Reiko Masuda's Graduation Match!

Title Defenses/Feud-ending Matches
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Re: Reiko Masuda's Graduation Match!

Unread post by Kookio »

Reiko's eyes widened as her opponent added fuel to the fire by reaching down to her bottoms and rubbing at her barely clothed womb, her pained cries starting to mix with whimpers of pleasure while the big screen zoomed in on her womanhood. A big screen that was in perfect view of Reiko so she could watch Alizeh stimulate her sensitive pussy.

Her leg slammed on the ground in desperation and it wouldn't be long before Alizeh would start generating some wetness out of the Young Lioness. Soon, Reiko began to try can drag her opponent with her as she struggled to try and make kt to the ropes so she could grab onto the bottom rope. Even if there was no rope break, she could at least hang on while trying to push herself up using her one free leg.
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Re: Reiko Masuda's Graduation Match!

Unread post by Bare »

Alizeh had Reiko in a tight hold, bending her leg and stimulating her at the same time, generating some wetness in the process for a double whammy of a bad situation for the blonde. Unfortunately however Reiko was fired up and determined to make it to the ropes which she did. Forcing Alizeh to back off as she dropped Reiko's leg.

But not before grabbing hold of Reiko's bottoms and tearing them off, and leaving her with a slap on the ass. "Come on Reiko fight!" Alizeh yelled with a determined voice, throwing her bikini bottoms on the girl's head before taking a few step back to give her some room.

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