Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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Bellatrix was already backing away as she saw the tigress pushing and kicking at the door as it did not seem like it would hold out much longer.So she was not that surprised when the other wrestler would break the cagedoor as she would respond by running towards the barricade and attempt to leap over it so she could stay away from Tina while leaving Summer dazed and helpless in the ring.As the bluenette was not facing the tigress alone.

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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The crowd roared as Tina continued to chase after Bellatrix! Tina saw Bellatrix try to hide in the crowd. The amped up tigress ran and jumped on top of the barricade, trying to leap off that and crash into Bellatrix's upper back with a missile dropkick to send her sprawling out on the floor!

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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Bellatrix thought she would have bin able to get out of harms way the moment she jumped the barricade.Only to realize how wrong she was as the tigress jumped the barricade to get too the bluenette as she took her down with an missile dropkick as suddenly a voice yelled ''stop bullying her you no good meanie''.

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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Tina sent Bellatrix to the ground and pounced on her trying to grab a handful of Bellatrix's hair and begin pounding her head into the mat. Tina was working over Bellatrix when she heard that voice call out. Tina was not bullying, but getting payback in her mind. However, she knew that there was a whole posse accompanying Summer. Tina cautiously got up, looking around and wondering where the next attack was going to come from!

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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Bellatrix had heard someone mention that Tina should stop bullying her as this caused the bluenette to relax.As while she would not be able to see her , Tina would soon come face to face with another bluenette as Avril got in her face. ''Did you not hear me you meanie.I said to stop attacking my friend as you are acting like a sore loser'' while she was backed up by Britney and Demi as the Temptation had arrived to back up Bellatrix.

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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Tina looked over at Averil totally confused. "Kid are ya daft? Summer and your little crew cheat women out of wins to look good and always have! You are the bullies! I am just someone fighting back against it!" Tina shouted, not sure what to make of Averil. If she were going to attack she would have already. However, her focus on Averil left Tina blind to the arrival of Britney and Demi which did not bode well for the tigress!

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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''That a lie as Summer did not cheat''replied Avril as she glared at the bully only to then be told by Britney ''how about you help Summer to the back while me and Demi have a talk with the mean bully''. Hearing this the bluenette just nodded her head as she leaped over the barricade as the moment the gullible wrestler was out of view Demi would say ''by beating her up you idiot.Seriously glad we don't have to depend on that girl's intelligence as that girl should be a blond''.

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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This was bad. Tina turned and saw the other women, hearing the naive Avril running off. Tina glared at the two and knew what was coming. Instead of answering verbally she instead made a lunge at Britney, trying to tackle her and land some punches to her face as well!

Tina knew that the numbers game was starting to mount, and the toll from her match was still there. She could only hold out so long in what felt like a losing effort but this last surge of energy and offense was likely her last act of defiance before being overwhelmed by the women whom had tracked her down since her escape from the cage.

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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With Avril off to help Summer to the back , and more importantly out of the way the rest of the queendom could get down to business.As Tina needed to be taught a lesson as Demi and Britney were about to attack when the blond would end up being tackled to the ground.This was followed by Tina punching the leader of the Temptations.

However Demi and a few seconds later Bellatrix as well would start to attack as they would stomp at the other finalist who got screwed out of the win in the fans opinion.

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Re: Rising star final: Tina vs Summer

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Tina fought as hard as she could, swinging and going down fighting. However, the numbers game as well as the punishment she withstood in the match caught up to her. The strikes took her off her target and Tina was now laid out on the ground, curled up in a ball as she succumbed to the team attack! Tina howled in pain as she took hit after hit, at the mercy of her opponents!

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