Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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By hook or by crook, The Morgan Dynasty had set the scene so well that you would think Cynara penned this scene, herself. Perhaps that's what Kat found most frustrating in the heat of the moment. No one could deny that the older woman had a wealth of experience on and off of the mats. No one could deny that Mina was already a force to be reckoned with as a wrestler, least of now that she was utterly dominating the face of the company! And the Morgan daughter wasn't even close to hitting her prime! As good as she was, there was still boundless untapped potential within her! And this was how did this pair that epitomized wrestling pedigree and legacy leverage these talents at a company that Kat had been working her tail off since day 1? This was how did they plan to earn their way to the top at the premier wrestling promotion that Kat helped out on the map?

"Grrrr!" Hart would groan aloud as she kept her muscled core flexed and her hips skyward, doing everything she could to maintain this pin!

The Morgans took the first and only layup handed to them from LAW management and in five seconds, Cynara engineered the exact match and circumstances to strap the metaphorical rocket to her daughter's back, all at The Super Kitty's expense! And in darn near the most dominant and humiliating ways possible!

Even after briefly reversing her fortunes, Kat was still red in the face. Streaks of redness still adorned her thighs from the way Mina had scratched and clawed into her. The light from the bright, gaudy chandeliers above them highlighted and accentuated the luchadora's impressive abs and quads, as well as the sweat and the bruising she had suffered courtesy of Mina. And yet, despite all this, despite everything, Hart was able to present to the Matriarch of the Morgan Dynasty exactly how she earned the "Super Kitty" moniker!

In fact, hearing Cynara go from proudly boasting of what was surely shaping up to be the biggest display of power from the Morgans in the modern day, from boasting about putting together the embarrassing defeat of Hart's career - to jumping out of her cushy, expensive seat and exclaiming "WHAT" with all the shock and awe anyone had ever seen from the mature woman! Drawing that reaction out of Cynara only spurred Kat on to keep at it! To keep The Morgan Daughter pinned tightly!

And really, who could blame Cynara or Mina for being shocked? In her long and illustrious wrestling career, how many matches has Cynara won in this same city? With this same Suzuki Lock finishing hold?! Mina had already scored a pyrrhic victory by mounting the legendary luchadora for longer than she needed to in order to score a pin! But choking and stretching the one and only Kat Hart out in her family's finishing hold for as long as she had, making a sandbag out of one of LAW's finest to the tune of her mother exclaiming that The Morgan Dynasty was back in full force? Any other woman in Kat's position would have tapped for napped long ago! But in the span of just a few seconds, a sudden and timely reversal from The Super Kitty got everyone watching this in person and from the arena to get on their feet and cheer the act of the tag team champion's resourceful efforts to snatch victory from the jaws of certain defeat!

Whether she meant to or not, Cynara rising up from the couch timed up with everyone getting up to count the pin! Against all odds, Kat had folded up Mina by bridging backward and using the Headscissor hold against her! At last, the difference between size and power came into play! Kat had Mina folded up so compactly with the smaller blonde's legs above her head! At last, that cold, calculating, arrogant demeanor of Cynara's came crumbling down!

The first count came!

And then the second!

With everyone counting at the same time, it would be too hard to argue any other outcome or technicality here! Even with things concluding this way, Mina had proven that she could get the better of Kat. The Morgans had proven that their legacy was still going strong and that it was one to be feared! But much like the pyrrhic "pinfall" victory earlier, none of that was enough for Cynara Morgan!!!

"THRE- OHHHH!" The three count was cut short by the sound of a cry of pain from the masked heavyweight!

Years of working the camera in show business and the high life did Cynara well. To the average viewer, the point of the mature blonde's stiletto heel dug into Kat's side! The luchadora let out a cry of pain! All at once her bridging position was compromised! Kat fell onto her back, breaking the pin! Her eye shut tight with pain!

It was a slick move on Cynara's part. At least, it appeared that way at first. But even the staff booed her! All the hype between the staff in her penthouse suite and the fans watching at home and in the arena - all at once it turned to visible outrage! Even the camera crew booed! It didn't take long for them to zoom out and for the suspicion to be cast on the Morgan Mother! Replays would confirm that the shoe fit quite literally! But no matter how much the people protested, booed, and pleaded, the fact remained that even this turn of events fit Mina's and Cynara's agenda! It was a no-disqualifications match, after all! It was all legal! Unpopular and underhanded displays aside, the match would continue! And once that realization set in, it slowly began to dawn on everyone that The Super Kitty was now back to square one!

With her bridging stance now broken, Kat collapsed back onto the blue mats on her back! Suddenly it became all too apparent and all too relevant that Mina had put Kat through the wringer throughout the overwhelming majority of this contest! Mina was still quite fresh in this match, while Kat lay there in a heap between her legs. To make matters worse, their positioning in the pinning predicament earlier meant that when the luchadora fell, she returned to a supine position with her head between Mina's thighs! Back to the dire straits that The Super Kitty had fought so hard to overcome just seconds ago!

The only difference between now and three minutes ago was that all pretense had finally gone out the window! It was now clear to everyone and anyone that the situation as understood by Cynara and DeFranco earlier had now come to pass! This "match" was a trap engineered by Cynara to put her family name, and by extension herself, back on the map!

