LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*While having patiently waited for her introduction, Moa watched as the last contestant made her way down the ramp and into the already filled coliseum. The Tropical Terror was never the type to be overwhelmed by her silly anxiety, but tonight had a different aura about it- She was going toe to toe with a vast myriad of women whom she had never encountered before, and with a fellow Gem Sister in Zetta Quinn already present and prepared, tonight was certainly going to be one of remembrance and, if she kept her wits about her, revelry.* "Mrs. Loa, you're up." *With her cue given, the hulking leviathan took a deep sigh and threw back the opaque curtain, the ubiquitous flashing lights nearly blinding her int he process.*

*As she nonchalantly made her way towards the packed arena, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she locked in on the potential casualties that would fall at her feet. The majority of them either seemed just as nervous as everyone else, or they were extremely proficient at concealing it under their facade of confidence. Whatever the case may be, Moa knew that she could trust in her colossal frame to propel her to the top of the food chain among these hapless victims.*

*Finally reaching the outskirts of the ring apron, Moa took a gigantic step over the highest rope, pulling the bottom one down with the base of her foot while sending an intimidating glance across the battlefield.* "Good evening, ladies. I hope you don't mind if I join your little party tonight." *Her voice, unwavering and intimidating, resounded throughout the stadium, causing the audience to augment the tension with mindless whistling and chanting.*

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Elena smiled happily as she couldn't wait to do a match like this. she only been here for a few days and she was asked to participate. part of her thought someone must have dropped out and they needed a happy go lucky person who would be more then willing to take there place. Taking that point of view Elena shrugged her shoulders as she bounced on her feet psyching herself up. she saw this as to get her name out there and see what this place as to offers beside that girl yuki who she face a few days prior to this.

Getting her cue to leave she would leave for the ring. hearing her music Elena gave her biggest and seductive smiled as she would come out and started to sway her hips around dancing to her music. moving her self down to the ring as she moved to the music losing her to self to music. climbing the steps she would whip her head back and smiled before getting into the ring and looked at her competition planing on how to take each of them down when they come at her.

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by xalex »

10 seconds to panic would hit and Susanna the blond Japanese fighter would step onto the stage. She was already not wearing her glasses anymore. She had them put aside in the backstage area. When she was standing there she would jump on her toes up and down. She was wearing a sportbra and a pair of long shorts. She would shadowbox for a short while before she would sprint down the ramp. When she reached the ring she would jump and slide into the ring on her abs. Inside she would jump right back up to her feet getting a little pop from the crowd. She would see the last woman who entered and blushed. "Wow you're cute!"

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Alexia hated having to wait as she would watch as wrestler after wrestler made their way to the ring while she waited. Finally it seemed it was her turn as the ice cold bitch would yell out ''about time''as she would make her way to the gorilla position. Dressed in her usual attire which consisted of blue boots with a fur on the top , a Blue leotard and a pair of long blue gloves with fur that reached her elbows as she would walk down as her entrance music began to play.

With everyone already in the ring the Icelandic wrestler would calmly walk down to the ring as she yelled to all the losers in the ring ''you losers should get an good look at me. As I'm going to win this little match as I plan on personally throw each and everyone out of this ring until I'm the only one left standing''as she would climb up the steel steps before stepping over the top rope as she cracked her fists to look more intimating.

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

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Karin was the last one to enter the picutre. It was quite for a while outside in the arena. She would still backstage breathe in and out. The last ppv was over now for a few days and things had time to settle down. She still couldn´t believe what happened, she got rid of the stupid title, finally! She wasn´t loserbelt champion. She wasn´t a loser anymore, all this training, all this hard working out paid off finally.

