Kyoko Akan - The Belly Queen
Created the Belly Queen Title and successfully defended it 13 times drawing eyes on LAW when it lacked worthy champions.
Defeated or humiliated several wrestlers who were LAW champions.
The best all round wrestler in the World.
"There all kinds of wrestlers in the world." Kyoko starts before sitting down on the bench.
"Some are the athletics types who bounce around there ring like its there playground, others are the heavy hitters who just want to smoosh there opponents, and some are just straight brawlers. Some don't even wrestle they just call themselves that and then spend there time oogling people and fucking them, rather then fucking them up." Kyoko sighed.
"There all the same though if they have any real wrestling blood to them, they want to be the best and only some care more then others about how they want to do it, they go about it in two ways. They try and appease all the morons in the crowd convinced if there liked by them they'll get there rewards like a bunch of glad handing morons, and others think if they piss people off they anger champs to let them cut in line and fight them." Kyoko the patted her chest.
"And then there's me."
"Yeah yeah yeah everyone knows me...They don't all like me but they know me. I don't try to cater to fans nor do I piss off champs just to get a title shot, I work and I work and I work until the only metric that defines who deserves titles is clear in my record, and that's winning. I don't care about a good show I care about hitting my moves perfectly and winning. Sure I piss people off doing that but its not my main goal or intention it just happens when your in my way. And you know what? That's fine, I don't care how likeable I am I know who I like and what I like and everything else doesn't matter. Because when I'm on top it doesn't matter what they think...now what says on your on top better then being the best in LAW. Well the World title of course? You see people have been going on and on and on about me and my belts and all that nonsense like it makes me some out of it hack who can only defend things under her rules. They seem to forget that I beat girls without those rules all the time that I was a world champ athlete in other places just like this. That even here I've taken some of there best and reduced them to nothing, but don't ask me. Ask Eirina who I turned into a helpless little puppy by beating her at her own game and then taking her into mine...and beating her there as well heheh. Regardless, Before there was the Belly Queen there was Kyoko Akan, the girl who wanted to be the best and still wants that, ill get my belt and Ill take this one and if any of you think you can stop me...Your in for a rude awakening."
With that, Kyoko's second encounter with one certain Frau Doctor began to have its highlights flicker across the screen. Naturally, with the
match being of a POW variety.