Fans and staff hurled insults at Cynara and Mina in Kat's defense! But none of it changes the fact that The Super Kitty was still firmly in Cynara's and Mina's clutches! And that as long as Cynara was overseeing things, this mugging of an apartment wrestling match would continue!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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If anyone still had any doubts as to what Cynara's true purposes here were, now there was no question as to what she was out to achieve. Cynara was intent on making her daughter into one of the most talked-about rising stars in the company, and there were no lengths too far or too low for her to go in pursuit of such a goal - but she did know that having Mina take down one of LAW's most celebrated champions would put the Morgan name back on the map. She had engineered everything to achieve that goal. By hosting this match in her own apartment, she alone could call the shots as to what happened, or what was enforced. And, as a no-DQ match, there was nothing stopping Cynara from stepping in herself to even the odds, should such a thing prove necessary. All in all, it seemed like her plan was watertight, and that victory for Mina was all but assured. Which was why it came as such a surprise when, instead, Cynara saw Kat power out of Mina's clutches and keep her down for the pin!

She had been watching this match from a place of cool composure all the while, lording over whatever happened on the mats - but now, Cynara had been shown there was something still outside of her control, and that something was Kat Hart herself! When she saw her daughter only moments away from being pinned, Cynara's eyes had gone wide and her face pale from the shock; it rooted her right where she was sitting. For a moment, she was powerless to do anything about it - she was too paralyzed in sheer bewilderment! But soon, she realized, she had come too far to just hand Kat the victory, and condemn the Morgan name for obscurity. No, not on her watch! And then, right at the last minute, she kicked out with her heel, stomping it straight into Kat's side and causing her to roll over!

With a huff, Cynara sat back, crossing one leg over the other as she fiddled with her nails. She knew full well that in the arena right now, there were no doubt thousands of fans booing her for her tactics. But they couldn't reach her here - she was in her domain, safe in the opulence of her Los Angeles penthouse, where she alone was in charge. The court of public opinion was far beneath her, with the rest of the rabble. There was only her and Mina - and now, she looked up to see Mina once again in the dominant position, with Kat at her mercy. It was about time things got back on track.

"Well, then," she began, "where were we?" She tented her fingers together, as though she was returning to business as usual - as though she had never tried to do anything underhanded in the first place. But in her mind, when she was watching her daughter dominate the action, that was business as usual - and she wouldn't have it any other way!

Mina was ready to press that advantage! She proceeded to rise to her feet, dusting herself off for a moment - but when she saw where Kat had fallen beneath her, she knew what to do. She kicked off the ground, letting herself fall onto one knee - one knee that was raised to come crashing down right into Kat's masked face! If that was successful at stunning Kat, Mina would grab her legs as she rose to her feet, moving to flip her around - and then to bring her hips down against the back of the luchadora's head, twisting her body into an arc as she put her in the high-angle Boston Crab she called the LA Crab!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Cynara has lost a good bit of composure there for just a moment, just a few seconds. But that was all it took to lay bare the esteemed retired wrestler's true intentions for all the world to see!

The fans and the staff were shocked and appalled. Though Cynara's twisted ways and her mission to eternalize The Morgan name were all too clear right now, what was also clear was how bent she was on using The Super Kitty to do it! Nothing seemed to restore Cynara's usual haughty confidence like seeing Kat at her daughter's mercy! And nothing upset the luchadora as much as seeing Cynara revel in taking the low road here! All the boos and disapproval in the world wouldn't wipe the smug smirk off of The Morgan Mother's face! Though Kat lay there all out of sorts, Cynara going back to her cocky, seated pose on the couch wasn't lost on her. Through grit teeth and half-shut eyes, Kat held her side and looked up Cynara in time to see the mature woman cross one leg over the other!

"Where were we?! Did you seriously just ask that?!" Hart snapped in anger! Her hand still covered her side. It was all too clear that Cynara intended for the match to continue like nothing happened just now! And it was all too clear that Mina was prepared to follow her mother's cue!

Without missing a beat, Mina rose up to her feet, seemingly ready to continue! The petite blonde took a quick second to dust herself off. She seemed confident that she had the match well in hand! Both Morgans did! But rather than relish and boast like her mother did, Mina was all too willing to get right back to work on Kat!

"Gah!" In no time at all, Mina had kicked off the ground and gained some height before coming down onto Kat's masked face with a falling knee!

The SWAT Cat was normally nimble. Kat usually has an answer for just about anything her opponent could throw at her! But Mina and Cynara had softened her up nearly to the point of helplessness!

Kat lay there writhing on the deep blue mats of Cynara's lavish penthouse living room! The luchadora held her face with both hands, hurting after the knee from Mina! Once again, Mina was back on the attack! Once again, the prodigious second-generation star was back on the attack, working Kat Hart over!

Mina seized Kat's legs! The Super Kitty put up no fight and no resistance when Mina rose up and turned her over! With a fluid motion, Mina folded Kat into a painfully high-angle Boston Crab! Into her finished, the LA Crab!

"Aaaaaahhhh!" The moment Mina sat her pert, thinly veiled bottom on the back of Kat's head, Kat let out a long, deep, pained groan!

Once again, Mina used their size difference to her advantage! The difference in height and size allowed Mina to bend Kat that much more severely! Mina forced Kat's body to curve beneath her! She practically folded the tag team champion into a lowercase c shape!

The sight of Mina with Kat in her clutches was becoming all to familiar! The outrage from Cynara's actions was beginning to wash over Mina as well! Her willingness to be complicit and all this, to steamroll anyone her mother put in front of her no matter how honest it dishonest the circumstances for her heat with the fans in the arena and with some of the staff covering and broadcasting the match! But even with the assist from her mother, Mina's talents couldn't be overstated!

