Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Alaina was a sitting duck as Hazel closed the distance between them and slammed into the Amazon, crushing her between her weight and the turnbuckle! The Scotswoman quickly pushed off the ropes and stepped back, watching as Alaina collapsed into a seated position, her head bobbing like she was floating in a body of water.

The match was now the Highlander's to control and she intended to keep it that way until she won. Alaina was a good champion, but Hazel wanted to prove she was one of the best wrestlers in the world and one of the best ways to prove that was to beat the veteran! Backing up to the opposite corner, Hazel was a bull poised to charge once more and wasted no time doing so as she ran towards her seated opponent. Hazel would then leap up as she got close, bending her knees and drilling into her opponent, focusing most of her force on her chest and upper body.
Corner Charge!
Hazel remained on top of her opponent, taking a moment to catch her breath and listening to the crowd. With the champion's current state, there was a chance this match could end early and Hazel was more than willing to test that theory. Getting off of the woman Hazel stood above her, looking like a giant as she reached down and grabbed the Amazon by the legs. Hazel would then pull her opponent's legs and body up while bringing her upper body forward to get the woman's thighs on her shoulders before lifting her into the powerbomb position. From there, Hazel would turn around before attempting to slam Alaina down with a powerbomb. If successful Hazel would use her position to roll Alaina up to go for the pin!


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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Alaina was smashed against the corner again, her head crushed and her body going limp as she was slumped against the corner. She groaned and kicked as Hazel was taking her time. Did she think she had Alaina beat already? Hazel grabbed Alaina's legs and pulled her up with Alaina recognizing the position she was in. Alaina scowled and grit her teeth, a look of determination etched on her face as well as a bit of anger. Anger in herself for looking like a chump not a champ especially.

As Hazel lift Alaina clamped her legs around Hazel's head and sent a couple hard punches to her face before leaning back looking to send Hazel down with a hurricanrana to the mat to counter the powerbomb!

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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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When Hazel smashed into her opponent in the corner, she knew the woman wasn't beat just yet, but maybe one final move could be it, even though she knew despite Alaina being older she had plenty of energy that could keep a match going for a long while. The Scottish woman also knew she couldn't waste time either, every moment she took to catch her breath, was a moment for Alaina to recover and perhaps she took too long.

As Hazel made her move, lifting Alaina up onto her shoulders and turning around, the Amazon stirred and began to fight back! Hazel gritted her teeth and growled as Alaina's thighs clamped around her head. This move didn't overly hamper Hazel's ability to execute her planned move but before she could do that Alaina began to punch and strike her head causing Hazel to grunt and hiss in pain, distracting her and stopping her in her tracks.

Alaina would then throw her weight back, causing Hazel to flip and crash down onto the canvas! Hazel grunted as her back hit the mat, and quickly rolled onto her side, planting one hand on the mat, trying to slowly push herself up as the balance of the match once again shifted after Alaina's counter!


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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Alaina sent Hazel down and crawled a small distance away, pushing herself up to her feet but not very quickly. She shook her head and had to get ready as letting this woman back into the fight was quickly proving to be devastating. She could only hope she was putting the hurt on Hazel as effectively. Alaina took a deep breath and crouched low and as Hazel was rising she would lunge in aiming a boot boot right at the face of the challenger to try to put her right back down to the mat with a forceful kick!

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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Hazel took a deep breath as Alaina put some space in between the two of them, giving both heavyweights some time to recover. As both women started to rise back up, the arena was filled with the noise of the crowd chanting and stomping there feet trying to urge there favorite to get back up first! Ultimately both women were back up to there feet at about the same time, but as Hazel turned around to face her opponent she was greeted with the sight of her opponent's boot driving into her face with force, knocking her back down to the canvas and leaving her stunned as her hand instinctively reached up to rub her face while she laid on her back.


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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Alaina sent Hazel down to the mat and wanted to show off a tiny bit, she wanted to show Hazel what she was messing with! Alaina bent down grabbing Hazel as she laid on the mat. She grunted and lift trying to grab and lift Hzael right off the mat and keep lifting attempting to lift her straight up overhead locking out her arms! Alaina was going to try to press Hazel up and down a few times before completing the gorilla press slam to Hazel!

If successful Alaina would attempt a pin afterwards trying to hook both of Hazel's powerful legs.

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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Alaina may have been the older wrestler in the ring. But she was still in amazing shape and could do things a lot of younger woman couldn't as she began to show off her strength at Hazel's expense! Hazel groaned as Alaina reached down and grabbed her but instead of pulling her up the Amazon deadlifted her! Hazel's eyes began to widen as Alaina's grip shifted and she was lifted higher and higher until she was above the champion's head! Hazel's hands immediately grabbed the woman's wrist for what little feeling of balance it gave as Alaina lifted her up and down as if she was little more than a bar and a few weights at the gym for a few reps before she thew the Highlander down onto the canvas.

'GAHHH!" Hazel cried out as she landed but wasn't left alone for long as Alaina went for a pin, hooking both of her muscular legs in the process! "One, Two!" Hazel immediately used her legs to kick free as her shoulder lifted off the mat. Hazel breathed heavily as she remained on her side, determined not to let this match end unless she was the one pinning Alaina!


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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Alaina was a bit disappointed that Hazel kicked outnwith the force that she did. Was Alaina losing it? She now knew she had much more to do and she wasn't going to let up!

The amazon pulled Hazel up to her feet and wrapped an arm around her head. It looked like Alaina may be trying a vertical suplex but in reality the amazon was trying to lift the young challenger up to drive her down to the mat with a brain buster! Alaina was going big knowing only the most impactful moves would suffice!

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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Had Alaina thought she beat Hazel with just a few moves, was the veteran champion underestimating her young and upcoming challenger. Either way Alaina seemed disappointed that the Scotswoman kicked out, not that Hazel was in any condition or position to really care about anything other than the fact that she kicked out and still had strength and energy.

Hazel was still panting when Alaina pulled her back up to her feet and then wrapped her arm around her head! Hazel's hands immediately went to the the champion's arm and side in protest as Hazel quickly recognized this as the set up for a suplex and began to kick her legs, trying to counter and free herself but before she could Alaina changed gears and fell backwards but adjusted Hazel so that she landed head first!

The Highlander went limp as her skull was spiked into the canvas, laying motionless except for her back rising and falling with each breath, seemingly vulnerable to whatever the Amazon had planned next!


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Re: Generational Clash: Hazel Nielson vs Alaina Sanders (C)

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Alaina managed to send Hazel crashing down onto her head and wanted to focus on that area once more. The amazon pulled Hazel up and hooked both arms from underneath with Hazel's head underneath Alaina's arm. She bent her knees and jolted upward lifting Hazel up trying to angle her head back to the mat for en elevated underhook DDT! Alaina was then going to try to roll her over and go for a pin again after that hoping that the dazed Hazel was out of it although she knew that Hazel would kick out she wanted Hazel to feel on the back foot to gain a mental edge in the match.

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