Heavyweight Championship Match: Astrid Ostberg (c) vs. Dana Ashford

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Re: Heavyweight Championship Match: Astrid Ostberg (c) vs. Dana Ashford

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Both Astrid and Dana had taken a beating in this match. Both of them were determined to give it everything they had - Dana to win the championship she knew she deserved, and Astrid to defend not just her honor but the honor of every past and future Heavyweight Champion from such a fate. They were fighting with every ounce of energy they could summon and then some, and their bodies were struggling through the burden of standing up against each other's onslaught in the process, with Astrid continuing to fight on no matter how much Dana beat and bludgeoned her. After all, she knew, if she lost here, it would be a black stain on her record and that of the belt, and she couldn't even stomach such a thing. No matter how much it hurt her in the process, she was going to summon whatever strength she needed to carry her through!

The match had been a testament to the endurance these two women boasted, and it seemed like nothing could keep them down when they had their eyes on the prize. But at last, Astrid was starting to take back control. She had gotten Dana into a waistlock - and the crowd was already lighting up with cheers, knowing exactly what this meant! Mere moments later, the Norsewoman threw her weight backward, hurling Dana head-first into the mat!

The life seemed to be crushed out of Dana as she landed with a ring-shaking thud, her body practically deflating like an accordion. When Astrid let go of her, she slipped back onto her knees, panting for breath and brushing some sweat-slick strands of hair out of her face. In any other match, this might have been where Astrid would have posed, grinned, and flexed her muscles to revel in her efforts. But there was no time for playing around now - and Astrid couldn't afford Dana any mercy. No matter how much she had suffered, she needed to be sure she would stay down - if she was in Dana's shoes, she already knew it would take more than this to stop her!

Pushing herself back to her feet, Astrid threw her head back and belted out a battle cry. She went to grab Dana by her arm, pulling her back up and into her clutches once again, to hit another German suplex! The fans cheered even louder at the sight of Dana sinking into the canvas a second time. It seemed as though Astrid was going for a series of three German suplexes to end this match, a time-tested strategy. But that still wouldn't be good enough for the Norwegian. Instead, Astrid bent over the fallen Dana to grab her by the leg and neck, lifting her onto her shoulders. Once again, she would roar with determination, before slamming her to the mat with a Stavanger Buster!
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Re: Heavyweight Championship Match: Astrid Ostberg (c) vs. Dana Ashford

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It seemed that Astrid had decided that one German suplex alone wasn't enough. She picked herself up and let out a battle cry before she went to grab Dana once more, setting her up for another German suplex. Unable to stop her opponent, Dana was hoisted up into the air and sent down onto the mat. "AARGHHH!!" Dana cried out as her body hit the mat once more. And that wasn't even enough for Astrid as she pulled Dana up once more and executed another one of those German suplexes, sending Dana down onto the mat for the third time!


Dana was left completely stunned from those three suplexes. And unable to do anything, Dana was then pulled up once more by Astrid. But instead of another German suplex, Astrid decided to lift her up onto her shoulders, putting her in some sort of fireman's carry before slamming her down onto the mat with such force, and such impact of the move shook Dana greatly. "NNGGHHHHHHH!!!" Dana had a vacant look on her blood-smeared face, and it was clear now that the last bit of fight in her hand been completely extinguished.

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Re: Heavyweight Championship Match: Astrid Ostberg (c) vs. Dana Ashford

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Both Dana and Astrid plummeted through the air like lead weights on their way down to the ring. When they struck the canvas, it sent a hollow thud out through the arena, the mat deflating against their impacts. For a few seconds, both of them were motionless. Those seconds stretched on into an eternity as the fans leaned forward in their seats, watching the action with a gasp. They knew Astrid had pushed herself to the limits in this match. Dana had been hell-bent on tormenting her, and that had just emboldened the Norsewoman to take things a step further beyond, pushing past the limits of her own endurance to make sure her opponent paid for her ill-doings. But when Astrid had fought this hard, with her body in such a state, it was anyone's guess if she still had it in her to get back up. And when the clock kept ticking and she hadn't risen, when she only lay where she'd fallen groaning under her breath, those same fans that had been cheering with excitement at the sight of Astrid setting Dana up for the Stavanger Buster had all gone silent, wondering if they'd gotten their hopes up too soon.

When it seemed that neither Dana nor Astrid were rising, the referee stepped in. She walked to the center of the ring, looking to Astrid, then to Dana. When neither budged, she began the ten-count. "One...two..."