Whether you liked the circumstances or not, it was irrefutable that Mina Morgan was absolutely dominating Kat Hart throughout this match! She put on a clinic and used The Super Kitty of all LAW wrestlers like a ragdoll! She used Kat to show off all of her best moves and holds! Even Kat would admit later on after the match that this probably would have happened even without Cynara's foul play! Suffering in Mina's clutches like this, literally wrestling on the Morgan's home turf/property, nearly losing by submission or knockout once already - all these things made it clear that the prospects of victory here were dwindling for Hart!

With each passing second, everyone was forced to take on the sight of Mina practically folding Kat in half beneath her, wrenching back further and further, putting more pain and pressure on the famed masked heavyweight's spine and chiseled frame! Fans were forced to look on as Mina sat deeper and deeper on Kat's head! All while her mother, the devious and underhanded wrestler legend herself sat comfortably on what might as well have been the throne in her castle- her home! As Kat lay there beneath Mina, she continued to writhe and moan in pain! She continued to reach out and claw at the mats! But second by second, these signs of life from Kat slowed!

The pained breaths Kat was letting out began to slow! A light shade of red began to form on her core, her back, even her face! Pained moans slowly faded into the occasional anguished coo or grunt! And as Kat began to fade here once again, so did the ire towards The Morgans! Feelings of discontent with Cynara and Mina slowly began to transition to feelings of despair and concern for The Super Kitty!

By this point, Kat had suffered the hold for nearly half a minute! The air in the penthouse began to grow thick with concern about whether or not the match should be stopped! By now, Cynara would have surely gone on another bout of boasting, much to the chagrin of everyone! If she went on, Kat would meekly lift her open palm above the mat, as if to tap! Surely, Mina would only be motivated by this to wrench her LA Crab finisher on Katherine even harder! The heels of her bare feet dug deeper and deeper into the apartment room wrestling mats! Surely, Cynara would be grinning devilishly from ear to ear at just the sight of this! As the Super Kitty being made to be anything but Super in the clutches of her daughter! In the clutches of a Morgan! And just when Cynara's smile was widest, just as the wine in her goblet tasted its sweetest, the sound of not Kat's palm, but her forearm coming down hard on the mats beneath her echoed out!

"CYYYYNAAAARAAAAA!" An indignant Kat roared out after banging both her forearms against the mats below! As she roared, Kat pushed up with her upper body with a planking motion! All at once, Kat would push up! Her strength was likely enough to make Mina shift and rise up a bit, but not enough to fully dislodge the smaller blonde from her seat on Kat's neck and head! Mina's skillful and effective application of her finishing hold was hard to deny, and even harder to counter!

While holding herself up with nothing but her upper body and forearms, Kat would turn to Cynara and look her dead in the eye! If looks could kill, surely the luchadora would be out of the hold by now! And though the Morgans seemed to still have Kat dead to rights, the defiance in Kat's blue eyes alone was enough to show that she would not go down quietly! The will of the fans and the staff, the desire to see The Morgans get their just desserts motivated The Super Kitty to hang in there, even if just barely! Even if for just a few moments longer so that she could fight back or go down trying to, with her gaze and her eyes locked into Cynara's own!

Though Kat couldn't have been angrier with Cynara, the urgency of her situation wasn't lost on her. Nor was the irony and the humiliation of her current predicament! Being made to submit to the LA Crab in LA? In the Morgan's own penthouse suite? Mina's career would be as good as made if she could pull that off. If that happens, Cynara will be milking the headlines from this victory for the rest of her life!

Even with Kat's outburst drumming up some faith and hope in the fans, she knew that Cynara would at least try to act like she was largely unfazed. Mina had no reason to release the hold. Surely, the prodigious blonde fighter could feel that Kat was seconds away from fading, even now. Hart was confident that Mina would simply double down, fully reapplying the hold to finish her off and end the match proper! Mina would probably do this at Cynara's direction, too! And though Kat couldn't stop The Morgans from subjecting her to even more pain and humiliation here, the luchadora's mind raced to come up with some sort of last-ditch efforts to somehow hang in there without giving Mina or Cynara the momentous, career-defining win they were seeking over The Super Kitty!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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From the comfort of her apartment, Cynara couldn't hear how loudly the fans were booing her right now. But even if she could, she wouldn't care. Let them boo, she thought to herself - one way or another, they were still talking about her, and thinking about her. Her name was back on the map, and she had been rocketed back to relevancy. The Morgans were back in the wrestling world and on the hearts and minds of everyone. Whatever they had to do to ensure that, Cynara was willing to take it!

In a moment, Mina had scrambled onto Kat's back, and she was wrenching her backward, bending her spine into a painful arc! With every inch the luchadora was being folded further and further, the grin on Cynara's face grew wider. She couldn't be more proud - Mina was taking to the family style, not only adapting to her moves but making them even more devastating with her merciless aggression and her undying loyalty to her mother. If she was able to torment Kat Hart - not only a woman larger than she was, but an esteemed veteran and a champion - it was proof that she wasn't just meeting her mother's expectations, but exceeding them. Everything was working out perfectly!

When Kat screamed out her name, though? That was what truly sent Cynara's heart aflutter. She was hearing her name called out in a surge of emotion again. She was able to command the thoughts and minds of the rich and famous. People were thinking about her. People cared about her. She was more relevant tonight than she had been in years - quite possibly ever! And when Kat began to raise her hand, even a woman as elegant and composed as Cynara Morgan had to hold in a breath to try and calm her racing heart. Her daughter was about to force the Super Kitty herself to submit! She couldn't help but feel a rush take hold of her!

