Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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H1 Climax Tournament Hentai Match
Victory to be awarded by hentai fall/forcing the opponent to climax. The winner will advance to the Quarterfinal Round.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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The crowd was booing before Lucia set a single foot into the ring.

In her relatively short time with LAW, Sister Lucia had built up a reputation among the fans - what the dirt sheets called ‘go away heat’. In short, she had done everything in her power to not only denigrate the sport of hentai wrestling and demean its competitors, but she had berated them personally, taking time out to sermonize - literally sermonize - to them, before and after every match. She even passed out pamphlets to the fans as they entered the arena, warning them about the dangers of their licentiousness, trying to push them back on the straight and narrow path.

Needless to say, they were none too appreciative. When word got out that Sister Lucia would be participating in the vaunted H1 Climax Tournament, there was no small amount of uproar, fury over an anti-hentai wrestler being given a shot at its greatest prize. But there was little worry that she might go all the way - while no one would doubt that Sister Lucia had some measure of talent, it surely wasn’t enough to stand against the best their sport had to offer.

Tonight would change some of those opinions, and it would all start with an unfamiliar tune.

Instead of Sister Lucia’s usual theme, something altogether
played as the lights flickered, casting the entrance ramp in a haunting glow. The crowd looked on, puzzled, as one figure appeared at the top, then two, then three. The slim figure of Sister Lucia stood in the middle, accompanied by two unfamiliar silhouettes - one, hulking and brutish, brimming with muscle that could be seen through the gloom, while the other sported a plump, pleasing form, curvaceous from head to toe.

♪Life is a commercial for death
Anger is something I worked to manifest
Life is a commercial for death
And you're hypnotized by the advertisement…♪

The three figures promptly sauntered their way down to the ring, with Lucia leading like a general at the head of her army. There was confidence in her movements, assuredness in her steps, as if she knew something that the rest of the audience didn’t, and not just the identity of the two women who flanked her. She moved like a woman who knew where this was going to end up, who had complete faith in the outcome of this match, and that put the crowd at ill ease. Something was wrong.

♪I'll dress to the nines, show up on time
You can wear whatever you like.
Dress to the nines, show up on time
You can wear whatever you like.♪

The three entered the ring, and the lights came up, finally revealing the two women who’d come with Lucia to clear their eyes. The first, the tallest was a hulking brunette with folded arms, who looked out over the crowd with no small amount of disdain. Some of the crowd muttered, thinking she looked familiar, but their eyes were too drawn to her other companion, a voluptuous blonde with an infectious smile. Her breasts seemed to pour out of the nun outfit she wore, unapologetically lewd, and her every movement enticed and enamored the crowd, drawing their gazes her way, and commanding their attention.

They were so drawn in that they almost didn’t notice when Sister Lucia took the microphone. She made her way to the center of the ring with a knowing smile, cleared her throat, and promptly spoke. ”Greetings, reprobates.” That drew the crowd’s ire once more, but she ignored the wave of hatred that came her way and kept on speaking. ”As you all have eyes, you’ve no doubt seen my two compatriots, and I will keep you in suspense no longer. Allow me to introduce Sister Prudence and Sister Chastity.”
Sister Prudence
Sister Chastity
Sister Lucia spread her arms wide and sighed as she looked upwards with a rapturous gaze. ”Behold,” She pointed towards the two women. ”I prayed to the Lord for assistance, and he blessed me with two righteous warriors, champions of his will, instruments of his design. Can there be any doubt that my purpose is preordained, that we step on the path of divine providence?”

Judging by the crowd’s unanimous booing, they disagreed. Oh, well.

”Boo. Jeer. Cry. Voice your displeasure all you like. It matters little and less. We are the Sisterhood, and we are here to show you perverted fools the proper way forward - whether you like it or not. The Hentai Championship will be ours, make no mistake, and all who stand in our way will be cast down and smote upon the rocks. Starting with you, Eirina Makishima.”

