*As she nonchalantly made her way towards the packed arena, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she locked in on the potential casualties that would fall at her feet. The majority of them either seemed just as nervous as everyone else, or they were extremely proficient at concealing it under their facade of confidence. Whatever the case may be, Moa knew that she could trust in her colossal frame to propel her to the top of the food chain among these hapless victims.*
*Finally reaching the outskirts of the ring apron, Moa took a gigantic step over the highest rope, pulling the bottom one down with the base of her foot while sending an intimidating glance across the battlefield.* "Good evening, ladies. I hope you don't mind if I join your little party tonight." *Her voice, unwavering and intimidating, resounded throughout the stadium, causing the audience to augment the tension with mindless whistling and chanting.*