That was, until it became clear that Kat's scream wasn't one of despair - and she wasn't raising her hand to tap out! She managed to shove herself up from the floor, and Mina's position on her was shaken; the smaller blonde began to slip back, her grip on Kat's legs holding firm but breaking by a few fingers. Kat knew the price of failure now. She knew what it would do for Cynara's ego - and what it would do for her own. And she wasn't going to give her that satisfaction!

At first, when Cynara saw it, her eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped. It couldn't be - after the rush of satisfaction she'd felt, now seeing that Kat as remaining firm brought everything to a screeching halt. But just a moment later, her teeth clenched, and that shocked look on her face gave way to a scowl of pure rage. If Kat wasn't going to do as she was told...then Cynara clearly needed to take matters into her own hands!

"Bothersome little upstart..!" she hissed under her breath, her eyes narrowing on Kat. Looking to get involved on the action herself, she shoved her foot into Kat's face, grinding her heel up against her masked features!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Very seldom in her career did The Super Kitty ever genuinely consider tapping out. But in the heat of the moment and in the face of the deck being stacked against her seven ways to Sunday by Mina and Cynara Morgan, the thought had crossed her mind when she raised her hand. Right up until she called out Cynara's name with venom in her voice, despair had begun forming on Hart's masked face!

Had it been an official LAW referee presiding over this match instead of Cynara, they might have stopped the match now. If the match were to end right this second, many call the match a trap or a travesty, but no amount of protests could get anyone to escape the fact that it was an absolute drubbing! Even if Kat could somehow win, all most people would remember would be the sight of Mina utterly dominating the face of the company! Stringing together devastating signature moves and finishing holds until Kat simply couldn't take any more, all while Cynara looked on with a twisted, satisfied grin on her face. The conniving mature woman put the match together with the sole goal of returning the Morgan name- her name to prominence! To rebuild and reforge her legacy on the back of a defeated Super Kitty!

In any other match, under any other circumstances, Kat's back would have given out on her. She very well may have suffered the first submission loss of her entire career to Mina Morgan! But The Super Kitty remained defiant! Even without a live crowd in front of them, the cheers and hopes of the few staff persons covering and producing the match, along with the cheers of the fans in the arena reached her! Kat could feel their support driving her! She could feel Cynara's ego inflating exponentially as Mina put the finishing touches on her! But perhaps most importantly, she could feel the dissatisfaction and anger welling up within the Matriarch as she fought tooth and nail to delay the submission that would forever cement both Cynara's and Mina's names into LAW history!

"Ngh!" Kat grit her teeth and grunted in pain, not just from the LA Crab she was still trapped in, but from the heel of Cynara's overly-expensive, gaudy shoe, grinding against her masked features!

It was a whole other world of pain and humiliation! The boos in the penthouse apartment reached an all-time high as Cynara got involved even more blatantly than she did before! The enraged older blonde didn't even hide it this time! This was an out and out 2 on 1 assault! Just how far were the Morgans willing to go to pick apart the tag team champion!?

"Ah....ah..." Kat's grunts and groans grew weaker. The tiny amount of wriggle room she had earned herself when she pushed up and disturbed Mina's hold on her disappeared when her chest and torso fell back down to the deep blue mats in the face of tandem offense from both women! With no rules and no proper referee, everything was fair game in this No DQ match!

Cynara's heel now ground into Kat's cheek as her head lay on its side on the mats! Mina continued bending and breaking Kat in ways we've almost never seen in The Super Kitty's abundance of matches throughout her storied career! Kat once again lifted her hand weakly, just a short distance off the mat, seemingly once again to tap out and signal her submission! Kat's hand trembled like a leaf in the breeze for just a moment! And then....

Katherine's deep blue eyes darted to a few different places, even while her head lay still on the mats of Cynara's apartment home! It was these exact moments that The SWAT Cats prided themselves in as a team. Each of them had a knack for finding hope while in the jaws of defeat! Kat knew that even if she found her way out of this hold, she would likely still lose the match! The Super Kitty needed to get creative if she was going to stand even a snowball's chance here! And thankfully, by observing the room around her aand the state of the women that were subjugating her right now, Kat saw something that inspired her! Something that made her believe her last-ditch efforts could somehow bear fruit! A golden sparkle near the feet of Cubara Morgan! The golden World Tag Team Championship Belt that Kat had asked Cynara to hold with her on the couch at the onset of this match!

The belt was now on the floor as a result of Cynara having gotten up off the couch twice now! And quite abruptly at that! A rare mistake or oversight from the veteran former Apartment House Wrestler Champion!

Had Mina's application of the hold remained steadfast, this probably wouldn't have mattered! After taking the Suzuki Lock and The LA Crab for this long, Kat could feel her consciousness slipping. Even Hart would admit right now that the hold was still fully locked in, she would have lost via knockout by now! But Mina's grasp on her wasn't airtight! There was ever so little leverage! Not enough to escape being bent underneath the middleweight into a lowercase c-shape! But just barely enough room...!

"That's right!!!" Hart called out as she quickly snapped her raised hand to the heel of the shoe she was quite literally being ground underneath right now!

Kat would look to summon whatever remaining strength she had in her upper body to lift upwards and then push towards Cynara! Her intention was to throw the former wrestler off balance and back towards the couch! Kat aimed to both figuratively and literally make Cynara take a seat! And if she managed to do that much, she knew that Mina would take notice right away! Though Mina was stoic between matches and maniacal from bell to bell, if there was even a single thing she had expressed interest or care for in the brief time Kat had known her, it was her own mother! Kat counted on the fact that Mina would take notice if anything should happen to Cynara! And that brief moment where Mina let her guard down would be the moment Kat looked to capitalize on as the second mistake from the second Morgan!