Sister Lucia pointed towards the curtains as the other two nuns slipped out of the ring and took up a position near the announcer’s desk, looking on and waiting for the former champion to arrive.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Feb 19, 2025 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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Being the LAW inaugural hentai champion, Eirina Makishima held the title in high regard, knowing that becoming a hentai champion was more than just being skilled at sexfighting. Now there was another hentai tournament, Eirina was eager to reclaim her throne and regain her title as LAW hentai champion. Of course, she would have to face those who strived to gain the title as well, starting with Sister Lucia.

Eirina had no idea what Sister Lucia was like, except that she had this gimmick of wearing nun habit, or she was probably a real nun. Why a nun decided to compete for the lewd hentai title, Eirina had no idea. Whoever she was, the Frau Doktor was determined to win so that she could go to the final round and be crowned a hentai champion for the second time.

After Sister Lucia and her cohorts made their appearance, it was time for Eirina to make her entrance. Her music was played from the loudspeakers before Eirina Makishima emerged, wearing her red-and-white wrestling outfit. The crowd cheered, as Eirina was clearly the fan favorite in this tournament as a whole, being a former hentai champion.
Eirina Makishima
Eirina made her way to the ring, and soon, she entered the ring, joining her soon-to-be opponent. Taking her time studying her opponent, Eirina placed her own hands on her hips, tilting her head. Despite being a nun, this Sister Lucia sure wore something quite racy and sexy, and Eirina didn't have much to complain about it. But if she thought this would be an easy fight, she would have another thing coming.

"So... nuns, huh?" Eirina began, her body language indicated an easygoing attitude. "I'm not sure what the church thinks about this, but aren't nuns supposed to be all wholesome and covered up?" She grinned as she asked Sister Lucia. As she kept studying Sister Lucia from top to bottom, Eirina added, "Not that I'm complaining or anything. Love the outfit, by the way." As she waited for the match to begin, Eirina hopped on the balls of her feet, getting herself ready.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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There she was. The former champion.

Sister Lucia paced about the ring as she waited for her opponent to make her way down, scowling down at her every step of the way. This was a woman she was infinitely familiar with, with the Frau Doktor knew it or not. As a former hentai champion, her name had become synonymous with that title, with many still holding her last reign in high regard. They worshipped her, adored her, and Lucia could tell that the little hündin reveled in that attention.

No doubt, she entered this tourney thinking that she would have an easy path towards a second title run, and her fans shared those sentiments. No doubt, she only saw Sister Lucia as a speedbump along that path, hardly worth her consideration.

Ignorant notions. Sister Lucia would destroy them all.

She stopped pacing and huffed when Eirina spoke, leading with the predictable taunt. ”You speak in ignorance. Unsurprising.” Sister Lucia put her hands on her hips and stood proud. ”My sisters and I are part of a special order. The Lord gave us leave to wear these outfits, so that we would not find ourselves at a disadvantage against pagan devils such as yourself. Seduction is a holy weapon we wield in His name.” She held her arms out, giving Eirina the full view. ”So, look all you like, slattern. It will only make it that much easier to strike you down.”

For now, that was all the trash talk Sister Lucia cared to engage in. She brought her arms down and began to circle as the referee called for the bell, pacing about the edge of the ring with careful steps. She waited a few seconds before moving in with her arms high and throwing herself at Eirina, attempting to engage her in a collar-and-elbow tie-up to kick this off.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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Eirina raised an eyebrow as she listened to Sister Lucia. "Well, I'm pretty irreligious, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works." But she wasn't here to discuss theology. They were here to have an erotic hentai match, and Eirina Makishima aimed to win this so that she could get her second run as a hentai champion if she managed to win the tournament. She wasn't under any delusion that it would be easy, but she would prove herself that she would win this tournament, first by defeating this sexy nun.