But then, Astrid stirred. She clenched her teeth, she whined under her breath to try to withstand the aches that wracked her body - but she knew that victory was just out of her reach, and she wouldn't let it slip away so easily! Giving herself the extra push, she forced herself up onto her hands and knees, where the fans sent out another cheer, knowing the champion was out to beat the odds once again! She groaned and gagged as she brought her body into place, but still, she looked back at Dana with a glare.

"You didn't think...I'd let you off that easily...did you?" came in between pants. And with that, Astrid threw herself forward. She all but tackled Dana as she hurled herself off the mat, dropping down on top of her with all the weight of her fatigue-laden body. There, she grabbed for one of the challenger's legs, yanking it up into the air - and so too did the ref girl fall at their sides to start another count, of a different sort!

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Re: Heavyweight Championship Match: Astrid Ostberg (c) vs. Dana Ashford

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As Astrid began to pick herself up, Dana remained on the mat, groaning as she writhed in pain, her body having been wrecked by the younger woman. Everything felt distant to her at this point, and for a while, it felt like she was the only one here in the arena. Even if she struggled to get up, her body refused to comply to her command. Perhaps it was due to all the damages that she had taken, or simply that her age had caught up to her. Either way, it was clear as day that Dana wouldn't be able to get up from this.

And then, Astrid launched herself onto her, and Dana groaned as she felt the champion's weight on top of her. She couldn't get Astrid off of her, and now, being pinned, she knew that it was over. The champion would retain her title, and Dana had failed to seize the title for herself. As she listened to the referee counting for the pin, she closed her eyes, accepting her own defeat with whatever grace she could muster. The taste of defeat was always bitter, but she had already accepted it the moment her body refused to comply to her wishes.



With that, the match was over. Dana's eyes were closed as she accepted her defeat. The crowd popped as the match ended with the champion winning and retaining her title. The Smiling Demon had been soundly defeated here, and for tonight, the champion had proven herself superior to the veteran.

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Re: Heavyweight Championship Match: Astrid Ostberg (c) vs. Dana Ashford

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Up until the last moment, everyone in the arena was fully convinced that this match could go in anyone's favor. Both Astrid and Dana were at the top of their division, and both of them had been putting forth their best efforts - and through most of the match, they looked to be on even footing. Even when they were ravaging each others' bodies through their own efforts and the very struggle to keep themselves going in spite of it all, they kept getting back up. Both were too motivated to let this opportunity slip away - Dana saw her chance to claim the championship, and Astrid knew she couldn't let her get away with her tactics! That was giving each of them the extra push to succeed, even when it was consuming every bit of stamina they had in order to do so!

But once Astrid got Dana up on her shoulders for the Stavanger Buster, the fans knew it was all over. The moment they saw the Smiling Demon being held aloft, they began cheering and hollering, jumping up and down in their seats to urge the champion to take things a step further. When Dana struck the mat, it was with enough force to shake the ring. And when Astrid went to hook her leg, the fans counted along with every number the referee called out - up until the call of the three sent all of them bursting out into applause!

Astrid was quick to join in the celebrations. She lifted herself up to her knees, throwing her fists in the air as she bellowed out a cry of victory. She winced a little, feeling the aches ripple through her back as she held herself up straighter, but they soon passed, and a smile crossed her face. Astrid hadn't just held onto her championship tonight. She had kept it out of the hands of someone she knew all too well could only dishonor it. And she knew that in doing so, so soon after her recent loss and without giving herself time to heal, she had taken the steps toward taking back her good name as a worthy champion!

The referee took her arm, and Astrid climbed back to her feet as the bell sounded. "Here is your winner - and STILL LAW Heavyweight Champion - AAAASTRIIIIIID OOOOSTBERG!!!" The whole time, even as she panted for breath, she smiled wide, basking in the cheers of the crowd. She wasn't about to let anyone doubt her any time soon!

"Thereisa..." she said into the microphone, her voice flagging and hoarse, but still swelling with a sense of pride. "This one's for you."
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Re: Heavyweight Championship Match: Astrid Ostberg (c) vs. Dana Ashford

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While Astrid celebrated her hard-earned victory, Dana remained on the mat, too hurt to even pick herself up. As Astrid basked in her glory, the paramedics entered the ring to attend to Dana's injuries. The wounds would be found superficial at most, though she would need to be brought out of the ring with assistance. With the help of some ringside workers, Dana made her way out of the ring, but not before she left something for the heavyweight champion to hear.

"...n-not bad."

Dana would be brought back to receive further treatment. Despite her loss, she had shown a great performance in the ring against the champion, and despite her failure to take the gold for herself, this match would remain in the minds of many in many years to come.

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Re: Heavyweight Championship Match: Astrid Ostberg (c) vs. Dana Ashford

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Winner by Pinfall: Astrid Ostberg
Astrid Retains
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