"I am an upstart!!!" Kat continued to cry out and double down! With the little bit of leverage she still had, she aimed to pull herself forward just a few centimeters! Just enough to grab hold of the tag team championship with her fingertips! And if she got her way, Kat would look to employ some dexterity here and grab the end of the belt before swinging it behind her and over Mina's head/neck like a sling! If Hart managed to look the belt over Mina's head, she would quickly collect the other end with her free and yank down harshly! Kat aimed to undo the hold with something akin to a Snapmare, but in reverse! Ideally, the maneuver would bring Mina down to the mats and force her to roll backward so that she'd end up on all fours!

All of this was quite the longshot! It would require as many things to go right for Kat as things have gone right for The Morgans! But if The Super Kitty lived up to her name! If she proved to be "Super" even while in the clutches of defeat! If she earned the right to have management and the fans refer to her as "the face of the company", then she'd look to bring all of this together, by scrambling to her feet while Mina likely did the same! But this time, with her championship in hand, Kat would leap off the mats! And with her whole body airborne, she would swing wildly with the belt and look to crack it against her rival blonde's skull, repaying her for all the torture that Mina had put her through! A staunch look of defiance and hope would glimmer in Kat's eyes as she leaped so hard and swung with so much force that she'd disturb the mats underneath her while she sent herself sailing!

Hit or miss, Kat did not think about her landing! Whether she was able to nail Mina with an equalizing blow or not, the legendary luchadora would conveniently end up falling forward into a kneeling position against Cynara's couch, conveniently landing with her head and upper body on Cynara's lap, if everything went according to plan! And ironically returning the belt to its point if origin, right into Cynara's hands!

From here, Kat would look up and wink at Cynara before dropping her head back onto the mature blonde's lap and breathing hard to replenish whatever little stamina she could, her back and her neck still red from being put through Mina's finishing moves like a practice dummy on live television!

"Yeah, I'm an upstart....whaddya gonna do about it?"
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

Unread post by CaptainL »

The LAW crew members who had tagged along with Kat to broadcast this match to the arena certainly made their feelings on the situation known, booing Cynara for her treachery. But the former champion just rolled her eyes, looking off with an exasperated grumble. Let them boo all they want, she thought to herself. It wasn't going to change the fact that no one would forget this night as the night that the Morgan Dynasty dominated Kat Hart, and proved once and for all that their family name had a future - that they would live on in the tumultuous world that was professional wrestling! Any frustration she might have felt about the comments from the peanut gallery paled in comparison to the thought of having all the attention of the world on her once again, just as it should have been!

Though...she did have to admit, Kat was being persistent. Annoyingly persistent. Even when it was readily apparent she couldn't hope to stand a chance in a situation so carefully engineered to the Morgans' favor, somehow there was still an urge in her to resist! She was sure that her daughter's submission game was good enough that just about anyone would have surrendered by now. In fact, Mina herself was starting to feel the strain - her eye twitched and her brow furrowed as she tried to pull back at Kat's head, harder and harder. She didn't know how much longer it was going to take - but she was shocked it was taking her this long.

"R-Rrgh..!" Mina hissed, her knuckles growing white as she clenched even tighter to Kat's legs, trying to stretch them as far over her back as she could. Her eye bulged in its socket, pulled tight against its quivering lid. "Why won't you-"

But Cynara raised a finger, signaling to her daughter to stay quiet, and Mina obediently fell silent. Even with one foot in Kat's face, had still noticed something - that the luchadora was raising her hand. Mina might have been wrapped up in the fervor of battle, but Cynara could tell that their opponent was approaching the end of her rope. When she saw it, her smile only went wider. Just a few seconds more, she thought, and it would all be over. Mina would really have done it - she'd have brought the Super Kitty to her knees! The moment she had been waiting for was fast approaching, and she wanted to savor it!

But...what did Kat mean, "that's right?" That made her raise an eyebrow. Those weren't the words of a woman struggling hopelessly beneath her. Those were the words of a woman who had a plan, and who was about to get herself out of trouble. But that meant...

Right then, Kat managed to grab hold of Cynara's leg - and with it, the veteran gasped! She would never have anticipated that Kat even had the strength left in her to keep going, let alone to take hold of her like this! But it was happening, faster than Cynara could keep track of! A moment later, Cynara was being pushed backward, and her center of balance wavered - her heels really weren't suited for trying to balance so precariously! She waved her arms in the air to try and steady herself, but it was no use - and a moment later, she dropped straight down onto the couch, landing with a thud!

Mina's eyes went wide as she saw it - it seemed almost unthinkable that Kat would even have it in her to do such a thing at this point! But she was fighting back indeed! In shock, her grip on Kat began to slacken - and that, combined with how Cynara had taken her foot off her head, was all the heavyweight needed to fling her belt around Mina's head, and with a sharp yank, pull her downward! The younger Morgan hit the mats in a tangle of writhing limbs, her arms flying through the air to try and strike at Kat or push her away, but nothing hit its mark. Emboldened by her success, Kat leaped to her feet, just as Mina had pushed herself over to all fours - it was like she had been gripped by a newfound burst of energy! In fact, when Mina looked up at Kat from her hands and knees, her eyes narrowed into a piercing glare, all she'd see coming toward her was Kat's belt - as it struck Mina in the head!