Soon, the bell was called, and Eirina got into a stance, raising her hands in preparation for her clash with Sister Lucia. For a few seconds, both Eirina and Sister Lucia would circle each other for a bit before the Frau Doktor surged forth, looking to lock up with her in a collar-and-elbow tie up. She wanted to ascertain what Sister Lucia was capable of first. This was still a wrestling match, and regardless whether it was erotic or not, it still required skills to overpower and triumph over her foe.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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The two met in the middle of the ring, and right away, Sister Lucia realized that, perhaps, this way of opening was a mistake. While Eirina was no powerhouse, she was a fairly bit bigger than she was, outweigh her by two dozen pounds, give or take. That might not have been a lot of weight, but in a matchup like this, it certainly made a difference.

One step, two, three. She was forced back and back, and was in danger of getting pushed against the turnbuckle, when she decided that an abrupt change of tact was in order. She might not be able to deal with this woman in a direct confrontation, but she still had a keen technical mind to work with, one that would outclass the harlot’s sinful maneuvers.

She kept the tie-up going for a moment longer, before she abruptly broke away, throwing her body to the side and falling to the mat. At the same time, she shot her legs out, wrapped them around her foe’s ankle, twisted to the side and attempted to trip her up, hoping to make her fall flat with a drop-toe hold.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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Eirina knew that she was overpowering her opponent with her strength and skill, as evidenced by her pushing Sister Lucia back. She aimed to bring her towards the nearest corner, planning to work on her once they were there.

Still, it seemed that Sister Lucia had a trick up her sleeve as she suddenly broke away before throwing her body to the side. At the same time, she also got her legs around one of Eirina's ankles, tripping her down onto the mat with a drop-toe hold.

"Whoa!" Eirina yelped as she was brought down, but she quickly braced herself for it. The moment she touched the mat, she would try to untangle Sister Lucia's legs from her ankle before performing a front roll. She would end up on her knees after rolling, though her back would be facing Sister Lucia.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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And she fell for it. Predictable.

Sister Lucia would’ve laughed if she had the time for it. These hentai wrestlers were so accustomed to getting by on their looks and charms that when she - a woman immune to them, who boasted actual skill - came along, it was all too easy to outclass them. The former hentai champion was brought low in an instant, and while she had the reflexes to try and roll away to safety, she would find this a futile act.

Putting her agility to go use, Sister Lucia, rolled after her to keep the distance tight between them, then used the momentum to pop to her feet. She only stayed there for a single second before she struck, knowing the chance to attack a downed opponent on her back was a rare one this early in the match, too precious to waste.

She leaped towards Eirina, drew her legs in, and shot them both out towards her back, looking drive her heels into the woman’s spine with a dropkick and send her crashing face-first into the canvas.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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While she managed to keep herself from falling down, rolling away quickly, Eirina's back was facing Sister Lucia as she popped up onto her knees. Still, Eirina's ring awareness allowed her to see what her opponent was trying to pull here as she saw Sister Lucia putting some distance between them, presumably going for an attack while her back was turned on her.

Sure enough, from the corner of her eye, Eirina saw Sister Lucia leaping up to deliver a dropkick aimed at her back. Quickly, Eirina would straighten herself up and pivot, bringing her arms up just in time to block the incoming attack, though the force of the dropkick still pushed her towards the nearest corner, sending her back first towards the turnbuckle.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Sister Lucia

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There was nothing wrong with Sister Lucia’s execution of the dropkick - she was picture-perfect as always, using the Lord’s guidance to drive her forward, trusting in Him with every step. But her foe’s reflexes proved to be great than she had anticipated, allowing her to get up and raise her arms just in time to avoid having her face blasted by the blow. Even so, she wound up getting knocked against the corner, clearly stunned by the heavy hit, precisely where Sister Lucia wanted her.

She landed on her back, threw her legs up, and rose instantly with a swift kip up, nimbly rising with the minimal amount of time needed. Eirina’s time away from her would be ever-so-brief as Sister Lucia launched herself forward without a single pause, leaped through the air, and sent her knee flying hard at Eirina’s face, looking to hammer with a vicious strike to that pretty face of hers.

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