a few moments, she extended her hand forward and their fists bumped. Well, that's a good start. However, Astrid's opinion quickly changed the moment the train doors closed and Piper quickly pulled something out from behind her back.

It looked like a gun and it didn't inspire Astrid with any confidence, besides, thanks to her experience, it wasn't difficult for her to understand that Piper did it for only one purpose, namely to gain an advantage even before the match officially began. The champion abruptly backed away at exactly the same moment when a jet of some liquid was sent to her eyes.

It seems she should have kept the shield with her after all. She wouldn't have had time to throw her hands up anyway, so the only protection the Golden Dragon could afford was to close her eyes. Of course, even if it was just water, it would still distract Astrid quite a lot, but there was one problem...

Aaaaaahh!!!” The Norwegian woman screamed in searing pain.

It wasn't water.

It was a fucking hot sauce.

And she had to find out not by the smell, but by the fact that even though her eyes were closed, she felt as if they had been thrown into boiling oil. Each car was equipped with a large number of cameras, which were almost invisible to the fighters, but which broadcast this match live for all pro wrestling fans. And many of those who were sitting in front of the monitors at that moment gasped sympathetically.

Shhhhhmmmm... fuck!”

Still backing away, the Golden Dragon tried to wipe the hot sauce from her eyes. Many people in her place would have started to panic, thereby acting recklessly, but Astrid knew that she had to do it carefully because any sloppy movement could make the sauce end up right on her retina.

Only now the train has started moving and the match has officially begun.

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Just as desired Piper's cruel trick worked like a charm on Astrid, getting right into the woman's eyes and blinding the open weight champion, making her back way while rubbing her eyes desperately yet carefully.

"Heh, what's wrong champ too spicy for ya?" Piper asked teasingly to Astrid before chucking the water bottle right at Astrid's head. Partially just to rub some salt in the wound, but also to try and get Astrid to turn around on her so that big, broad, kinda hot back was facing her. If it worked then Piper would run and jump up just as the train started.

Lifting her legs up she would try and grab onto Astrid's shoulders while bracing her knees against the blonde's shoulder blades. Pulling back and using the momentum of the now moving train to aid her she intended to bring Astrid down right out of the station with a backstabber!

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Perhaps it would not be an exaggeration to say that since she became the champion, this was the toughest start to the match for Astrid. Of course, this wasn't the first time she'd been attacked before the official start of the match, but even Emaline's sneaky kick couldn't compare to the hot sauce Piper had sprayed in her eyes. Now she had no doubt that her views on the lack of rules were very different from the views of the contender.

Still suffering from the dastardly act of the other blonde, the Golden Dragon tried to recover as soon as possible, but the fact remained that at that moment she was blind as a mole. This allowed Piper to grab a water bottle and throw it at Astrid's head.


It didn't hurt as much as if it was a glass bottle, but it was still enough for the champion to involuntarily turn the other way. Her eyesight gradually began to return to normal, but the problem was that by this point she was in exactly the position Piper wanted her in.

Suddenly, the Golden Dragon felt two knees pressed against her back, and then her body abruptly fell back. She had enough experience to understand what would happen next. The only thing she could do was strain her back muscles, but unfortunately, it didn't protect her much from damage when her back slammed into the contender's knees.

Guuuahhhh!!" Astrid screamed.

Bouncing off her opponent's knees, the Norwegian woman fell to the floor. Her face was contorted with pain, which was not surprising. Breathing heavily, she risked opening her eyes. Due to involuntary tears, her vision was very blurry, but at least she could see again. However, now she had another task in front of her, namely to find a way to get back into the game after such a bad start.

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Thanks to her less than scrupulous opening tactics Piper had successfully managed to put the champion on the back foot from the get go and she wasn't about to let up now. Sitting back up after the larger blonde bounced off her knees Piper would smirk evilly as she plotted her neck move.

A part of her wanted to make use of some of the props around them. But it would be too early for that, she needed to save ammo as it were. However as she looked around and took note of the seats around them that spawned an idea. After all she didn't want to use the props as weapons yet, but she cold certainly make use of the environment itself.

Pushing back up to a standing position Piper would break into a run but not at Astrid's downed form, but instead the bench seat next to her. Jumping up and on top of the back of it Piper would take a moment to balance her self before leaping off it, turning in mid air to try and come down feet first onto Astrid's stomach or back, whichever was facing up towards the diabolical blonde as she came down for the champion!

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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"Grrhh..." Astrid groaned again, turning onto her back.

This was definitely not the start of the match she had hoped for. Of course, last year she and Clara gave the audience a really tough match, because at some point they became damn cruel towards each other. In this match, this moment came much earlier, perhaps it was the first time Astrid found herself in such an unfortunate position so early.

The Golden Dragon risked opening her eyes completely. She still felt pain and her vision was pretty much blurred, but at least she could see again. And the first thing she saw, she didn't like it at all, because it was the silhouette of her rival, who swept past the Norwegian woman and jumped onto the seats next to her.

Shit...” sounded in Astrid's head.

When Piper soared into the air, the Golden Dragon clearly understood that whatever it was, it did not bode well for her. Resisting the pain in her back, she bent her left leg at the knee and pushed off the floor, at the same time jerking to the side to roll away from the place where the other blonde's feet landed a few moments later.

Getting up on one knee, Astrid thought that right now she had to go on the offensive. However, in her condition, she wasn't sure if she would be able to get to Piper in time. Fortunately, this was not the only option to launch an attack. The Golden Dragon intended to grab a massive pumpkin from the seats to her right, and then, using all her wild strength, launch it at the contender's head as if it was a real cannonball!
Last edited by skip-stop on Fri Nov 29, 2024 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Hell-Bound Train Match] Astrid Arvidsson (c) vs Piper Sherwood for the LAW World Openweight Championship

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Piper was off to a hot as hell start in this battle for the openweight title. Managing to not only blind the woman but also bash her in the head and back respectively with some successive moves. Now she was fully intent on delivering even more pain to the champ with a even more brutal double stomp to the woman's stomach in order to try and knock the air out of the woman's system and damage those ribs the champ.

However her attempt at an attack would prove unsuccessful to say the least as the larger blonde moved out of the way at the last moment, leaving Piper to land feet first on the floor. Stumbling from the landing Piper would look up, knowing she had to get a sight on Astrid asap. Unfortunately Astrid was already back on her feet with a pumpkin in those big hands of hers!

Eyes widening in shock at this Astrid was able to throw the large pumpkin right at her face! "Nghhhhhh!" Piper cried out in pain and shock as she was sent stumbling back, shaking her head side to side in order to toss the remaining chunks and bits out of her hair until her back hit the door to the car where she grabbed the frames in order to stabilize herself, dazed and disoriented from the impact!

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