A loud crack shot through the air, followed by a pained scream from Mina as she fell to her back, rolling back and forth in a frenzy, her fingers buried deep in her hair as she yanked helplessly at the strands. For this moment, she would be incapacitated from the pain ringing through her skull. But in striking back at Mina, Kat had also propelled herself backward - right into Cynara's lap, and into an angry glower the former champion aimed right through her. This wasn't how it was supposed to go at all! In one instant, her well-crafted plan had fallen apart. Kat was still going strong. In fact, she had just shown a herculean feat of endurance - were there a capacity crowd in the room right now, their cheers would surely have been deafening! In striking such a defiant blow back at the Morgans, Kat had ensured she wouldn't let herself be relegated to a footnote. She threatened to overshadow Cynara herself in her own match! And she simply couldn't have that!

Her body going rigid with rising fury, Cynara's fingers grasped tighter at the ends of the belt in her hand, and her teeth clenched in a grimace. The fact that Kat was mocking her only twisted that knife more! But then, the belt had quite literally fallen into her hands - and Cynara had every intention of using that fact to her advantage. Kat had just demonstrated that in a no-DQ match like this, no tactics were on the table. And Cynara was going to make use of that, too - when she threw the belt around Kat's throat, pulling hard at the ends to drag it tightly against her airways! After the strain she'd just endured, Kat was surely close to being out of breath - now Cynara was out to push her the rest of the way!

"Listen, you..! I don't care how clever you think you are...by the end of this match, I'll make sure everyone knows that you will NEVER be anything I was!! You hear me? NEVER!"
Last edited by CaptainL on Mon Dec 02, 2024 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

Unread post by winner3 »

Kat had to dig deep to give herself any kind of headway here. It was precisely these types of feats, these flashes of inspiration that earned her the nickname "Super Kitty"! The staff that were here to witness this loved the luchadora's display of tenacity and resilience! When she managed to free herself from the hold and floor Mina, the fans back at the arena rallied behind Kat in a frenzy of cheers and support! As she lay there on her knees with her head still on the mature woman's lap, golden belt still in hand, the signs of adrenaline were clear as day!

Hart was still hyperventilating, even before Cynara grabbed the title belt from her. The small of her bare back, where Mina had worked her over tortuously for what felt like eternities was bright red. The mood lighting from those pretentious, expensive chandeliers above in the living room accentuated sweat dripping down The Super Kitty's fatigued, statuesque form. In the thick of the fight here, Kat had doubled down on her defiance! She looked Cynara in the eyes and spoke from the heart. Kat was too worn down and trapped far too deep into the web Cynara had weaved to care for pretenses or tact! And it seemed that Cynara was, too!

"Hngh!" Kat gasped for air and found very little of it when the older blonde looped the tag title belt over her throat! Right away Cynara applied pressure! Kat frantically reached for the strap and the plate of the greatest prize in tag team wrestling. But in her current state, the champion had no control of the very trophy she so proudly represented!

"pant....pant....wheeze..." The luchadora's gasps very quickly grew louder, transitioning into wheezes of concern! Though she had amassed so much momentum in such a quick burst, The Morgans were masters of sweeping Hart's momentum out from under her! Normally, the younger, stronger, more athletic Super Kitty would have little trouble brushing off the likes of Cynara Morgan! But once again Cynara facilitated a reality check!

Even while she was choking, Kat's eyes darted back and forth between the downed Mina and the vile woman sitting over her! Lording over her! Cynara sought to wring all the life out of Kat that she could! And as she did so, the look of concern on Kat's face and in her body language grew!

Kat was still hyper-aware of the predicament she was in! In truth, Kat came into this contest with concern for Mina. Concern that the Morgan daughter would not be able to find herself as a wrestler and carve her own path if she chose to remain under Cynara's thumb! But now, for each thought of concern, there was another born out of fear! Kat wrestled this match to find out what the prodigious fighter was all about, what she was capable of in the ring, on the mats with the home-field advantage! She knew all too well now that Mina lived up to her reputation not just as a second-generation legacy wrestler, but also as a prodigy! Underhanded trap or no, Mina Morgan had brought Kat closer to submitting than anyone else in her LAW career! The look of concern on Kat's face as Cynara choked her out spelled out the fact that each passing moment gave Mina another chance to find a second wind! And if she somehow found her way back into the fray, that would spell the end for The Super Kitty in this match!

Once again, Kat's mind raced! She turned her head left and right! She pawed at the gold around her neck! But the damage from being utterly dominated in Mina's Suzuki Lock and LA Crab ensured that she remained under Cynara's thumb for now physically, just as she had been under the former champion's thumb figuratively from the moment this match was arranged!

Kat's eyes had been frantically and erratically switching focus from Mina to Cynara, and back again. But Cynara's words seized her distress and grabbed her attention!

"Never be anything I was..." The words echoed on the mics from the production crew's setup. They echoed in Kat's mind. Of course, Kat thought to herself! Cynara could have engineered things to put just about anyone in this situation! She was a woman that commanded influence, after all. Not just in apartment wrestling, but as a wrestling legend in general! But she chose this match! She chose to go after Kat Hart! And in Kat's mind, she believed she was onto the reason as to why!

Cynara wasn't just a pillar for AHW, the company of the belt that The Morgans so proudly carried with them to this day! She was THE pillar of AHW! She was the face of the company! In a lot of ways, Kat was well down the path of becoming to LAW what Cynara was to AHW! And the thought of trampling on The Super Kitty's career to relive that glory and shape the world of wrestling and superstardom in Cynara's own image - that must have fueled Cynara in ways that no woman could possibly imagine! With that understanding, Katherine locked eyes with Cynara! The luchadora met that malicious, evil woman's face with a renewed gleam of courage and defiance in her eyes! Kat searched her soul for words that Cynara Morgan would never want to hear!