The last ppv was a great chance to show the world what she could do. But maybe she could do even more? This was the perfect chance to test herself and show the world she wasn´t the same woman anymore. She wasn´t eyecandy anymore, she was a serious opponent, far away from the top but still. Karin´s new outfit would reflect her new mindset, it might be just a temporary one but still. She was wearing a lose white t-shirt and a pair of black training shorts which stopped right over her knees. It wasn´t a exciting outfit but she wanted to show the world that her body wasn´t the thing anymore that hold her in the company. Karin would suddenly get a sign from one of the stuff workers that was her turn now. Karin would jump up and down a little bit, trying to losen up her body. Then her old themsesong would hit… “21 century girl…” damn she really needed a new one!
Karin would get out into the open and would be welcomed with an increabile reaction. The crowed would cheer her name as she would stand on the top of the ramp. They would go loud and proud right now, showing that they started to support her again. Seems like a lot of people did watch her last match and maybe they saw her segment with Tina and the others.
Karin would look stunned around for a moment before she would smile almost feeling a tear run down her cheek. She would whip it away and wave the crowed. Damn they totally did take her off her idea for her entrance. The girl would just go for it walking down the ramp hugging and highfiving her fans. They would cheer her loudly and call to her to fight! Karin would smirk. That was what she came for, to fight, she might not win but she would fight!
For the first time ever Karin would see some fans lifting up signs with her name on it!
When the girl would reach the ring she would slide into the ring on her belly. Before she always was a bit afraid of getting in here. But today it was different, she was feeling a pull that almost dragged her inbetween the ropes. With new confident she would look around the ring, looking at the 14 other fighters in the ring with a smile. She would see that some of them were already throwing down and she wouldn´t stay behind rushing over there trying to get things on the way.
Karin would rush through the ring, picking up more and more speed. She would head right for the woman across the ring from her. She would try to hit Hayley with a big Mexican dropkick and trying to send her away from her opponent she was trying to attack. Karin would try to perfrom the move so that she would send her opponent flying backwards into the next corner. “don´t you know it is not nice to start the party before the last one is there?”

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by BlueResonance »

Hayley charged at Merida after the bell rang, planning on trying to take her down to the mat and try to make up for her embarrassing entrance. Unfortunately, she never gets close enough to come within striking distance, as another girl spotted her charge.

Hayley never saw it coming, and got T-boned via heavy dropkick from one of the other girls! She yelps, and is blown off her feet, tumbling across the mat from her own momentum before she lands on her back, dazed from the blow.

Last edited by BlueResonance on Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

When the bell rang Haley already had her target she was planing on eliminated Lynx early on as she still thought she was better then the masked fighter in there last match. she would run up to lynx and went for a hard clothsline before any one else got to her. "come here Lynx!" haley shouted out.

Elena would look around at the fighters when they all made their entrances. Elena smiled and ran to the ropes to bounce off them going for a cross body on the near est girl to her. she didn't had a target all she knew she had to do as much damage to everyone before they could eliminate her or if she was skilled and lucky enough she could actually win this big match

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would flip right back to her feet after delivering this big drop kick against her opponent. SHe would spin around with a happy smile on her face, the crowed was going wild already and she needed to keep it going. The japanese woman would look down to Hayley for a momnet smirking before trying to run away from her and get towards the next ropes. But on her way there something would suddenly hit her hard taking her down to the floor. Karin would scream out in shock when she was thrown down to the mat hard laying there a little bit dizzy and stunned. SHe would move her head from side to side. When she got a clear head again she would look up to see an adorble white haired girl on her chest. "damn your cute..." would karin say under her moaning to elena.

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by BlueResonance »

The bell rang, and chaos erupted in the ring. Wendy hung back as the hotter headed girls made their way across the ring to launch their attack on their target.

Wendy merely stepped sideways, choosing to avoid the chaos for now, and tried to make her way over to the girl dressed in red yellow from the side. If she wasn't noticed, she'd come in and grab the top of her head before trying to bury her knee deep in her belly.

"Hello~" She'd greet tauntingly sweetly.

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Re: LAW 15-Woman Battle Royal

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Now Gabriella had seen how chaotic an battle royal could be , but it was even more chaotic being in one herself. As normally she could have just approached her opponent , and start wrestling her. Now she would have to watch her back as she would see Karin attack Hayley while her back was turned as the girl charged at another wrestler.

Another wrestler would call out her target as the masked wrestler would for now just move around as she would try to spot an easy target. Still then she would remember how that girl she saw attacking Hayley earlier was the former loser champion. With that in mind she figure that Karin had to be the weakest wrestler in this ring as she would run towards the former champion as she would jump towards her while the other wrestler was still down from landing that dropkick with an running elbowdrop.

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