"I....will....surpass...you!!!" Hart gurgled the words as Cynara continued to suffocate her!

Though Kat did anything and everything she could to oppose this woman and to get under her skin, it didn't change the fact that The Morgans still held all the cards! Both mother and daughter held the advantage over her for the entire match! They utterly dismantled Kat Hart and stifled whatever little momentum she could scrape together at each and every turn! And should Cynara maintain her grip here, Kat's hands would soon fall to her sides and knees in her kneeling position! And she would begin to nod off as Cynara once again honed in on a massive win for the Morgan Dynasty!

And this time, she didn't do so by using her daughter as a proxy! She made this personal! Cynara became a magnet for discontent the world over as she personally sought to choke The Super Kitty out herself and force her name back to the top of the wrestling food chain after years and years of retirement!
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jan 15, 2025 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

Unread post by CaptainL »

Back in the arena, the tension in the air had reached a boiling point. Everyone was booing, and the drumming of feet against the floor echoed through the halls. But none of it reached the ear of Cynara Morgan, who all the while sat comfortably in her penthouse apartment, where she alone was in control. If she turned to the windows, she would have a lovely view of the city streets - but she wouldn't dare take her attention away from what was unfolding in front of her; not for a moment. She was too thrilled to see everything she had worked so hard for play out so perfectly! Kat was struggling to keep her wits about her as she was strangled with her own belt, with Cynara pulling the straps tighter and tighter against the hapless luchadora's windpipe, wringing the last gasps of air out of her already sore and strained body. The sight of it was almost too perfect, and a wicked smirk crossed her face. The sight of someone like Kat, who had been so bold and so forthright about challenging her and vowing to defeat her, gave her a sense of satisfaction, of course. But what was even better was what was next in store for her. Cynara would soon have the right to claim her daughter had taken down one of LAW's most accomplished wrestlers! It didn't matter if the crowd was going to boo her out of the building if she announced it. That win would always be on Mina's record, and it would stand as a testament that the Morgan Dynasty could carve out a place for itself in the wrestling landscape!

However, Kat was still being frustratingly persistent! Cynara hissed through her teeth, her brow furrowing in a snarl as she listened to the Super Kitty's defiant words. Even now, when the odds seemed stacked against her so high as to be impossible to overcome, she still had it in her to talk back! Even bragging about surpassing her! Cynara gave a harder yank at the belt for good measure, just to punish Kat for her insolence. But she wouldn't keep this up forever. This, after all, was Mina's match. It was Mina who was here to dominate the champion. And if Kat needed to be shown how foolish her resistance was, it was Mina who was going to do the honors.

"Hmph! Fine, then...we weren't done with you either, I should have you know!" Looking to show Kat just what she thought of her, Cynara would bring her leg up, planting her foot against the back of the luchadora's head! At the same time, she drew back the belt - and shoved Kat forward, hoping to throw her onto her face with the force of a stomp against her skull! But if Kat went down that way, Mina would be close behind - she'd run in and come crashing down on top of Kat's back as soon as she hit the floor, stabbing into her spine with her knees before grabbing her by the chin, and pulling her head back with a camel clutch!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

Unread post by winner3 »

The tension brewing between Cynara and Kat was thick enough to change the atmosphere of the room and the match many times over! Though The Super Kitty was wrestling the prodigious Morgan Daughter, it was the gaze, the body language, and the words of The Morgan Matriarch that spurned the fans and the staff and rallied them behind Kat Hart!

Kat had wrestled and won many a handicap match in her career, even at LAW! As one of the most accomplished and iconic women on the vast, wide roster of this big league, worldwide wrestling company, there was an ever-present, nigh unshakable sense and belief even now, that if there was anyone who could emerge victorious over Mina even as Cynara pulled the strings and stacked the deck in her favor, it was Kat! Interviews later on after this match's conclusion would confirm that it was this belief in The Super Kitty that fueled the General Manager Dan DeFranco's decision to sanction Mina vs Kat to begin with, even with Cynara's presiding over the bout in an official capacity!

Sadly for the fans and for the tag team champion, both Mina and Cynara were masters of their craft! No matter how much Kat hated the way Cynara had molded Mina to serve as a tool to put the spotlight back on herself, no matter how much Cynara's blatant cheating riled up the crowds, nothing could change the fact that the two of them worked in tandem together to put The Super Kitty through an absolute drubbing here tonight! Even now, Cynara and Mina continued to work Kat over in what may come to be known as the most one-sided match of the legendary luchadora's career!

"....!" Cynara was quick to chastise Kat for her choice words! And fortunately for the mature woman, Mina's sustained offense on Kat combined with Cynara choking Kat out with her own championship belt here literally denied The Super Kitty her second wind!

A good tug of the straps after Kat's like about surpassing her left the luchadora vulnerable on her knees with her hand falling to her sides! Kat was left defenseless when Cynara positioned herself and planted the heel of her stiletto against the back of Kat's head! She used the belt for leverage to angle The SWAT Cat just right such that she could send Kat's masked head into the canvas with a vicious stomp with authority! Despite being retired for some odd years, Cynara hit the move with a level of force and ferocity that showed everyone precisely where Mina gets her intensity from! The sound of the thud the stomp made when Kat was driven face-first into the mat drew many looks of concern! Some of the LAW staff filming and streaming the match looked away when the stomp connected!

"Ngh....ughhh!" Hart groaned as she lay there in the all too familiar, all too frustrating position of being hapless at Cynara's feet! And at the mercy of the admittedly very prodigious talents of Mina!

The brawny, masked blonde recognized the urgency of her situation! Kat knew well that the time she spent contending with Cynara would only serve to give Mina precious moments to recover and get back into this if she was given the chance! Hat pressed her palms against the mat. She winced with one eye open as she slowly got on her hands and knees to look up at Cynara! The Morgan Mother telegraphed it in her last line.

"W-we?! Crap!" Kat exclaimed! She put two and two together and pulled herself up just in time for Mina to fly in out of nowhere with a painful double knee drop to the back to take her back down!

"AH!" Kat cried out as she was reduced back down to a prone position on the mat! Her back shooting with pain as Mina remained on top of her!

Kat continued to breathe sharp breaths and let out many pained grunts as Mina cupped her chin and trapped her arms! Mina Morgan fashioned The Super Kitty into a painful Camel Clutch submission to keep her in check!

Kat's situation once again looked quite bleak! She didn't move or resist at all and Mina worked her in the hold, bending her spine and neck into uncomfortable positions! This hold had the added humiliation of propping Kat's masked face up towards Cynara, not only for her mother to get a good look but for the cameras to focus in on just how much fight The Morgans had squashed out of her! Kat's eyes remained closed and had body remained limp in Mina's grasp! Between the LA Crab, the knee drop, and now this hold, Mina's aggressive targeting of Kat's back seemed to debilitate the famed luchadora to the point of near helplessness! No doubt Cynara had more gloating to do or more of the spotlight to drink in as Mina once again dominated The Super Kitty!

Kat couldn't even afford the wherewithal to look up at a sight she knew she would hate in the form of Cynara's lording over her. It was hard enough just to try to cling to consciousness in yet another one of Mina's crushing submission holds! Kat couldn't even kick the mat beneath her! Kat's muscled arms, impressive as they were, remained draped over Mina's highs!

Stunned by the wear and tear of this 2-on-1 beatdown, Kat thought back to Mina remarking on her stubbornness and her refusal to give up in The LA Crab! And in yet another desperate play, she tried to appeal to the Morgan daughter!

"Don't listen to her.....Mina....she's.....using....you!" Kat strained herself to murmur the words while Mina's pert bum dug into her lower back! Though Kat would have loved to have gotten through to Mina and help the girl find her own identity in the sport outside of her mother's shadow, The Super Kitty knew this was a long shot! She expected that Mina would likely only pull back on her chin and crank the hold harder for speaking out against her mother, bringing Kat closer and closer to a submission or knockout loss!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

Unread post by CaptainL »

Officially and formally, the relationship between Mina and Cynara was that of a client and a manager. Cynara stayed in her daughter's corner, represented her backstage, and handled the publicity and promotion for her. But Kat was on to something when she considered this a handicap match. In her heyday as a champion, Cynara had no qualms about using mind games and trickery in order to get ahead, manipulating the playing field to her advantage even when up against women bigger and stronger than she was. Now she was carrying on with that same spirit from behind the scenes. She might not have been an active competitor, but she didn't need to be - she knew all the right strings to pull and the right steps to take to ensure that Mina's victory was practically guaranteed. Setting this match up with her as the sole presiding authority, and keeping the fans away in the arena to ensure they couldn't encourage Kat or drown out her advice to Mina with their boos, was all in keeping with the tactics she'd use to hand Mina a win on a silver platter. And even when that wasn't enough to give Mina the upper hand, she was by no means afraid to step in and meddle in the match directly! No matter what the record said officially, Cynara was going to have as much hand in the outcome of this match as Mina did!

Even still, she had to admit one thing - in all her time being involved with the wrestling business, Kat Hart had to be one of the most stubborn and tenacious wrestlers she had ever met. Even when it had become undeniable how much the odds were stacked against her, and even when she had Mina on her back cranking away at her with hold after hold, she still wasn't giving up! She kept clinging to some vain hope that she might be able to win - even when, time and time again, she had come up short! It would almost be impressive, if it weren't so irksome. But it wouldn't do here. Cynara knew that this was Mina's match to win, and she wouldn't tolerate anything that stood in the way of that. She grit her teeth in frustration, squeezing her fists tighter. The tension was wearing away at her - but Kat had to break sooner or later. It would only be a matter of time.

But if there was any show of nerve from Kat that truly stood above all else, it was when she called back to Mina, trying to turn her against her own mother! At that, Cynara's mouth dropped in a gasp. She couldn't believe what she was hearing - more than that, she couldn't believe Kat actually thought it would work! She and Mina were family; Cynara had taught her everything she knew, and Mina had carried on her proud legacy with honor. The loyalty between them was unbreakable - and if Kat actually thought she could drive a wedge between them, that was a bigger testament to her foolishness than holding on in the throes of certain defeat was!

"I'm sorry. Going after the bonds between a mother and her daughter?" Cynara crossed her arms and shook her head. "Tsk, tsk...here, I thought better of you. Mina isn't going to betray me so easily any time soon. In fact, if you think she'd do that, well..." Cynara's eyes settled on Mina's, and a devious smirk came to her face. "I think it's about time we proved you wrong, hmm?"

Indeed, Mina and Cynara were so well attuned to one another that Mina instantly knew what she needed to do, without a single word being spoken. She pulled back harder at Kat's chin to stretch her back even further, yes - but then, she rose up and pressed her knee into Kat's back, forcing her spine to bend further over the fulcrum. Then she released the luchadora's chin, only to grab at her arms to give an even harder yank backward - and, if Kat didn't fight back, she would slowly rise to her feet, keeping her foot in place against Kat's back all the while, as she pulled her arms harder to twist her body into a surfboard hold!
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